Russia pissed at Trump/USA over Syria

All of this stinks to me. Assad has been killing his own people since the civil war started. Countless children have been dying. This is no secret. Trump all of a sudden taking interest in a people who he couldn't care less about and even banned them from entering our country. I'm not buying it. I feel like Trump attacked Syria to boost his own image.

And Putin pretending to be outrage is just that, pretending.

And the US in a short amount of time was able to find out which military base the chemical attack was launched from?

Assad should have been dealt with years ago. But this whole situation doesn't sit right with me.

What right does America have to pick and choose other world leaders at will? Gee Obama thought the Muslim Brotherhood would be better for Egypt. Thank heavens Egyptians came to their senses and overthrew Obama's puppet Morsi after the MB terrorized Coptic Christians, Shia and moderate Muslims.

Obama took out Gaddafi. Libyans now live under the yoke of various terror groups.

And Syria and Iraq. Obama created ISIS and AQ . Look at how swell a decision it was to decide to overthrow Assad. And you assholes who adore regime change just love giving citizens of other nations terror groups as their masters.

You make it sound that Obama is a god------- assigning/removing which president he wants.
it's all a song and a dance dog and pony show....

Trump called Putin to let him know ahead of the bombing
He can't kill Russians in what is supposed to be a warning shot.

If he killed Russian troops on purpose just bombing an airfield, we would already be at war with Russia now.

You are a dumbass.
Expensive missile strike though -- USD $49 million.

It cost more than that. A tomahawk missile with advanced targeting technology equipped costs relatively 1.5 million a pop. 60 missiles times 1.5 million is about 90 million. Then you need to factor in all the other costs that come with planning, logistics, execution, and fallout (diplomacy and damage control). This cost at least 100 million.
All of this stinks to me. Assad has been killing his own people since the civil war started. Countless children have been dying. This is no secret. Trump all of a sudden taking interest in a people who he couldn't care less about and even banned them from entering our country. I'm not buying it. I feel like Trump attacked Syria to boost his own image.

And Putin pretending to be outrage is just that, pretending.

And the US in a short amount of time was able to find out which military base the chemical attack was launched from?

Assad should have been dealt with years ago. But this whole situation doesn't sit right with me.

What right does America have to pick and choose other world leaders at will? Gee Obama thought the Muslim Brotherhood would be better for Egypt. Thank heavens Egyptians came to their senses and overthrew Obama's puppet Morsi after the MB terrorized Coptic Christians, Shia and moderate Muslims.

Obama took out Gaddafi. Libyans now live under the yoke of various terror groups.

And Syria and Iraq. Obama created ISIS and AQ . Look at how swell a decision it was to decide to overthrow Assad. And you assholes who adore regime change just love giving citizens of other nations terror groups as their masters.

Read up on the history of ISIS. It was born during Iraq war like so many other terrorist groups.

Assad and ISIS need to be taken out. Syrian people are suffering at the hands of both of them.
Isis needs to be obliterated.

Syrians need to come up with a better leader than Assad and throw him out themselves.
it's all a song and a dance dog and pony show....

Trump called Putin to let him know ahead of the bombing

Putin was NOT notified.
really? I heard on the news last night that he was notified right before the bombs dropped...?
So you would not be here bitching about how Trump carelessly killed Russian troops in the attack threatening to start a shooting war with Russia?

Bullshit. The hacks complaining about Trump are no different than the ones that were complaining incessantly about Obama. The only metric that makes current governmental actions good or bad is weather or not Trump was involved.
it's all a song and a dance dog and pony show....

Trump called Putin to let him know ahead of the bombing

Putin was NOT notified.
really? I heard on the news last night that he was notified right before the bombs dropped...?
So you would not be here bitching about how Trump carelessly killed Russian troops in the attack threatening to start a shooting war with Russia?

Bullshit. The hacks complaining about Trump are no different than the ones that were complaining incessantly about Obama. The only metric that makes current governmental actions good or bad is weather or not Trump was involved.
If he killed Russian troops we would be at war with Russia right now.
Russia pissed at Trump, but doesn't that kill the lefts whole Trump/Putin collusion narrative ?
Not at all. What would have killed it, if Sessions and Flynn had not lied about their discussions with the Russians. As is, there is still that hanging over the orange clown. That the clown might 'forget' an 'owe me' to the Russians is just politics as normal. Remember, this is a fellow that took pride in stiffing craftsmen that worked on his projects.
All of this stinks to me. Assad has been killing his own people since the civil war started. Countless children have been dying. This is no secret. Trump all of a sudden taking interest in a people who he couldn't care less about and even banned them from entering our country. I'm not buying it. I feel like Trump attacked Syria to boost his own image.

And Putin pretending to be outrage is just that, pretending.

And the US in a short amount of time was able to find out which military base the chemical attack was launched from?

Assad should have been dealt with years ago. But this whole situation doesn't sit right with me.

Trump has only been President a little over two months. How can he "all of a sudden" take interest in these people? Unless you're trying to tell us he should have ordered strikes from Trump Tower a few years go?

