Rush Limbaugh's 'Slut' Comment Controversy Proves It Has Staying Power

Regardless of the left leaning (polarized) media and their rants, the spoiled little Georgetown Gal did state birth control cost $3,000.00 a year. Now any fool can do the math $0.30 or even a $1.00 per day for the daily dosage cost of the pill, at the local pharmacy, times 360 day's, doesn't total $3,000.00. So, either she failed the math portion of her SAT or ACT exam or she's just another liberal that couldn't tell the truth if her life depended upon it. But if she through in an abortion into the mix, that she paid for, without governmental support, then maybe she is telling the truth. So we wonder why the financial condition of the country is so precarious? If this young girl is an example of what this country has to depend on then were toast.
Regardless of the left leaning (polarized) media and their rants, the spoiled little Georgetown Gal did state birth control cost $3,000.00 a year. Now any fool can do the math $0.30 or even a $1.00 per day for the daily dosage cost of the pill, at the local pharmacy, times 360 day's, doesn't total $3,000.00. So, either she failed the math portion of her SAT or ACT exam or she's just another liberal that couldn't tell the truth if her life depended upon it. But if she through in an abortion into the mix, that she paid for, without governmental support, then maybe she is telling the truth. So we wonder why the financial condition of the country is so precarious? If this young girl is an example of what this country has to depend on then were toast.
She had an agenda by going to a religious school. Her intent was nefarious from the start.

Limbaugh was correct and had nothing to apologize for.
Totally bored with the Limbaugh controversy, not that interested in the first place. His existence does not impact my universe in any way.

His existence does impact Republicans, though. And there are just enough stupid people around who actually believe what he spews. But luckily there are more female voters than males and we will make sure his message does not go all the way to the White House and that the GOP, if only for this very single issue, FAILS.

I'm telling you stupid, old white men and your equally ignorant, barefoot-in-the-kitchen women, keep the hell out of my bedroom.
Regardless of the left leaning (polarized) media and their rants, the spoiled little Georgetown Gal did state birth control cost $3,000.00 a year. Now any fool can do the math $0.30 or even a $1.00 per day for the daily dosage cost of the pill, at the local pharmacy, times 360 day's, doesn't total $3,000.00. So, either she failed the math portion of her SAT or ACT exam or she's just another liberal that couldn't tell the truth if her life depended upon it. But if she through in an abortion into the mix, that she paid for, without governmental support, then maybe she is telling the truth. So we wonder why the financial condition of the country is so precarious? If this young girl is an example of what this country has to depend on then were toast.
She had an agenda by going to a religious school. Her intent was nefarious from the start.

Limbaugh was correct and had nothing to apologize for.

Really, big guy? When was the last time you publicly called a woman a whore? Personal encounter? Public forum? Would she not take your lousy $5 for a blow job? Please do tell.
Regardless of the left leaning (polarized) media and their rants, the spoiled little Georgetown Gal did state birth control cost $3,000.00 a year. Now any fool can do the math $0.30 or even a $1.00 per day for the daily dosage cost of the pill, at the local pharmacy, times 360 day's, doesn't total $3,000.00.

Um....You are truly stupid. Do you realize birth control pills require a prescription not to mention a visit to the gynecologist which also requires lab work? DUmbass. A single visit to a specialist can be in excess of $200. In-office tests are extra and then you get the lab bill. Again, you are a dumbass.
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And the proof that it still has staying power is that I am posting this latest current event political article thread. It still has legs baby. Go Fluke... keep on kicking r-wing ass.

Rush Limbaugh's 'Slut' Comment Controversy Proves It Has Staying Power - Yahoo! News

It has been nearly two weeks since Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a "slut" and in the age of the 24-hour news cycle, that is virtually an eternity.

Yet the outrage over the conservative talk radio host's remarks is still making headlines, spawning activist attacks and causing headaches for advertisers.

Premiere Networks, the radio group that syndicates the Rush Limbaugh Radio Show, pulled all of its barter ads - which run at all hours, not just during Premiere Network programming- from the group's affiliated stations.

The company would not say whether the suspension, which runs from March 12 through March 23, was in response to the Limbaugh backlash, but the only two companies whose ads are exempted from the hiatus are LifeLock and Lear Financial, both of which have publicly said they will not pull their ads from Limbaugh's show.
<trimmed for copyright>

The right seems intent to ride this thing all the way to the bottom of the public opinion polls.
Totally bored with the Limbaugh controversy, not that interested in the first place. His existence does not impact my universe in any way.

