Rush Limbaugh

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Ah...frustrated, angry adult troll types fake LOLs on the internet.

In other breaking news, the Sun rose in the East today.

No, you're hilarious.

You literally have no idea what you're talking about. None. lolol.

But you think you do. That's what's so funny about it.

And I even gave you the proper resources. That's what's really comical about it, Mr. Lazy Pants.

It's like playing checkers with a pigeon. lolol.

Come on, man. My stomach's starting to hurt, I'm laughing so hard over here. My goodness.
FFI is so full of himself beyond tolerance.
If you just want to be "left alone" then you need to leave others alone and quit messing in marriage and health care decisions.

If you'd stop pointing your government gun at our pockets in order to fund the killing of your offspring that'd be the best way to keep it your own business.

Kill your children on your own dimes. After all, that's your business.

But you aren't interested in that model, are you? Of course not.

And if you're not capable of managing a family on your own and opt to give the government jurisdiction over your marriage, that's your business, too.
Just keep your rightwing hands out of our health care decisions and out of our marital decisions and then maybe you can claim to want to "just be left alone" because you sure don't want to leave others alone.
Then stop mandating your marital decisions as courses to be taught to 2nd graders.
It seems you were asleep during the Senate Impeachment trial. There was convincing evidence that your King was the cause of the January 6th insurrection. If there had been a secret vote, he would have been convicted. But as it is often the case, political cowardness won the day and he was not convicted. But politically, he is dead. McCarthy, Cruz, and Miss Lindsey seem to be content in relying on his 33% of the electorate going forward. McConnell and trump....that is your choice of GOPQ leaders.

I remind you that the Kremlin celebrated trump's win in 2016. He was, is, and always will be a friend to Authoritarians and Dictators. You are either very stupid or Putin is paying you....or both.

Now China is celebrating slow Joe and the other commies. Commies stick together.

What evidence is there that Trump had anything to do with the riot? Nothing. We have the FBI who warned about the likely attack the day before to the Capital police. We have pipe bombs that were placed days before the riot. We had people prepared with zip lock handcuffs. The riot started 20 minutes before Trump ended his speech. We have Trump who offered 10,000 national guards for extra protection that the commies refused. It all points to the fact this was a planned attack days before it took place.

So now tell me of the Nazis evidence. I'm dying to know.
It seems you were asleep during the Senate Impeachment trial. There was convincing evidence that your King was the cause of the January 6th insurrection. If there had been a secret vote, he would have been convicted. But as it is often the case, political cowardness won the day and he was not convicted. But politically, he is dead. McCarthy, Cruz, and Miss Lindsey seem to be content in relying on his 33% of the electorate going forward. McConnell and trump....that is your choice of GOPQ leaders.

I remind you that the Kremlin celebrated trump's win in 2016. He was, is, and always will be a friend to Authoritarians and Dictators. You are either very stupid or Putin is paying you....or both.

Now China is celebrating slow Joe and the other commies. Commies stick together.

What evidence is there that Trump had anything to do with the riot? Nothing. We have the FBI who warned about the likely attack the day before to the Capital police. We have pipe bombs that were placed days before the riot. We had people prepared with zip lock handcuffs. The riot started 20 minutes before Trump ended his speech. We have Trump who offered 10,000 national guards for extra protection that the commies refused. It all points to the fact this was a planned attack days before it took place.

So now tell me of the Nazis evidence. I'm dying to know.
You know full well that anyone who disagrees with any LibPoints is labeled a Nazi.
i have it in full in another tab, ray ray... there's no paywall.

Then how is it I can't read it until I subscribe? Many times the allow you so many free stories, but after you hit their limit, it's pay after that point.

Limbaugh Deal Avoids Drug Prosecution, Defense Says

By Sam Howe Verhovek
April 29, 2006 12 AM PT

Times Staff Writer

Radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh was booked on drug charges in Florida on Friday, and his lawyer said that Limbaugh had agreed to a deal enabling him to avoid prosecution in the prescription abuse case if he continued treatment for addiction problems and avoided any other run-ins with the law.
Limbaugh, a conservative darling and liberal bete noire, was booked, photographed and fingerprinted in Palm Beach, Fla., then shortly thereafter released on a $3,000 bond, according to a posting on the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office website. A spokesman said there would be no further comment.
The apparent deal caps a three-year investigation into allegations originally aired by a housekeeper at Limbaugh’s Palm Beach mansion, who told the National Enquirer that the radio host had abused OxyContin and other painkillers.
Prosecutors began looking into potential “doctor shopping” by Limbaugh, who received about 2,000 pain pills prescribed by four doctors over a six-month period -- all from a pharmacy near the Palm Beach house. The charge on the sheriff’s website was listed as “fraud -- conceal info to obtain prescription.”

