Russell Wilson Benched

McAfee just showed a text that said Wilson was approached and told if he did not waive the injury designation on his contract that he would be benched, and Wilson refused to do so. He is done in the NFL, and has played that way since he arrived in Denver.

That is just pathetic. How much money does one person need. Land O' Goshen!
All players have strengths and weaknesses. A good coach tailors his game plans to take advantage of the strengths and minimize the weaknesses. You can’t wish or force a player into doing what he’s not able to do.

When it comes to Wilson, Pete Carroll got it and the last two Denver coaches didn’t.
Payton was no fan of Wilson, that I know of, and had to work with what was left of him, he told the Walmart guy that Russ was washed and that it was time to move on from him (privately, of course) because Payton inherited this colossal mistake of a contract. I think it is kind of funny that a team run by John Elway can never get the QB position right.
Actually he played well. He was the only credible weapon they had on offense. They couldn’t run the ball. They have seven rushing TD’s. Wilson had six of them.

They were a one dimensional offense. That wasn't Wilson’s fault.

No he did not. One season terrible and terrible start this year. He became pretty good second half of the year. He could move more and throw on the run.
He's kind of like Matt Ryan. He makes some good throws...but he doesn't make THE throw.
Wilson has been considered the best deep ball thrower for several years. He hasn’t lost that skill. In Denver he had no running game to force a defense to also play the run. Against Denver a defense only needed to concentrate on the pass. Wilson’s receivers did not work hard to get open. They appeared lazy. One of them, probably Jeudy, will be playing elsewhere next season.
I used to think so as well, but after watching Brady win 7 Super Bowls, I put Brady ahead of anyone.
Brady had great instincts and read defenses better than almost any QB I've ever seen but Rodgers has more pure talent.
Brady had great instincts and read defenses better than almost any QB I've ever seen.
Brady was great when he was protected better than any QB in the NFL. In NE he generally had a top shelf O line.
Carroll gets more production out of his players than almost any other NFL head coach.
I’ll bet he wishes his offensive coordinator would have given Lynch the last carry in Super Bowl 49.
The Denver Broncos are benching Russell Wilson for the last two games of the season.

Wilson went from a probable hall of famer to a guy who’s getting benched for a mediocre back up. He’s being made the scape goat for a bad team.

I don’t know how Wilson can remain with the Broncos now.
He's not being made a scapegoat, he's a fucking slacker....Won it all once, and now wants to make bank for just showing up.
He's not being made a scapegoat, he's a fucking slacker....Won it all once, and now wants to make bank for just showing up.
There’s nothing in Wilson’s history to suggest he’s a slacker. The notion he is, is silly.
A significant dropoff in stats, that can't only be explained by going to a shitty team.

He's either a slacker or the game has completely passed him by in record time.
His play this year was much better than last year. He had almost 30 TD’s and 8 interceptions. His team had 7 rushing TD’s. 6’of those were by Wilson. That’s not the sign of a slacker.

He is being held accountable for poor team play. He’s being held accountable for poor play calling by the coaching staff.
peyton is almost a god here in new orleans. we had some good years with him and brees.
Drew Brees was a great quarterback, IMO, Definitely a HOF talent.

My cheapskate, hometown team, the San Diego Chargers made the dumbest mistake in league history by not finding a way to keep him.
I've never liked them.
Hands down, they are the worst franchise in the NFL.

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