Rush Limbaugh

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Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed.
The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in.

I never knew you were a frequent listener or caller into the show.

I listened to that garbage 20yrs ago and realized he was nothing but a loud mouth, racist, wind bag that was all talk and no substance. Funny how he thought folks using drugs should be thrown under the jail until his fat ass got caught buying Oxy.

Rush spoke to this, on his show, soon after his addiction was duscovered.

An open minded and objective thinking person would have a hard time disagreeing with what he had to say.

Paraphrasing; there is a big difference and distinctons to be made, between recreational drug use and users and those who become addicted secondarily to the prescribed medicines used for the treatment of pain.

Ironically, at the time that Rush got busted and puted for his addiction, I was dealing with my own Grandmother and her addiction to darvocet pain pills, as well.

The difference and distinction is still valid today.

I digress.

Why did I peek?

Was he buying Oxy illegally?
He can and already has. This is the era of Trump as the "voice" for freedom.
No. Trump was the voice of insurrection, autocratic rule and Vladimir Putin. Why do you think he lost? We're not living with that crap.

And Biden is the voice of corruption, racism, misogamy and Xi Jinping.
Not so far. Check back in 9 months. Right now the person you describe is the utterly defeated Donnie trump, except take out Xi and insert Putin.

LOL! You deny the truth, but that's all stuff that's already known, from using his son to sell access to the RussIans and Chinese, to his racist history and racially insensitive comments, to the allegations of Tara Reade. Honestly, your attempts are pathetic.
Say his to your hero, dumbass don, since neither one of you have a job.

I accept your surrender and will go back to my grading papers for the job that you are sure I don't have. LOL!
Congrats on landing a job, and from what I read (though certain it is a minor localized issue) continuing to do the job in these covid times. Hopefully, you are not grading history papers, as I would not want youth polluted with extremist views and Q conspiracy.

LMAO! You're putting out a lot of weakness, blockhead.
I simply do not believe your Biden / China fantasies. You did hear the election is over and President Biden won, right? Most people did not buy that crap before the election. You lost that one too. Get a clue. Now we pay it no mind at all. You can expect normalcy from this administration, not shadow connection control by foreign government. When you come up with some proof of something nefarious going on now, get back to me. If you are really from the St Petersburg troll farm, tell Putin to fk off.

I simply don't care about your lying denials. There'll be no normalcy, there'll just be more corruption and kowtowing to China. You just keep closing your eyes and let the Chinese beholding MSM whose parent companies film their movies in Chinese provinces that hold concentration camps convince you nothing is wrong. Your ignorance is not my problem
Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed.
The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in.

I never knew you were a frequent listener or caller into the show.

I listened to that garbage 20yrs ago and realized he was nothing but a loud mouth, racist, wind bag that was all talk and no substance. Funny how he thought folks using drugs should be thrown under the jail until his fat ass got caught buying Oxy.
Yes or no, demofk callers were always put up first? It’s a really simple question

Anyone of intelligence didn't call his show, he was too damn scared to take anyone on neutral ground where he didn't control the mike.
You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.

don'tya mean dittohead?
Just ditto

you’re not any good at this

not even mega ditto?

mega dittos are big dittos

okey dokey. doesn't matter since el rushbo is pushing up daisies now.
he was nothing but a loud mouth, racist, wind bag that was all talk and no substance.
Must be why he had 89 million listeners. Meantime, you can't even get one.

89 Million idiots like you.

Funny how he thought folks using drugs should be thrown under the jail until his fat ass got caught buying Oxy.

He took oxy for PAIN, not to get high.

You can make any excuse you want, he was no different than a junky on the street buying it illegally.
Why did Pres. Obama need to go on his show? Hell he wasn't anybody to talk to.

He would have been on the top rated radio show in the country. Wouldn't it have made sense to go?

Anytime he went on any right wing, racist rag. He never went on any mainstream media outlet, because he couldn't control the environment and he would have gotten his ass handed to him.

Which is why the Kenyan clown never went on Rush's show.

Did the Trumpeter Dumpster ever go on The View?

Doubt it.
You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.

i'm simply telling the truth about him. nothing i said wasn't true.

truth hurts? too bad.
Why did Pres. Obama need to go on his show? Hell he wasn't anybody to talk to.

