I thought every republican and conservative and Trump Supporter these past six years ALREADY WAS being called a Putin supporter?!
What I find most curious is that nearly EVERY leftist here is 100% behind Ukraine and on the offensive against Putin (and Russia) and we all know they are never on the right side of any issue!
We should all be. Sad that partisan hatred and blinders are causing a complete disconnect for a hell of a lot of supposed conservatives and Republicans.
If Putin is not stopped in Ukraine and allowed to keep his ill gotten gains there's absolutely nothing then remaining to keep him from doing the same thing in one nation after another in his quest to rebuild The Russian Empire.
Sooner or later we'll then come to a point where a direct conflict between NATO and Russia becomes unavoidable unless of course we take the coward's path and refuse to honor our commitment and responsibilities to NATO.
One stray rocket, shell or lost mechanized unit crossing into one of the NATO states will result in an immediate Article 5 emergency.
Just like Hitler could have been stopped in 39 with his invasion of Poland, Putin can and should be stopped in Ukraine. To do less is going to completely destabilize Europe and keep fuel prices at record levels.
In a wider war there would be no choice but to cut off his primary source of funding which is Russia's exports of petroleum, primarily crude oil and natural gas. That means we have to shut down his access to The Black Sea and target his oil and NG pipelines.
Once he has secured as much of Ukraine as he wants, he will have a complete stranglehold on Europe by controlling a sizeable chunk of their energy.
No industrialized nation can get along for very long with very limited extremely expensive energy.
We can help ourselves a hell of a lot if Biden gets his head out of his own crack on US energy policy but oil and NG are both traded and priced by the international market so what drives up prices in Europe will also drive them up here.
From our own economy's stand point getting back to full bore on exploration and refining here in the US also would mean billions in federal and state revenues from same not to mention all those very good, well paying jobs with benefits.
Right now the democrats seem to be hell bent on destroying our fossil fuel industry, the very beating heart of the US since the beginning of WWII.
Instead the woke agenda, not common sense is driving our energy policy.