Russia banned us access to the space station


I was talking to a young engineer in my office today who is more into this stuff than I am, and he said they are talking about how they don't expect the next generation of shuttles to be ready until the lat 2020's.

Keep democrats in office and we will never again have a shuttle. All the money will be spent on the poor and sex change operations for the military.

I was talking to a young engineer in my office today who is more into this stuff than I am, and he said they are talking about how they don't expect the next generation of shuttles to be ready until the lat 2020's.
I believe it.

At Gubmint pace, anyway.

All the more reason to try to find a way to kick-start a Private-Public Sector Partnership on the subject...

I was talking to a young engineer in my office today who is more into this stuff than I am, and he said they are talking about how they don't expect the next generation of shuttles to be ready until the lat 2020's.

Keep democrats in office and we will never again have a shuttle. All the money will be spent on the poor and sex change operations for the military.
I believe that too.
What we should do is learn how to mind our own business and stop interfering in the affairs of other nations.

I don't understand the inclination to antagonize Russia when it seems to me a closer alliance would be advantageous. I am strongly opposed to another cold war with a nation we definitely don't want a hot war with. Russia will make a better friend than an enemy.

Russia never liked us and never will.

All Obama did was walk right into Russia's traps.

After it was discovered that Russians were helping Saddam remove his WMDs into Syria I knew that Russia was trying to get even for Afghanistan back in the 80s.

Oh Please! You have no legitimate evidence that Russia moved squat for Saddam, other than a couple of whacked out bloggers. No Link No Luck

Well, 101st fired up a convoy leaving on the road up North of Baghdad and they claimed to have been journalists or diplomats. Russians. 101st didn't inspect their cargo. Now Putin offers to take the same WMDs out of Syria. Probably give em to somebody else.

I was talking to a young engineer in my office today who is more into this stuff than I am, and he said they are talking about how they don't expect the next generation of shuttles to be ready until the lat 2020's.
I believe it.

At Gubmint pace, anyway.

All the more reason to try to find a way to kick-start a Private-Public Sector Partnership on the subject...

Profits are evil.....:mad:

I was talking to a young engineer in my office today who is more into this stuff than I am, and he said they are talking about how they don't expect the next generation of shuttles to be ready until the lat 2020's.

We should get rid of all cars that don't pump out Sunshine and roses.

They expect to have cars like that in about 40 years.

Meanwhile, maybe we can thumb a ride with the Chinese.
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I was talking to a young engineer in my office today who is more into this stuff than I am, and he said they are talking about how they don't expect the next generation of shuttles to be ready until the lat 2020's.

We should get rid of all cars that don't pump out Sunshine and roses.

They expect to have cars like that in about 40 years.

Meanwhile, maybe we can thumb a ride with the Chinese.

Your boy Bush spent 8 years making war on Saddam at a Trillion dollars a shot.

We could have bought a lot of Shuttles for that.

I was talking to a young engineer in my office today who is more into this stuff than I am, and he said they are talking about how they don't expect the next generation of shuttles to be ready until the lat 2020's.

We should get rid of all cars that don't pump out Sunshine and roses.

They expect to have cars like that in about 40 years.

Meanwhile, maybe we can thumb a ride with the Chinese.

Your boy Bush spent 8 years making war on Saddam at a Trillion dollars a shot.

We could have bought a lot of Shuttles for that.

Your boy Obama spent twice that much and we have nothing to show for it.
They have no such thing. Fail.

Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

For the past two years, House Republicans have continued to deprioritize the security forces protecting State Department personnel around the world. In fiscal year 2011, lawmakers shaved $128 million off of the administration's request for embassy security funding. House Republicans drained off even more funds in fiscal year 2012 -- cutting back on the department's request by $331 million.

When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.

Because Bush/Republicans/wall street crashed the economy in 2007-2008.
This is what happens when you elect a president that has an "America comes Last" philosophy.

Obama hates this country so much that he gave away all of our advantages, simply as a series of goodwill gestures to our enemies.

This is what caused Benghazi.

"Hey, we're harmless. Please don't kill us!!!"

Republicans reducing security funding?

We both know that's a lie.

The sequester illustrated that the White House decides where funding goes. They can always cut a little bit here and send it over there.

I figure they could have properly protected that compound with 1 million dollars a year or less.

Maybe if Michelle had had one less lavish party those people would be alive today.

They spent more money and put up more security keeping WWII vets out and closing parks than they did protecting our ambassador.

Guess again.

Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

I was talking to a young engineer in my office today who is more into this stuff than I am, and he said they are talking about how they don't expect the next generation of shuttles to be ready until the lat 2020's.
I believe it.

At Gubmint pace, anyway.

All the more reason to try to find a way to kick-start a Private-Public Sector Partnership on the subject...

Profits are evil.....:mad:

Profiteers are evil.
We should get rid of all cars that don't pump out Sunshine and roses.

They expect to have cars like that in about 40 years.

Meanwhile, maybe we can thumb a ride with the Chinese.

Your boy Bush spent 8 years making war on Saddam at a Trillion dollars a shot.

We could have bought a lot of Shuttles for that.

Your boy Obama spent twice that much and we have nothing to show for it.

Well, no, he really didn't.

Most of what he found in his budget- tax cuts, wars, bailouts- were stuff Bush left him like a flaming bag of dogshit on the porch.

Seriously, guy, when are you going to own up that we all fucked up when we let Bush steal the presidency? I voted for that idiot twice, and I regret it.
Elon Musk owner of SpaceX is probably jumping for joy & praising Putin & Obama. He has the only rockets made all in the USA. His competitors all buy rocket engines from Russia. So now he is our only contractor who can launch into space. He is going to get filthy rich off this.

Musk should send Putin some nice Champaign for increasing his sales.
The democrat goal is not advancement in space. It's wealth redistribution. You might see illegal immigrants get more benefits, but not an increase in funding for our non existent space program.
I predict this will be the fastest funding increase for NASA in history, for a new fleet of shuttles.
Preferably, a newer and better flavor of shuttle; safer and more reliable.

If the government and idiot voters are involved I wouldn't count on it.
Which is why I'm hoping to see a Gubmint-Private Sector partnership, this next time around.

All the pieces are in-place and conditions are right.

Now, whether that translates into Reality or not, well, that's a different animal...

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