Rush Limbaugh

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You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.
Rush’s sacrifice is noted in here by the reaction of the demofks
Yes, he had to sacrifice when he was pinched for a fake script....
He put up with classless asses like you all day every day. Never one demofk could challenge him. Not one. 30 fking years

Really is that why you never saw him anywhere other than his EIB Network, because had he got out of that comfort zone he would've got his ass handed to him.

Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed. Just left wing fascism for you, that's dope

The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in. So if that is what you call Excellence, ok.

Just leftist hate and spin, that's all you have
Hate is foolish because Rush did not really influence anyone, he simply told them they were justified.
Actually he explained how to process msm
And you needed someone else to tell you how to do that?
He didn't have to debate anyone because he didn't claim to be better than anyone. T
Well, he did claim to be better than other people. And he didn't have to debate anyone because he generated and controlled his own forum. It was a bully pulpit with a tightly controlled message. And that message was his product.
Who did he claim he was superior to? Names, please. I know he said things like his show was the most influential (true), that his audience was incredibly large (also true), but I don't recall him ever stating something like, "I'm better than <fill in the blank>".

Never heard "talent on loan from God" huh?

Selective memory strikes again.

How 'bout that pretentiously gold-plated RE-20?

Hmmm, don't see any names in there that he claimed to be greater than. Try again though, it's entertaining to watch.

Also, talk radio isn't a debate platform. It was his show and there was no need to debate anyone, as you said. So why griping that he didn't debate anyone? Paul Harvey didn't debate anyone. Howard Stern didn't debate anyone. They both had tightly controlled shows. In fact, Stern ran away to satellite radio so he could spew more filth. Yet both are considered tops in their fields. So again, why the whining that Rush didn't debate anyone?

Paul Harvey and Howard Stern never had debate shows or political commentary shows either. Lush Rimjob carefully screened any callers he ever took so that any dissent would be squashed, infamously telling a black caller who did get through, "take that bone out of your nose and call me back".

That's a coward. One who can't defend his bile.
Howard Stern is a coward for hiding out on satellite radio and never going on another show to defend his spew? Paul Harvey was a coward for not doing interviews with competitors so they could tell him what he was doing wrong? Do you have any idea how lame that is?

I sure do, so maybe you might wanna pump the brakes on those points, because they're taking you over a cliff.

Ask your English teacher to show you how in the sentence "That's a coward" the pronoun that refers to the last named entity, Lush Rimjob.
There's no cliff to go over. There's merely a couple of soreheads that can't stand a public figure who just passed away and don't like to see other people say nice things about him.
He didn't have to debate anyone because he didn't claim to be better than anyone. T
Well, he did claim to be better than other people. And he didn't have to debate anyone because he generated and controlled his own forum. It was a bully pulpit with a tightly controlled message. And that message was his product.
Who did he claim he was superior to? Names, please. I know he said things like his show was the most influential (true), that his audience was incredibly large (also true), but I don't recall him ever stating something like, "I'm better than <fill in the blank>".

Never heard "talent on loan from God" huh?

Selective memory strikes again.

How 'bout that pretentiously gold-plated RE-20?

Hmmm, don't see any names in there that he claimed to be greater than. Try again though, it's entertaining to watch.

Also, talk radio isn't a debate platform. It was his show and there was no need to debate anyone, as you said. So why griping that he didn't debate anyone? Paul Harvey didn't debate anyone. Howard Stern didn't debate anyone. They both had tightly controlled shows. In fact, Stern ran away to satellite radio so he could spew more filth. Yet both are considered tops in their fields. So again, why the whining that Rush didn't debate anyone?

Paul Harvey and Howard Stern never had debate shows or political commentary shows either. Lush Rimjob carefully screened any callers he ever took so that any dissent would be squashed, infamously telling a black caller who did get through, "take that bone out of your nose and call me back".

That's a coward. One who can't defend his bile.
Howard Stern is a coward for hiding out on satellite radio and never going on another show to defend his spew? Paul Harvey was a coward for not doing interviews with competitors so they could tell him what he was doing wrong? Do you have any idea how lame that is?

