Russia Today interview with Syrian President Assad

At the same time, countries like Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Western countries which provide cover for terrorism like France, the United States, or others, cannot fight terrorism. You cannot be with and against terrorism at the same time. But if these countries decide to change their policies and realize that terrorism is like a scorpion, if you put it in your pocket, it will sting you. If that happens, we have no objection to cooperating with all these countries, provided it is a real and not a fake coalition to fight terrorism.

It's a Catch-22 situation - you can bet ISIS would be worse than Assad...

Syrian president says priority is defeating terrorism, tells Europe stop backing 'terrorists'
September 16, 2015 – Syrian President Bashar Assad says the refugee crisis now hitting Europe is a direct result of the West's support of "terrorists" in Syria.
Speaking in an interview with Russian media, he says the priority now is defeating terrorism in Syria.

The Russian president has said it is impossible to defeat the Islamic State group without cooperating with Damascus, and in recent days has sent about a half-dozen battle tanks and other weaponry to Syria. U.S. officials have said Moscow is simply trying to prop up Assad.

In the interview, excerpts of which were carried Tuesday, Assad addressed Europeans saying: "Stop, if you are worried about them (refugees), stop supporting terrorists."

The Syrian government considers all armed groups fighting to topple Assad to be terrorists.

Syrian president says priority is defeating terrorism, tells Europe stop backing 'terrorists'
It's a Catch-22 situation - you can bet ISIS would be worse than Assad...

Syrian president says priority is defeating terrorism, tells Europe stop backing 'terrorists'
September 16, 2015 – Syrian President Bashar Assad says the refugee crisis now hitting Europe is a direct result of the West's support of "terrorists" in Syria.
Speaking in an interview with Russian media, he says the priority now is defeating terrorism in Syria.

The Russian president has said it is impossible to defeat the Islamic State group without cooperating with Damascus, and in recent days has sent about a half-dozen battle tanks and other weaponry to Syria. U.S. officials have said Moscow is simply trying to prop up Assad.

In the interview, excerpts of which were carried Tuesday, Assad addressed Europeans saying: "Stop, if you are worried about them (refugees), stop supporting terrorists."

The Syrian government considers all armed groups fighting to topple Assad to be terrorists.

Syrian president says priority is defeating terrorism, tells Europe stop backing 'terrorists'
Any point here?
At the same time, countries like Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Western countries which provide cover for terrorism like France, the United States, or others, cannot fight terrorism. You cannot be with and against terrorism at the same time. But if these countries decide to change their policies and realize that terrorism is like a scorpion, if you put it in your pocket, it will sting you. If that happens, we have no objection to cooperating with all these countries, provided it is a real and not a fake coalition to fight terrorism.

Russian military settin' up long-term residence in Syria...

US Official: Russia Military Build-Up in Syria ‘Long Term’
September 21, 2015 | WASHINGTON — Russia’s military build-up in Syria is showing no signs of slowing down with Moscow adding significant air power to its growing array of assets along a stretch of coastline still controlled by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
According to a U.S. official speaking to VOA on the condition of anonymity, Russia now has 28 attack aircraft at the Bassel al-Assad air base near Latakia, up from four confirmed aircraft on Friday. “It’s a significant, long-term build-up,” the official said. “It’s a long-term deal.” The contingent includes 12 Su-25 “Frogfoots,” 12 Su-25 “Fencers” and four “Flankers.” Imagery experts at AllSource Analysis identified the “Flankers” as Su-30s.

Stratfor, a geopolitical intelligence and advisory firm based in Austin, Texas, said the Su-30s are advanced aircraft “suited for both air-superiority missions, as well as ground attack operations.” Stratfor called the presence of the Su-25 “Frogfoots” significant because it indicates “a clear intent to develop a ground attack capability that would be able to impose significant pressure on targets across the Syrian front lines.” The U.S. official said 20 Russian attack and transport helicopters also are being stationed at the base, up from eight on Friday, and that additional tanks also had been brought in.


Russian aircraft at the Bassel al-Assad air base near Latakia, Syria

In addition, the official confirmed reports that Russia has begun flying drones on reconnaissance missions, as first reported by Reuters. U.S. officials said previously that Russia was landing about two cargo flights a day at the air base and has enough modular housing for up to 2,000 troops with about 500 naval infantrymen already on the ground. “We’re obviously watching the situation on the ground in Syria very closely,” Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis told reporters Monday. “We’re keenly aware of what is happening there.”

