Rush was right about Joe Biden's presidency Jul 16 2020

We all know that President Biden is a figurehead for the Dem bigwigs.

That is why they are allowing him to run for a second term.

They realize that sometime during his second term, he may have to retire to his home in Delaware. They are absolutely confident that a President Harris will be easy to manipulate, too.

How they stage-manage him is hilarious.

Right after he was inaugurated, for example, they sent him to stand reverently at the Lincoln Memorial. This was to show how much he loved certain folks. It was so transparent -- and insulting and patronizing.
You have no idea what l watch.

~50% commercials. Its brutal. Stay tuned, Be right back, gotta take a break, more in a minute. Unwatchable. Fox is also 95% BS as made clear in 2020. They lost 2million viewers and still coddled up to Deep State. I do not turn on any, I get too angry.
remember the great democrat russian reset button, good times
View attachment 932421

Look familiar.

Photos of Trump's closed-door meeting with Russian ...​

CBS News › CBS Evening News

May 11, 2017 — They drew attention because no American press attended and they show Trump meeting Sergey Kislyak -- a key figure in FBI's Russia probe.


Yeah...............Good times.
~50% commercials. Its brutal. Stay tuned, Be right back, gotta take a break, more in a minute. Unwatchable. Fox is also 95% BS as made clear in 2020. They lost 2million viewers and still coddled up to Deep State. I do not turn on any, I get too angry.

I watch what l like.
That stupid button had the Russian word "overload" on it instead of "reset." :laughing0301:

"On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the Roman alphabet transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet word перегрузка ("peregruzka"). It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset" but actually was the word for "overload".[1][2] (The correct translation would be перезагрузка ["perezagruzka"].) Additionally, the button switch was the type commonly used as an emergency stop on industrial equipment."

Russian reset - Wikipedia
You're FOS, as usual.

Reset translated to Russian means Перезагрузить

Перезагрузить translated to English is Reboot.

RWNJ usual.
We all know that President Biden is a figurehead for the Dem bigwigs.

That is why they are allowing him to run for a second term.

They realize that sometime during his second term, he may have to retire to his home in Delaware. They are absolutely confident that a President Harris will be easy to manipulate, too.

How they stage-manage him is hilarious.

Right after he was inaugurated, for example, they sent him to stand reverently at the Lincoln Memorial. This was to show how much he loved certain folks. It was so transparent -- and insulting and patronizing.
In Biden's long history, he came under scrutiny for a cosy relationship with the banking sector, his role in drawing up a 1994 crime bill that ushered in an era of mass incarceration and his failure to protect witness Anita Hill during Clarence Thomas’s supreme court confirmation hearing.

Biden also received criticism for fist-bumping the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, who approved the 2018 assassination of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Biden has rubber stamped more oil and gas drilling permits on federal land than Donald Trump at the same stage of his presidency

Most recently, the left wanted him to call for a cease fire in Gaza, but refused to do so. This notion that he acquiesce to left is kinda funny.
Biden was chosen because he will sign, say and do what he is told to. That's it.

All jokes and biased aside he is incapable of making his own decisions. He is not a leader. He stumbled around, says incoherent things a lot, mis speaks often, gets angry and lashes out, goes off topic constantly, lies for absolutely no reason out of the blue for things when there is nothing to be gained, and never demonstrates he has a deep understanding of anything he speaks about.

More proof he is just a puppet is he shows he does not care about Americans or America is his policies. Like the border, he sees it's destroying our country and for years he lied and said there is no problem then lied and said he is powerless to stop it, meanwhile he sends hundreds of billions to support other corrupt countries borders. He pushes social agendas that divide Americans. He gives hundreds of billions to other countries while we suffer. He damages our energy independence. And so on. Every single decision he makes is not in America's best interest.

He is given money and the illusion of power in exchange for doing the bidding of others. He doesn't care about america because he is well taken care of and doesn't have to be effected by what the majority of us are.

He is a Trojan horse for the evil will of others and nothing else.

Even our vice president is just a tool. They are both apathetic to America, dumb, uninformed, uninterested and just the absolute worst leaders ever. They have no business being the leaders of just about the most powerful country in the world. If anyone believes those 2 are actually running the country then I don't know what to say.
You're FOS, as usual.

Reset translated to Russian means Перезагрузить

Перезагрузить translated to English is Reboot.

RWNJ usual.

So you're smarter than Wikipedia? Those must be some big old juicy brains you have there, Cletus.

Maybe they should hire you to correct all their "mistakes." :laughing0301:
So you're smarter than Wikipedia? Those must be some big old juicy brains you have there, Cletus.
NOT as big as Trump's.
Such a Bigly brain.
Maybe they should hire you to correct all their "mistakes." :laughing0301:
There weren't any.
They used several caveats.

"On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the Roman alphabet

Roman alphabet?

transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet

Cyrillic alphabet?

word перегрузка ("peregruzka"). It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset" but actually was the word for "overload".[1][2] (The correct translation would be перезагрузка ["perezagruzka"].)

THAT is jumping though some hoops.
Nobody laughed at the insanity and hypocrisy of the left better than Rush.

What drew my attention to him was his description of Michelle Obama’s outing to the bio farmers market in D.C. The city was closed down for this visit, including two Metro stations. Armed military vehicles, you name it.

Some time later, a friend drove me to see the area. It was just across the street from one of the WH entrances. She could have walked there.

The way Rush told the story was hilarious.
Whatever the choice, FOX at least is folksy. Like sitting at table in your home. The Prog networks are sanitized word repeaters wearing plastic gloves with a checklist and ready to give a deep body cavity search to prove loyalty or not.
I can't argue with that.

I don't have cable, but I will occasionally watch video clips from all the cable networks that are put onto YouTube.

CNN, MSNBC and some of those minor new news channels are just sort of funny. They take themselves entirely too seriously, w/o being willing to question the narrative.
Nobody laughed at the insanity and hypocrisy of the left better than Rush.
By re-broadcasting what the left have said over the past 25 years, their words in their own voices. He loved rubbing the left's nose in their flip flops, hypocrisy and double standards. It drove the left insane when he played these recordings and Fake News montages.

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