Russia has made a SPECIAL LIST and Biden, his druggy son, and most of Biden upper administration is on it

How convenient. You never mentioned when cnn where telling the truth about Trump being a fraudulent liar. How odd.

thats my speciality in fact. Between the lines today is you trying to put shit on Biden but its bulging out.

Really? What a scoop. I'll bet the CIA never knew that. You are revolutionary in research. What an assets.

Did he really. Well in fact your wrong but republicans always twist the facts. But if your comfortable with that conclusion, knock yourself out. In case you didn't know, a wealthy Russian abroad has just put 1 million US on putins head. Keep it down vlad.

The difference being, they didn't block American banks and investments because no one us on their side. That is what is hiding between the lines honey.

Reading what it said will get you started.

Would you?
If I were you I wouldn't be so stupid to show you are a Russian sympathiser/ assett on here. I'll bet some one knows who you are.
Keep your head down boy. Youve made some massive claims.
Oh you are delusional--I wasn't reading the lines about what biden was doing in this article---I was reading about what Russia was doing. Biden and his group of crooks should be hiring food tasters --------

Oh and hun seriously---your comment:

Turtlesoup said:
He basically just put a target on the backs of crooked child smelling Joe, Crooked druggy rapist pervert Hunter, traitors Milley and Austin, fellow traveler Psaki which is ironic, and several others...
Did he really. Well in fact your wrong but republicans always twist the facts. But if your comfortable with that conclusion, knock yourself out. In case you didn't know, a wealthy Russian abroad has just put 1 million US on putins head. Keep it down vlad.

Welll that would explain Putin making his SPECIAL LIST for BIDEN AND CREW now wouldn't it. Your comment only strenghtens mine. You are a very silly troll.
How convenient. You never mentioned when cnn where telling the truth about Trump being a fraudulent liar. How odd.

thats my speciality in fact. Between the lines today is you trying to put shit on Biden but its bulging out.

Really? What a scoop. I'll bet the CIA never knew that. You are revolutionary in research. What an assets.

Did he really. Well in fact your wrong but republicans always twist the facts. But if your comfortable with that conclusion, knock yourself out. In case you didn't know, a wealthy Russian abroad has just put 1 million US on putins head. Keep it down vlad.

The difference being, they didn't block American banks and investments because no one us on their side. That is what is hiding between the lines honey.

Reading what it said will get you started.

Would you?
If I were you I wouldn't be so stupid to show you are a Russian sympathiser/ assett on here. I'll bet some one knows who you are.
Keep your head down boy. Youve made some massive claims.
Don't be silly---I am pulling against PUTIN and BIDEN------both are evil. I've made some massive claims here huH? That Biden and crew should hire food tasters? do realize that Putin is notorious for poisoning right?
Others included in the sanctions,

Secretary of State Antony Blinken;
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin;
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley;
CIA Director William Joseph Burns;
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki; National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan;
Deputy National Security Advisor Daleep Singh; Samantha Jane Power, administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development;
Adewale Adeyemo, the first deputy minister of finance;
and Reta Jo Lewis, the president of the Export-Import Bank.

Joe Biden
Hunter Biden
Hillary Clinton

Putin says it was “inevitable consequence of the extremely Russophobic course taken by the current U.S. administration.”

Strangely that's the same list of traitors I've got on my wall. Except Vlad left out the following Brennan , Clapper, Susan Rice, Adam Schiff, Barry Soetoro, James Comey, Peter Strzok. and Andrew McCabe.

Putin really isn't the type to do something without reason-----think "sanctions" might mean something else to Putin and his people spread across the world.

Ohh shit, that means Biden can no longer vacation in Russia's world famous swamps.
I read all sort of news----this story is one that has been confirmed on other sites. YES, I read all sides this way I know what the libs are lying about.