The build-up of Russian forces in Syria has raised concerns those forces could come into conflict with the air campaign by U.S. and coalition forces targeting the group known as the Islamic State. U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter spoke Friday with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu. The two agreed to continue talking in order to establish “mechanisms for de-confliction” to prevent any accidental military engagement, but the Pentagon said Monday those talks remained in the early stages, and there were no “next steps” to announce.

US Official: Russia Military Build-Up in Syria ‘Long Term’
The build up will grow. What many do not know because our media is more focused on the Kardashians is that you have Chechens involved with ISIS in high ranking positions. It makes total sense that Russia steps up to the plate and are looking like they are going in for the kill.

Our foolish western leaders. Look what they have unleashed on the world by trying to pretend that there was ever an Arab Spring and deposing ME rulers.

Mujahideen Valley
How a Chechen from Georgia Became a Feared Leader of ISIS

How a Chechen from Georgia Became a Feared Leader of ISIS

ISIS opens a new front on Europe's doorstep: Chechan jihadi group with 'up to 15,000' fighters pledge allegiance to terror horde
  • Leader of terror group known as Caucuses Emirate declared loyalty to ISIS
  • 'We need to unite... so we can cut off the heads of the infidels,' he has said
  • Group operates in Russian republics of Chechnya, Daghestan, Ingushetia
  • It has killed hundreds in deadly terror attacks on Russian soil since 2007
  • Eight million already live in ISIS territory across MIddle East, north Africa

    ISIS opens a new front on Putin's doorstep
So our asshole leaders have been pretending to do something about ISIS all this time but really don't want to take them out because they are still trying to depose Assad by any means necessary including ISIS and the AQ factions that work with the MB,

What a freaking dogs breakfast!
It's a Catch-22 situation - you can bet ISIS would be worse than Assad...

Syrian president says priority is defeating terrorism, tells Europe stop backing 'terrorists'
September 16, 2015 – Syrian President Bashar Assad says the refugee crisis now hitting Europe is a direct result of the West's support of "terrorists" in Syria.
Speaking in an interview with Russian media, he says the priority now is defeating terrorism in Syria.

The Russian president has said it is impossible to defeat the Islamic State group without cooperating with Damascus, and in recent days has sent about a half-dozen battle tanks and other weaponry to Syria. U.S. officials have said Moscow is simply trying to prop up Assad.

In the interview, excerpts of which were carried Tuesday, Assad addressed Europeans saying: "Stop, if you are worried about them (refugees), stop supporting terrorists."

The Syrian government considers all armed groups fighting to topple Assad to be terrorists.

Syrian president says priority is defeating terrorism, tells Europe stop backing 'terrorists'
Any point here?

it is a presentation of the filth of Baathist propaganda
Russia Killing US Backed Rebels...

Russia accused of bombing U.S.-armed rebels
October 1, 2015 -- Russian jets carried out a second day of airstrikes in Syria Thursday, but there were conflicting claims about whether they were targeting Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and al Qaeda militants or trying to shore up the defenses of President Bashar Assad.
As concerns grew about a conflict that has now drawn in warplanes from the world's two most powerful militaries, Russian President Vladimir Putin denied reports that civilians were killed in any Russian airstrikes. "We are ready for such information attacks," he said in a live broadcast from the Kremlin. "The first reports of civilian casualties came even before our jets took off." As CBS News correspondent Holly Williams notes, the circumstances have led to an extremely dangerous situation, with the U.S. and Russia conducting airstrikes at the same time in Syria, but backing different sides in the country's complicated civil war.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said his country and the U.S.-coalition "see eye-to-eye" on the targets of the fight in Syria and that the first military contact between Russia and the U.S. would take place "very, very soon." He added that "we believe that our position is absolutely in line with international law." Russian jets appeared to be primarily bombing central and northwestern Syria, strategic regions that are the gateway to Assad's strongholds in the capital Damascus and the coast. The United States and allies fear that Russia, which has backed the Assad family since the current leader's father was in power, is using the air campaign as a pretext to go after anti-Assad rebels that include CIA-backed groups.

