...Russia says the pics are fake...


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
This afternoon's Washington Post had a short article about Russia finally admitting they have experienced 'a huge tragedy'.

Here's a taster of the reportage:

"Kremlin spokesman acknowledges ‘significant losses’ of Russian troops"

By Meryl Kornfield 3:17 p.m.

In a stark acknowledgment, the Kremlin’s spokesman said Russia had suffered “significant losses of troops” in Ukraine, despite past proclamations of success in its invasion.
“We have significant losses of troops,” Dmitry Peskov said in a half-hour interview with Sky News on Thursday, “and it’s a huge tragedy for us.”
While Moscow has not publicly recognized the scope of its losses, a senior NATO military official estimated last month that roughly 7,000 to 15,000 Russian troops have been killed in the first four weeks of fighting in Ukraine.
During his first interview with a British broadcaster since the war began, Peskov pushed back when journalist Mark Austin said the Russian invasion has not gone as planned, pointing to the retreat from Kyiv, the loss of thousands of Russian troops and six Russian generals, and the continued reign of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Peskov disputed that the effort had become “a humiliation,” retorting that “it’s the wrong understanding of what’s going on.”

Peskov said the withdrawal of troops was an act of goodwill and claimed without evidence that the verified graphic photos and videos of damage and death apparently inflicted by Russian forces were “fake.”

I ain't no kind of reporter, war or otherwise.
I read newspapers and watch the telly.
But what I think I see is horrendous brutal actions against civilians....murder, by the Russian military.
And if these mass graves of civilians, of the bodies executed with hands tied, of intentional targetting of hospitals and residential buildings proves to be true......then we are seeing war crimes.

I don't for one minute believe all that I am seeing could be faked as the Russians claim.
Too many reports from feet-on-the-street on-the-scene American and Brit reporters have made too many consistent reports of what they are seeing...and then showing us on the telly. Russia is clearly destroying Ukranian cities in the same manner as they did Grozny and Alleppo. Citizens be damned.

The Russians claimed the Katyn Forest massacres were done by someone else....the Nazis. They got away with that lie.

For a while.

Their "the pics are fake" lie is also crumbling.

Russian troops clearly killed those people.

Putin is the aggressor. If Russia stopped tomorrow, the war would end.

I would like to see Ukraine give up those eastern territories and end this crap.

Those Ukrainians not sympathetic living in those areas may disagree and perhaps they could be relocated or something.

Obama was wrong. Al Qaeda was not a global threat. They do not have 6000 nukes.
The Russian army is doing a magnificent job in prosecuting the special military operation and freeing the Ukrainian people from the tyranny of the Zelensky government

Well, now that little flag has been run up the pole.........let's have 'Go Time'.

I'll go first.

If this was such a "magnificent job' as alleged by Sunni Man.......well, why is an official Russian spokesman stating they have suffered a "huge tragedy"?
The Russian army is doing a magnificent job in prosecuting the special military operation and freeing the Ukrainian people from the tyranny of the Zelensky government. .... :thup:

Tyrannical dictators aren't Churchillian. Tyrannical dictators invade other nations without provocation.
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Is it good news or bad news? It's hard to tell in the propaganda induced fog of war.
Yet you’re a stooge for Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, and General Dynamics.
Check it out, we got us another commie-asslicking surrender-monkey. About a third of the Republican party falls into that category.
Check it out, we got us another commie-asslicking surrender-monkey. About a third of the Republican party falls into that category.
WAR IS THE CRIME. The worst war criminals are those who plan wars, profit from wars, convince their citizens to go to war, and reject diplomacy that would prevent war.
If you aren't an idiot, start investing. War is very profitable right now.
WAR IS THE CRIME. The worst war criminals are those who plan wars, profit from wars, convince their citizens to go to war, and reject diplomacy that would prevent war.
If this was such a "magnificent job' as alleged by Sunni Man.......well, why is an official Russian spokesman stating they have suffered a "huge tragedy"?
The spokesman said the loss of troops was a huge tragedy.
Which is true, because the loss of even one soldier is a tragedy.
But you're trying to imply the spokesman was saying the Russian military was suffering a huge tragedy in their war effort.
Which isn't true. The Russian army has performed brilliantly in achieving its tactical objectives in the special military operation throughout Ukraine.
What pics OP? Post them?
Ah, poster ATL, my avatar is merely a reporter of other's reportage.
I do not know which pictures (there are thousands? millions?) of Russian brutality that the Russian spokesman is referencing.
If you can google-up that which he is referencing, well, that would be helpful.

In the meantime, I have seen many many pics of the damage, the corpses, and the hospitalized.
If those are the exact pics the Russian is referencing.....well, I dunno.

From the Post's reportage:
"Peskov said the withdrawal of troops was an act of goodwill and claimed without evidence that the verified graphic photos and videos of damage and death apparently
inflicted by Russian forces were “fake.”
After Iraq and no charges of genocide levelled against the US, can any country's military ever be found guilty of genocide or human rights abuses?

This US propaganda must be investigated.
Assange was persecuted because he negated any need for an investigation by showing the horrifying evidence.

Time for Americans to get serious about their war against Russia. All human rights charges and crimes against humanity charges officially expire with the propaganda.
Ah, poster ATL, my avatar is merely a reporter of other's reportage.
I do not know which pictures (there are thousands? millions?) of Russian brutality that the Russian spokesman is referencing.
If you can google-up that which he is referencing, well, that would be helpful.

In the meantime, I have seen many many pics of the damage, the corpses, and the hospitalized.
If those are the exact pics the Russian is referencing.....well, I dunno.

From the Post's reportage:
"Peskov said the withdrawal of troops was an act of goodwill and claimed without evidence that the verified graphic photos and videos of damage and death apparently
inflicted by Russian forces were “fake.”
Got it.

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