"ruSSia" has proposed to deploy the Gulf Stream for the destruction of the United States"


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
I just wonder what Trump is gonna do , will he still protect putler in 2019 if putler ´d deploy the Gulf Stream...

"ruSSia has proposed to deploy the Gulf Stream for the destruction of the United States" ,

A thermonuclear charge of a radial dyke of the Icelandic Snayfelsjokull volcano will bring the southwestern slope with a glacier into the Atlantic Ocean and, as a result, provoke a reversal of the Gulf Stream, whose waters will flood the eastern coast of North America, the Military Industrial Courier reports.

“The resulting landslide will create water pressure in the basin of the Irminger Sea to the Labrador shelf, where the depth at the edge is 300 meters, in the canyon it is more than two kilometers. Thus we get a long wave in a southwesterly direction. How far it will go along the Miramishi axis - Washington, depends on the pressure, ”the author of the publication, Choro Tukembayev, believes.
According to him, “the natural channel is like a wind tunnel, at the entrance to which is a volcano, at the exit is Washington,” and is located across the Stalin Strait, which was mentioned by the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Soviet theoretical physicist Andrei Sakharov .

Tukembaev states that in the case of the use of the Russian underwater drone "Status-6" ("Poseidon") the consequences of superzunami aggravate the radioactive water. The author also considered the possibility of flooding Europe, which would require creating a wave in the “natural channel”, which starts from the volcanic island of Jan Mayen and reaches Amsterdam.

The publication of Tukembayev - a “response” to the article by the Deputy President on Information Policy of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences (RARAN), Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov , released in October. The material proposes for the destruction of the United States to dump on Yellowstone Supervolcano or the rifts of the Pacific coast hyper-caliber nuclear ammunition (more than one hundred megatons in TNT equivalent).


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The Earth will do what the Earth wants to do. Global warming, coming ice age, reverse the gulf stream, the Earth will decide and there is nothing we can do about it except adapt to the changes or go extinct. I think we should adapt but a lot of people will try to convince you that they know how to make the Earth do what they want it to do if you give them enough money.
As with any disaster. Some will survive. We just have to make sure none of the survivors are democrats.
I like turtles.

Someone has been watching to many James Bond movies .

Someone has been watching to many James Bond movies .
I was thinking Netflix.

Tsunamis and supervolcanoes: online discussing a "guaranteed" way to destroy the United States
The newspaper "Military-Industrial Courier" does not seem to be a publication capable of publishing resonant texts, but this is only at first glance!

The great interest of ordinary, no longer "military" media was caused by an article by Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov , published in the newspaper on October 23. Here are some excerpts:

After deep cuts in the nuclear arsenals of Russia and the United States, the probability of a nuclear winter is negligible. And this means that the nuclear war has returned to the area of rationality. The conditions under which the United States or Russia, having launched a preemptive nuclear war, can win it, that is, destroy the enemy physically and save themselves, exist. <...>

It follows that, under certain conditions, the American elite can go for a preventive nuclear war against Russia. If you get the assurance that the retaliatory strike will not lead to victims among the authorities and transnational manipulators. This is possible if, on the one hand, the United States will be able to deliver guaranteed disarming and decapitating attacks, and some of the surviving and launched Russian ICBMs will be destroyed by the missile defense system, at least those that threaten the elite. It will easily endure the victims of the American population of several million people, as well as certain losses of economic potential. This is an acceptable price for world domination. <...>

What should we do? It is impossible to follow in the footsteps of the USSR - a grouping of the Ground Forces, capable of guaranteedly defeating NATO and occupying Europe, cannot be created for either economic, or demographic, or spiritual reasons. It remains the only way out - again to make a nuclear war irrational, meaningless for the aggressor.

Today, our country can not compete with the United States in the nuclear race quantitatively, Russia is not the USSR. We must look for an asymmetrical answer.

Russia's superiority is that only we have the technology to create hypercalibre nuclear munitions - more than 100 megatons of TNT equivalent. Back in 1961, we had a product equivalent of 58 megatons, quite suitable for combat use. The creation of 40–50 such warheads for heavy ICBMs or ultra-long torpedoes ensures that zones that are critically dangerous for geophysical conditions in the United States (for example, Yellowstone Supervolcano, Pacific Coast Fissures) have at least a few units of such weapons in any situation. Such attacks are guaranteed to destroy both the USA as a state and the entire transnational elite. This again makes a large-scale nuclear war irrational and reduces the chances of its occurrence to zero. <...>

Of course, the king-bomb is not a panacea. Threats of a hybrid war will continue. However, the large-scale nuclear danger for Russia and the world will be eliminated.

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Insanity is getting stronger: in the Russian Federation it was proposed to deploy the Gulf Stream to destroy the US

A thermonuclear charge of a radial dyke of the Icelandic Snayfelsjokül volcano will bring the southwestern slope with a glacier into the Atlantic Ocean and, as a result, provoke a reversal of the Gulf Stream, whose waters will flood the eastern coast of North America. This is stated in an article in the Russian edition of the Military-Industrial Courier.