He would have been on the top rated radio show in the country. Wouldn't it have made sense to go?

Pres. Obama was elected TWICE, why did he need to go on Limpbaugh's show.

Anytime he went on any right wing, racist rag. He never went on any mainstream media outlet, because he couldn't control the environment and he would have gotten his ass handed to him.
Which is why the Kenyan clown never went on Rush's show.

He did well without going on Limpbaugh's show. Rush couldn't debate anyone on neutral ground, he would have gotten his ass handed to him.
He can and already has. This is the era of Trump as the "voice" for freedom.
No. Trump was the voice of insurrection, autocratic rule and Vladimir Putin. Why do you think he lost? We're not living with that crap.

And Biden is the voice of corruption, racism, misogamy and Xi Jinping.
Not so far. Check back in 9 months. Right now the person you describe is the utterly defeated Donnie trump, except take out Xi and insert Putin.

LOL! You deny the truth, but that's all stuff that's already known, from using his son to sell access to the RussIans and Chinese, to his racist history and racially insensitive comments, to the allegations of Tara Reade. Honestly, your attempts are pathetic.
Say his to your hero, dumbass don, since neither one of you have a job.

I accept your surrender and will go back to my grading papers for the job that you are sure I don't have. LOL!
Congrats on landing a job, and from what I read (though certain it is a minor localized issue) continuing to do the job in these covid times. Hopefully, you are not grading history papers, as I would not want youth polluted with extremist views and Q conspiracy.

LMAO! You're putting out a lot of weakness, blockhead.
I simply do not believe your Biden / China fantasies. You did hear the election is over and President Biden won, right? Most people did not buy that crap before the election. You lost that one too. Get a clue. Now we pay it no mind at all. You can expect normalcy from this administration, not shadow connection control by foreign government. When you come up with some proof of something nefarious going on now, get back to me. If you are really from the St Petersburg troll farm, tell Putin to fk off.

I simply don't care about your lying denials. There'll be no normalcy, there'll just be more corruption and kowtowing to China. You just keep closing your eyes and let the Chinese beholding MSM whose parent companies film their movies in Chinese provinces that hold concentration camps convince you nothing is wrong. Your ignorance is not my problem
President Biden never filmed a movie in China in his life. Take it up with Hollywood. At just what time in China, did they not have prison camps? Read a book or something. Try Thunder Out of China by White and Jacobi. What are you looking for, a pre-Nixon China policy? Grow up.
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

Thank you for being classy. Unlike a few others

The world is definetely a better place without scum like limbaugh and the twice impeached dj thug...

View attachment 458802

Why did Pres. Obama need to go on his show? Hell he wasn't anybody to talk to.

He would have been on the top rated radio show in the country. Wouldn't it have made sense to go?

Anytime he went on any right wing, racist rag. He never went on any mainstream media outlet, because he couldn't control the environment and he would have gotten his ass handed to him.

Which is why the Kenyan clown never went on Rush's show.

Did the Trumpeter Dumpster ever go on The View?

Doubt it.
18 times

They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

He lived way to long, no one out lied or out hated this piece of goo. He raised more haters then any other person in the media over the year, hate, ugliness , bigotry , cruelty this guy was as ugly as anyone of the hate party members. He was a champion of hate, he did it with more lies then any other media person in my lifetime. Won't miss him at all, he just another traitor to this country any supporter of Trump is a traitor to this country.

That's weird but predictable.
A hater calling this victims haters.
But that's the specialty of the left.
Commit some crime or sin and blame it on your target.
And treason is trying to infiltrate the government with the aid of foreign governments like China.....and squash everyone's constitutional rights in the process.
Clearly you don't know what being a traitor is.

I find it's a specialty of the right as well. Wish it would just tone down. I do think Rush elevated hatred and anger to a whole new level while the left elevated outrage.

LOL, yeah, Rush elevated the hatred while you and a bunch of other leftists are here declaring your hatred for him. It's classic, you aren't capable apparently of grasping the irony in that.