U.S. Sen. John McCain said Thursday that some Russian airstrikes in Syria were aimed at CIA-backed groups fighting the Assad regime, echoing claims from activists. McCain, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, told CNN he "can absolutely confirm to you that they were strikes against our Free Syrian Army, or groups that have been armed and trained by the CIA, because we have communications with people there." However, he later said the claim was based on published reports. CBS News senior security contributor Mike Morell, the former deputy director of the CIA, said Putin is miscalculating the effects of his military action.

Granting asylum to Snowden was harder than it would be for Assad...

Putin: too early to speak about sheltering Assad in Russia
Jan 12,`16 -- Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that it would be too early to speak about granting political asylum to Syrian President Bashar Assad, a Putin ally and arguably the main obstacle in the Syrian peace process.
Russia began carrying out air strikes on the positions of Islamic State fighters in September in support of Assad's army which critics say are aimed against Assad's opponents. Russia, the United States, Middle East nations are promoting talks between the Syrian government and opposition, and Assad has been seen as a highly divisive figure.

Putin said in an interview with the German daily Bild published on Tuesday that Moscow is advocating for a constitutional reform in Syria and if the next election is democratic, "Assad won't have to go anywhere, no matter if he is elected president or not."

While Putin refused to speculate on a possible Moscow's role in helping to remove Assad, he indicated that it would not be too difficult for Moscow to do. "We granted asylum to Snowden," he said referring to the American whistleblower Edward Snowden. "That was more difficult than (it would be) to shelter Assad."

News from The Associated Press
Is Russia carving up Syria?...

Russia warns Assad on vow to retake all of Syria
19 Feb.`16 - Russia's envoy to the UN on Friday warned long-term ally President Bashar al-Assad over his vow to retake all of Syria, saying he faced dire consequences if he did not comply with Moscow over the peace process.
"Russia has invested very seriously in this crisis, politically, diplomatically and now also militarily," Vitaly Churkin told Kommersant daily, referring to an international agreement to cease hostilities sealed in Munich last week. "Therefore we would like Assad also to respond to this," he said, adding that the Syrian leader's stance "is not in accord with the diplomatic efforts that Russia is making." At their meeting in Munich, the 17-nation group backing Syria's peace process agreed to work for a ceasefire, the lifting of starvation sieges and the resumption of talks.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin (L)​

In an interview with AFP last week, Assad defiantly pledged to retake the whole of the country, speaking before the plan for a nationwide "cessation of hostilities" in Syria was announced. Asked to comment to journalists on the unusually outspoken criticism of Assad, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Friday said President Vladimir Putin backed the Syrian peace process but stressed that the ceasefire had not yet been implemented. "Everyone including President Putin recognises that there is no alternative other than a political resolution," he said. Nevertheless the ceasefire "is now being worked out, discussed. Wait, let's not run ahead," Peskov said.


Russian air force pilots arrive to board a Russian Sukhoi Su-30SM fighter jet before departure on a mission at the Russian Hmeimim military base in Latakia province, in the northwest of Syria​

In the interview, Churkin, who has served as Russia's ambassador to the United Nations since 2006, stressed that if Syria "follows Russia's leadership in resolving this crisis, then they have a chance to come out of it in a dignified way." "If they in some way stray from this path -- and this is my personal opinion -- a very difficult situation could arise. Including for themselves," he warned. "If they proceed on the basis that no ceasefire is necessary and they need to fight to a victorious end, then this conflict will last a very long time and that is terrifying to imagine." Syria is "already on the brink of falling apart," he said.

- 'Too late' for no-fly zone -
Is Russia carving up Syria?...