His existence does impact Republicans, though. And there are just enough stupid people around who actually believe what he spews. But luckily there are more female voters than males and we will make sure his message does not go all the way to the White House and that the GOP, if only for this very single issue, FAILS.

I'm telling you stupid, old white men and your equally ignorant, barefoot-in-the-kitchen women, keep the hell out of my bedroom.

then they are in good company, cause there is still enough stupid people around who actually believe what Obama spews..
but you can dream Rush will have some sort of impact come November..gawd knows you all need SOMETHING to hold onto..
Unemployment STILL over 8% after Obama fleeced us out of 800 billion dollars and promised that would bring unemployment down and give ALL them SHOEVEL ready jobs..
gas inching up to 5dollars a been SHOPPING for groceries lately?

those things my dear Obamabot is what will be on the peoples minds when THEY VOTE...hopefully to vote OUT OBAMA...whoohoo
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Totally bored with the Limbaugh controversy, not that interested in the first place. His existence does not impact my universe in any way.

His existence does impact Republicans, though. And there are just enough stupid people around who actually believe what he spews. But luckily there are more female voters than males and we will make sure his message does not go all the way to the White House and that the GOP, if only for this very single issue, FAILS.

I'm telling you stupid, old white men and your equally ignorant, barefoot-in-the-kitchen women, keep the hell out of my bedroom.

then they are in good company, cause there is still enough stupid people around who actually believe what Obama spews..
but you can dream Rush will have some sort of impact come November..gawd knows you all need SOMETHING to hold onto..
Unemployment STILL over 8% after Obama fleeced us out of 800 billion dollars and promised that would bring unemployment down and give ALL them SHOEVEL ready jobs..
gas inching up to 5dollars a been SHOPPING for groceries lately?
And that is the intent, isn't it? Get Limbaugh out of the way. Keep him from exposing Obama and the left for what they really are...

Limbaugh isn't going anywhere. The left has been at it since 1986.

Yet Limbaugh is stronger than he's ever been.
If this tactic was working so well, why have Obama's approval numbers tanked? According to the NYT/CBS news poll- he's dropped 7 points since the scandal started.

Please do continue....:lol:

Look a bit closer. It's rising gas prices. And then dig a little deeper and see how every sitting president lost ground in the polls when gas prices rose. Jesus, does everything have to be explained to you? {{rolling eyes}}
This is why it's bad to be a slut.

"Will your vagina become 'loose' if you have sex a lot?

Yes, your vagina can become loose, if you have frequent sex with "large" men. Generally speaking, your vagina will adapt to the size of your partners member and if you have frequent sex with large or larger than average men, then your vagina will adapt to their size. For example, the vagina of a 30 year old woman who is sexually active is probably not gonna be as tight as a 17 year old virgin."

Sandra fluke has a loose vagina.

The only way you would know the penis size of the men Fluke has slept with is if you've slept with them as well.

How's that working out for ya slut?
Totally bored with the Limbaugh controversy, not that interested in the first place. His existence does not impact my universe in any way.

His existence does impact Republicans, though. And there are just enough stupid people around who actually believe what he spews. But luckily there are more female voters than males and we will make sure his message does not go all the way to the White House and that the GOP, if only for this very single issue, FAILS.

I'm telling you stupid, old white men and your equally ignorant, barefoot-in-the-kitchen women, keep the hell out of my bedroom.

then they are in good company, cause there is still enough stupid people around who actually believe what Obama spews..
but you can dream Rush will have some sort of impact come November..gawd knows you all need SOMETHING to hold onto..
Unemployment STILL over 8% after Obama fleeced us out of 800 billion dollars and promised that would bring unemployment down and give ALL them SHOEVEL ready jobs..
gas inching up to 5dollars a been SHOPPING for groceries lately?

those things my dear Obamabot is what will be on the peoples minds when THEY VOTE...hopefully to vote OUT OBAMA...whoohoo

I'm not an ObamaBot. I have never supported Obama in any of my posts. I just can't stand what the far right has done and will now gladly watch you all fail on November 4. And you will.
And yet was Rush's offensive analogy, for which he apologized, any worse than this? And so far as I know there has been no similar outrage, no calls for sponsors to ditch Schultz, and no apology has been forthcoming:

Ed Schultz calls Laura Ingraham a "Slut" - YouTube

So we would sort of have to see that there is a huge double standard, yes?