The hate is yours. Rush was a happy and entertaining guy. No one listened to him liking him to get our hate. Your side listened to get your hate on. He's gone and you're still there. Democrats call us all racists and other names for disagreeing with you. Yeah, we have the hate problem, not you

Good, glad you thought he was happy and entertaining. I've never been a fan of the politics of anger and hate - especially stirring it up. I didn't listen to him much. I haven't called you a racist.

Get a grip,

The politics of anger and hate...that's interesting...that's describes communism to a tee.
Anger and hate manifests into Nazi tactics like Big Tech shutting down freedom of speech....or actors being fired because they like standing up to Cancel-Culture fascism.

I would disagree. Communism, is essentially a rebellion against the ruling classes and an economic system based on communal ownership (that is neither pro nor con). To compare Big Tech to Nazi's is dumb. Period.

Rush created the politics of anger - listen to him. Every show is ginning up anger at ta-da - the left. Worse than that - promoting and spreading out right conspiracy theory. But - he's entertaining. The excuse is always that he is an entertainer...and he is. He is, imo, the single person MOST responsible for transforming the face of the American right into what it is today. Good or bad, your choice.

Rush provided a voice that a large portion of the population agreed with but had previously been absent.
The anger and hate came from the democrat status quo who refused to consider or allow that alternative viewpoint. That hate is obvious from the reaction to Rush’s death.
The anger and hate came from the democrat status quo who refused to consider or allow that alternative viewpoint.
Stupid white wing pap.

Of course liberals considered his viewpoints. That's why they didn't like him. For example, liberals find it distasteful when a person gleefully reads the names of AIDS victims on the air. There's your Rush "viewpoint".

And to say the man with a highly rated, national show for 3 decades+ wasn't "allowed" to have or express those viewpoints is so painfully stupid a statement that it embarrasses itself.

White victim attempt: fail
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

He lived way to long, no one out lied or out hated this piece of goo. He raised more haters then any other person in the media over the year, hate, ugliness , bigotry , cruelty this guy was as ugly as anyone of the hate party members. He was a champion of hate, he did it with more lies then any other media person in my lifetime. Won't miss him at all, he just another traitor to this country any supporter of Trump is a traitor to this country.

That's weird but predictable.
A hater calling this victims haters.
But that's the specialty of the left.
Commit some crime or sin and blame it on your target.
And treason is trying to infiltrate the government with the aid of foreign governments like China.....and squash everyone's constitutional rights in the process.
Clearly you don't know what being a traitor is.

I find it's a specialty of the right as well. Wish it would just tone down. I do think Rush elevated hatred and anger to a whole new level while the left elevated outrage.

LOL, yeah, Rush elevated the hatred while you and a bunch of other leftists are here declaring your hatred for him. It's classic, you aren't capable apparently of grasping the irony in that.

The hate is yours. Rush was a happy and entertaining guy. No one listened to him liking him to get our hate. Your side listened to get your hate on. He's gone and you're still there. Democrats call us all racists and other names for disagreeing with you. Yeah, we have the hate problem, not you

Good, glad you thought he was happy and entertaining. I've never been a fan of the politics of anger and hate - especially stirring it up. I didn't listen to him much. I haven't called you a racist.

Get a grip,

The politics of anger and hate...that's interesting...that's describes communism to a tee.
Anger and hate manifests into Nazi tactics like Big Tech shutting down freedom of speech....or actors being fired because they like standing up to Cancel-Culture fascism.

I would disagree. Communism, is essentially a rebellion against the ruling classes and an economic system based on communal ownership (that is neither pro nor con). To compare Big Tech to Nazi's is dumb. Period.

Rush created the politics of anger - listen to him. Every show is ginning up anger at ta-da - the left. Worse than that - promoting and spreading out right conspiracy theory. But - he's entertaining. The excuse is always that he is an entertainer...and he is. He is, imo, the single person MOST responsible for transforming the face of the American right into what it is today. Good or bad, your choice.

Rush provided a voice that a large portion of the population agreed with but had previously been absent.
The anger and hate came from the democrat status quo who refused to consider or allow that alternative viewpoint. That hate is obvious from the reaction to Rush’s death.

