Rush Limbaugh

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No shit, my point was how many times did you see him debate someone somewhere other than on his own show.

Why would he go on anybody's show? Why didn't DumBama contact him with the many invitations Rush extended to him?

Why did Pres. Obama need to go on his show? Hell he wasn't anybody to talk to.

Rush Limbaugh was a commodity. Anytime he appeared on a show, ratings went through the roof. Why would he help out an adversary?

Anytime he went on any right wing, racist rag. He never went on any mainstream media outlet, because he couldn't control the environment and he would have gotten his ass handed to him.
Obammy didn’t go on any consecutive show he was a CHiCKEN shit

Pres Obama had more to do for this country than to go on Rush Limpbaugh's tired ass show.
name something obammy did? and yet limbaugh inspires your anger like nothing I've seen. Why are you opposed to opposition thinking? is it true you want everyone to be a clone?

Name something Flush Limpbaugh did. Pres Obama brought this country out of a recession and started all of the trends you Trump Humpers want to give Trump credit for.
injected the idea to think for oneself. He sacrificed his life, and avoided tactics to shut him up by hating and angry fks like you.
It’s a really simple question
Anyone of intelligence didn't call his show, he was too damn scared to take anyone on neutral ground where he didn't control the mike.

A). You're in no position to question or judge the intelligence of others.

B). Your very statement shows you rarely or never actually listened to the show.

C). What ever stopped YOU from calling Rush and challenging him with YOUR great intellect?

C). A very weak, pathetic attempt to try to discredit Rush and the most informed, intelligent audience in all of media because you felt so threatened that you could not compete with him at any level! :21:
correct, that dude felt threatened by limbaugh. And his only stand up is when limbaugh is dead and can't defend himself. typical leftist scum.
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Nope, sorry. In a democracy, you will pay for what the rest of us say you pay for. So save your whining. Welcome to adulting.

Which is one of the very reasons why this country was not set up as a democracy.
God, just SHUT UP. I've been in a blizzard with no services for 4 days and am in such a bad mood. so sick of y'alls bullshit.

We live in a Democracy. That's why we vote for our leaders. Stop lying, and go kick rocks.
nope, we don't live in a democracy. look it up. take some time and due some fking work before you shoot off your mouth.

it's soooooo fking hard. here in less than a minute

America Is a Republic, Not a Democracy | The Heritage Foundation
Nope, sorry. In a democracy, you will pay for what the rest of us say you pay for. So save your whining. Welcome to adulting.

Which is one of the very reasons why this country was not set up as a democracy.
God, just SHUT UP. I've been in a blizzard with no services for 4 days and am in such a bad mood. so sick of y'alls bullshit.

We live in a Democracy. That's why we vote for our leaders. Stop lying, and go kick rocks.
nope, we don't live in a democracy. look it up. take some time and due some fking work before you shoot off your mouth.
Oh, what do we live in? What do you call it when people vote for their leaders?
God, just SHUT UP. I've been in a blizzard with no services for 4 days and am in such a bad mood. so sick of y'alls bullshit.

Nobody's forcing you to read or participate in this forum. You're perfectly free to leave it and us, and to never return.

We live in a Democracy. That's why we vote for our leaders. Stop lying, and go kick rocks.

A perfect example of the utter failure of modern schools, is that so many cretins such as yourself do not understand the difference between a democracy and a republic, do not understand that this nation is a republic and not a democracy, and do not understand why it matters. My generation didn't get past elementary school without gaining at least some understanding of this.
Sorry, Bob, you are the obvious uneducated one in this thread.
Nope, sorry. In a democracy, you will pay for what the rest of us say you pay for. So save your whining. Welcome to adulting.

Which is one of the very reasons why this country was not set up as a democracy.
God, just SHUT UP. I've been in a blizzard with no services for 4 days and am in such a bad mood. so sick of y'alls bullshit.

We live in a Democracy. That's why we vote for our leaders. Stop lying, and go kick rocks.
nope, we don't live in a democracy. look it up. take some time and due some fking work before you shoot off your mouth.
Oh, what do we live in? What do you call it when people vote for their leaders?
America Is a Republic, Not a Democracy | The Heritage Foundation

why don't you go get edumacated before you come into a debate.
No shit, my point was how many times did you see him debate someone somewhere other than on his own show.

Why would he go on anybody's show? Why didn't DumBama contact him with the many invitations Rush extended to him?

Why did Pres. Obama need to go on his show? Hell he wasn't anybody to talk to.