I have no problem with criticizing Rush's choice of words. I was just as dismayed with that as the next person. But I have a HUGE problem with self-righteous leftwing groups organizing to threaten sponsors who refuse to ditch Rush. That is unAmerican and a dangerous thing if it isn't as criticized as Limbaugh himself has been.

Really? He never apologized to Ms. Ingram? I seem to remember that differently........

[ame=]Ed Schultz Apology To Laura Ingraham For Calling Her A "Right-Wing Slut" - YouTube[/ame]

And here's Ms. Ingram accepting his apology...........

[ame=]The Laura Ingraham Show - Laura accepts Ed Schultz&#39;s apology - YouTube[/ame]

And.........oh yeah..........Ed Schultz VOLUNTARILY suspended himself for 5 days from his radio show.

Limp Idiot didn't do that.
His existence does impact Republicans, though. And there are just enough stupid people around who actually believe what he spews. But luckily there are more female voters than males and we will make sure his message does not go all the way to the White House and that the GOP, if only for this very single issue, FAILS.

I'm telling you stupid, old white men and your equally ignorant, barefoot-in-the-kitchen women, keep the hell out of my bedroom.

then they are in good company, cause there is still enough stupid people around who actually believe what Obama spews..
but you can dream Rush will have some sort of impact come November..gawd knows you all need SOMETHING to hold onto..
Unemployment STILL over 8% after Obama fleeced us out of 800 billion dollars and promised that would bring unemployment down and give ALL them SHOEVEL ready jobs..
gas inching up to 5dollars a been SHOPPING for groceries lately?
And that is the intent, isn't it? Get Limbaugh out of the way. Keep him from exposing Obama and the left for what they really are...

Limbaugh isn't going anywhere. The left has been at it since 1986.

Yet Limbaugh is stronger than he's ever been.

Oh, so he's not just an entertainer as he claims. He's your messiah? LOL!!! An Oxycodone addict. Makes sense. Loser.
And yet was Rush's offensive analogy, for which he apologized, any worse than this? And so far as I know there has been no similar outrage, no calls for sponsors to ditch Schultz, and no apology has been forthcoming:

Ed Schultz calls Laura Ingraham a "Slut" - YouTube

So we would sort of have to see that there is a huge double standard, yes?

I have no problem with criticizing Rush's choice of words. I was just as dismayed with that as the next person. But I have a HUGE problem with self-righteous leftwing groups organizing to threaten sponsors who refuse to ditch Rush. That is unAmerican and a dangerous thing if it isn't as criticized as Limbaugh himself has been.

Really? He never apologized to Ms. Ingram? I seem to remember that differently........

[ame=]Ed Schultz Apology To Laura Ingraham For Calling Her A "Right-Wing Slut" - YouTube[/ame]

And here's Ms. Ingram accepting his apology...........

[ame=]The Laura Ingraham Show - Laura accepts Ed Schultz's apology - YouTube[/ame]

And.........oh yeah..........Ed Schultz VOLUNTARILY suspended himself for 5 days from his radio show.

Limp Idiot didn't do that.

Of course he didn't and won't. LimpBalls has no balls. Just a big mouth fueled by the illegal pain killer trade in South Florida.
I think it would be more accurate to say the Limbaugh slut comment has staying power with MSNBC and the far left everyone else not so much.

I'd say its pretty big news when the spokesman for the GOP says women are sluts.

There is no left equivilant to Rush

Limbaugh's Unrivaled Influence On Republican Politics | Media Matters for America

Limbaugh's Unrivaled Influence On Republican Politics

lol, MediaMatters...what a friggen JOKE..
How bout that Bill Maher calling a former Vice Presidential candidate a Cxxt? where's mediamatter on that?
people are yawning at you all cause they see you want to talk about ANYTHING except the state of our country with Obama at the helm...

And Yahoo news has become a JOKE too.

The economy is getting better sweetheart. Went from bleeding 7 million jobs to adding 300,000 jobs a month for 22 months straight. Would be 600,000 jobs if it weren't for all the GOP House spending cuts. Fact.

We are more than ready to discuss the state of our country and the direction we want to take this country vs. the direction you want to go. You are losers! Face it.

GOP: Old, white and in trouble, poll says

19% of Republicans won’t vote or will vote for Obama if Romney or Santorum are nominee

Gallup: Romney, Santorum Stir Less Enthusiasm Than McCain Did

Read more: Randi Rhodes Homework | RR - Homework - Randi Rhodes
And the proof that it still has staying power is that I am posting this latest current event political article thread. It still has legs baby. Go Fluke... keep on kicking r-wing ass.

