Russia pissed at Trump/USA over Syria


Jake loves ISIS and backs the Caliphate
Right, Comrade Tiny. LOL How's the love thing working out with the orange clown?

I really don't know how the bombing of that Syrian base is going to play out, but someone did need to do something. Was that the right thing? History will tell, and will judge whether the clown made a good call.
it's all a song and a dance dog and pony show....

Trump called Putin to let him know ahead of the bombing

Putin was NOT notified.
really? I heard on the news last night that he was notified right before the bombs dropped...?

There is a deconfliction agreement between ourselves and the russians in Syria, military to military. They were told to boogie an hour before the missiles were launched to prevent casualties. Nothing was said to Putin or any Russian confederation government entity.

You think they did not tell Putin? :rofl::rofl:
Why is Russia now putting warships between our ships and Syria now?
And those will stop cruise missiles, how? Because they have to make a show of support for Assad's sake, while not really taking any risks of escalating the situation any further.

The use of poisonous gas is the nukes of the poor nations. Cheap and easy to make, with mass casualties in densely populated areas. Letting anyone get away with there use is the death sentence to millions of people in these despotic nations in the future. Someone has to draw the line. Much support for the President's actions in Europe and other nations.
I think Putin understands that the USA was forced to react somehow.

I hope no Russians were killed in the attack.

Putin didn't understand that the US had to react because Obama didn't react and Trump said he wouldn't.

That's what makes it effective.
Well said. Putin, and Assad, had to be shown that there are limits to the atrocities they can commit without punishment. At some time in the future, if there is a regime change in Syria, and Assad survives, he has to be put in the docket for war crimes.
All of this stinks to me. Assad has been killing his own people since the civil war started. Countless children have been dying. This is no secret. Trump all of a sudden taking interest in a people who he couldn't care less about and even banned them from entering our country. I'm not buying it. I feel like Trump attacked Syria to boost his own image.

And Putin pretending to be outrage is just that, pretending.

And the US in a short amount of time was able to find out which military base the chemical attack was launched from?

Assad should have been dealt with years ago. But this whole situation doesn't sit right with me.

reread your post "trump all of a sudden....."??? he just became
president. What was he supposed to have done in 2016?. "In a short
amount of time was able to find...." well-----spy drones and satellite
are very useful. I do agree that a bullet should have found bashar's
brain long ago. That dog has not "set" well with me for years

Trumps contradict his own statements on Syria prior to him being elected .
18 Times Trump Said the U.S. Shouldn't Bomb Syria

"SYRIA" is not being bombed------the military sites responsible for
gassing humans are being bombed
They are in Syria, they belong to Syria, the US just bombed Syria. Don't try to make the situation any more complex than it is. We bombed Syria, and will likely do it again if the use poison gas again. And most of the world will applaud that action on our part. Whether that is a wise action, history will tell.
Trumps contradict his own statements on Syria prior to him being elected .
18 Times Trump Said the U.S. Shouldn't Bomb Syria

"SYRIA" is not being bombed------the military sites responsible for
gassing humans are being bombed

Of course it's a completely different target than Obama would have struck. :cuckoo:

Obama did not do anything-----He was a VERY RELUCTANT 'leader'.

Obama's actions were certainly more deliberative.
I liked and still like President Obama. Sometimes a situation calls for immediate action without the time for deliberation. A very limited military strike was done, and that may be exactly what was called for. Now, had President Obama done this, the GOP Congress would have moved to impeach him. Still, I really think that at times he overthought the situation when immediate action was called for.

Again, only history will tell us whether this was the correct policy.
All of this stinks to me. Assad has been killing his own people since the civil war started. Countless children have been dying. This is no secret. Trump all of a sudden taking interest in a people who he couldn't care less about and even banned them from entering our country. I'm not buying it. I feel like Trump attacked Syria to boost his own image.

And Putin pretending to be outrage is just that, pretending.

And the US in a short amount of time was able to find out which military base the chemical attack was launched from?

Assad should have been dealt with years ago. But this whole situation doesn't sit right with me.

reread your post "trump all of a sudden....."??? he just became
president. What was he supposed to have done in 2016?. "In a short
amount of time was able to find...." well-----spy drones and satellite
are very useful. I do agree that a bullet should have found bashar's
brain long ago. That dog has not "set" well with me for years

Trump was staunchly against war in Syria. He didn't even think taking out Assad was priority. If Trump ever cared about Syrians he wouldn't have banned them.