The Left's specialty is creating policy that is totally bonkers or diametrically the opposite of conservatism in hopes it will create a backlash.
Anyone who is foolish enough to criticize their fake beliefs will hear an angry howl from every pundit that feels slighted by the right. Microaggression carries it even further by inventing ways to be offended from anything and everything.
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

He lived way to long, no one out lied or out hated this piece of goo. He raised more haters then any other person in the media over the year, hate, ugliness , bigotry , cruelty this guy was as ugly as anyone of the hate party members. He was a champion of hate, he did it with more lies then any other media person in my lifetime. Won't miss him at all, he just another traitor to this country any supporter of Trump is a traitor to this country.

That's weird but predictable.
A hater calling this victims haters.
But that's the specialty of the left.
Commit some crime or sin and blame it on your target.
And treason is trying to infiltrate the government with the aid of foreign governments like China.....and squash everyone's constitutional rights in the process.
Clearly you don't know what being a traitor is.

I find it's a specialty of the right as well. Wish it would just tone down. I do think Rush elevated hatred and anger to a whole new level while the left elevated outrage.

LOL, yeah, Rush elevated the hatred while you and a bunch of other leftists are here declaring your hatred for him. It's classic, you aren't capable apparently of grasping the irony in that.

The hate is yours. Rush was a happy and entertaining guy. No one listened to him liking him to get our hate. Your side listened to get your hate on. He's gone and you're still there. Democrats call us all racists and other names for disagreeing with you. Yeah, we have the hate problem, not you

Good, glad you thought he was happy and entertaining. I've never been a fan of the politics of anger and hate - especially stirring it up. I didn't listen to him much. I haven't called you a racist.

Get a grip,

The politics of anger and hate...that's interesting...that's describes communism to a tee.
Anger and hate manifests into Nazi tactics like Big Tech shutting down freedom of speech....or actors being fired because they like standing up to Cancel-Culture fascism.

I would disagree. Communism, is essentially a rebellion against the ruling classes and an economic system based on communal ownership (that is neither pro nor con). To compare Big Tech to Nazi's is dumb. Period.

Rush created the politics of anger - listen to him. Every show is ginning up anger at ta-da - the left. Worse than that - promoting and spreading out right conspiracy theory. But - he's entertaining. The excuse is always that he is an entertainer...and he is. He is, imo, the single person MOST responsible for transforming the face of the American right into what it is today. Good or bad, your choice.

Rush provided a voice that a large portion of the population agreed with but had previously been absent.
The anger and hate came from the democrat status quo who refused to consider or allow that alternative viewpoint. That hate is obvious from the reaction to Rush’s death.

I find that is also true of the right.
You quote the Liar in Chief.....He also pleaded ignorance. Joe Biden has been in Government for decades....and you have the audacity to call him are a modern day Joe McCarthy....

Yes, we know. Dementia has been in federal government 47 years and accomplished nothing. The entire Democrat party is nothing but communists and Nazis, all of whom are anti-American. They just impeached a President for exercising his constitutional first amendment right. They are so scared to death of the guy they are trying anything to keep him from coming back.
It seems you were asleep during the Senate Impeachment trial. There was convincing evidence that your King was the cause of the January 6th insurrection. If there had been a secret vote, he would have been convicted. But as it is often the case, political cowardness won the day and he was not convicted. But politically, he is dead. McCarthy, Cruz, and Miss Lindsey seem to be content in relying on his 33% of the electorate going forward. McConnell and trump....that is your choice of GOPQ leaders.

I remind you that the Kremlin celebrated trump's win in 2016. He was, is, and always will be a friend to Authoritarians and Dictators. You are either very stupid or Putin is paying you....or both.
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

He lived way to long, no one out lied or out hated this piece of goo. He raised more haters then any other person in the media over the year, hate, ugliness , bigotry , cruelty this guy was as ugly as anyone of the hate party members. He was a champion of hate, he did it with more lies then any other media person in my lifetime. Won't miss him at all, he just another traitor to this country any supporter of Trump is a traitor to this country.

That's weird but predictable.
A hater calling this victims haters.
But that's the specialty of the left.
Commit some crime or sin and blame it on your target.
And treason is trying to infiltrate the government with the aid of foreign governments like China.....and squash everyone's constitutional rights in the process.
Clearly you don't know what being a traitor is.

