"Russia" Says It Will Attack U.S. Planes Bombing the Syrian Military

We can read its from a museum...
This Dickwin guy is a total idiot. Makes every effort to look stupider and stupider in each successive post. :cuckoo::lmao:
He´s an anti-Russian troll. All his threads are anti-Russian. Paid posters should be obliged to notify others of their purpose.
Yes, I know. When he showed up first I used to engage him but after a few days and after his many stupid threads I decided not to feed the troll and his idiotic threads die a very quick natural death.
I wonder when the American people will take up arms and fight the Russian occupation.
I told to Dickwin that he was on the wrong message board spreading his stupidity but he is persistent. Apparently his employer assigned this message board to him.
There are some of his kind now. Even repubs, who want to prove Trump is not a Russian troll.
Is this the same Russia that tore down its wall?
The Wall was in Berlin, and people tore it down, many hyoung. The Soviets just stood by; Putin is KGB, or was but the SOVIET remains within him. :evil:
Wrong. Neither were any Soviets present (The GDR was not in the USSR), nor did the people tore it down.

No, correct, by "stood by", it means DID NOTHING.

Only the FRG side of the wall was besmeared. Those are FRG citizens. In Fact, the people went to the border after the GDR lifted the travel ban.
Morons over here "know it better" than you over there. I am really laughing my ass of when they display their total ignorance in matters thus reinforce one's opinion about them being imbeciles.
We can read its from a museum...
This Dickwin guy is a total idiot. Makes every effort to look stupider and stupider in each successive post. :cuckoo::lmao:
He´s an anti-Russian troll. All his threads are anti-Russian. Paid posters should be obliged to notify others of their purpose.
Yes, I know. When he showed up first I used to engage him but after a few days and after his many stupid threads I decided not to feed the troll and his idiotic threads die a very quick natural death.
I wonder when the American people will take up arms and fight the Russian occupation.

There will be no occupation, Putin's regime is rotting from within. I am no Russia lover, I see the names changes but the system little different.
It was joke that you did not understand. And Russia is a free country, by the way.
This Dickwin guy is a total idiot. Makes every effort to look stupider and stupider in each successive post. :cuckoo::lmao:
He´s an anti-Russian troll. All his threads are anti-Russian. Paid posters should be obliged to notify others of their purpose.
Yes, I know. When he showed up first I used to engage him but after a few days and after his many stupid threads I decided not to feed the troll and his idiotic threads die a very quick natural death.
I wonder when the American people will take up arms and fight the Russian occupation.

There will be no occupation, Putin's regime is rotting from within. I am no Russia lover, I see the names changes but the system little different.
It was joke that you did not understand. And Russia is a free country, by the way.
Whoosh!!! Over his/her/its head. I told you they were idiots....
This Dickwin guy is a total idiot. Makes every effort to look stupider and stupider in each successive post. :cuckoo::lmao:
He´s an anti-Russian troll. All his threads are anti-Russian. Paid posters should be obliged to notify others of their purpose.
Yes, I know. When he showed up first I used to engage him but after a few days and after his many stupid threads I decided not to feed the troll and his idiotic threads die a very quick natural death.
I wonder when the American people will take up arms and fight the Russian occupation.

There will be no occupation, Putin's regime is rotting from within. I am no Russia lover, I see the names changes but the system little different.
It was joke that you did not understand. And Russia is a free country, by the way.

Tell that to the members of Pussy Riot imprisoned for mocking Putin.
He´s an anti-Russian troll. All his threads are anti-Russian. Paid posters should be obliged to notify others of their purpose.
Yes, I know. When he showed up first I used to engage him but after a few days and after his many stupid threads I decided not to feed the troll and his idiotic threads die a very quick natural death.
I wonder when the American people will take up arms and fight the Russian occupation.

There will be no occupation, Putin's regime is rotting from within. I am no Russia lover, I see the names changes but the system little different.
It was joke that you did not understand. And Russia is a free country, by the way.
Whoosh!!! Over his/her/its head. I told you they were idiots....

