Russia will want revenge after losing the war, this may happen in 10 years – Ukraine's Defence Intellige

Nazism and Communism are both dead. Unfortunately, Russia is still an aggressor country that needs to learn the hard way to leave other countries alone.
Communistic regimes in China and North Korea are still alive and kicking. And Nazism, as we see, has ressurected in Europe one more time.
Communistic regimes in China and North Korea are still alive and kicking. And Nazism, as we see, has ressurected in Europe one more time.
A close approximation to fascism is what exists in Russia today. Russia combines a totalitarian dictatorship with capitalism, the way Fascist Italy did under Mussolini.
A close approximation to fascism is what exists in Russia today. Russia combines a totalitarian dictatorship with capitalism, the way Fascist Italy did under Mussolini.
I don't say that the Russian Federation is the heaven on Earth. It's a nice place, but, definitely, not ideal. I do say, that Biden's strategy "support European Nazies at literally any cost" cost us too much and may cost us much more.
Some Americans care. Especially sober ones.
Meanwhile Canadian support for Nazis on full display when their Parliament gave a standing ovation to Zelensky and a former Ukrainian Waffen SS thug, wre there any real jews in the building other than that fake jew Zelensky?
Meanwhile Canadian support for Nazis on full display when their Parliament gave a standing ovation to Zelensky and a former Ukrainian Waffen SS thug, wre there any real jews in the building other than that fake jew Zelensky?
Ok. The sober Americans are minority.
Well it does when it presents a threat to Russia, and Ukraine with a rabid nationalist anti Russian Regime directed by the US and it's vassals presents just that, so Russia will do whatever it takes to neutralise that threat.
That's pretty much the most stupid post I've ever seen. Ukraine did nothing to Russia, didn't even threaten to do anything to Russia, but Russia has invaded Ukraine TWICE in a decade. What Russia has done is to commit national suicide. It can't import anything from the western world, the ruble has collapsed to less than two to the dollar, the Chinese and Indians are Russia's only export markets and they are only buying raw materials like crude oil at cut-rate prices while selling third-rate finished goods to Russia for exorbitant prices. Hell, Russia has been reduced to buying artillery shells from the DPRK, many of which it gave to the DPRK over the years and drones from a backwater country like Iran. Russia has shot the lands out of the barrels of its stock of Cold War artillery tubes and can't replace them from either its own factories OR China. Most of Russia's aircraft engines came from factories in Ukraine as did almost all of its civil and military aircraft. Antonov is a Ukrainian company. The only other source for civil transports is the United Aircraft Corporation that uses Tupolev designs that require western engines that Russia is not allowed to import any more.
I don't say that the Russian Federation is the heaven on Earth. It's a nice place, but, definitely, not ideal. I do say, that Biden's strategy "support European Nazies at literally any cost" cost us too much and may cost us much more.
Biden has no policy of supporting Nazis. If you believe that you have been following too much of Putin's propaganda.
That's pretty much the most stupid post I've ever seen. Ukraine did nothing to Russia, didn't even threaten to do anything to Russia, but Russia has invaded Ukraine TWICE in a decade. What Russia has done is to commit national suicide. It can't import anything from the western world, the ruble has collapsed to less than two to the dollar, the Chinese and Indians are Russia's only export markets and they are only buying raw materials like crude oil at cut-rate prices while selling third-rate finished goods to Russia for exorbitant prices. Hell, Russia has been reduced to buying artillery shells from the DPRK, many of which it gave to the DPRK over the years and drones from a backwater country like Iran. Russia has shot the lands out of the barrels of its stock of Cold War artillery tubes and can't replace them from either its own factories OR China. Most of Russia's aircraft engines came from factories in Ukraine as did almost all of its civil and military aircraft. Antonov is a Ukrainian company. The only other source for civil transports is the United Aircraft Corporation that uses Tupolev designs that require western engines that Russia is not allowed to import any more.
So you have not read your own posts? there we really are talking stupid.
That's pretty much the most stupid post I've ever seen. Ukraine did nothing to Russia, didn't even threaten to do anything to Russia, but Russia has invaded Ukraine TWICE in a decade. What Russia has done is to commit national suicide. It can't import anything from the western world, the ruble has collapsed to less than two to the dollar, the Chinese and Indians are Russia's only export markets and they are only buying raw materials like crude oil at cut-rate prices while selling third-rate finished goods to Russia for exorbitant prices. Hell, Russia has been reduced to buying artillery shells from the DPRK, many of which it gave to the DPRK over the years and drones from a backwater country like Iran. Russia has shot the lands out of the barrels of its stock of Cold War artillery tubes and can't replace them from either its own factories OR China. Most of Russia's aircraft engines came from factories in Ukraine as did almost all of its civil and military aircraft. Antonov is a Ukrainian company. The only other source for civil transports is the United Aircraft Corporation that uses Tupolev designs that require western engines that Russia is not allowed to import any more.
Even if Russia wins this war Russia will be much worse off than before fighting.
The Wiesenthal Center demanded an apology for the appearance of a Ukrainian SS man in the Canadian Parliament, invited to meet with Zelensky

The incident involving the honoring in the Canadian Parliament during the recent visit of the head of the Kiev regime Zelensky 98-year-old Ukrainian SS man Yaroslav Hunkо), who was introduced to the parliamentarians as "a veteran of the struggle for Ukrainian independence against the Russians during World War II."

