Rush Limbaugh

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They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

He lived way to long, no one out lied or out hated this piece of goo. He raised more haters then any other person in the media over the year, hate, ugliness , bigotry , cruelty this guy was as ugly as anyone of the hate party members. He was a champion of hate, he did it with more lies then any other media person in my lifetime. Won't miss him at all, he just another traitor to this country any supporter of Trump is a traitor to this country.

That's weird but predictable.
A hater calling this victims haters.
But that's the specialty of the left.
Commit some crime or sin and blame it on your target.
And treason is trying to infiltrate the government with the aid of foreign governments like China.....and squash everyone's constitutional rights in the process.
Clearly you don't know what being a traitor is.

I find it's a specialty of the right as well. Wish it would just tone down. I do think Rush elevated hatred and anger to a whole new level while the left elevated outrage.

LOL, yeah, Rush elevated the hatred while you and a bunch of other leftists are here declaring your hatred for him. It's classic, you aren't capable apparently of grasping the irony in that.

The hate is yours. Rush was a happy and entertaining guy. No one listened to him liking him to get our hate. Your side listened to get your hate on. He's gone and you're still there. Democrats call us all racists and other names for disagreeing with you. Yeah, we have the hate problem, not you

Good, glad you thought he was happy and entertaining. I've never been a fan of the politics of anger and hate - especially stirring it up. I didn't listen to him much. I haven't called you a racist.

Get a grip,

The politics of anger and hate...that's interesting...that's describes communism to a tee.
Anger and hate manifests into Nazi tactics like Big Tech shutting down freedom of speech....or actors being fired because they like standing up to Cancel-Culture fascism.

I would disagree. Communism, is essentially a rebellion against the ruling classes and an economic system based on communal ownership (that is neither pro nor con). To compare Big Tech to Nazi's is dumb. Period.

Rush created the politics of anger - listen to him. Every show is ginning up anger at ta-da - the left. Worse than that - promoting and spreading out right conspiracy theory. But - he's entertaining. The excuse is always that he is an entertainer...and he is. He is, imo, the single person MOST responsible for transforming the face of the American right into what it is today. Good or bad, your choice.

Rush provided a voice that a large portion of the population agreed with but had previously been absent.
The anger and hate came from the democrat status quo who refused to consider or allow that alternative viewpoint. That hate is obvious from the reaction to Rush’s death.

I find that is also true of the right.

The far-right is Islam.
What you call the right is basically what most of America was when we were kids.
What is happening is the country is crumbling around us due to outside influences....and The Right is trying to fight it.
But to be honest.....we really don't know if anything the media reports is true anymore.
You know, I was just thinking. Rush went national in 1988, and literally months into his show, the left began efforts to have him thrown off the air.
In today's world we call that "cancelling". Well the left tried for nearly 33 years to "cancel" Rush, and they failed spectacularly. He beat their asses every single time.
Except for Clinton, Obama and Biden.
What you call the right is basically what most of America was when we were kids.

You are fuckin insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When we were kids the right promoted universal healthcare. What we call the right today is ignorance and hatred.

But to be honest.....we really don't know if anything the media reports is true anymore.

MSm is as honest as ever. Thank God for them. Without them, Trump would have become a dictator.
As always, you are wrong.

I don't even need to peek, for me to know that you are right about that.
Let the leftards gloat.....when Molly Ivins and Ed Bradley became worm food within a three month span of each other, it would have taken a wide angle lense to capture my ear to ear grin. I basked in the glow of their demise for a solid year.......especially Molly Ivins. That fat liberal cow was just a skeleton after cancer finished with her. That communist piece of shit learned the hard way about gulags but her personal gulag was a hospital bed which was more than she deserved. I felt the same way about Ginsberg but I suspect that she had been dead for months before the stench of her rotting corpse (even on ice) permeated whatever funeral parlor fridge they had her stored in. Fortunately, they didn't have to worry about maggots because even they were repulsed by her. The death that I most eagerly await is that of Nancy Pelousy. I am going to use some vacation time, find her grave and take a big ol Texas size shit on it. "Open wide, Nancy Skank!". If they have a grave for all the wrinkled flesh she has had removed with all the face-lifts she has had? I'll eat "Mexican" and leave a nice healthy turd on that one as well.
Molly Irvin was something rush never was, real.

I will dance on limprjoughts grave
If you just want to be "left alone" then you need to leave others alone and quit messing in marriage and health care decisions.

If you'd stop pointing your government gun at our pockets in order to fund the killing of your offspring that'd be the best way to keep it your own business. canlt speak for anyone else, but I want no part of it.

Kill your children on your own dimes. After all, that's your business.

But you aren't interested in that model, are you? Of course not.

You only want people to mind their own busieness after you've made it their business and demptied their pockets at the barrel of a government gun to fun your personal indulgences. Right?

And if you're not capable of managing a family on your own and opt to give the government jurisdiction over your marriage, that's your business, too.

People have the right to freedom of association without the government's permission.
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If you just want to be "left alone" then you need to leave others alone and quit messing in marriage and health care decisions.