I am ignoring you, have a nice evening.
question, What will Trump do if Putin´d attack U.S. Planes? Can Putin´s badly outdated Sovok´s military hardware hit USA planes, purely technically ?

Russia has warned that its military will begin targeting U.S. planes in Syria after the U.S. shot down a fighter jet belonging to the Moscow-backed Syrian government.

In a statement issued Monday, Russia's defense ministry announced it had severed a so-called "deconfliction line" previously maintained between Russia and the U.S. in order to avoid accidents occurring between the two ...." Russia says it will shoot down U.S. planes bombing Syrian military

Kudos to Russia. :thup:

I am sick of our fucking government invading other countries and starting wars with them murdering innocent civialins around the country.
so "Russia" is a better place than USA?



nice comparing the way Russia USED to vs now.:biggrin:
Two words. Ass Whipping.

F22s are invisible and faster than any fighter ever produced. It would be over in about 2 minutes.

It would go straight to nukes.
The thread is obsolete. There US already made clear it will withdraw all forces from Syria after ISIS´ defeat. Not even the lunatics that want to annihilate North Korea are dumb enough to go to war with Russia at this time.

WE created and armed ISIS. Syria does not yet have Central Bank and THAT'S what all of this is about.

you nailed it. thats what i got done saying earlier i m sick of our corropt government arming terrorists and acting like innocent pawns when they are the ones starting wars with other countries like syria
Is this the same Russia that tore down its wall?
The Wall was in Berlin, and people tore it down, many hyoung. The Soviets just stood by; Putin is KGB, or was but the SOVIET remains within him. :evil:
Wrong. Neither were any Soviets present (The GDR was not in the USSR), nor did the people tore it down.

No, correct, by "stood by", it means DID NOTHING.

Only the FRG side of the wall was besmeared. Those are FRG citizens. In Fact, the people went to the border after the GDR lifted the travel ban.
Morons over here "know it better" than you over there. I am really laughing my ass of when they display their total ignorance in matters thus reinforce one's opinion about them being imbeciles.
And everyone can see this is a staged propaganda pic. That part of the wall would smash that people that "tear" it "down". Behind the wall was the "death zone" with fences and mines. Nobody would ever go there. This pic must have been taken after the happenings took place. The outbound GDR citizens used regular ways.
He´s an anti-Russian troll. All his threads are anti-Russian. Paid posters should be obliged to notify others of their purpose.
Yes, I know. When he showed up first I used to engage him but after a few days and after his many stupid threads I decided not to feed the troll and his idiotic threads die a very quick natural death.
I wonder when the American people will take up arms and fight the Russian occupation.

There will be no occupation, Putin's regime is rotting from within. I am no Russia lover, I see the names changes but the system little different.
It was joke that you did not understand. And Russia is a free country, by the way.

Tell that to the members of Pussy Riot imprisoned for mocking Putin.
Not even for mocking Putin. What they did would earn they harsh punishments anywhere. Naked vandalizing of a church ect.
We can read its from a museum...
This Dickwin guy is a total idiot. Makes every effort to look stupider and stupider in each successive post. :cuckoo::lmao:
He´s an anti-Russian troll. All his threads are anti-Russian. Paid posters should be obliged to notify others of their purpose.
Yes, I know. When he showed up first I used to engage him but after a few days and after his many stupid threads I decided not to feed the troll and his idiotic threads die a very quick natural death.
I wonder when the American people will take up arms and fight the Russian occupation.

There will be no occupation, Putin's regime is rotting from within. I am no Russia lover, I see the names changes but the system little different.

Putin's Kleptocracy"


Russia ranks fourth on the American public’s list of bad guys, outstripped only by North Korea, Iran, and Syria, according to a new Fox News poll. However, most think President Trump sees Russia as a friend rather than a foe.
The latest Fox News national poll didn’t give American voters a wide range of options, asking respondents to mark a list of countries they view either as an ally or as an enemy.

