Russia Launches Nuclear War Training Exercise Involving 40 Million Russians

Paranoiac propaganda. The current Washington administration wants to use some people's ignorance as much as they can to hurt Trump by pointing: "Russia is a monster, see whom Trump wants to be partners with!"

Putin: I have seen several times that anti-Russian cards are being played during domestic campaigns in the United States. I find this approach very short-sighted.
Interview to Bloomberg

There is another small detail to add to Washington's frustration:

At the meeting last week, Mr. Kerry was trying to explain that the United States has no legal justification for attacking Mr. Assad’s government, whereas Russia was invited in by the government.

Mr. Kerry lamented being outmaneuvered by the Russians, expressed disagreement with some of Mr. Obama’s policy decisions and said Congress would never agree to use force.
Audio Reveals What John Kerry Told Syrians Behind Closed Doors
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Don't you know your geography? Have any of you ever seen how close North Korea is to Russia? Like they share a border?

It's not the 80's. It's 2016 and the threat is real from N Korea. That son of a bitch has been continually testing. Despite the looney tunes claiming that Obama and Clinton have brought peace to the planet.

Don't you know your geography? Have any of you ever seen how close North Korea is to Russia? Like they share a border?

It's not the 80's. It's 2016 and the threat is real from N Korea. That son of a bitch has been continually testing. Despite the looney tunes claiming that Obama and Clinton have brought peace to the planet.


Gee, perhaps we shouldn't have sold them nuclear reactors a mere 2 years before they got labeled as part of an axis of evil. Sold from a company that Rumsfeld had sat on the board of directors of. Bipartisan all the way along.
One day they will launch one nuclear missile, either through Iran or from North order to knock out our power grid.......they will wipe out huge swaths of our population....and then they will colonize for the resources....
Ok. Wrap your brains around a simple fact.

This has nothing to do with the USA. They are right next door to North Korea for crying out loud. If I was S.Korea and/or Japan I'd be ordering exercises as well.
And we'll walk into the same shit again.
We won't, but our lying criminal political class will.

I suspect that is what you meant.

The public followed blindly and wildly into Iraq, cheered on by the "'liberal MSM".
True enough. Hopefully we as a nation learned something from that debacle, but I suspect not. Millions of Americans will happily go along with whatever the MSM and the Oligarchy demand. How else can Obama and Hillary be explained?

Trump being anti-establishment, though terribly flawed, is far better choice. No hope with Big Ears and Cankles.
One day they will launch one nuclear missile, either through Iran or from North order to knock out our power grid.......they will wipe out huge swaths of our population....and then they will colonize for the resources....
Yep. Most under the age of 40 can't last a week without modern technology taking care of them. They can't even read a dial watch or know where a tomato comes from.

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