Expensive missile strike though -- USD $49 million.

It cost more than that. A tomahawk missile with advanced targeting technology equipped costs relatively 1.5 million a pop. 60 missiles times 1.5 million is about 90 million. Then you need to factor in all the other costs that come with planning, logistics, execution, and fallout (diplomacy and damage control). This cost at least 100 million.
They came out of inventory and the ships have replaced them already.
All of this stinks to me. Assad has been killing his own people since the civil war started. Countless children have been dying. This is no secret. Trump all of a sudden taking interest in a people who he couldn't care less about and even banned them from entering our country. I'm not buying it. I feel like Trump attacked Syria to boost his own image.

And Putin pretending to be outrage is just that, pretending.

And the US in a short amount of time was able to find out which military base the chemical attack was launched from?

Assad should have been dealt with years ago. But this whole situation doesn't sit right with me.

Trump has only been President a little over two months. How can he "all of a sudden" take interest in these people? Unless you're trying to tell us he should have ordered strikes from Trump Tower a few years go?

Democrats don't think things through.
Hillary suggested bombing their runways just hours before Trump did it.
only she said all of their runways so they could not launch a chemical attack from any of them...

The runways at that base are hardened and you can't disable them with cruise missiles....that would require carpet-bombing by American aircraft. Otherwise you'd just be creating potholes that could be filled and smoothed over in a matter of hours. If further measures are required, that airfield and the others will look like moonscapes when we're done with them. Assad will not use chemical munitions again....that's understood now.
All of this stinks to me. Assad has been killing his own people since the civil war started. Countless children have been dying. This is no secret. Trump all of a sudden taking interest in a people who he couldn't care less about and even banned them from entering our country. I'm not buying it. I feel like Trump attacked Syria to boost his own image.

And Putin pretending to be outrage is just that, pretending.

And the US in a short amount of time was able to find out which military base the chemical attack was launched from?

Assad should have been dealt with years ago. But this whole situation doesn't sit right with me.

reread your post "trump all of a sudden....."??? he just became
president. What was he supposed to have done in 2016?. "In a short
amount of time was able to find...." well-----spy drones and satellite
are very useful. I do agree that a bullet should have found bashar's
brain long ago. That dog has not "set" well with me for years

Trump was staunchly against war in Syria. He didn't even think taking out Assad was priority. If Trump ever cared about Syrians he wouldn't have banned them.

Trump along with his followers are hypocrites when it comes to Syria.
nia ....why did he want to ban the syrians?.....

Because he and the other republicans think some of them will be undercover ISIS. And republicans in general do not like too many foreigners ( especially brown and muslim ones) coming to America.
All of this stinks to me. Assad has been killing his own people since the civil war started. Countless children have been dying. This is no secret. Trump all of a sudden taking interest in a people who he couldn't care less about and even banned them from entering our country. I'm not buying it. I feel like Trump attacked Syria to boost his own image.

And Putin pretending to be outrage is just that, pretending.

And the US in a short amount of time was able to find out which military base the chemical attack was launched from?

Assad should have been dealt with years ago. But this whole situation doesn't sit right with me.

What right does America have to pick and choose other world leaders at will? Gee Obama thought the Muslim Brotherhood would be better for Egypt. Thank heavens Egyptians came to their senses and overthrew Obama's puppet Morsi after the MB terrorized Coptic Christians, Shia and moderate Muslims.

Obama took out Gaddafi. Libyans now live under the yoke of various terror groups.

And Syria and Iraq. Obama created ISIS and AQ . Look at how swell a decision it was to decide to overthrow Assad. And you assholes who adore regime change just love giving citizens of other nations terror groups as their masters.

Read up on the history of ISIS. It was born during Iraq war like so many other terrorist groups.

Assad and ISIS need to be taken out. Syrian people are suffering at the hands of both of them.
Isis needs to be obliterated.

Syrians need to come up with a better leader than Assad and throw him out themselves.

How can the syrians fight anyone when they got ISIS trying to force them into living under a khalifa or just killing them and then they have Assad killing them.

Syrians have knives coming at them from both directions.
All of this stinks to me. Assad has been killing his own people since the civil war started. Countless children have been dying. This is no secret. Trump all of a sudden taking interest in a people who he couldn't care less about and even banned them from entering our country. I'm not buying it. I feel like Trump attacked Syria to boost his own image.

And Putin pretending to be outrage is just that, pretending.

And the US in a short amount of time was able to find out which military base the chemical attack was launched from?

Assad should have been dealt with years ago. But this whole situation doesn't sit right with me.

Trump has only been President a little over two months. How can he "all of a sudden" take interest in these people? Unless you're trying to tell us he should have ordered strikes from Trump Tower a few years go?


No. But he should have acknowledged before now that Assad needed to be taken out. No expected Trump to take any action prior to becoming president. However, his whole attitude towards Sryian people and Assad was very flippant.

The fact he banned Syrian refugees from coming in says a lot.

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