Russian Agent and Biden sexual assault accuser… defects to Russia

Well, as if we didn’t know that Tara Reade was a Putin foreign agent she goes ahead and defects to Russia in an announcement with formerly convicted Russian spy Maria Butina. What a joke, and you righty comrades faithfully posted thread after thread about this spy as if her accusations were real. Looks like Putin played you guys for fools.

Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer who in 2020 accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, said on Tuesday she had defected to Russia.

“I’m still kind of in a daze a bit but I feel very good,” Reade told Sputnik, a Russian press outlet supportive of President Vladimir Putin, while sitting with Maria Butina, a convicted Russian agent jailed in the US but now a member of parliament in Russia.

Reade said: “To my Russian brothers and sisters, I’m sorry right now that American elites are choosing to have such an aggressive stance. Just know that most American citizens do want to be friends and hope that we can have unity again.

“I am enjoying my time in Moscow, and I feel very at home.”

I'm not at all surprised by what Reid did. Even after her accusations failed to gain traction she continued make that claims that were proven to be lies.
Another Putin puppet.

Indeed. You two are like peas in a pod. Let's see a picture with you in your "Make the USSR Great Again" hat, too! I know you've got one, you all do.

Well, as if we didn’t know that Tara Reade was a Putin foreign agent she goes ahead and defects to Russia in an announcement with formerly convicted Russian spy Maria Butina. What a joke, and you righty comrades faithfully posted thread after thread about this spy as if her accusations were real. Looks like Putin played you guys for fools.

Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer who in 2020 accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, said on Tuesday she had defected to Russia.

“I’m still kind of in a daze a bit but I feel very good,” Reade told Sputnik, a Russian press outlet supportive of President Vladimir Putin, while sitting with Maria Butina, a convicted Russian agent jailed in the US but now a member of parliament in Russia.

Reade said: “To my Russian brothers and sisters, I’m sorry right now that American elites are choosing to have such an aggressive stance. Just know that most American citizens do want to be friends and hope that we can have unity again.

“I am enjoying my time in Moscow, and I feel very at home.”

Reid was acting as an Agent of Disinformation for Russia 2020. Accusations did not up scrutiny and her actions were a bust. Now the bitch home. She is apparently asshole buddies with Maria Butina, the Russian bimbo who fucked herself silly in order to direct Russian Dark Money into the Rapist and Traitor's Campaign.
DemoKKKrats are trying desperately to gaslight people into forgetting they literally worshipped the Soviet Union, and later Russia, for many decades, right up until Hillary Clinton decided in 2016 that she could make a shit ton of money starting a war with Russia.
Most MAGAnut Republicans (before Trump) bought into John Birch Society Cold War “patriotic” demagogy of every type, especially those narrow-minded “Lost Cause” Southerners and religious fundamentalists who now support Trump, opposing Civil Rights laws and supporting the Vietnam War, supporting apartheid in South Africa, our CIA aid to bloody dictatorships in South America, invasions and occupations of the Middle East to “avenge 9/11,” etc. etc.

A few score liberals like Obama (rightly) voted against the 2nd Iraq War initially, but anti-communist foreign policy was a bipartisan bedrock U.S. position for generations — as was more recently our policy toward Ukraine and ex-Soviet Russia. In earlier times Democrats as a whole were usually very well represented among the worst and most dishonest MIC-supported “Cold Warriors.”

Your statements about Clinton are typical nonsense. Except perhaps for the period when she was a college student and protested the Vietnam War (a colossal error of U.S. imperialism), she was a determined Cold Warrior and advocate of aggressive American foreign policy goals throughout her political life.

You are dreaming up Martian-like dreams.
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Most MAGAnut Republicans (before Trump) bought into John Birch Society Cold War “patriotic” demagogy of every type, especially those narrow-minded “Lost Cause” Southerners and religious fundamentalists who now support Trump, opposing Civil Rights laws and supporting the Vietnam War, supporting apartheid in South Africa, our support of bloody dictatorships in South America, invasions and occupations of the Middle East to “avenge 9/11,” etc.

A few score liberals like Obama (rightly) voted against the 2nd Iraq War initially, but anti-communism foreign policy was a bipartisan bedrock U.S. position for generations — as was more recently our policy toward Ukraine and ex-Soviet Russia. In earlier times Democrats as a whole were usually very well represented among the worst and most dishonest MIC-supported “Cold Warriors.”

Your statements about Clinton are typical nonsense. Except perhaps for the period when she was a college student and protested the Vietnam War (a colossal error of U.S. imperialism), she was a determined Cold Warrior and advocate of aggressive American foreign policy goals throughout her political life.

You are dreaming up Martian-like dreams.
You are right, Hillary Clinton is a Chinese Marxist
Great question, who was in charge of the cell block where epstein was murdered
We are not talking about Epstein! He was a powerful, corrupt and highly connected Establishment multi-millionaire (half-billion net worth). We are talking here about a sad impoverished woman who might have at one time imagined herself a star, who now represents a threat to nobody, except perhaps herself.
You are right, Hillary Clinton is a Chinese Marxist
The Hillary Clinton / Joe Biden / Democratic Party position toward China is far more aggressive (and more comprehensive) than ever was Donald Trump’s. When you cannot respond intelligently, like most MAGAnuts you just lie and crack stupid jokes.
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To Russia. That’s the kind of paranoid behavior that makes people question your sanity.
You missed her statement.. "If something happens to me.... all roads lead to Biden."
My sanity is not up for questioning.
The Hillary Clinton / Joe Biden / Democratic Party position toward China is far more aggressive (and more comprehensive) than ever was Donald Trump’s. When you cannot respond intelligently, like most MAGAnuts you just lie and crack stupid jokes.
Yet, you replied attacking me? Not addressing the facts that we know.

Bill Clinton received campaign contributions from the Chinese

Bill Clinton gave China the technology to successfully launch rockets and missiles.

These are proven facts, as is it is a proven fact that you will lie and crack jokes, insult and flane, troll, when presented with fact
We are not talking about Epstein! He was a powerful, corrupt and highly connected Establishment multi-millionaire (half-billion net worth). We are talking here about a sad impoverished woman who might have at one time imagined herself a star, who now represents a threat to nobody, except perhaps herself.
We are talking about Epstein, what do you call your response.

Epstein was an example of what will happen hance very relevant to as to why Tara Reide fled to Russia
But why would anyone go to Russia to promote a book? Is that a normal place for an American author to promote their book, in a book tour? That part seems a little odd to me....?
I would go to Russia if I could write a book and it needed to be promoted. I would wear a fur coat and eat caviar and drink vodka and act like I owned the place.
Maybe pick up some ladies as well. Why not? I certainly would not want to do it in Paris where the ladies don't shave or bathe.
MCC is a Federal prison ya know.


You knew that?

Billy Barr was head of the DOJ then.

You knew that too right?


MCC is a Federal prison ya know.


You knew that?

Billy Barr was head of the DOJ then.

You knew that too right?

Right right right

Who hired those in charge of the cell block? It was not Bill Barr, right, right, right
I would go to Russia if I could write a book and it needed to be promoted. I would wear a fur coat and eat caviar and drink vodka and act like I owned the place.
Maybe pick up some ladies as well. Why not? I certainly would not want to do it in Paris where the ladies don't shave or bathe.
Ever hear of Britney Griner?

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