North Korea ended up as enemy number one, with 93 percent of respondents blacklisting it. Iran (80 percent) and Syria (76 percent) rounded out the top three bad boys.

Some 64 percent of Americans said they consider Russia an enemy, rather than an ally, which is up 24 points from 2013, when 47 percent viewed it as a friend and 40 percent as a foe.

When asked how they thought “President Trump views the US relationship with Russia,” 73 percent replied that the president sees the nation as an ally, while 20 percent said they think the new Republican president considers it an adversary.
Over 60% of US voters say Russia is enemy – poll
This Dickwin guy is a total idiot. Makes every effort to look stupider and stupider in each successive post. :cuckoo::lmao:
He´s an anti-Russian troll. All his threads are anti-Russian. Paid posters should be obliged to notify others of their purpose.
Yes, I know. When he showed up first I used to engage him but after a few days and after his many stupid threads I decided not to feed the troll and his idiotic threads die a very quick natural death.
I wonder when the American people will take up arms and fight the Russian occupation.

There will be no occupation, Putin's regime is rotting from within. I am no Russia lover, I see the names changes but the system little different.

Putin's Kleptocracy"


Russia ranks fourth on the American public’s list of bad guys, outstripped only by North Korea, Iran, and Syria, according to a new Fox News poll. However, most think President Trump sees Russia as a friend rather than a foe.
The latest Fox News national poll didn’t give American voters a wide range of options, asking respondents to mark a list of countries they view either as an ally or as an enemy.

North Korea ended up as enemy number one, with 93 percent of respondents blacklisting it. Iran (80 percent) and Syria (76 percent) rounded out the top three bad boys.

Some 64 percent of Americans said they consider Russia an enemy, rather than an ally, which is up 24 points from 2013, when 47 percent viewed it as a friend and 40 percent as a foe.

When asked how they thought “President Trump views the US relationship with Russia,” 73 percent replied that the president sees the nation as an ally, while 20 percent said they think the new Republican president considers it an adversary.
Over 60% of US voters say Russia is enemy – poll

Some anti-Russian trolls are successful - apparently.
He´s an anti-Russian troll. All his threads are anti-Russian. Paid posters should be obliged to notify others of their purpose.
Yes, I know. When he showed up first I used to engage him but after a few days and after his many stupid threads I decided not to feed the troll and his idiotic threads die a very quick natural death.
I wonder when the American people will take up arms and fight the Russian occupation.

There will be no occupation, Putin's regime is rotting from within. I am no Russia lover, I see the names changes but the system little different.

Putin's Kleptocracy"


Russia ranks fourth on the American public’s list of bad guys, outstripped only by North Korea, Iran, and Syria, according to a new Fox News poll. However, most think President Trump sees Russia as a friend rather than a foe.
The latest Fox News national poll didn’t give American voters a wide range of options, asking respondents to mark a list of countries they view either as an ally or as an enemy.

North Korea ended up as enemy number one, with 93 percent of respondents blacklisting it. Iran (80 percent) and Syria (76 percent) rounded out the top three bad boys.

Some 64 percent of Americans said they consider Russia an enemy, rather than an ally, which is up 24 points from 2013, when 47 percent viewed it as a friend and 40 percent as a foe.

When asked how they thought “President Trump views the US relationship with Russia,” 73 percent replied that the president sees the nation as an ally, while 20 percent said they think the new Republican president considers it an adversary.
Over 60% of US voters say Russia is enemy – poll

Some anti-Russian trolls are successful - apparently.

we all who work for Nuland and Soros (Jewish bankers) are very good . what do you think about our eternal foes - Olgino paid trolls? what do think about Olgino trolls qualities?
Three members of Russian female punk rock band Pussy Riot were sentenced to two years in prison Friday after they were found guilty of hooliganism for performing a song critical of President Vladimir Putin in a church.