Rush Limbaugh was a commodity. Anytime he appeared on a show, ratings went through the roof. Why would he help out an adversary?

Anytime he went on any right wing, racist rag. He never went on any mainstream media outlet, because he couldn't control the environment and he would have gotten his ass handed to him.
Obammy didn’t go on any consecutive show he was a CHiCKEN shit

Pres Obama had more to do for this country than to go on Rush Limpbaugh's tired ass show.
name something obammy did? and yet limbaugh inspires your anger like nothing I've seen. Why are you opposed to opposition thinking? is it true you want everyone to be a clone?

Name something Flush Limpbaugh did. Pres Obama brought this country out of a recession and started all of the trends you Trump Humpers want to give Trump credit for.
injected the idea to think for oneself. He sacrificed his life, and avoided tactics to shut him up by hating and angry fks like you.

He sacrificed his life? To what? cigars?
It’s a really simple question
Anyone of intelligence didn't call his show, he was too damn scared to take anyone on neutral ground where he didn't control the mike.

A). You're in no position to question or judge the intelligence of others.

B). Your very statement shows you rarely or never actually listened to the show.

C). What ever stopped YOU from calling Rush and challenging him with YOUR great intellect?

C). A very weak, pathetic attempt to try to discredit Rush and the most informed, intelligent audience in all of media because you felt so threatened that you could not compete with him at any level! :21:
correct that dude felt threatened by limbaugh. And his only stand up is when limbaugh is dead and can't defend himself. typical leftist scum.

Are you sure he is dead? Someone should poke him with a stick to make sure.
Pres. Obama was elected TWICE, why did he need to go on Limpbaugh's show.

He didn't. Just like Rush didn't need to go to commie stations to be interviewed. What good would that have done him?

Michael Jordan said he could have played with Magic, Bird, Ewing, etc., but to be the BEST you've got to beat the BEST. Limpbaugh NEVER debated the BEST he hid behind that EIB bullshit and fools claim "oh Rush was the best". Based on what? Had he debated ANYONE in an environment he doesn't control he would have gotten his ass handed to him. Same with weak ass Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, etc.
Coulda woulda shoulda. He didn't have to debate anyone because he didn't claim to be better than anyone. That's like saying Paul Harvey wasn't the best at what he did because he never did a head to head debate with anyone on reporting the news. Face it, you didn't like Rush and you can't stand it that others did, and now that he's dead you can't stand to see others say nice things about him. Give it up and go away. Start a thread on how much you hate Rush if that's what you want to say.

You are correct I didn't like that Oxy popping windbag. I don't need to go anywhere he has already left the stage. You mega dummies are funny.
So start a thread on how much you hate him.

Because you're being a low class act on this one.

Well we are talking about a man who was low class or in some cases no class.
So you're going to be what you despise?
No shit, my point was how many times did you see him debate someone somewhere other than on his own show.

Why would he go on anybody's show? Why didn't DumBama contact him with the many invitations Rush extended to him?

Why did Pres. Obama need to go on his show? Hell he wasn't anybody to talk to.

Rush Limbaugh was a commodity. Anytime he appeared on a show, ratings went through the roof. Why would he help out an adversary?

Anytime he went on any right wing, racist rag. He never went on any mainstream media outlet, because he couldn't control the environment and he would have gotten his ass handed to him.
Obammy didn’t go on any consecutive show he was a CHiCKEN shit

Pres Obama had more to do for this country than to go on Rush Limpbaugh's tired ass show.
name something obammy did? and yet limbaugh inspires your anger like nothing I've seen. Why are you opposed to opposition thinking? is it true you want everyone to be a clone?

Name something Flush Limpbaugh did. Pres Obama brought this country out of a recession and started all of the trends you Trump Humpers want to give Trump credit for.
injected the idea to think for oneself. He sacrificed his life, and avoided tactics to shut him up by hating and angry fks like you.

So you needed a doped up windbag to tell you to think for yourself, that says alot about you.

