Russia-China Warn US That Israeli Attack On Iran Means “World War”


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
Saturday, 18 July 2009 09:26

A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Medvedev and Chinese President Hu have issued an “urgent warning” to the United States that says if the Americans allow an Israeli nuclear attack upon Iran, “World War will be our response”.

Fueling Russian and Chinese fears are intelligence reports stating that Israel has moved over three-quarters of its Naval Forces through the Suez Canal and has assembled over 30 of its US-built fighter jets in Kurdistan for a planned attack using American made “bunker busting” bombs and nuclear armed cruise missiles.

Russia-China Warn US That Israeli Attack On Iran Means “World War”

Edited to comply with fair use

Putting aside doubts as to the accuracy of the story, show of hands, how many people think the Russians and Chinese will risk a nuclear exchange to avenge Iran:

It's a matter of economic investment. I have no doubt whatsoever that Russia and China would prevent israel from nuking iran. But, the funnier question is, do you think little zion gives a fuck how many America get thrown under the nuclear bus defending that little bastion of jewishness as long as it knows it can cry antisemite at any criticism of its desire to ironically kill iranians.
It's a matter of economic investment. I have no doubt whatsoever that Russia and China would prevent israel from nuking iran. But, the funnier question is, do you think little zion gives a fuck how many America get thrown under the nuclear bus defending that little bastion of jewishness as long as it knows it can cry antisemite at any criticism of its desire to ironically kill iranians.

I knew you'd like this thread.
Putting aside doubts as to the accuracy of the story, show of hands, how many people think the Russians and Chinese will risk a nuclear exchange to avenge Iran:
Apparently conventional attacks would be OK right?
Only a few comments on this one, Russia and China while paying lip service to Iran on this matter if the article is true and based on Russia's recent history of boasting I have no doubt that somewhere in the Kremlin somewhere, someone made the remark. However, if and thats a BIG IF Israel decided to go ahead with a strike like the one on Iraq several years ago, it would be very doubtful that Russia or China both would risk their own economic and civilian futures over Iran. While they may covertly support efforts to counter-strike or even overtly, the risks of an open exchange with the West over this issue would be very low as both those nations have much to lose in such an exchange.
It's a matter of economic investment. I have no doubt whatsoever that Russia and China would prevent israel from nuking iran. But, the funnier question is, do you think little zion gives a fuck how many America get thrown under the nuclear bus defending that little bastion of jewishness as long as it knows it can cry antisemite at any criticism of its desire to ironically kill iranians.

I knew you'd like this thread.

now, tell me i'm wrong. Calling someone an antisemite for posting a thread like this just doesn't impress me. Of COURSE russia and china have a vested interest in iran. Kinda like we do in S Korea and, as a matter of fact, israel. Are you telling me that the US would not pounce into a world war if russia backed iran invaded zion? Better yet, do you REALLY have any illusion that israel would fall on it's sword for the US when our disposable support is nothing more than a means to an end?

Clearly, i should have put on plush gloves and used baby powder so as to not hurt some jewish feelings.
The Russia/China threat is real and its not just about Iran, Iran may be the catalyst but they would attack Israel no doubt about it. The mistake that we in the West make is that Isral/Russia/China have one thing in common, they don't value human life where we in the West try to limit our casulties all the time.

What is at stake here is the removal of the US as any kind of superpower, the removal of Israel and its ambitious plans for the ME. These actions would see China as a new superpower and Russia back in the old seat again. Iran and israel are just the pawns in a much bigger game.

America is in a perilous state finacially and it knows that if China floods the market with worthless dollars it will sink the US. Yes the US will still be military strong in the short term but the country is not about to commit mass suicide for a few million people in Israel. And just how long could it sustain any kind of conflict with no money, no oil and no support. Israel knows its back is against the wall and will hope that the gamble can be taken but they are not in control of the whole situation and they have no control over Russia or China as they do with the US.

Also its simple numbers Russia and China can and could take massive damage, Israel simply cannot afford to, it does not have the territory or the people to sustain any kind of massive armed conflict for any length of time. It is to ridiculous to believe that Israel feels threatened by a nation that does not even have nukes yet and even if it did could not match what Israel has now.

No the game being played out here is for the removal of the US from the World stage of influence and the removal of Israel from the ME. Both China/Russia have the means to bring this about and again who is going to risk nuke attack for Israel. Rightly or wrongly a bigger power struggle is being played out here where the stakes are huge and I think if Israel does make that fatal mistake we are all going to suffer for it in one way or another.