“The resulting landslide will create water pressure in the basin of the Irminger Sea to the Labrador shelf, where the depth at the edge is 300 meters, in the canyon it is more than two kilometers. Thus we get a long wave in a southwesterly direction. How far it will go along the Miramishi axis - Washington, depends on the pressure, ”the author of the publication, Choro Tukembayev, believes.

According to him, “the natural channel is like a wind tunnel, at the entrance to which is a volcano, at the exit is Washington,” and is located across the Stalin Strait, which was mentioned by the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Soviet theoretical physicist Andrei Sakharov.

Tukembaev states that in the case of the use of the Russian underwater drone "Status-6" ("Poseidon") the consequences of superzunami aggravate the radioactive water. The author also considered the possibility of flooding Europe, which would require creating a wave in the “natural channel”, which starts from the volcanic island of Jan Mayen and reaches Amsterdam.

The publication of Tukembayev - a “response” to the article by the Deputy President on Information Policy of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences (RARAN), Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov, released in October. The material proposes for the destruction of the United States to dump on Yellowstone Supervolcano or the rifts of the Pacific coast hyper-caliber nuclear ammunition (more than one hundred megatons in TNT equivalent).

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I like turtles.

Someone has been watching to many James Bond movies .

Someone has been watching to many James Bond movies .
I was thinking Netflix.

Tsunamis and supervolcanoes: online discussing a "guaranteed" way to destroy the United States
The newspaper "Military-Industrial Courier" does not seem to be a publication capable of publishing resonant texts, but this is only at first glance!

The great interest of ordinary, no longer "military" media was caused by an article by Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov , published in the newspaper on October 23. Here are some excerpts:

After deep cuts in the nuclear arsenals of Russia and the United States, the probability of a nuclear winter is negligible. And this means that the nuclear war has returned to the area of rationality. The conditions under which the United States or Russia, having launched a preemptive nuclear war, can win it, that is, destroy the enemy physically and save themselves, exist. <...>

It follows that, under certain conditions, the American elite can go for a preventive nuclear war against Russia. If you get the assurance that the retaliatory strike will not lead to victims among the authorities and transnational manipulators. This is possible if, on the one hand, the United States will be able to deliver guaranteed disarming and decapitating attacks, and some of the surviving and launched Russian ICBMs will be destroyed by the missile defense system, at least those that threaten the elite. It will easily endure the victims of the American population of several million people, as well as certain losses of economic potential. This is an acceptable price for world domination. <...>

What should we do? It is impossible to follow in the footsteps of the USSR - a grouping of the Ground Forces, capable of guaranteedly defeating NATO and occupying Europe, cannot be created for either economic, or demographic, or spiritual reasons. It remains the only way out - again to make a nuclear war irrational, meaningless for the aggressor.

Today, our country can not compete with the United States in the nuclear race quantitatively, Russia is not the USSR. We must look for an asymmetrical answer.

Russia's superiority is that only we have the technology to create hypercalibre nuclear munitions - more than 100 megatons of TNT equivalent. Back in 1961, we had a product equivalent of 58 megatons, quite suitable for combat use. The creation of 40–50 such warheads for heavy ICBMs or ultra-long torpedoes ensures that zones that are critically dangerous for geophysical conditions in the United States (for example, Yellowstone Supervolcano, Pacific Coast Fissures) have at least a few units of such weapons in any situation. Such attacks are guaranteed to destroy both the USA as a state and the entire transnational elite. This again makes a large-scale nuclear war irrational and reduces the chances of its occurrence to zero. <...>

Of course, the king-bomb is not a panacea. Threats of a hybrid war will continue. However, the large-scale nuclear danger for Russia and the world will be eliminated.

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Our nuclear subs alone can destroy multiple enemy-nations. An attacker would not survive.
I just wonder what Trump is gonna do , will he still protect putler in 2019 if putler ´d deploy the Gulf Stream...

"ruSSia has proposed to deploy the Gulf Stream for the destruction of the United States" ,

A thermonuclear charge of a radial dyke of the Icelandic Snayfelsjokull volcano will bring the southwestern slope with a glacier into the Atlantic Ocean and, as a result, provoke a reversal of the Gulf Stream, whose waters will flood the eastern coast of North America, the Military Industrial Courier reports.

“The resulting landslide will create water pressure in the basin of the Irminger Sea to the Labrador shelf, where the depth at the edge is 300 meters, in the canyon it is more than two kilometers. Thus we get a long wave in a southwesterly direction. How far it will go along the Miramishi axis - Washington, depends on the pressure, ”the author of the publication, Choro Tukembayev, believes.
According to him, “the natural channel is like a wind tunnel, at the entrance to which is a volcano, at the exit is Washington,” and is located across the Stalin Strait, which was mentioned by the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Soviet theoretical physicist Andrei Sakharov .