How did he sacrifice his life? He got rich from spewing hate and division.
He didn't have to debate anyone because he didn't claim to be better than anyone. T
Well, he did claim to be better than other people. And he didn't have to debate anyone because he generated and controlled his own forum. It was a bully pulpit with a tightly controlled message. And that message was his product.
Who did he claim he was superior to? Names, please. I know he said things like his show was the most influential (true), that his audience was incredibly large (also true), but I don't recall him ever stating something like, "I'm better than <fill in the blank>". Also, talk radio isn't a debate platform. It was his show and there was no need to debate anyone, as you said. So why griping that he didn't debate anyone? Paul Harvey didn't debate anyone. Howard Stern didn't debate anyone. They both had tightly controlled shows. In fact, Stern ran away to satellite radio so he could spew more filth. Yet both are considered tops in their fields. So again, why the whining that Rush didn't debate anyone?
I will admit that I was not a fan of neo-Con Rush because he purposely ignored neo-Con bullshit, but this is a great post.
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

He lived way to long, no one out lied or out hated this piece of goo. He raised more haters then any other person in the media over the year, hate, ugliness , bigotry , cruelty this guy was as ugly as anyone of the hate party members. He was a champion of hate, he did it with more lies then any other media person in my lifetime. Won't miss him at all, he just another traitor to this country any supporter of Trump is a traitor to this country.

That's weird but predictable.
A hater calling this victims haters.
But that's the specialty of the left.
Commit some crime or sin and blame it on your target.
And treason is trying to infiltrate the government with the aid of foreign governments like China.....and squash everyone's constitutional rights in the process.
Clearly you don't know what being a traitor is.

I find it's a specialty of the right as well. Wish it would just tone down. I do think Rush elevated hatred and anger to a whole new level while the left elevated outrage.

Yeppers you all hated him and anyone who followed him! You’re so right, you just don’t know who the haters really are

Nope. You don't have a clue. I know and like a a number of people who followed Rush. It was just not a topic of our conversation. You're projecting.

you think I hate him and have anger because of him? I respect the shit out of that dude. so your choice of analysis is wrong. And yes, you hated he existed and were angry at the following he received. otherwise you would have said you defended his right to oppose the MSM fairly. As he did.
No shit, my point was how many times did you see him debate someone somewhere other than on his own show.

Why would he go on anybody's show? Why didn't DumBama contact him with the many invitations Rush extended to him?

Why did Pres. Obama need to go on his show? Hell he wasn't anybody to talk to.

Rush Limbaugh was a commodity. Anytime he appeared on a show, ratings went through the roof. Why would he help out an adversary?

Anytime he went on any right wing, racist rag. He never went on any mainstream media outlet, because he couldn't control the environment and he would have gotten his ass handed to him.
Obammy didn’t go on any consecutive show he was a CHiCKEN shit

Pres Obama had more to do for this country than to go on Rush Limpbaugh's tired ass show.
name something obammy did? and yet limbaugh inspires your anger like nothing I've seen. Why are you opposed to opposition thinking? is it true you want everyone to be a clone?

Name something Flush Limpbaugh did. Pres Obama brought this country out of a recession and started all of the trends you Trump Humpers want to give Trump credit for.
injected the idea to think for oneself. He sacrificed his life, and avoided tactics to shut him up by hating and angry fks like you.

So you needed a doped up windbag to tell you to think for yourself, that says alot about you.

How did he sacrifice his life? He got rich from spewing hate and division.
I always thought for myself. But for those who were confused about MSM, and listening to those traitorous fks, he changed a country with his influence.
Pres. Obama was elected TWICE, why did he need to go on Limpbaugh's show.

He didn't. Just like Rush didn't need to go to commie stations to be interviewed. What good would that have done him?

Michael Jordan said he could have played with Magic, Bird, Ewing, etc., but to be the BEST you've got to beat the BEST. Limpbaugh NEVER debated the BEST he hid behind that EIB bullshit and fools claim "oh Rush was the best". Based on what? Had he debated ANYONE in an environment he doesn't control he would have gotten his ass handed to him. Same with weak ass Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, etc.
Coulda woulda shoulda. He didn't have to debate anyone because he didn't claim to be better than anyone. That's like saying Paul Harvey wasn't the best at what he did because he never did a head to head debate with anyone on reporting the news. Face it, you didn't like Rush and you can't stand it that others did, and now that he's dead you can't stand to see others say nice things about him. Give it up and go away. Start a thread on how much you hate Rush if that's what you want to say.

You are correct I didn't like that Oxy popping windbag. I don't need to go anywhere he has already left the stage. You mega dummies are funny.
So start a thread on how much you hate him.

Because you're being a low class act on this one.

Well we are talking about a man who was low class or in some cases no class.
So you're going to be what you despise?

Pointing out a disgusting person doesn't make you disgusting.
Pres. Obama was elected TWICE, why did he need to go on Limpbaugh's show.