It won't just be nukes going off it will be a finacial meltdown that we cannot even dream of. A total politcal, finacial and power change around the globe. The perps want this to happen, they want this massive change to be brought about just as they have engineered all the other events that take them closer to their goal.

We must ask the question who is the bigger threat to World peace and stability Iran or Israel and if we decide its Israel what are we going to do about it?
Maybe we should hang on to the F-22 program after all. I'd hate to be caught with the second-best fighter plane in the next World War.
Iran is doing all it can to provoke Israel to the point of no return and Obama seems to be helping the Iranians
Putting aside doubts as to the accuracy of the story, show of hands, how many people think the Russians and Chinese will risk a nuclear exchange to avenge Iran:


I say go for it! Time to settle old grudges! :lol:
Putting aside doubts as to the accuracy of the story, show of hands, how many people think the Russians and Chinese will risk a nuclear exchange to avenge Iran:


Highly unlikely. Mutually Assured Destruction is as mutual and assured as it ever was.
Putting aside doubts as to the accuracy of the story, show of hands, how many people think the Russians and Chinese will risk a nuclear exchange to avenge Iran:


apparently Adolf Octoldit does.

How long does America as a nation allow less than 3% of its population to cause enormous problems which threaten this countries very survival and peace in the world?

The Zionist people have no peace for very justifiable reasons. They have the attitude that everyone is cattle but themselves, and they can do whatever they want to other nations and peoples “with no consequences”. They have no peace and misery loves company.

They live in an Israeli police state, and want others to experience their paranoid, irrational policies, and maniacal lifestyle. New York City is becoming more of a police state everyday, and they want this for all America and the world. The control and involvement they had in the false-flag operation called 9-11, and the communist policies that have been put in place afterward confirms the fact that 9-11 was the “means” to an (communist) “end”.

They are always wining about the holocaust, but use the control of media to conceal the fact that Stalin was a Jew, and the Soviet Union was a strictly Zionist operation in all aspects. They want control all information to try and conceal facts such as these. The sorcery of their mind control techniques rest in their great skill in bribery and the magician side of hands, and tricks to shift one attention away their massive array of very serious crimes worldwide.

Speak the truth about them, and suddenly the attention is shifted to (Adolph) Germany. Stalin made it a capital offense to speak the truth about Jewish Crimes. Now in this very day anyone that speaks the truth about them and their Communist policies are suddenly deemed anti-Semite (which is a misnomer) or a “terrorist”. Notice the colossal hypocrisy in terms of the chief of staff here in the U.S who is a Zionist, and the son of a Terrorist!

If it was not for “Adolph” a whole lot more than half of Germany would have been Communist… all of Europe would have been communist! The Zionist media shifted the attention away from Lenin and Stalin, and that the same communisms that threaten all of Europe now threatens the whole world. The Communist world order. “New” is added to throw you off.

Take careful notice of how dangerous the Zionist media is in shaping opinion. The attention is shifted away from the Jew Stalin and his communist mission financed by the Zionist bankers at the core of the Federal Reserve, and Germany becomes the villain!

The focus is shifted away from Lenin and Stalin, and their push for communism that started all the trouble from the beginning, and placed on the resistance. Is Adolph still a threat? Is Germany is a threat? No; it’s the Zionist who are indeed communist who are the real threat, shifting the blame and pointing the accusing finger at others. False flag operations demonstrate their skill in deception.

As a group this people has proven themselves to be world’s biggest thieves and manipulators by far, dating all the way back to the Roman Empire. Cicero and many other made it clear the nature of the great majority of these people who want to call themselves the Jews.

The countries we are speaking of here are powerful neighboring countries, and prophecy speaks them joining together to increase their strength and power. Iran is in there geographic area, and it's extremely doubtful they will allow the Zionist to repeat what has been done in Iraq. And it remains to be seen how long Iraq will remain under the yoke of western imperialism.

The Zionist want the dollar to fall, and to suspend the Constitution. It’s very doubtful that Russia and Communist China will sit this one out.

It’s the Israelis that are the problem… they engineer wars time… after time… after time..., and cause of much pain and suffering. It’s just so amazing to see how they have gotten away with so much for so long.

When a major act of terrorism that is performed by them on these shores and Larry Silverstein (Zionist) receives 7 billion dollars for a crime that started two wars that has looted and continues to loot the American treasury, along with opening the flood gate for Communist policy and the loss of rights, and they get away with all this something is extremely wrong.
How long does America as a nation allow less than 3% of its population to cause enormous problems which threaten this countries very survival and peace in the world? .

oh and here i thought you were talking about the illegal problem.....

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