Tukembaev states that in the case of the use of the Russian underwater drone "Status-6" ("Poseidon") the consequences of superzunami aggravate the radioactive water. The author also considered the possibility of flooding Europe, which would require creating a wave in the “natural channel”, which starts from the volcanic island of Jan Mayen and reaches Amsterdam.
If any of this crap is even remotely possible the consequences would be global and would also give the US time to respond, our Military would wipe Russia off the map.
The publication of Tukembayev - a “response” to the article by the Deputy President on Information Policy of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences (RARAN), Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov , released in October. The material proposes for the destruction of the United States to dump on Yellowstone Supervolcano or the rifts of the Pacific coast hyper-caliber nuclear ammunition (more than one hundred megatons in TNT equivalent).


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Who knew modern day Ukrainian neo-Nazis like the OP had such imagination?

I know....

Why not just:

Maldavian Warlord from Neptune calls
Trump on space phone, threatens earth invasion....Trump cowers! Time to Impeach!

The Earth will do what the Earth wants to do. Global warming, coming ice age, reverse the gulf stream, the Earth will decide and there is nothing we can do about it except adapt to the changes or go extinct. I think we should adapt but a lot of people will try to convince you that they know how to make the Earth do what they want it to do if you give them enough money.


I just wonder what Trump is gonna do , will he still protect putler in 2019 if putler ´d deploy the Gulf Stream...

"ruSSia has proposed to deploy the Gulf Stream for the destruction of the United States" ,

A thermonuclear charge of a radial dyke of the Icelandic Snayfelsjokull volcano will bring the southwestern slope with a glacier into the Atlantic Ocean and, as a result, provoke a reversal of the Gulf Stream, whose waters will flood the eastern coast of North America, the Military Industrial Courier reports.

“The resulting landslide will create water pressure in the basin of the Irminger Sea to the Labrador shelf, where the depth at the edge is 300 meters, in the canyon it is more than two kilometers. Thus we get a long wave in a southwesterly direction. How far it will go along the Miramishi axis - Washington, depends on the pressure, ”the author of the publication, Choro Tukembayev, believes.
According to him, “the natural channel is like a wind tunnel, at the entrance to which is a volcano, at the exit is Washington,” and is located across the Stalin Strait, which was mentioned by the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Soviet theoretical physicist Andrei Sakharov .

Tukembaev states that in the case of the use of the Russian underwater drone "Status-6" ("Poseidon") the consequences of superzunami aggravate the radioactive water. The author also considered the possibility of flooding Europe, which would require creating a wave in the “natural channel”, which starts from the volcanic island of Jan Mayen and reaches Amsterdam.

The publication of Tukembayev - a “response” to the article by the Deputy President on Information Policy of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences (RARAN), Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov , released in October. The material proposes for the destruction of the United States to dump on Yellowstone Supervolcano or the rifts of the Pacific coast hyper-caliber nuclear ammunition (more than one hundred megatons in TNT equivalent).


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Slow your camel down. For starters you just "happened" to be browsing through a Russian publication?
I just wonder what Trump is gonna do , will he still protect putler in 2019 if putler ´d deploy the Gulf Stream...

"ruSSia has proposed to deploy the Gulf Stream for the destruction of the United States" ,

A thermonuclear charge of a radial dyke of the Icelandic Snayfelsjokull volcano will bring the southwestern slope with a glacier into the Atlantic Ocean and, as a result, provoke a reversal of the Gulf Stream, whose waters will flood the eastern coast of North America, the Military Industrial Courier reports.

“The resulting landslide will create water pressure in the basin of the Irminger Sea to the Labrador shelf, where the depth at the edge is 300 meters, in the canyon it is more than two kilometers. Thus we get a long wave in a southwesterly direction. How far it will go along the Miramishi axis - Washington, depends on the pressure, ”the author of the publication, Choro Tukembayev, believes.
According to him, “the natural channel is like a wind tunnel, at the entrance to which is a volcano, at the exit is Washington,” and is located across the Stalin Strait, which was mentioned by the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Soviet theoretical physicist Andrei Sakharov .

Tukembaev states that in the case of the use of the Russian underwater drone "Status-6" ("Poseidon") the consequences of superzunami aggravate the radioactive water. The author also considered the possibility of flooding Europe, which would require creating a wave in the “natural channel”, which starts from the volcanic island of Jan Mayen and reaches Amsterdam.

The publication of Tukembayev - a “response” to the article by the Deputy President on Information Policy of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences (RARAN), Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov , released in October. The material proposes for the destruction of the United States to dump on Yellowstone Supervolcano or the rifts of the Pacific coast hyper-caliber nuclear ammunition (more than one hundred megatons in TNT equivalent).


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Slow your camel down. For starters you just "happened" to be browsing through a Russian publication?

Why go through all that trouble when Russia already has robot subs that can deliver 100 megaton charges straight to the coast?

This guy had a bad batch of borscht!


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