Russia bashes Trump on Syria etc


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Russia Bashes Trump as Syria Gas Attack Hits Hopes for Detente

“Unfortunately we have to deal with the U.S. as it is -- with its own interests that it tries to impose on the rest of the world,” said Karaganov. “So we’ll have to be ready to strictly contain them if they try again to go beyond the realm of polite behavior.”

Truer words have never been said!

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswomanMaria Zakharova on Wednesday criticized the international reaction to the attack, which she said was based on “fake” information about the involvement of Assad forces.

Assad’s Allies
The goal is to sabotage Russian efforts to promote a peace settlement in Syria -- already in difficulty after a cease-fire brokered by Russia and Turkey has started to collapse -- as well as revive efforts to oust Assad, she said.

Imagine that....taking a wait and see and figure it out approach compared to the idiot US's bull in a china shop approach.
Color me shocked, the left siding with the USSR.
1. Show me where I am a "leftist"
2. USSR hasn't existed since late 80's early 90's.

You should leave the FACTS to people who know what the fuck they are talking about. I side with PEACE which the owners of the US do not want. I don't mean president Trump either.
The US has no allies in Syria.

The US has no interests in Syria.

Syria cannot reach the US with a nuclear missile like N.Korea can.

Syria is Israel's problem. Iran is also Israel's problem. Not the USA's problem.
Russia is a gangster state. Any comms coming out of there need to be viewed in that light.

Right on, Tommy! Russia needs Syria (under Assad, or another puppet).
The only interest the USA has in Syria is the profits in weapons manufacture.
We wouldn't be involved but for that.
Color me shocked, the left siding with the USSR.
Odium is the Left? LOL.


Are you are one of the many low information voters that voted for trump, right?
Lol. I voted for Trump because he was the ONLY candidate worth voting for. I was never going to vote democrat hell wasn't planning on voting at all until Trump got in.

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