I find it's a specialty of the right as well. Wish it would just tone down. I do think Rush elevated hatred and anger to a whole new level while the left elevated outrage.

LOL, yeah, Rush elevated the hatred while you and a bunch of other leftists are here declaring your hatred for him. It's classic, you aren't capable apparently of grasping the irony in that.

The hate is yours. Rush was a happy and entertaining guy. No one listened to him liking him to get our hate. Your side listened to get your hate on. He's gone and you're still there. Democrats call us all racists and other names for disagreeing with you. Yeah, we have the hate problem, not you

Good, glad you thought he was happy and entertaining. I've never been a fan of the politics of anger and hate - especially stirring it up. I didn't listen to him much. I haven't called you a racist.

Get a grip,

The politics of anger and hate...that's interesting...that's describes communism to a tee.
Anger and hate manifests into Nazi tactics like Big Tech shutting down freedom of speech....or actors being fired because they like standing up to Cancel-Culture fascism.

I would disagree. Communism, is essentially a rebellion against the ruling classes and an economic system based on communal ownership (that is neither pro nor con). To compare Big Tech to Nazi's is dumb. Period.

Rush created the politics of anger - listen to him. Every show is ginning up anger at ta-da - the left. Worse than that - promoting and spreading out right conspiracy theory. But - he's entertaining. The excuse is always that he is an entertainer...and he is. He is, imo, the single person MOST responsible for transforming the face of the American right into what it is today. Good or bad, your choice.

Rush provided a voice that a large portion of the population agreed with but had previously been absent.
The anger and hate came from the democrat status quo who refused to consider or allow that alternative viewpoint. That hate is obvious from the reaction to Rush’s death.

I find that is also true of the right.

Cite an example and explain how that justifies anything.
Obammy didn’t go on any consecutive show he was a CHiCKEN shit

I also remember him embarrassing a room full of drooling Republicans with binders so badly (without his own notes), Faux had to cut away from the live coverage. That was a definitive display of what it looks like when a serious, ibtelligent, informed person is out head to head with unserious, ignorant, political fluffballs with no real qualifications or understanding of the material.

Good stuff.
Post it then. Why don’t you fks ever provide mthr fking links to your vetting rages?
I see your unconcscious mechanisms for coping with trauma have caused you to delete the memory.
So where is your link? Hmmm brain fart huh?
Obammy didn’t go on any consecutive show he was a CHiCKEN shit

I also remember him embarrassing a room full of drooling Republicans with binders so badly (without his own notes), Faux had to cut away from the live coverage. That was a definitive display of what it looks like when a serious, ibtelligent, informed person is out head to head with unserious, ignorant, political fluffballs with no real qualifications or understanding of the material.

Good stuff.
Post it then. Why don’t you fks ever provide mthr fking links to your vetting rages?
I see your unconcscious mechanisms for coping with trauma have caused you to delete the memory.
So where is your link? Hmmm brain fart huh?
I do not care if you believe me or not. You can sit there and flail and cry all night. I won't lose a wink of sleep.
Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed.
The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in.

I never knew you were a frequent listener or caller into the show.

I listened to that garbage 20yrs ago and realized he was nothing but a loud mouth, racist, wind bag that was all talk and no substance. Funny how he thought folks using drugs should be thrown under the jail until his fat ass got caught buying Oxy.
Yup and remember how he used to go on and on about the ACLU? Disparaging them at every turn? Guess who were the only ones who came to his aid when he was down? And just like that, Rush stopped putting down the ACLU.
Seems fair huh? Kind of the reverse of what you classless fks are spewing
he was nothing but a loud mouth, racist, wind bag that was all talk and no substance.
Must be why he had 89 million listeners. Meantime, you can't even get one.

89 Million idiots like you.

Funny how he thought folks using drugs should be thrown under the jail until his fat ass got caught buying Oxy.

He took oxy for PAIN, not to get high.

You can make any excuse you want, he was no different than a junky on the street buying it illegally.

His "89 million" number is complete bullshit, and yet he pulled it out of his own ass.

Poster must be born under Taurus.

>> In December 2019, Talkers Magazine estimated that Limbaugh's show attracted a cumulative weekly audience of 15.5 million listeners << (Wiki)
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