Rush's caller who is afraid of conservative message of self reliance


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Rush's caller (Ian from Ft Meyers) who is afraid of conservative message of self reliance

Rush Limbaugh just spent a verry long time with a 31 y/o caller, Ian, from Ft. Meyers FL. And try as he might, Rush wasn't quite able to understand where he was coming from.

Ian said that Conservative candidates' message of self reliance is frightening or scary.

And i 've been screaming at the radio that the reason Ian is nervous about self reliance is because the Obama regime has screwed up the economy so badly that even college grads are unemployed and forced to take min. wage jobs. And the with the other hand the Obama regime is telling them they can count on a benign Big Brother, All Powerful Federal government with these entitlement progams and ACA and such, to help them out, to think of as a safety net and to rely on.

Contrast that with the message of self reliance of Conservative candidates and you can understand how a young person would be nervous and hesitant to go Conservative.

Ian and others feel like they are battered wives who have no job skills and must endure battering just so they aren't made homeless and hungry.
Obama is part of the problem while the mainstream media, public school teachers, and parents play a role as well. Conservative leaders are going to have to come up with a strategy for reaching the young and the very young with the message of freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, hard work and the rewards that come with hard work. The Libs are doing a great job of infecting America's young minds. Normal Americans (Conservatives) will have to come to the rescue if we have any hope of national survival.
Obama is part of the problem while the mainstream media, public school teachers, and parents play a role as well. Conservative leaders are going to have to come up with a strategy for reaching the young and the very young with the message of freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, hard work and the rewards that come with hard work. The Libs are doing a great job of infecting America's young minds. Normal Americans (Conservatives) will have to come to the rescue if we have any hope of national survival.

:clap2: :thup: :up: :iagree: :clap: :rock:
Rush says we've become a nation of children.

Do you agree?
Socialism for the rich, self-reliance for the non-rich lol, Rushbot.

Conservatism is now pure pandering to the rich, and total bs for the rest. Just how a person who's not a total idiot could believe Obama ruined the economy, or that the number on UE and Welfare result from an Obama policy.The dupes don't know about the Boosh world depression or mindless Pub obstruction, THE stories of the last 6 years...

At least under the Dems we're fixed the Pub catastrophes, and haven't started any new deregulated THIEVERY. I'm betting this is a year of recovery, DESPITE Pubs.
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Socialism for the rich, self-reliance for the non-rich lol, Rushbot.

Conservatism is now pure pandering to the rich, and total bs for the rest. Just how a person who's not a total idiot could believe Obama ruined the economy, or that the number on UE and Welfare result from an Obama policy.The dupes don't know about the Boosh world depression or mindless Pub obstruction, THE stories of the last 6 years...

At least under the Dems we're fixed the Pub catastrophes, and haven't started any new deregulated THIEVERY. I'm betting this is a year of recovery, DESPITE Pubs.

Fixed nothing. Made it worse.
I do not understand why everyone thinks that Republicans are not big-government. Are the people who say that blind or something? Banning abortion, gay marriage drugs and 'spreading democracy' with a huge military force doesn't sound like a small government. And it is even used for worse things than Democrats. Their idea of affordable healthcare is better than an almighty army that intervenes everywhere on the Earth. Maybe a bit more useful as well.
Rush's caller (Ian from Ft Meyers) who is afraid of conservative message of self reliance

Rush Limbaugh just spent a verry long time with a 31 y/o caller, Ian, from Ft. Meyers FL. And try as he might, Rush wasn't quite able to understand where he was coming from.

Ian said that Conservative candidates' message of self reliance is frightening or scary.

And i 've been screaming at the radio that the reason Ian is nervous about self reliance is because the Obama regime has screwed up the economy so badly that even college grads are unemployed and forced to take min. wage jobs. And the with the other hand the Obama regime is telling them they can count on a benign Big Brother, All Powerful Federal government with these entitlement progams and ACA and such, to help them out, to think of as a safety net and to rely on.

Contrast that with the message of self reliance of Conservative candidates and you can understand how a young person would be nervous and hesitant to go Conservative.

Ian and others feel like they are battered wives who have no job skills and must endure battering just so they aren't made homeless and hungry.