Trump along with his followers are hypocrites when it comes to Syria.

Wrong. Trump was never against taking action in the ME. He said he hated the way the previous wars have been handled. He didn't like the boots on the ground. He didn't like giving the oil to crooked Muslims.

All he did was put all Muslims there on notice. He hasn't called for Assad regime change. He isn't sending in ground troops. He isn't "nation building", and allowing Syrian refugees is still a mistake.
What the fuck? The 'crooked Muslims' own the oil. You go in and take it, as the orange clown suggested, and you have committed a war crime.
Celebrating what? The fact that war crimes like the use of poisonous gas on civilians is something that must not be allowed? There is not a choice between the Assad Regime and Isis. Both are bad actors, and we can be opposed to both at the same time.
Russia pissed at Trump, but doesn't that kill the lefts whole Trump/Putin collusion narrative ?
Not at all. What would have killed it, if Sessions and Flynn had not lied about their discussions with the Russians. As is, there is still that hanging over the orange clown. That the clown might 'forget' an 'owe me' to the Russians is just politics as normal. Remember, this is a fellow that took pride in stiffing craftsmen that worked on his projects.

You need to be bitch slapped into a new galaxy for the lies you spread. Sessions and Flynn were both talking to THE RUSSIANS as part of their jobs. You have turned into a complete lying fuck who I have been informed as just another sock for the player called Jake.

Now that I have been informed of the lists of you, my postings will adapt to you socks. I'm only now wrapping my head around the lot of you being nothing short of "Sybil" if you will.
Now Comrade Tiny, play the bitch all you want. Both Sessions and Flynn lied under oath about their discussions with Russians. Why they did that needs to be found out. Had they said, 'Yes, I spoke to the Russian Ambassador on these occasions, and this is what was discussed", there would not be the present investigation. They did not, they lied under oath, and we need to find out the reason that they did that.


Jake loves ISIS and backs the Caliphate
Right, Comrade Tiny. LOL How's the love thing working out with the orange clown?

I really don't know how the bombing of that Syrian base is going to play out, but someone did need to do something. Was that the right thing? History will tell, and will judge whether the clown made a good call.
and if it was the thing to do will you be here saying so?....

"SYRIA" is not being bombed------the military sites responsible for
gassing humans are being bombed

Of course it's a completely different target than Obama would have struck. :cuckoo:

Obama did not do anything-----He was a VERY RELUCTANT 'leader'.

Obama's actions were certainly more deliberative.
I liked and still like President Obama. Sometimes a situation calls for immediate action without the time for deliberation. A very limited military strike was done, and that may be exactly what was called for. Now, had President Obama done this, the GOP Congress would have moved to impeach him. Still, I really think that at times he overthought the situation when immediate action was called for.

Again, only history will tell us whether this was the correct policy.
those guys kinda forced trumps hand,and they would have to be pretty stupid not to see that....

"SYRIA" is not being bombed------the military sites responsible for
gassing humans are being bombed

Of course it's a completely different target than Obama would have struck. :cuckoo:

Obama did not do anything-----He was a VERY RELUCTANT 'leader'.

Obama's actions were certainly more deliberative.
I liked and still like President Obama. Sometimes a situation calls for immediate action without the time for deliberation. A very limited military strike was done, and that may be exactly what was called for. Now, had President Obama done this, the GOP Congress would have moved to impeach him. Still, I really think that at times he overthought the situation when immediate action was called for.

Again, only history will tell us whether this was the correct policy.

Pffffffffffffffft. Think about it. Obama says red lines. Sigh. Muslims think linear. And you have to remember the way they think man.

Think the first hit in Damascus. It was the Saudis for sure. Assad welcomes the United Nation Inspectors AND THAT SAME MORNING lets off a chemical bomb in a suburb killibn 1300 plus

Its the Saudis in all of this.
Russia pissed at Trump, but doesn't that kill the lefts whole Trump/Putin collusion narrative ?
Not at all. What would have killed it, if Sessions and Flynn had not lied about their discussions with the Russians. As is, there is still that hanging over the orange clown. That the clown might 'forget' an 'owe me' to the Russians is just politics as normal. Remember, this is a fellow that took pride in stiffing craftsmen that worked on his projects.

You need to be bitch slapped into a new galaxy for the lies you spread. Sessions and Flynn were both talking to THE RUSSIANS as part of their jobs. You have turned into a complete lying fuck who I have been informed as just another sock for the player called Jake.