Russia warns Assad on vow to retake all of Syria
19 Feb.`16 - Russia's envoy to the UN on Friday warned long-term ally President Bashar al-Assad over his vow to retake all of Syria, saying he faced dire consequences if he did not comply with Moscow over the peace process.
"Russia has invested very seriously in this crisis, politically, diplomatically and now also militarily," Vitaly Churkin told Kommersant daily, referring to an international agreement to cease hostilities sealed in Munich last week. "Therefore we would like Assad also to respond to this," he said, adding that the Syrian leader's stance "is not in accord with the diplomatic efforts that Russia is making." At their meeting in Munich, the 17-nation group backing Syria's peace process agreed to work for a ceasefire, the lifting of starvation sieges and the resumption of talks.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin (L)​

In an interview with AFP last week, Assad defiantly pledged to retake the whole of the country, speaking before the plan for a nationwide "cessation of hostilities" in Syria was announced. Asked to comment to journalists on the unusually outspoken criticism of Assad, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Friday said President Vladimir Putin backed the Syrian peace process but stressed that the ceasefire had not yet been implemented. "Everyone including President Putin recognises that there is no alternative other than a political resolution," he said. Nevertheless the ceasefire "is now being worked out, discussed. Wait, let's not run ahead," Peskov said.


Russian air force pilots arrive to board a Russian Sukhoi Su-30SM fighter jet before departure on a mission at the Russian Hmeimim military base in Latakia province, in the northwest of Syria​

In the interview, Churkin, who has served as Russia's ambassador to the United Nations since 2006, stressed that if Syria "follows Russia's leadership in resolving this crisis, then they have a chance to come out of it in a dignified way." "If they in some way stray from this path -- and this is my personal opinion -- a very difficult situation could arise. Including for themselves," he warned. "If they proceed on the basis that no ceasefire is necessary and they need to fight to a victorious end, then this conflict will last a very long time and that is terrifying to imagine." Syria is "already on the brink of falling apart," he said.

- 'Too late' for no-fly zone -

Just a note ---from the oracle (me---rosie) at USMB-------** ANYONE WHO IMAGINES THAT RUSSIAN LOVE OF ASSAD IS NOT BASED ON RUSSIAN
IMPERIALISM_-----is deadly stupid***
How is that any different than the U.S.'s interest in overthrowing the Syrian government? That's what initiated this whole thing.
How is that any different than the U.S.'s interest in overthrowing the Syrian government? That's what initiated this whole thing.

Lots different------The USA is after a mass murderer on the level of BAATHIST DOG SADDAM HUSSEIN---------whereas PUTIN seeks to control world trade
How is that any different than the U.S.'s interest in overthrowing the Syrian government? That's what initiated this whole thing.

Lots different------The USA is after a mass murderer on the level of BAATHIST DOG SADDAM HUSSEIN---------whereas PUTIN seeks to control world trade

Firstly, most of the deaths have been of soldiers. Secondly more than half of the civilian deaths have been caused by the rebels, from ISIS to the so-called FSA which includes Al-Qaeda/Al-Nusra. How much propaganda do you think we'll swallow you loon.

That reminds me of the famous map.

How is that any different than the U.S.'s interest in overthrowing the Syrian government? That's what initiated this whole thing.

Lots different------The USA is after a mass murderer on the level of BAATHIST DOG SADDAM HUSSEIN---------whereas PUTIN seeks to control world trade

Firstly, most of the deaths have been of soldiers. Secondly more than half of the civilian deaths have been caused by the rebels, from ISIS to the so-called FSA which includes Al-Qaeda/Al-Nusra. How much propaganda do you think we'll swallow you loon.

That reminds me of the famous map.


the map is idiotic-------the US bases that exist now are NOT IMPOSED BY FORCE
and are not in operation for the purpose of SECURING THE OWNERSHIP OF
FOREIGN PORTS. I understand your POV-------your pal made elaborate propaganda pieces on the JOY that the POLES EXHIBITED WHEN YOUR FELLOW NAZIS CAME MARCHING IN
I'm just immune to propaganda, from whatever source. You are a glutton for it.

If true, does it matter that the bases are not imposed by force? Do you think that if countries surrounding the U.S. invited the Russians to set up bases say in Canada, Cuba Mexico etc. that the U.S. would be as passive as Russia is being surrounded?
I'm just immune to propaganda, from whatever source. You are a glutton for it.

If true, does it matter that the bases are not imposed by force? Do you think that if countries surrounding the U.S. invited the Russians to set up bases say in Canada, Cuba Mexico etc. that the U.S. would be as passive as Russia is being surrounded?

depending on actions and observable intent. Russia has a long history of
gross imperialism and is active right now in ALLIANCES which are IMPERIALISM
that the RUSSIANS arrived in the UKRAINE AS SAVIORS

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