Hun, you don't read between the lines very well do you. Let me summarize the story for you in another way. PUTIN has people ALL OVER THE WORLD not just Russia honey. He basically just put a target on the backs of crooked child smelling Joe, Crooked druggy rapist pervert Hunter, traitors Milley and Austin, fellow traveler Psaki which is ironic, and several others...

I never heard of Russians actually SANCTIONING anyone---I don't think they SANCTION in the sense that we do at all. It is going to be interesting to see what they mean by Sanction. If I were Biden or one of the others, I would hire some personal food tasters very quickly here.
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah Putins saying look behind you, he has people.
2. And if those on his list begin dropping like flies, I will not be alarmed.
3. Might be for the better in the end.

It means Vlad has the goods on them all.
No dumbass it doesn't. Russia's economy was flushed down the toilet, in no small part due to efforts by Biden's administration. If Putin had any "goods" to cash in he would have done so long ago.

What it means is that Putin is down to silly, laughable measures. It's all he and his gas station country got.
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No more 10% for the "Big Guy."
No dumbass it doesn't. Russia's economy was flushed down the toilet, in no small part due to efforts by Biden's administration. If Putin had any goods to cash in he would have done it long ago.

What it means is that Putin is down to silly, laughable measures. It's all he and his gas station country got.
Putin started investigating in gold years ago. Too bad we got away from it.
Putin started investigating in gold years ago. Too bad we got away from it.
Maybe he should have been "investigating" into cleaning up vast corruption in his country, having actual elections that matter and not starting economy destorying wars.

You know, all that stuff little people actually like.
Maybe he should have been "investigating" into cleaning up vast corruption in his country, having actual elections that matter and not starting economy destorying wars.

You know, all that stuff little people actually like.
Lol, sounds like Biden. Working on ww3.
This is a direct quote from Trump on the Jeanine Pirro Tunnel of Towers Foundation Radio show on Sunday March 13th as he and she discussed the reasons for Putin's action against Ukraine.
TRUMP: "You say what's the purpose of this. They had a country, you could see it was a country where there was a lot of LOVE." "And WE'RE doing it because, you know, somebody wants to make his country larger, or he wants to put it back the way it was."

This is the guy who you right-wing morons thought would push back against Putin? Thank goodness that there is truth in Freudian Slips because there is never truth from Trump voluntarily. Remember when he said in Helsinki that he can't see why interference in the 2016 elections could possibly be Putin? Then tried to backtrack and say he meant, "I can't see any reason why it wouldn't be!" That correction made no logical sense at all.

Putin really isn't the type to do something without reason-----think "sanctions" might mean something else to Putin and his people spread across the world.

A true Putin Humper. Putin invaded Ukraine without reason. Or perhaps the reason is he has terminal cancer and it's now or never. Regardless, your admiration for this hateful murderer is most telling.

What will Russian sanctions mean for those sanctioned. Fuck all. They can't go to Russia.

All of you Russian Trolls are jumping up and down with glee over these meaningless sanctions. What a bunch of idiots you are!!
This is a direct quote from Trump on the Jeanine Pirro Tunnel of Towers Foundation Radio show on Sunday March 13th as he and she discussed the reasons for Putin's action against Ukraine.
TRUMP: "You say what's the purpose of this. They had a country, you could see it was a country where there was a lot of LOVE." "And WE'RE doing it because, you know, somebody wants to make his country larger, or he wants to put it back the way it was."

This is the guy who you right-wing morons thought would push back against Putin? Thank goodness that there is truth in Freudian Slips because there is never truth from Trump voluntarily. Remember when he said in Helsinki that he can't see why interference in the 2016 elections could possibly be Putin? Then tried to backtrack and say he meant, "I can't see any reason why it wouldn't be!" That correction made no logical sense at all.
You don't understand how PUTIN LOVES his country of old, dreams about its return to the glory years, and would work to put back together? REALLY? You don't understand?

Putin didn't attack under Trump to enlarge his country, because he knew Trump would thump him for it---PUtin instead picked and chose his moments to attack which was under feckless corrupt Obama and BIDEN.

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