Now that I have been informed of the lists of you, my postings will adapt to you socks. I'm only now wrapping my head around the lot of you being nothing short of "Sybil" if you will.
Now Comrade Tiny, play the bitch all you want. Both Sessions and Flynn lied under oath about their discussions with Russians. Why they did that needs to be found out. Had they said, 'Yes, I spoke to the Russian Ambassador on these occasions, and this is what was discussed", there would not be the present investigation. They did not, they lied under oath, and we need to find out the reason that they did that.

Show me the law that they couldn't talk to the Russians.
"SYRIA" is not being bombed------the military sites responsible for
gassing humans are being bombed

Of course it's a completely different target than Obama would have struck. :cuckoo:

Obama did not do anything-----He was a VERY RELUCTANT 'leader'.

Obama's actions were certainly more deliberative.
I liked and still like President Obama. Sometimes a situation calls for immediate action without the time for deliberation. A very limited military strike was done, and that may be exactly what was called for. Now, had President Obama done this, the GOP Congress would have moved to impeach him. Still, I really think that at times he overthought the situation when immediate action was called for.

Again, only history will tell us whether this was the correct policy.

Pffffffffffffffft. Think about it. Obama says red lines. Sigh. Muslims think linear. And you have to remember the way they think man.

Think the first hit in Damascus. It was the Saudis for sure. Assad welcomes the United Nation Inspectors AND THAT SAME MORNING lets off a chemical bomb in a suburb killibn 1300 plus

Its the Saudis in all of this.

what was SAUDIS------the "FIRST HIT IN DAMASCUS" ??? to whom are
you referring? the hitters or the ones HIT? -------please expand on your
"SYRIA" is not being bombed------the military sites responsible for
gassing humans are being bombed

Of course it's a completely different target than Obama would have struck. :cuckoo:

Obama did not do anything-----He was a VERY RELUCTANT 'leader'.

Obama's actions were certainly more deliberative.
I liked and still like President Obama. Sometimes a situation calls for immediate action without the time for deliberation. A very limited military strike was done, and that may be exactly what was called for. Now, had President Obama done this, the GOP Congress would have moved to impeach him. Still, I really think that at times he overthought the situation when immediate action was called for.

Again, only history will tell us whether this was the correct policy.
those guys kinda forced trumps hand,and they would have to be pretty stupid not to see that....

Trump was a fuxcking idiot to do this.
Russia pissed at Trump, but doesn't that kill the lefts whole Trump/Putin collusion narrative ?
Not at all. What would have killed it, if Sessions and Flynn had not lied about their discussions with the Russians. As is, there is still that hanging over the orange clown. That the clown might 'forget' an 'owe me' to the Russians is just politics as normal. Remember, this is a fellow that took pride in stiffing craftsmen that worked on his projects.

You need to be bitch slapped into a new galaxy for the lies you spread. Sessions and Flynn were both talking to THE RUSSIANS as part of their jobs. You have turned into a complete lying fuck who I have been informed as just another sock for the player called Jake.

Now that I have been informed of the lists of you, my postings will adapt to you socks. I'm only now wrapping my head around the lot of you being nothing short of "Sybil" if you will.
Now Comrade Tiny, play the bitch all you want. Both Sessions and Flynn lied under oath about their discussions with Russians. Why they did that needs to be found out. Had they said, 'Yes, I spoke to the Russian Ambassador on these occasions, and this is what was discussed", there would not be the present investigation. They did not, they lied under oath, and we need to find out the reason that they did that.

Show me the law that they couldn't talk to the Russians.

the BIG DEAL "proofs" seem to be an American official ----holding
a glass of wine and smiling at a Russian guy------at some kind of boring
official cocktail hour------
Of course it's a completely different target than Obama would have struck. :cuckoo:

Obama did not do anything-----He was a VERY RELUCTANT 'leader'.

Obama's actions were certainly more deliberative.
I liked and still like President Obama. Sometimes a situation calls for immediate action without the time for deliberation. A very limited military strike was done, and that may be exactly what was called for. Now, had President Obama done this, the GOP Congress would have moved to impeach him. Still, I really think that at times he overthought the situation when immediate action was called for.

Again, only history will tell us whether this was the correct policy.
those guys kinda forced trumps hand,and they would have to be pretty stupid not to see that....

Trump was a fuxcking idiot to do this.

I disagree-----I see his action as BRAVE AND RIGHTEOUS

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