Russia About To Go Full Throttle On Islamic State?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
I was on a Russian board this morning when islamic state released pics of what it claims are the jet blowing up in the air. This onfo along with radar data obtained by Israel and released has fueled that board into FULL FURY.

So lets take a look at what islamic state is CLAIMING to be pictures of the mid air explosion.

Okay so THAT is the pictures CLAIMED by islamic state to be the explosion ON the aircraft. Now from Royal United Services and their General lets have a look at the planes altitude and air speed.


See the issue here? Straight down. Not a moment desending, straight down. Now we republicans have been TRYING to tell you democrats to sit down and shut the hell up that Putin has bought and owns this war. Here is the islamic state statement on it.

Now a community complainer and an UN-convicted felon are NO match for this. ALL terrorist attention is now squarely on Russia AND Putin. HIS people and HIS economy. So you war mongering retards BETTER think this one through.

The Russia boards are calling for MASS death of muslims, MASS death. You democrats NEED to sit down and shut the h#ll up because we do NOT own this one. And more importantly we do NOT need to. Tell YOUR islamic president to shut his damn mouth and that UN-convicted felon you are running as well.

NOTE. I did NOT use the Russia board as it IS a social site. I USED the site they draw stuff from, well at least one of them.
They released that video the day of the crash, and it looked like it was taken by a cell phone. No way it would even see a plane at 30,000 ft.
If the tail falls off, one possibility will be the aircraft falls straight down. So that does not necessarily indicate a bomb.

And TWA flight 800 blew up and broke in two when a fuel tank overheated. No bomb was necessary.

And forensics will be able to conclusively determine if a bomb was involved. Quickly. It's a flat desert, so all the debris can just be picked up.

And what some Russian boards say is not particularly relevant, as everyone knows there are plenty of unstable people in Russia too.
Nonetheless, it still could very well been a bomb. If that is the case, Russians will really take it to them. Wish we had a President willing to work with Russia in destroying Islamists.
They released that video the day of the crash, and it looked like it was taken by a cell phone. No way it would even see a plane at 30,000 ft.
As I said it was what they "claimed" so let them have it and the anger it brings. The flight drop shown is rather telling though. Granted a "glide scope" would be sharp and short but there would be one.
If the tail falls off, one possibility will be the aircraft falls straight down. So that does not necessarily indicate a bomb.

And TWA flight 800 blew up and broke in two when a fuel tank overheated. No bomb was necessary.

And forensics will be able to conclusively determine if a bomb was involved. Quickly. It's a flat desert, so all the debris can just be picked up.

And what some Russian boards say is not particularly relevant, as everyone knows there are plenty of unstable people in Russia too.
Its everything he NEEDS to get full approval for full combat. Let him have it.
If they do and don't go nuke they are going to have to do it old fashioned way......carpet bombing , oddly they haven't stocked very many smart bombs. Load up all your Bear bombers , hit all the training camps followed hard by helo assault to ones you can reach.
Since they want to unite the Muslim world against the West, of he does he'll be playing right in their hands. They couldn't win Afghanistan, and they won't win Syria either.
America cannot win any conflict so long as we have a "president" dedicated to taking the nation down a notch.....

Maybe ISIS didn't take the plane down; maybe it did. What should sting is that their claim is so easily accepted in light of the regime's soft-on-terrorism stance.
If they do and don't go nuke they are going to have to do it old fashioned way......carpet bombing , oddly they haven't stocked very many smart bombs. Load up all your Bear bombers , hit all the training camps followed hard by helo assault to ones you can reach.
But let Putin do it so any Wrath goes to him and his country.
America cannot win any conflict so long as we have a "president" dedicated to taking the nation down a notch.....

Maybe ISIS didn't take the plane down; maybe it did. What should sting is that their claim is so easily accepted in light of the regime's soft-on-terrorism stance.
I see it more as it giving an excuse to the dumbest person in the room to get into the biggest fight. Can Putin beat them? Does it matter? Not to me.
Since they want to unite the Muslim world against the West, of he does he'll be playing right in their hands. They couldn't win Afghanistan, and they won't win Syria either.
Well we agree, damn we better check our meds!
Its a suckers bet and he bit.
Putin has a current 90% approval rating in Russia even after sanctions and oil price declines have put his economy in a tailspin. Combine that fact with the Russian siege mentality (their pain threshold is very, very high), he needs to send ISIS straight to hell wherever they find them......Iraq, Libya, and the Sinai!
Since they want to unite the Muslim world against the West, of he does he'll be playing right in their hands. They couldn't win Afghanistan, and they won't win Syria either.

What a surprise, PaintMyPuss' response is roll over and appease Muslims.
Since they want to unite the Muslim world against the West, of he does he'll be playing right in their hands. They couldn't win Afghanistan, and they won't win Syria either.

What a surprise, PaintMyPuss' response is roll over and appease Muslims.
I appease them the same as I do all other lunacy called religion. When someone sets a trap, don't fall into it.
Putin has a current 90% approval rating in Russia even after sanctions and oil price declines have put his economy in a tailspin. Combine that fact with the Russian siege mentality (their pain threshold is very, very high), he needs to send ISIS straight to hell wherever they find them......Iraq, Libya, and the Sinai!
Even our own liars couldn't weasel another cause. It was a bomb on the plane.

If Putin wants to destroy isis, he'll have to follow them to Germany, Sweden and the USA.

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