I sure do, so maybe you might wanna pump the brakes on those points, because they're taking you over a cliff.

Ask your English teacher to show you how in the sentence "That's a coward" the pronoun that refers to the last named entity, Lush Rimjob.
There's no cliff to go over. There's merely a couple of soreheads that can't stand a public figure who just passed away and don't like to see other people say nice things about him.

There IS NO nice thing to say about him. The nicest thing right now that I can think of is "he's dead". One doesn't talk nice about evil self-serving scumbags.
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

He lived way to long, no one out lied or out hated this piece of goo. He raised more haters then any other person in the media over the year, hate, ugliness , bigotry , cruelty this guy was as ugly as anyone of the hate party members. He was a champion of hate, he did it with more lies then any other media person in my lifetime. Won't miss him at all, he just another traitor to this country any supporter of Trump is a traitor to this country.

That's weird but predictable.
A hater calling this victims haters.
But that's the specialty of the left.
Commit some crime or sin and blame it on your target.
And treason is trying to infiltrate the government with the aid of foreign governments like China.....and squash everyone's constitutional rights in the process.
Clearly you don't know what being a traitor is.

I find it's a specialty of the right as well. Wish it would just tone down. I do think Rush elevated hatred and anger to a whole new level while the left elevated outrage.

LOL, yeah, Rush elevated the hatred while you and a bunch of other leftists are here declaring your hatred for him. It's classic, you aren't capable apparently of grasping the irony in that.

The hate is yours. Rush was a happy and entertaining guy. No one listened to him liking him to get our hate. Your side listened to get your hate on. He's gone and you're still there. Democrats call us all racists and other names for disagreeing with you. Yeah, we have the hate problem, not you

Good, glad you thought he was happy and entertaining. I've never been a fan of the politics of anger and hate - especially stirring it up. I didn't listen to him much. I haven't called you a racist.

Get a grip,

LOL, you're not a fan of politics of anger and hate. There is nothing more angry and hate at this time and place than calling people racists and you do that to half this country. You grew up here, you know it's a lie. And what's your response to a woman who thinks differently than you? That woman have that right or that she's a ... wait for it ... racist ...

But Rush didn't like leftism even though he was perfectly nice to leftists and you suddenly have a problem with his anger and hate.

What a lot of bull it all is
He didn't have to debate anyone because he didn't claim to be better than anyone. T
Well, he did claim to be better than other people. And he didn't have to debate anyone because he generated and controlled his own forum. It was a bully pulpit with a tightly controlled message. And that message was his product.
Who did he claim he was superior to? Names, please. I know he said things like his show was the most influential (true), that his audience was incredibly large (also true), but I don't recall him ever stating something like, "I'm better than <fill in the blank>".

Never heard "talent on loan from God" huh?

Selective memory strikes again.

How 'bout that pretentiously gold-plated RE-20?

Also, talk radio isn't a debate platform. It was his show and there was no need to debate anyone, as you said. So why griping that he didn't debate anyone? Paul Harvey didn't debate anyone. Howard Stern didn't debate anyone. They both had tightly controlled shows. In fact, Stern ran away to satellite radio so he could spew more filth. Yet both are considered tops in their fields. So again, why the whining that Rush didn't debate anyone?

Paul Harvey and Howard Stern never had debate shows or political commentary shows either. Lush Rimjob carefully screened any callers he ever took so that any dissent would be squashed, infamously telling a black caller who did get through, "take that bone out of your nose and call me back".

That's a coward. One who can't defend his bile.
Bullshit. Rush's producer is a black man.
Rush pushed the neo-Con agenda which is why he attacked Trump for months on end as his ratings dwindled.
Rush jumped onto the MAGA platform about 4 days prior to Trump clinching the nomination.
That alone should tell you that Rush had no principles.
He put winning over country, or party, or conservative ideology.
You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.
Rush’s sacrifice is noted in here by the reaction of the demofks
Yes, he had to sacrifice when he was pinched for a fake script....
He put up with classless asses like you all day every day. Never one demofk could challenge him. Not one. 30 fking years

Really is that why you never saw him anywhere other than his EIB Network, because had he got out of that comfort zone he would've got his ass handed to him.

Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed. Just left wing fascism for you, that's dope

The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in. So if that is what you call Excellence, ok.

Just leftist hate and spin, that's all you have
Hate is foolish because Rush did not really influence anyone, he simply told them they were justified.
Actually he explained how to process msm
I think the issue is that Rush only ascribed evil to the Ds.
The simple fact is that If you voted for Trump, you voted against Rush.
Rush pushed the republican agenda. Divide and conquer.

Push hot button social issues to get people angry, and motivated to vote. In essence instead of pointing out what's good in America, all he did was point out what was bad.

That comment leads me to assume you never watched CNN or MSNBC.

"Folks, if you want to know what the Democrats are up to, just note what they accuse the Republicans of."
Rush Limbaugh
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

He lived way to long, no one out lied or out hated this piece of goo. He raised more haters then any other person in the media over the year, hate, ugliness , bigotry , cruelty this guy was as ugly as anyone of the hate party members. He was a champion of hate, he did it with more lies then any other media person in my lifetime. Won't miss him at all, he just another traitor to this country any supporter of Trump is a traitor to this country.

That's weird but predictable.
A hater calling this victims haters.
But that's the specialty of the left.
Commit some crime or sin and blame it on your target.
And treason is trying to infiltrate the government with the aid of foreign governments like China.....and squash everyone's constitutional rights in the process.
Clearly you don't know what being a traitor is.

I find it's a specialty of the right as well. Wish it would just tone down. I do think Rush elevated hatred and anger to a whole new level while the left elevated outrage.

LOL, yeah, Rush elevated the hatred while you and a bunch of other leftists are here declaring your hatred for him. It's classic, you aren't capable apparently of grasping the irony in that.

The hate is yours. Rush was a happy and entertaining guy. No one listened to him liking him to get our hate. Your side listened to get your hate on. He's gone and you're still there. Democrats call us all racists and other names for disagreeing with you. Yeah, we have the hate problem, not you

Good, glad you thought he was happy and entertaining. I've never been a fan of the politics of anger and hate - especially stirring it up. I didn't listen to him much. I haven't called you a racist.

Get a grip,

The politics of anger and hate...that's interesting...that's describes communism to a tee.
Anger and hate manifests into Nazi tactics like Big Tech shutting down freedom of speech....or actors being fired because they like standing up to Cancel-Culture fascism.

Yep. Democrats keep ratcheting up the fascism targeting firing Republicans, committing violence against Trump voters, beating up kids and old men in red hats, dumping water on women in restaurants and sitting at their tables to intimidate them, ... But it's all good. Um ... we ... have an anger and hate problem. According to her ...
Rush pushed the neo-Con agenda which is why he attacked Trump for months on end as his ratings dwindled.
Rush jumped onto the MAGA platform about 4 days prior to Trump clinching the nomination.
That alone should tell you that Rush had no principles.
He put winning over country, or party, or conservative ideology.
That alone should tell you that Rush had no principles.
Rush's principal, like almost all talking heads, was greed and avarice.

Rachel Maddow was all for MAGA when GW was President.
When Obama won, she was for Globalism.
Very few talking heads have principals.
You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.
Rush’s sacrifice is noted in here by the reaction of the demofks
Yes, he had to sacrifice when he was pinched for a fake script....
He put up with classless asses like you all day every day. Never one demofk could challenge him. Not one. 30 fking years

Really is that why you never saw him anywhere other than his EIB Network, because had he got out of that comfort zone he would've got his ass handed to him.

Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed. Just left wing fascism for you, that's dope

The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in. So if that is what you call Excellence, ok.

Just leftist hate and spin, that's all you have
Hate is foolish because Rush did not really influence anyone, he simply told them they were justified.
Actually he explained how to process msm
And you needed someone else to tell you how to do that?
I didn’t, but millions couldn’t until he showed how to
You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.
Rush’s sacrifice is noted in here by the reaction of the demofks
Yes, he had to sacrifice when he was pinched for a fake script....
He put up with classless asses like you all day every day. Never one demofk could challenge him. Not one. 30 fking years

Really is that why you never saw him anywhere other than his EIB Network, because had he got out of that comfort zone he would've got his ass handed to him.

Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed. Just left wing fascism for you, that's dope

The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in. So if that is what you call Excellence, ok.

Just leftist hate and spin, that's all you have
Hate is foolish because Rush did not really influence anyone, he simply told them they were justified.
Actually he explained how to process msm
And you needed someone else to tell you how to do that?
I didn’t, but millions couldn’t until he showed how to
The issue is that Rush had someone try to figure out what was actually in the next bill coming up in Congress and explaining the inherent corruption in the bill.
Once again, he never pointed out how the Rs were just as corrupt.
Rush Limbaug brought back AM Radio. It became a medium for other conservative talk shows. Ratings for him and others skyrocketed. Liberals took notice and tried the same model with Air America. It failed. When that happened, Liberals tried to take out Rush and others over the bullshit Fairness Doctrine?

That reminds me of something Rush said during the Bush administration. What happened is that the Democrats figured the way to win an election was to have their own leftist version of Rush Limbaugh; Rush was responsible for Bush's win. He laughed and said "There is no possible way for them to have a leftist Limbaugh. The reason it works for me is because the leftists are the entertainment. We read what the write, we play audio clips of what they say. You can't do that with Republicans."

Great story.

And so true. This thread shows all the leftists projecting their hate into Rush. The Democrats are collectivists. It would never work in reverse. The left are attacking us and we just want to be left alone. That's what Rush leveraged. It's a completely different dynamic

If you just want to be "left alone" then you need to leave others alone and quit messing in marriage and health care decisions.

Marriage: You're a liar. I realize you made up my position, you didn't know you're wrong, but that's still a lie since you made it up. I'm against all government marriage. That's me "messing in marriage." Just a lie. I have said that many times on the site, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Do you know what a libertarian is? Why would you possibly think I support any government marriage?

And same with healthcare. Government staying out of healthcare is messing in healthcare. Just a lie. I have again repeatedly said that.

I am on the verge with abortion of saying that your lie was active and not just of the made up kind as I have REPEATEDLY stated I'm pro-choice on this site. There are several conservatives who I put on ignore because they have repeatedly attacked me for it because I'm so clear in my position. Many socons can't agree with you on any other issue unless you're with them on abortion
I didn't wait for him to assume room temperature (his phrase) before I hated that lying bastard. I've hated him and his crap for a long time. Limbaugh hurt this country and divided it's people in a real way. If there is a hell, he deserves to rot there for eternity.

Right, because when leftists do it, it's not hate or dividing the country. When somebody on the right does it, it is.

Unknown 10.18.59 PM.jpeg
He didn't have to debate anyone because he didn't claim to be better than anyone. T
Well, he did claim to be better than other people. And he didn't have to debate anyone because he generated and controlled his own forum. It was a bully pulpit with a tightly controlled message. And that message was his product.
Who did he claim he was superior to? Names, please. I know he said things like his show was the most influential (true), that his audience was incredibly large (also true), but I don't recall him ever stating something like, "I'm better than <fill in the blank>".

Never heard "talent on loan from God" huh?

Selective memory strikes again.

How 'bout that pretentiously gold-plated RE-20?

Hmmm, don't see any names in there that he claimed to be greater than. Try again though, it's entertaining to watch.

Also, talk radio isn't a debate platform. It was his show and there was no need to debate anyone, as you said. So why griping that he didn't debate anyone? Paul Harvey didn't debate anyone. Howard Stern didn't debate anyone. They both had tightly controlled shows. In fact, Stern ran away to satellite radio so he could spew more filth. Yet both are considered tops in their fields. So again, why the whining that Rush didn't debate anyone?

Paul Harvey and Howard Stern never had debate shows or political commentary shows either. Lush Rimjob carefully screened any callers he ever took so that any dissent would be squashed, infamously telling a black caller who did get through, "take that bone out of your nose and call me back".

That's a coward. One who can't defend his bile.
Howard Stern is a coward for hiding out on satellite radio and never going on another show to defend his spew? Paul Harvey was a coward for not doing interviews with competitors so they could tell him what he was doing wrong? Do you have any idea how lame that is?

