Rush Limbaugh

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what did anybody do to mess with your marriage?

They took it to the Supreme Court and had them force it on states where the citizens voted against it; states such as mine.

Not what I asked. What damage has it done to YOUR marriage? How did it change your relationship with your spouse, or your rights as a a married couple? Seems you just want to control what others are allowed to do.
It’s a really simple question
Anyone of intelligence didn't call his show, he was too damn scared to take anyone on neutral ground where he didn't control the mike.

A). You're in no position to question or judge the intelligence of others.

B). Your very statement shows you rarely or never actually listened to the show.

C). What ever stopped YOU from calling Rush and challenging him with YOUR great intellect?

C). A very weak, pathetic attempt to try to discredit Rush and the most informed, intelligent audience in all of media because you felt so threatened that you could not compete with him at any level! :21:

I listened to him quite often. He would cut people off when they tried to say anything he disagreed with, and he talked over them on a regular basis. Nobody got a fair chance to make any point on his show, unless they were praising him.
89 Million idiots like you.

We can go toe to toe anytime your want and see who is the idiot here. Just let me know when you are ready.

I'm already one up on you: I know the difference between to, too, and two.

Don't bother. Everybody here knows you are not the idiot here. You are just one of many idiots here. You might be just a little more idiotic than most though. .
You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.

The OP never posted to honor Limbaugh

It's patently obvious
Kicking the dead is a classic sign one has a sociocommunistic Democrat trait whether or not they know it. They ignore what it happens when one embraces "socialist." The German Socialist Nazi Party decided to wipe out good Germany whose Kaiser lost World War One to ascend to full world power under charismatic speaker A. Hitler, and they chose to proliferate all their rage on Jews by snubbing them, then snubbing and verbally crucifying all Jews through marginalization style animal and reptiliation characterizations, and religious marginalization by proclaiming them as Christ killers to hook the Lutheran and Roman Catholics to war and genocide thanks to Hitler's recruitment of the Muslim faith Mayor of Jerusalem to decimate German Jews and gain power over the majority of tribal Germans who bought into the Jewish marginalization/isolation from other Germans starting with a Krystalnacht expulsion of all things Jewish by burning their household books and furnishings, banishment, and outright assassination of selected Jewish clergy and leaders. KAPUT! That's what the German Socialist Party aka Nazis made their intentions known with the name Krystalnacht adding meat to the bone work of their convenient hating their target and justification of evil assassination and disrespect.

Nancy Pelosi's Krystalnacht was spearheaded to be making a cheering, snearing consolidation of her new socialistic Democrat party out of (1) stolen election by omeurta clandestine acts, (2) nonstop marginalization of Donald Trump by popularization of an imaginary repugnant sin in the Steele dossier, (3) false popularity polls idolizing a seriously corrupt extortionist capable of propaganda lies about doing good with a 24 hour turnaround of instituting policies through executive orders, and not Congressional law, with a coined phrase "the new normal" to put Krystalnacht rapture into the basic Alinsky plan to kick out all that protects free men, and demanding loyalty shown by becoming slaves to the new normal aka Oligarchical Rule that tears up the United States Constitution by removing guns, humiliating religious beliefs as unacceptable and laying to waste the first amendment with the insanity of the phrase that became popular in Democrat propaganda during the Christine Blasey Ford theatrical performance damning SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh that standardized the phrase, "the truth is only an option" in the narratives the Democrats flourished thereafter with party cheers and pride in getting what is desired by a deluge of political lies with the goal of destroying constitutional rights of anyone opposed to the new normal of total power of the Democrat socialists. Bidens brag is that he is responsible for socializing America.

You Democrats have pushed free America into your hole pretty hard lately. It's a failed fail, and there is nothing win win about it.

PLZ come to your senses. THX.
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Pres. Obama was elected TWICE, why did he need to go on Limpbaugh's show.

He didn't. Just like Rush didn't need to go to commie stations to be interviewed. What good would that have done him?

Michael Jordan said he could have played with Magic, Bird, Ewing, etc., but to be the BEST you've got to beat the BEST. Limpbaugh NEVER debated the BEST he hid behind that EIB bullshit and fools claim "oh Rush was the best". Based on what? Had he debated ANYONE in an environment he doesn't control he would have gotten his ass handed to him. Same with weak ass Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, etc.
It’s a really simple question
Anyone of intelligence didn't call his show, he was too damn scared to take anyone on neutral ground where he didn't control the mike.