Russian court imprisons Pussy Riot band members on hooliganism charges - CNN

Keep trusting KGB Vlad y'all. "I'm so glad I'm livin' in the USA!".
Citing your propaganda sources is not very credible. "Hooliganism" needs more than singing a song by the way. Self-refuting article.
Yes, I know. When he showed up first I used to engage him but after a few days and after his many stupid threads I decided not to feed the troll and his idiotic threads die a very quick natural death.
I wonder when the American people will take up arms and fight the Russian occupation.

There will be no occupation, Putin's regime is rotting from within. I am no Russia lover, I see the names changes but the system little different.

Putin's Kleptocracy"


Russia ranks fourth on the American public’s list of bad guys, outstripped only by North Korea, Iran, and Syria, according to a new Fox News poll. However, most think President Trump sees Russia as a friend rather than a foe.
The latest Fox News national poll didn’t give American voters a wide range of options, asking respondents to mark a list of countries they view either as an ally or as an enemy.

North Korea ended up as enemy number one, with 93 percent of respondents blacklisting it. Iran (80 percent) and Syria (76 percent) rounded out the top three bad boys.

Some 64 percent of Americans said they consider Russia an enemy, rather than an ally, which is up 24 points from 2013, when 47 percent viewed it as a friend and 40 percent as a foe.

When asked how they thought “President Trump views the US relationship with Russia,” 73 percent replied that the president sees the nation as an ally, while 20 percent said they think the new Republican president considers it an adversary.
Over 60% of US voters say Russia is enemy – poll

Some anti-Russian trolls are successful - apparently.

we all who work for Nuland and Soros (Jewish bankers) are very good . what do you think about our eternal foes - Olgino paid trolls? what do think about Olgino trolls qualities?

Yes, you are slaves. Sucking, crawling slaves of a bunch of bankers that got you at the balls. A little bit of pressure and you are done.
Three members of Russian female punk rock band Pussy Riot were sentenced to two years in prison Friday after they were found guilty of hooliganism for performing a song critical of President Vladimir Putin in a church.

Russian court imprisons Pussy Riot band members on hooliganism charges - CNN

Keep trusting KGB Vlad y'all. "I'm so glad I'm livin' in the USA!".
Citing your propaganda sources is not very credible. "Hooliganism" needs more than singing a song by the way. Self-refuting article.

Not in the new USSR is doesn't, it was in a church, read the article.
I wonder when the American people will take up arms and fight the Russian occupation.

There will be no occupation, Putin's regime is rotting from within. I am no Russia lover, I see the names changes but the system little different.

Putin's Kleptocracy"


Russia ranks fourth on the American public’s list of bad guys, outstripped only by North Korea, Iran, and Syria, according to a new Fox News poll. However, most think President Trump sees Russia as a friend rather than a foe.
The latest Fox News national poll didn’t give American voters a wide range of options, asking respondents to mark a list of countries they view either as an ally or as an enemy.

North Korea ended up as enemy number one, with 93 percent of respondents blacklisting it. Iran (80 percent) and Syria (76 percent) rounded out the top three bad boys.

Some 64 percent of Americans said they consider Russia an enemy, rather than an ally, which is up 24 points from 2013, when 47 percent viewed it as a friend and 40 percent as a foe.

When asked how they thought “President Trump views the US relationship with Russia,” 73 percent replied that the president sees the nation as an ally, while 20 percent said they think the new Republican president considers it an adversary.
Over 60% of US voters say Russia is enemy – poll

Some anti-Russian trolls are successful - apparently.

we all who work for Nuland and Soros (Jewish bankers) are very good . what do you think about our eternal foes - Olgino paid trolls? what do think about Olgino trolls qualities?

Yes, you are slaves. Sucking, crawling slaves of a bunch of bankers that got you at the balls. A little bit of pressure and you are done.

You are a KGB boot licker who accepts the word of KGB Vlad over humans.


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