He didn't. Just like Rush didn't need to go to commie stations to be interviewed. What good would that have done him?

Michael Jordan said he could have played with Magic, Bird, Ewing, etc., but to be the BEST you've got to beat the BEST. Limpbaugh NEVER debated the BEST he hid behind that EIB bullshit and fools claim "oh Rush was the best". Based on what? Had he debated ANYONE in an environment he doesn't control he would have gotten his ass handed to him. Same with weak ass Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, etc.
Coulda woulda shoulda. He didn't have to debate anyone because he didn't claim to be better than anyone. That's like saying Paul Harvey wasn't the best at what he did because he never did a head to head debate with anyone on reporting the news. Face it, you didn't like Rush and you can't stand it that others did, and now that he's dead you can't stand to see others say nice things about him. Give it up and go away. Start a thread on how much you hate Rush if that's what you want to say.

You are correct I didn't like that Oxy popping windbag. I don't need to go anywhere he has already left the stage. You mega dummies are funny.
So start a thread on how much you hate him.

Because you're being a low class act on this one.

Well we are talking about a man who was low class or in some cases no class.
So you're going to be what you despise?

Pointing out a disgusting person doesn't make you disgusting.
Figuratively dancing on someone's grave doesn't do you any favors. What, you can't stand to see people saying nice things about a public figure who just passed away? Literally hours after their death you're spouting off about how much you hate them? No class whatsoever, and again I repeat, are you going to be what you claim to despise?
He has no idea about sacrifice for others
What sacrifice did Rush make for others?

HEY JACKASS, he sacrificed and devoted his entire LIFE for others, pimple-brain.

Get off his dick Fuck boy and tell us what those sacrifices were.
You’re not intelligent enough to understand

You are to stupid or naive to list them.
I am obviously smarter than you, I know to use the version of too in your sentence. Here fixed it for you since you weren't intelligent enough to fix it before I responded.

you are 'too' stupid or naïve to list them

BTW, I'd list them if I stood a chance you'd read them, but you wouldn't and why I commented like I did.
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God, just SHUT UP. I've been in a blizzard with no services for 4 days and am in such a bad mood. so sick of y'alls bullshit.

Nobody's forcing you to read or participate in this forum. You're perfectly free to leave it and us, and to never return.

We live in a Democracy. That's why we vote for our leaders. Stop lying, and go kick rocks.

A perfect example of the utter failure of modern schools, is that so many cretins such as yourself do not understand the difference between a democracy and a republic, do not understand that this nation is a republic and not a democracy, and do not understand why it matters. My generation didn't get past elementary school without gaining at least some understanding of this.
Sorry, Bob, you are the obvious uneducated one in this thread.
Pres. Obama was elected TWICE, why did he need to go on Limpbaugh's show.

He didn't. Just like Rush didn't need to go to commie stations to be interviewed. What good would that have done him?

Michael Jordan said he could have played with Magic, Bird, Ewing, etc., but to be the BEST you've got to beat the BEST. Limpbaugh NEVER debated the BEST he hid behind that EIB bullshit and fools claim "oh Rush was the best". Based on what? Had he debated ANYONE in an environment he doesn't control he would have gotten his ass handed to him. Same with weak ass Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, etc.
Coulda woulda shoulda. He didn't have to debate anyone because he didn't claim to be better than anyone. That's like saying Paul Harvey wasn't the best at what he did because he never did a head to head debate with anyone on reporting the news. Face it, you didn't like Rush and you can't stand it that others did, and now that he's dead you can't stand to see others say nice things about him. Give it up and go away. Start a thread on how much you hate Rush if that's what you want to say.

You are correct I didn't like that Oxy popping windbag. I don't need to go anywhere he has already left the stage. You mega dummies are funny.
So start a thread on how much you hate him.

Because you're being a low class act on this one.
they have no cooth.
If you just want to be "left alone" then you need to leave others alone and quit messing in marriage and health care decisions.

It's all normal people wanted from you: quit messing with our marriages. We had it first, and you invaded our institution. You took it from us by force. So now you think you own it, and if we want it back or reject your theft of our institution, we are messing with YOUR marriages.

Nobody took your marriage from you, old person.

But you are denying marriage to other people.
Ray is one is the stupidest POSs on USMB. His ignorance rivals even drunk Frank....I am iignoring him. I don't need to debate someone who displays episodes of dangerous mental derangement. I suggest you consider it also. He is following trump's blame game MO.
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