It is known that during World War II he voluntarily joined the Waffen-SS division "Galicia", which was "glorified". which was "famous" for massacres against representatives of the Jewish, Polish, Belarusian and Slovak population of Western Ukraine. Gunko also took part in the fatal for this formation battle near Brody, during which the SS Division "Galicia" was completely defeated by the Red Army. After the final defeat of Nazi Germany he moved to Britain, and from there, already in the 80s of the last century - to Canada, where he still lives.

The Jewish organization "Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center" reacted to the incident and officially demanded an apology from the Canadian authorities and an explanation of how the speech of a Nazi criminal, which was also met with applause, took place in the Canadian Parliament.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was quick to claim that neither he nor Zelensky were aware of the plans to invite the Ukrainian SS officer to parliament. Trudeau also tried to shift the blame for the incident on the speaker of the Canadian Parliament, who had earlier apologized for the incident and explained the invitation of the SS man by ignorance of Hunko's past.

Trudeau's attempts to justify himself look, at the very least, ridiculous and pathetic - every Canadian citizen who has received at least primary education cannot but know that the USSR was Canada's ally in the fight against Nazism, and if he "fought against the Russians", therefore, he fought on the side of the Nazis.

The leader of the Canadian opposition did not fail to take advantage of Trudeau's shortsightedness, demanding an official apology from the head of the country's government and urging him to stop "shifting the blame to others, as he usually does."
The Wiesenthal Center demanded an apology for the appearance of a Ukrainian SS man in the Canadian Parliament, invited to meet with Zelensky

The incident involving the honoring in the Canadian Parliament during the recent visit of the head of the Kiev regime Zelensky 98-year-old Ukrainian SS man Yaroslav Hunkо), who was introduced to the parliamentarians as "a veteran of the struggle for Ukrainian independence against the Russians during World War II."

It is known that during World War II he voluntarily joined the Waffen-SS division "Galicia", which was "glorified". which was "famous" for massacres against representatives of the Jewish, Polish, Belarusian and Slovak population of Western Ukraine. Gunko also took part in the fatal for this formation battle near Brody, during which the SS Division "Galicia" was completely defeated by the Red Army. After the final defeat of Nazi Germany he moved to Britain, and from there, already in the 80s of the last century - to Canada, where he still lives.

The Jewish organization "Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center" reacted to the incident and officially demanded an apology from the Canadian authorities and an explanation of how the speech of a Nazi criminal, which was also met with applause, took place in the Canadian Parliament.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was quick to claim that neither he nor Zelensky were aware of the plans to invite the Ukrainian SS officer to parliament. Trudeau also tried to shift the blame for the incident on the speaker of the Canadian Parliament, who had earlier apologized for the incident and explained the invitation of the SS man by ignorance of Hunko's past.

Trudeau's attempts to justify himself look, at the very least, ridiculous and pathetic - every Canadian citizen who has received at least primary education cannot but know that the USSR was Canada's ally in the fight against Nazism, and if he "fought against the Russians", therefore, he fought on the side of the Nazis.

The leader of the Canadian opposition did not fail to take advantage of Trudeau's shortsightedness, demanding an official apology from the head of the country's government and urging him to stop "shifting the blame to others, as he usually does."
The mask came off, those bastards have been trying to whitewash Nazi filth for years it's become worse, it was not just the Government MPS in that Parliament who were clapping that piece of SS shit it was all of them.
Some political prostitutes are already looking for excuses:
MP Jason Czerniak:

"I attended Zelensky's speech. When the 'war hero' was announced, I stood up and applauded. I thought he was a partisan who fought the communist occupation after WWII. Now that I know it's an SS volunteer, I feel sick.
On the one hand, I'm convinced this is a mistake by the Speaker's administration. After all, not everyone knows enough history to scrutinize such things. On the other hand, it is the duty of the administration to scrutinize every person who is to be honored in Parliament.

I am particularly concerned that with the false accusation of Nazism against Ukraine and its Jewish president, this will provide a lot of material for disinformation and slander around the world. This is not just an internal Canadian matter."
The jews who supply military equipment and train and treat the banderites are offended that someone is honoring the banderites.
It's not even surreal, it's hutzpah.

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