Russia will want revenge after losing the war, this may happen in 10 years – Ukraine's Defence Intellige

What by sending ever increasing sophisticated high tech weapons for direct attacks on Russia? not to mention the supply of cluster munitions and Himars which have been used to shell civilians in Donbass, that shelling has been going on for 9 years many from Nato weapons, you had better hope Russia doesn't test that article five bullshit.
Russia started it.

They deserve whatever they get
Russia could have avoided all that by not invading Ukraine.
No, they couldn't. The Ukrainians started to kill Russians, so, it was just a self-defense.
Same way, the USA couldn't avoid Cuban Missile Crisis just buy ignoring Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba.
The concept of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) requires sane leaders to control the nuclear weapons. Rumors are Putin is not totally all there.

Vladimir Putin Is a 'Gibbering Wreck in a Straitjacket' Accused of Taking Injections Mixed With Crystal Meth​

It's not just Putin. The Russians don't believe in MAD. The nuclear war, while devastating, is survivable and winnable.
First - counter-force strike, then - counter-ABD strike, then - demand for surrender or devastating counter-value strike.

And the price of such war will be definitely lower than the price of the "peace on Biden's terms".
He is supporting Ukrainian Nazies, even those, who were described as Nazies by US Congress.
Why did so many Ukrainians support Germany during World War II? They supported Germany because Stalin taught them to hare Russia. Now Putin is teaching them to hate Russia.
Why did so many Ukrainians support Germany during World War II? They supported Germany because Stalin taught them to hare Russia. Now Putin is teaching them to hate Russia.
Why did the germans hate the jews so much until the point of their total extermination? Probably because the jews taught the germans to hate them. So it was the Jews' fault.
From the point of view of a nazi nit like you.
Why did so many Ukrainians support Germany during World War II? They supported Germany because Stalin taught them to hare Russia. Now Putin is teaching them to hate Russia.
Actually, they (some of them) were taught to hate Russia long time before, say, since the competion of the Russian Kingdoms of Kuyabia, Artania and Slavia in VIII-IX centuries, or civil wars between Russian duchies in X-XIII centuries, or during Mongolian occupation of Eastern Russia and Polish-Lituanian occupation of Western Russia, or under the rule of Austria-Hungarians... The history of their relationships is long and quite complicated.
Actually, they don't hate Russia (most of them). They just earn their money (if we are talking about Ukrainian decision-makers).
Why did the germans hate the jews so much until the point of their total extermination? Probably because the jews taught the germans to hate them. So it was the Jews' fault.
From the point of view of a nazi nit like you.
The Jews were not responsible for the deaths of millions of Germans, like the Russians were responsible for the deaths of millions of Ukrainians.
The Jews were not responsible for the deaths of millions of Germans, like the Russians were responsible for the deaths of millions of Ukrainians.
As well as Ukrainians were responsible for the death of millions of Russians. It's a long story, you should know.
As well as Ukrainians were responsible for the death of millions of Russians. It's a long story, you should know.
People hate Jews because they resent Jewish intelligence, Jewish success, and Jewish prosperity.

People hate Russia because Russia invades them and tries to conquer them.
People hate Jews because they resent Jewish intelligence, Jewish success, and Jewish prosperity.
One can say, that people hate Russians because they want Russian land and Russian resources.

People hate Russia because Russia invades them and tries to conquer them.
The Russians hate Europeans because Europeans (and their hired guns, Ukrainians) invaded Russian lands and tried to discriminate, abuse and genocide the Russians. Actually, they do it at least twice a century.
People hate Jews because they resent Jewish intelligence, Jewish success, and Jewish prosperity.

People hate Russia because Russia invades them and tries to conquer them.
If that's the template for hate the US is in a league of it's own.
Crimea never really belonged to Ukraine, Donbass was lost to Ukraine after the Ukrainians started murdering their own citizens, they wanted out, you still didn't answer my question what would happen if the Russians pulled out?
Crimea has belonged to Ukraine since 1954.

As for Ukrianians murdering their own citizens, you are drinking Putin's piss.

If Russia pulled out, Ukraine could rebuild and then join NATO.
Crimea has belonged to Ukraine since 1954
When Ukraine itself was a part of Russia.
As for Ukrianians murdering their own citizens, you are drinking Putin's piss.
It's a fact. You can read our Ukrainian friends even here.

If Russia pulled out, Ukraine could rebuild and then join NATO.
That's why Russia won't pull out. At least because the can't allow Ukraine join NATO.
When Ukraine itself was a part of Russia.

It's a fact. You can read our Ukrainian friends even here.

That's why Russia won't pull out. At least because the can't allow Ukraine join NATO.
Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union. And they had many millions of people murdered by Stalin in a man-made famine.

More people were killed during that period than the number of Jews Hitler killed.

Ukraine has have been an independent sovereign nation since the fall of the USSR.

Putin fucked up. He caused two more countries to join NATO, and they are right on his border.

Like I said, if he isn't worried, he's an even bigger idiot than I thought.

As for the Donbass, you are parroting Putin propaganda.

Let me tell something that is a fact. Putin has force migrated almost a million Ukrainians to Russia, and many of the children have been raped by the Russian military.

So don't ever try to convince me you fuckheads give a shit about pedophilia.
Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union. And they had many millions of people murdered by Stalin in a man-made famine.
Technically, Stalin wasn't Russian (in the narrow meaning of the word) he was Georgian. And yes, in the Soviet Union millions of Russians was murdered in a man-made famine, political terror, civil war and so on, too. Commies are commies, you know, whatever ethnic group they belong (Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, Poles and so on...) Many of Soviet leaders were Ukrainians at time.

More people were killed during that period than the number of Jews Hitler killed.

From all sides. Civil war and a political terror are ugli things, you know.
But they have been an independent nation since the fall of the USSR.
They didn't became a real nation, after all. It's a borderland, disputed land.

Putin fucked up. He caused two more countries to join NATO, and they are right on his border.
It isn't over until it's over. Those two countries are more recipients of the safety than donors.

Like I said, if he isn't worried, he's an even bigger idiot than I thought.

As for the Donbass, you are parroting Putin propaganda.

Let me tell something that is a fact. Putin has force migrated almost a million Ukrainians to Russia, and many of the children have been raped by the Russian military.

And how many of them were thorned apart and ate by those evil Orks?
So don't ever try to convince me you fuckheads give a shit about pedophilia.
I don't give a shit about that stupid Biden's propaganda.
They didn't became a real nation, after all. It's a borderland, disputed land.
No. Wrong. Russia signed the terms agreeing to the borders of Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR.

2014 was Putin doing a Hitler and the Sudetenland. Exactly the same.
Well you should worry, there are some very unhinged neocons behind him, Putin and men like Lavrov are not irrational people, if they were after all the provocations from the West and Nato we would already be in a nuclear war.
Perhaps when we start throwing nukes at each other the space aliens we keep reading about will step in and save the day.
It's not just Putin. The Russians don't believe in MAD. The nuclear war, while devastating, is survivable and winnable.
First - counter-force strike, then - counter-ABD strike, then - demand for surrender or devastating counter-value strike.
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And the price of such war will be definitely lower than the price of the "peace on Biden's terms".
I am actually surprised Russia has not yet used tactical nukes in Ukraine.

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