Russian Agent and Biden sexual assault accuser… defects to Russia

There is no need to think Tara Reade is or was “a spy.”

She most likely was just a sad woman looking for attention, or someone hoping to make some money from Fox media, or whoever would buy her story.

Any bets on how long she will last in Russia?

Maybe she can live in that little village being built for Trump supporters?

She’s a bit too “MeToo-ish” for most conservatives, and not much of a looker these days. Well, let’s admit it — she’s obese.

At least any lonely, grumpy old MAGAnuts who move to Russia will find in her somebody who speaks good English … and who also hates Joe Biden and suffers from a bad case of paranoia.

See her photo and weep for her. Anybody who thinks the Dems or the CIA would bother assassinating or persecuting her at this point … is as nutty and paranoid as she is.

Tara Reade, who accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, defects to Russia
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Maybe he was held because of his political beliefs but I think it probably had a lot more to do with the fact that he beat police officers with a baton.
Considering at least one of those officers murdered an unarmed woman ... you gotta wonder who the good guys were vs. the bad guys. Hitler's Gestapo Police used to beat people as well.
Sure! :rolleyes:

Putin is so strong.....

He has to poison and murder his political opponents, and jail or murder journalists telling the truth about him and his criminal cronies....

Me thinks you are really confused on Putin being strong.... He's weak...beyond weak!!!
Do you still trust and believe the mainstream media? Really?
Yeah, that unarmed woman had to have been one of the scariest moments in that armed cop's life. Glad he's safe.
Thomas Ballard attacked an officer. That’s why he’s in jail.

It’s not politics. It’s violent crime.
If you think this chick was anywhere on anyone’s radar you’re smoking dope. She didn’t have to befriend ex Russian spy Butina either. But she did, cuz they both are. You might as well sing the Russian anthem traitor.

He's no traitor, just another Russian troll, putting in work. This forum is full of them. This thread is full of them.
Makes sense. After all, there are few places we know Joe Biden will never go:
  • Any America First campaign rallies.
  • Any south border state.
  • Any Catholic churches which decry child rights violations or insist on a clean mind and clean heart.
  • Anywhere near Russia that might put an end to this stupid war as US presidents used to be famous for, as peacemakers and peacekeepers as Trump was.
OK, Comrade. :heehee:
Of course she defected

Tara Reade did not want to EPSTEINED, you know, murdered for daring to speak against Democrats.
Who was in charge of the Federal Prisons when Epstein "committed suicide"?

Who was his boss?
A person deciding the US is an evil war monger and deciding Russia has better values, has nothing to do with whether or not the person is lying about sexual assault.
Its simple truth.
The US has started at least 30 illegal wars in the last century, all of them based on obvious lies.
Like divers have proven the Spanish did not sink the USS Maine, but that it simply was being maintained improperly, and its steam boiler blew up.
Another Putin puppet.

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