A). You're in no position to question or judge the intelligence of others.

I am in just as much as a position as you are.

B). Your very statement shows you rarely or never actually listened to the show.

I listened to that bullshit years ago.

C). What ever stopped YOU from calling Rush and challenging him with YOUR great intellect?

The fact that once you are getting the best of his ass he just cuts you off and claims you hung up or the call dropped.

C). A very weak, pathetic attempt to try to discredit Rush and the most informed, intelligent audience in all of media because you felt so threatened that you could not compete with him at any level! :21:

Self proclaimed, hard to compete when someone is cheating at the game.
what did anybody do to mess with your marriage?

They took it to the Supreme Court and had them force it on states where the citizens voted against it; states such as mine.

Not what I asked. What damage has it done to YOUR marriage? How did it change your relationship with your spouse, or your rights as a a married couple? Seems you just want to control what others are allowed to do.
It’s a really simple question
Anyone of intelligence didn't call his show, he was too damn scared to take anyone on neutral ground where he didn't control the mike.

A). You're in no position to question or judge the intelligence of others.

B). Your very statement shows you rarely or never actually listened to the show.

C). What ever stopped YOU from calling Rush and challenging him with YOUR great intellect?

C). A very weak, pathetic attempt to try to discredit Rush and the most informed, intelligent audience in all of media because you felt so threatened that you could not compete with him at any level! :21:

I listened to him quite often. He would cut people off when they tried to say anything he disagreed with, and he talked over them on a regular basis. Nobody got a fair chance to make any point on his show, unless they were praising him.

And left wing “progressive hosts” would never do that, right?
wishing ill on another or celebrating another's death is bad Karma
You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.

The OP never posted to honor Limbaugh

It's patently obvious
Kicking the dead is a classic sign one has a sociocommunistic Democrat trait whether or not they know it. They ignore what it happens when one embraces "socialist." The German Socialist Nazi Party decided to wipe out good Germany whose Kaiser lost World War One to ascend to full world power under charismatic speaker A. Hitler, and they chose to proliferate all their rage on Jews by snubbing them, then snubbing and verbally crucifying all Jews through marginalization style animal and reptiliation characterizations, and religious marginalization by proclaiming them as Christ killers to hook the Lutheran and Roman Catholics to war and genocide thanks to Hitler's recruitment of the Muslim faith Mayor of Jerusalem to decimate German Jews and gain power over the majority of tribal Germans who bought into the Jewish marginalization/isolation from other Germans starting with a Krystalnacht expulsion of all things Jewish by burning their household books and furnishings, banishment, and outright assassination of selected Jewish clergy and leaders. KAPUT! That's what the German Socialist Party aka Nazis made their intentions known with the name Krystalnacht adding meat to the bone work of their convenient hating their target and justification of evil assassination and disrespect.

Nancy Pelosi's Krystalnacht was spearheaded to be making a cheering, snearing consolidation of her new socialistic Democrat party out of (1) stolen election by omeurta clandestine acts, (2) nonstop marginalization of Donald Trump by popularization of an imaginary repugnant sin in the Steele dossier, (3) false popularity polls idolizing a seriously corrupt extortionist capable of propaganda lies about doing good with a 24 hour turnaround of instituting policies through executive orders, and not Congressional law, with a coined phrase "the new normal" to put Krystalnacht rapture into the basic Alinsky plan to kick out all that protects free men, and demanding loyalty shown by becoming slaves to the new normal aka Oligarchical Rule that tears up the United States Constitution by removing guns, humiliating religious beliefs as unacceptable and laying to waste the first amendment with the insanity of the phrase that became popular in Democrat propaganda during the Christine Blasey Ford theatrical performance damning SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh that standardized the phrase, "the truth is only an option" in the narratives the Democrats flourished thereafter with party cheers and pride in getting what is desired by a deluge of political lies with the goal of destroying constitutional rights of anyone opposed to the new normal of total power of the Democrat socialists. Bidens brag is that he is responsible for socializing America.

You Democrats have pushed free America into your hole pretty hard lately. It's a failed fail, and there is nothing win win about it.

PLZ come to your senses. THX.

I'm sorry for kicking the dead, but I didn't have a stick to poke him with handy.
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