Indeed! It's the gift that keeps on giving...With the latest shoe to drop from the Arizona legislature: Ariz. Bill Could Require Reason for Birth Control - ABC News

I can't believe the GOP is so out of control...but it's HILARIOUS.

I'm sure you caught this:

When a Wall Street Journal-NBC News survey asked in the summer which party should control Congress, 46 percent of women favored Democrats and 42 percent preferred Republican control.

But in a survey released Monday, compiling data since the beginning of the year, that figure had widened considerably to a 15-point advantage for the Democrats, according to polling by the team of Democratic pollster Peter Hart and Republican Bill McInturff. Fifty-one percent favored Democratic control; only 36 percent wanted to see the Republicans in charge.
And yet was Rush's offensive analogy, for which he apologized, any worse than this? And so far as I know there has been no similar outrage, no calls for sponsors to ditch Schultz, and no apology has been forthcoming:

Ed Schultz calls Laura Ingraham a "Slut" - YouTube

So we would sort of have to see that there is a huge double standard, yes?

I have no problem with criticizing Rush's choice of words. I was just as dismayed with that as the next person. But I have a HUGE problem with self-righteous leftwing groups organizing to threaten sponsors who refuse to ditch Rush. That is unAmerican and a dangerous thing if it isn't as criticized as Limbaugh himself has been.

Really? He never apologized to Ms. Ingram? I seem to remember that differently........

[ame=]Ed Schultz Apology To Laura Ingraham For Calling Her A "Right-Wing Slut" - YouTube[/ame]

And here's Ms. Ingram accepting his apology...........

[ame=]The Laura Ingraham Show - Laura accepts Ed Schultz's apology - YouTube[/ame]

And.........oh yeah..........Ed Schultz VOLUNTARILY suspended himself for 5 days from his radio show.

Limp Idiot didn't do that.

Okay so Ed Shultz did apologize and Laura graciously accepted the apology,. And that ended it. So I stand corrected there. But Schultz suspended himself voluntarily? No, he offered to suspend himself for five days and make a public apology if MSNBC did not fire him which they threatened to do. MSNBC agreed. (See references in the Daily Caller and I think Politico.)

Rush's analogy was far less personally directed and he also made an apology. He can't very well fire himself because he is his own corporation, and there was no call for his suspension. Only that he be dumped by sponsors, stations, networks. So far I am unaware that any station has dumped him.

It isn't the first time that Rush has spoken before he thinks and that his mouth got him in trouble. He deserved all the criticism he got and he was right to apologize for it.

But it is just wrong to organize and threaten a business with economic retaliation unless that busiiness punishes somebody they sponsor. If that is allowed to happen, we can soon kiss the First Amendment goodbye. That is a totally different thing than boycotting a business engaged in unethical or immoral practices that are intentionally hurting people; for example the Nestle Corp. back in the 1980's. But those of us boycotting Nestle certainly didn't go to other businesses and threaten them if they bought Nestle products.

If you don't like what a talk show host says, turn off the radio or change the station. If enough people are offended and do the same, the Nielsen ratings will take him/her off the air soon enough.
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Doesn't change the fact that he did suspend himself for 5 days, had made a full heartfelt apology, and that it was accepted by Ms. Ingram.

You were wrong Fox.
Doesn't change the fact that he did suspend himself for 5 days, had made a full heartfelt apology, and that it was accepted by Ms. Ingram.

You were wrong Fox.

I conceded that I was wrong about the apology.

You need to concede that you were wrong about him voluntarily suspending himself. MSNBC accepted his offer of a five day suspension in lieu of being fired which MSNBC wanted. It was a negotiatied either/or siituation, not some kind of magnanimous offer to voluntarily suspend hmself.
then they are in good company, cause there is still enough stupid people around who actually believe what Obama spews..
but you can dream Rush will have some sort of impact come November..gawd knows you all need SOMETHING to hold onto..
Unemployment STILL over 8% after Obama fleeced us out of 800 billion dollars and promised that would bring unemployment down and give ALL them SHOEVEL ready jobs..
gas inching up to 5dollars a been SHOPPING for groceries lately?
And that is the intent, isn't it? Get Limbaugh out of the way. Keep him from exposing Obama and the left for what they really are...

Limbaugh isn't going anywhere. The left has been at it since 1986.

Yet Limbaugh is stronger than he's ever been.

Oh, so he's not just an entertainer as he claims. He's your messiah? LOL!!! An Oxycodone addict. Makes sense. Loser.

Nice word. Shame you don't know what it means.

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