If you'd stop pointing your government gun at our pockets in order to fund the killing of your offspring that'd be the best way to keep it your own business.

Kill your children on your own dimes. After all, that's your business.

But you aren't interested in that model, are you? Of course not.

And if you're not capable of managing a family on your own and opt to give the government jurisdiction over your marriage, that's your business, too.
Just keep your rightwing hands out of our health care decisions and out of our marital decisions and then maybe you can claim to want to "just be left alone" because you sure don't want to leave others alone.
Just keep your rightwing hands out of our health care decisions and out of our marital decisions and then maybe you can claim to want to "just be left alone" because you sure don't want to leave others alone.

Well, keep your communist hands out of my pockets to fund your business and I won't be in your business.

I'm all for it, Ms. "Democratic Rights".


The only people making it our business (at the barrel of a government gun, no less) are the people who keep saying it's none of our business.
Nope, sorry. In a democracy, you will pay for what the rest of us say you pay for. So save your whining. Welcome to adulting.

Yeah, if only our Compound Republic were 'a Democracy'.

It's not, of course.

Educate yourself, you look foolish in the company of intellects. Heh heh.

Start with Federalist #51 by Madison. I'm feeling generous. Be on your way, then. Pst...
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It is, ya dumb slut. A democratic republic. Or a republican democracy. Children learn this. You just got welcomed to adulting...maybe that was premature.

Oh my goodness. Clearly you didn't do your assignment. That's lazy.

Again. Federalist #51. Madison. Compound Republic. Then we can get you started on #45, also by Madison. Eventually onto #s 17, 28 and 46 if you can manage the big words. Just try your best.

Now off you go....
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It is, ya dumb slut. A democratic republic. Or a republican democracy. Children learn this. You just got welcomed to adulting...maybe that was premature.

Oh my goodness. Clearly you didn't do your assignment.
And you just failed a middle school civics quiz. By the way, you will pay for what and when we say. So keep the checkbook handy, son.
And you just failed a middle school civics quiz. By the way, you will pay for what and when we say. So keep the checkbook handy, son.

Holy smokes. Heh heh.

Are you guys reading this? lolol.
Ah...frustrated, angry adult troll types fake LOLs on the internet.

In other breaking news, the Sun rose in the East today.
Ah...frustrated, angry adult troll types fake LOLs on the internet.

In other breaking news, the Sun rose in the East today.

No, you're hilarious.

You literally have no idea what you're talking about. None. lolol.

But you think you do. That's what's so funny about it.

And I even gave you the proper resources. That's what's really comical about it, Mr. Lazy Pants.

It's like playing checkers with a pigeon. lolol.

Come on, man. My stomach's starting to hurt, I'm laughing so hard over here. My goodness.
End of an era for sure - Hated the dude, but hope he RIP.
The truth is, Rush should have never been needed. The Progs took over in the 1960's. Legislation passed set the tone for our future. The fiat currency ran amok starting in the early 1970's. To the religious we killed God then. To the secular.. yahoo. Feminism, diversity, political correctness ramped up to the stratosphere. Quotas the norm. Taxes have exploded since then. More then all of us want to admit. And many need it to survive today. I do not know if Rush was just a shill to make the conservative side feel better. But he gave us a lot of insights to what was going on. If only with massive expanding social programs we practiced sense in our living ways things would be different now with a stronger economy and people not at each others throats. Rush made a lot of money. Lung cancer for the most part is caused by ourselves. Rush liked his cigars. Conservatives or Non Progs now need more champions to show up to promote the cause. RIP Rush...The rest of the popular Non Prog Radio and Internet men and women... we need you.

Rush was never needed. He was a pig who had more to do with causing the great divide in our country than anybody else I know of.

Nothing to see here. Just more leftist hate from a leftist fascist that anyone who disagreed with you wasn't kept off the air. Move along ...

Rush made a career stoking hatred from the left

Rush didn't need to help you. You need no help having your hatred stoked as you keep proving. Now go keep melting down over Trump and lying about what he said and calling people racists to prove my point you fascists don't need any help with your hatred. You have a burning ember of hatred on your own
Rush learned there was money to be made by being offensive.

And you're against that, aren't you. That's why you binge watch CNN, you're against being offensive.

I can't take you seriously, but you are proving my point where the hate comes from, the left. You're full fledged fascists now
Your responding to RWer guarantees him a contract; starve him.

I know he always claims to be a paid poster. I've asked him numerous times why anyone would pay him to parrot what ever other Democrat says for free and he never responds. You don't take him seriously on that, do you? Why would anyone hire someone as flat down dumb as RW?
RWers had a federal contract to test military equipment.
This is his way of keeping the bread coming in when he needs it.

How do you know that? Do you know him personally?
I asked months ago and he told me.