Limbaugh admitted on the air to being addicted to painkillers, and told listeners he was entering a rehabilitation program. He took a five-week leave.
Although many of his fans voiced sympathy and support, detractors saw hypocrisy, noting that Limbaugh had been a staunch proponent of cracking down on drug users.
“Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country,” Limbaugh said in October 1995 on a television show he had at the time. “And so, if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up.”
Limbaugh’s lawyer, Roy Black, said in a statement Friday: “Mr. Limbaugh and I have maintained from the start that there was no doctor shopping, and we continue to hold this position.”

Black said Limbaugh had pleaded not guilty and had willingly agreed to continue treatment for his painkiller addiction.
Black said that the deal with prosecutors called for the fraud charge to be dropped in 18 months if Limbaugh complied with all court guidelines, and that Limbaugh would pay $30,000 to defray the state’s investigation costs and $30 a month for “supervision” of his treatment.
Prosecutors could not be reached for comment late Friday. But legal analysts said it appeared Limbaugh had eluded any criminal conviction in the much-publicized case.
“They slapped his hand, and that’s all,” said Debra Opri, a celebrity lawyer and frequent television analyst.

“So absolutely it’s a victory for Limbaugh,” Opri said.
“He doesn’t have to stand trial. He just gets to say, ‘Hey, I’ll keep my nose clean. I don’t have any priors, and I don’t anticipate any futures.’ And that’s it. He walks.”

Rush agreed to the charges to get it past him as it was costing him millions of dollars to fight them off. They had no legal evidence of anything.
If you just want to be "left alone" then you need to leave others alone and quit messing in marriage and health care decisions.

It's all normal people wanted from you: quit messing with our marriages. We had it first, and you invaded our institution. You took it from us by force. So now you think you own it, and if we want it back or reject your theft of our institution, we are messing with YOUR marriages.
If you just want to be "left alone" then you need to leave others alone and quit messing in marriage and health care decisions.

It's all normal people wanted from you: quit messing with our marriages. We had it first, and you invaded our institution. You took it from us by force. So now you think you own it, and if we want it back or reject your theft of our institution, we are messing with YOUR marriages.

Nobody took your marriage from you, old person.

But you are denying marriage to other people.
If you just want to be "left alone" then you need to leave others alone and quit messing in marriage and health care decisions.

It's all normal people wanted from you: quit messing with our marriages. We had it first, and you invaded our institution. You took it from us by force. So now you think you own it, and if we want it back or reject your theft of our institution, we are messing with YOUR marriages.

what did anybody do to mess with your marriage?
If you just want to be "left alone" then you need to leave others alone and quit messing in marriage and health care decisions.

If you'd stop pointing your government gun at our pockets in order to fund the killing of your offspring that'd be the best way to keep it your own business. canlt speak for anyone else, but I want no part of it.

Kill your children on your own dimes. After all, that's your business.

But you aren't interested in that model, are you? Of course not.

You only want people to mind their own busieness after you've made it their business and demptied their pockets at the barrel of a government gun to fun your personal indulgences. Right?

And if you're not capable of managing a family on your own and opt to give the government jurisdiction over your marriage, that's your business, too.

People have the right to freedom of association without the government's permission.
lie, and this needle brain doesn't even know it, you see if you get your information from liars all you will pass on is lies/ That is the weakest type of mind that exist. It's called bullshit!
Nope, sorry. In a democracy, you will pay for what the rest of us say you pay for. So save your whining. Welcome to adulting.

Which is one of the very reasons why this country was not set up as a democracy.
God, just SHUT UP. I've been in a blizzard with no services for 4 days and am in such a bad mood. so sick of y'alls bullshit.

We live in a Democracy. That's why we vote for our leaders. Stop lying, and go kick rocks.
God, just SHUT UP. I've been in a blizzard with no services for 4 days and am in such a bad mood. so sick of y'alls bullshit.

Nobody's forcing you to read or participate in this forum. You're perfectly free to leave it and us, and to never return.

We live in a Democracy. That's why we vote for our leaders. Stop lying, and go kick rocks.

A perfect example of the utter failure of modern schools, is that so many cretins such as yourself do not understand the difference between a democracy and a republic, do not understand that this nation is a republic and not a democracy, and do not understand why it matters. My generation didn't get past elementary school without gaining at least some understanding of this.
It’s a really simple question
Anyone of intelligence didn't call his show, he was too damn scared to take anyone on neutral ground where he didn't control the mike.

A). You're in no position to question or judge the intelligence of others.

B). Your very statement shows you rarely or never actually listened to the show.

C). What ever stopped YOU from calling Rush and challenging him with YOUR great intellect?

C). A very weak, pathetic attempt to try to discredit Rush and the most informed, intelligent audience in all of media because you felt so threatened that you could not compete with him at any level! :21:
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