I think that blaming the "economy " is a lame excuse. There are PLENTY of people making money, there's still PLENTY of OPPORTUNITY to do just that if a person is WILLING to put the WORK into getting what they want. It's a numbers game and that's one of the basic tenets of salesmanship (YOU HAVE TO SELL YOURSELF), if you hit on one hundred people for work, you may get ten of them, from those ten a hundred more opportunities may be available.

It's not up to ANY President or politician to give individual an education or job skills, it's up to that individual to acquire those. There are plenty of programs that the government does make available to those who want to utilize them to better themselves. SBA, grants, loans, etc.
Obama is part of the problem while the mainstream media, public school teachers, and parents play a role as well. Conservative leaders are going to have to come up with a strategy for reaching the young and the very young with the message of freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, hard work and the rewards that come with hard work.

That's exactly what "da libs" teach, it's the radical right which are brainwashing the children and are a plague on society.
They think being ignorant, taking lies as truth, and dropping out of school in the 5th grade are all good things.
Rush's caller (Ian from Ft Meyers) who is afraid of conservative message of self reliance

Rush Limbaugh just spent a verry long time with a 31 y/o caller, Ian, from Ft. Meyers FL. And try as he might, Rush wasn't quite able to understand where he was coming from.

Ian said that Conservative candidates' message of self reliance is frightening or scary.

And i 've been screaming at the radio that the reason Ian is nervous about self reliance is because the Obama regime has screwed up the economy so badly that even college grads are unemployed and forced to take min. wage jobs. And the with the other hand the Obama regime is telling them they can count on a benign Big Brother, All Powerful Federal government with these entitlement progams and ACA and such, to help them out, to think of as a safety net and to rely on.

Contrast that with the message of self reliance of Conservative candidates and you can understand how a young person would be nervous and hesitant to go Conservative.

Ian and others feel like they are battered wives who have no job skills and must endure battering just so they aren't made homeless and hungry.
"Self reliance" is a myth, like most right-wing dogma. No Man is an Island. One of these days you might grow the F up and learn that.
"Self reliance" is a myth, like most right-wing dogma.

Why would anyone waste time being "self reliant" when, for cost of a vote, one can have all of life's necessities and lots of life's goodies as free government handouts?

Only question is where the money to supply the goodies might come from when everybody has figured that out.
"Self reliance" is a myth, like most right-wing dogma.

Why would anyone waste time being "self reliant" when, for cost of a vote, one can have all of life's necessities and lots of life's goodies as free government handouts?

Only question is where the money to supply the goodies might come from when everybody has figured that out.

From the self-reliant.
"Self reliance" is a myth, like most right-wing dogma.

Why would anyone waste time being "self reliant" when, for cost of a vote, one can have all of life's necessities and lots of life's goodies as free government handouts?

Only question is where the money to supply the goodies might come from when everybody has figured that out.

From the self-reliant.
No such thing. Nice myth though, or Ayn Rand character.
Rush's caller (Ian from Ft Meyers) who is afraid of conservative message of self reliance

Rush Limbaugh just spent a verry long time with a 31 y/o caller, Ian, from Ft. Meyers FL. And try as he might, Rush wasn't quite able to understand where he was coming from.

Ian said that Conservative candidates' message of self reliance is frightening or scary.

And i 've been screaming at the radio that the reason Ian is nervous about self reliance is because the Obama regime has screwed up the economy so badly that even college grads are unemployed and forced to take min. wage jobs. And the with the other hand the Obama regime is telling them they can count on a benign Big Brother, All Powerful Federal government with these entitlement progams and ACA and such, to help them out, to think of as a safety net and to rely on.

Contrast that with the message of self reliance of Conservative candidates and you can understand how a young person would be nervous and hesitant to go Conservative.

Ian and others feel like they are battered wives who have no job skills and must endure battering just so they aren't made homeless and hungry.

Don't blame the government on this one, blame his parents who never taught the little wimp to stand on his own two feet, I'll bet they are as liberal as they come. If parents don't teach self reliance who will, the schools, not fucking likely, after all schools are government, they teach dependence.

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