I sure do, so maybe you might wanna pump the brakes on those points, because they're taking you over a cliff.

Ask your English teacher to show you how in the sentence "That's a coward" the pronoun that refers to the last named entity, Lush Rimjob.
There's no cliff to go over. There's merely a couple of soreheads that can't stand a public figure who just passed away and don't like to see other people say nice things about him.

There IS NO nice thing to say about him. The nicest thing right now that I can think of is "he's dead". One doesn't talk nice about evil self-serving scumbags.
Like I said, you can't stand to see anyone else say things they liked about him. You can't just think the way you want to think and allow others to do the same. The bottom line is, you don't like the way other people think so you want to shout them down when they remember the recently departed on a national day of mourning. Sad, really sad.
Rush Limbaug brought back AM Radio. It became a medium for other conservative talk shows. Ratings for him and others skyrocketed. Liberals took notice and tried the same model with Air America. It failed. When that happened, Liberals tried to take out Rush and others over the bullshit Fairness Doctrine?

That reminds me of something Rush said during the Bush administration. What happened is that the Democrats figured the way to win an election was to have their own leftist version of Rush Limbaugh; Rush was responsible for Bush's win. He laughed and said "There is no possible way for them to have a leftist Limbaugh. The reason it works for me is because the leftists are the entertainment. We read what the write, we play audio clips of what they say. You can't do that with Republicans."

Great story.

And so true. This thread shows all the leftists projecting their hate into Rush. The Democrats are collectivists. It would never work in reverse. The left are attacking us and we just want to be left alone. That's what Rush leveraged. It's a completely different dynamic

If you just want to be "left alone" then you need to leave others alone and quit messing in marriage and health care decisions.

Marriage: You're a liar. I realize you made up my position, you didn't know you're wrong, but that's still a lie since you made it up. I'm against all government marriage. That's me "messing in marriage." Just a lie. I have said that many times on the site, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Do you know what a libertarian is? Why would you possibly think I support any government marriage?

And same with healthcare. Government staying out of healthcare is messing in healthcare. Just a lie. I have again repeatedly said that.

I am on the verge with abortion of saying that your lie was active and not just of the made up kind as I have REPEATEDLY stated I'm pro-choice on this site. There are several conservatives who I put on ignore because they have repeatedly attacked me for it because I'm so clear in my position. Many socons can't agree with you on any other issue unless you're with them on abortion
Why do you bother?
You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

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it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.

Yes, we're discussing Rush Limbaugh. Try to keep up. You came into a thread about Rush's death and declared your hatred and then said he has the hate. What you are doing is what Democrats did all his life. You despise him because ... you're against hate. It's classic

you could have ignored me but you chose to bitch & go a few rounds with me instead.

it's classic.

Who said anything about ignoring anyone? WTF are you talking about?

You don't like a flashlight on your hate, huh?

<yawn> you seem to think i care.

Funny how you keep claiming to be a skilled mind reader and yet you are always wrong about what I think. Funny stuff
That comment leads me to assume you never watched CNN or MSNBC.

"Folks, if you want to know what the Democrats are up to, just note what they accuse the Republicans of."
Rush Limbaugh
That's just the republican m.o. of distraction by accusing their opponents of what they were themselves guilty of. Thereby beating them to raising that accusation.

Team Trump Deploying Rovian Strategy of Accusing Accusers › intelligencer › 2019/11 › team-trump-deplo...

Nov 13, 2019 — ... developed by Karl Rove of accusing his accusers of doing what he is accused of, ...
... This is another preemptive tactic, in which Bush has launched his ...
Many of trump's cabinet and advisors got their jobs based on left wing bashing and sucking up to trump on fox. That DeVoss idiot is a prime example. What do you think qualified that pillow idiot to be an advisor on trump's policies?

As President Donald Trump’s secretary of education, Betsy DeVos has made it her mission to dismantle public education. She promotes the privatization of public schools through vouchers, continually calls for deep cuts to federal funding, rolls back protections for vulnerable children, and completely disregards their safety and the safety of educators during a global pandemic.

Thus says the teachers' union. Not really an unbiased source there.
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