And you believe him? Why would anyone pay him to say what every other Democrat fascist says for free?
I know quite a few people who go on Facebook to attack Rs in order to get consulting jobs.
You should see some of the mansions in my community built on R hate.
Many of trump's cabinet and advisors got their jobs based on left wing bashing and sucking up to trump on fox. That DeVoss idiot is a prime example. What do you think qualified that pillow idiot to be an advisor on trump's policies?
End of an era for sure - Hated the dude, but hope he RIP.
The truth is, Rush should have never been needed. The Progs took over in the 1960's. Legislation passed set the tone for our future. The fiat currency ran amok starting in the early 1970's. To the religious we killed God then. To the secular.. yahoo. Feminism, diversity, political correctness ramped up to the stratosphere. Quotas the norm. Taxes have exploded since then. More then all of us want to admit. And many need it to survive today. I do not know if Rush was just a shill to make the conservative side feel better. But he gave us a lot of insights to what was going on. If only with massive expanding social programs we practiced sense in our living ways things would be different now with a stronger economy and people not at each others throats. Rush made a lot of money. Lung cancer for the most part is caused by ourselves. Rush liked his cigars. Conservatives or Non Progs now need more champions to show up to promote the cause. RIP Rush...The rest of the popular Non Prog Radio and Internet men and women... we need you.

Rush was never needed. He was a pig who had more to do with causing the great divide in our country than anybody else I know of.

Nothing to see here. Just more leftist hate from a leftist fascist that anyone who disagreed with you wasn't kept off the air. Move along ...

Rush made a career stoking hatred from the left

Rush didn't need to help you. You need no help having your hatred stoked as you keep proving. Now go keep melting down over Trump and lying about what he said and calling people racists to prove my point you fascists don't need any help with your hatred. You have a burning ember of hatred on your own
Rush learned there was money to be made by being offensive.

And you're against that, aren't you. That's why you binge watch CNN, you're against being offensive.

I can't take you seriously, but you are proving my point where the hate comes from, the left. You're full fledged fascists now
Your responding to RWer guarantees him a contract; starve him.

I know he always claims to be a paid poster. I've asked him numerous times why anyone would pay him to parrot what ever other Democrat says for free and he never responds. You don't take him seriously on that, do you? Why would anyone hire someone as flat down dumb as RW?
RWers had a federal contract to test military equipment.
This is his way of keeping the bread coming in when he needs it.

How do you know that? Do you know him personally?
I asked months ago and he told me.

And you believe him? Why would anyone pay him to say what every other Democrat fascist says for free?
I know quite a few people who go on Facebook to attack Rs in order to get consulting jobs.
You should see some of the mansions in my community built on R hate.
Many of trump's cabinet and advisors got their jobs based on left wing bashing and sucking up to trump on fox. That DeVoss idiot is a prime example. What do you think qualified that pillow idiot to be an advisor on trump's policies?
She's intelligent and loves her country. That's enough to send you freaks into fits of rage.
End of an era for sure - Hated the dude, but hope he RIP.
The truth is, Rush should have never been needed. The Progs took over in the 1960's. Legislation passed set the tone for our future. The fiat currency ran amok starting in the early 1970's. To the religious we killed God then. To the secular.. yahoo. Feminism, diversity, political correctness ramped up to the stratosphere. Quotas the norm. Taxes have exploded since then. More then all of us want to admit. And many need it to survive today. I do not know if Rush was just a shill to make the conservative side feel better. But he gave us a lot of insights to what was going on. If only with massive expanding social programs we practiced sense in our living ways things would be different now with a stronger economy and people not at each others throats. Rush made a lot of money. Lung cancer for the most part is caused by ourselves. Rush liked his cigars. Conservatives or Non Progs now need more champions to show up to promote the cause. RIP Rush...The rest of the popular Non Prog Radio and Internet men and women... we need you.

Rush was never needed. He was a pig who had more to do with causing the great divide in our country than anybody else I know of.

Nothing to see here. Just more leftist hate from a leftist fascist that anyone who disagreed with you wasn't kept off the air. Move along ...

Rush made a career stoking hatred from the left

Rush didn't need to help you. You need no help having your hatred stoked as you keep proving. Now go keep melting down over Trump and lying about what he said and calling people racists to prove my point you fascists don't need any help with your hatred. You have a burning ember of hatred on your own
Rush learned there was money to be made by being offensive.

And you're against that, aren't you. That's why you binge watch CNN, you're against being offensive.

I can't take you seriously, but you are proving my point where the hate comes from, the left. You're full fledged fascists now
Your responding to RWer guarantees him a contract; starve him.

I know he always claims to be a paid poster. I've asked him numerous times why anyone would pay him to parrot what ever other Democrat says for free and he never responds. You don't take him seriously on that, do you? Why would anyone hire someone as flat down dumb as RW?
RWers had a federal contract to test military equipment.
This is his way of keeping the bread coming in when he needs it.

How do you know that? Do you know him personally?
I asked months ago and he told me.

And you believe him? Why would anyone pay him to say what every other Democrat fascist says for free?
I know quite a few people who go on Facebook to attack Rs in order to get consulting jobs.
You should see some of the mansions in my community built on R hate.
Many of trump's cabinet and advisors got their jobs based on left wing bashing and sucking up to trump on fox. That DeVoss idiot is a prime example. What do you think qualified that pillow idiot to be an advisor on trump's policies?
She's intelligent and loves her country. That's enough to send you freaks into fits of rage.

She knew nothing about what her job required.
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