Russian agents disappear after trump publishes Steele testimony

I understand that those allegations need to be solidified before I'm going to condemn a person for them. Would you accept me saying Quid Pro Joe should never be president again if I say he allegedly had sexual contact with a Russian spy and was being blackmailed? Seriously, "allegedly" and "reportedly" are virtually meaningless in today's destroy a Republican at all costs media world.

Add this allegedly to this though

and this

Seriously, I know you brainwashed nazi's don't know what you are advocating for just like a lot of Germans didn't know how bad the nazi party would get. We have a chance to nip this in the butt and I'm sure we will, but let's just say I'd be more nervous if inflation were still going up and you didn't give us the roe v wade gift that keeps on giving.

LOL! ^^^The guy who advocating forcing little kids to take an experimental medical procedure or be kicked out of school called me a Nazi. Haha!
LOL! ^^^The guy who advocating forcing little kids to take an experimental medical procedure or be kicked out of school called me a Nazi. Haha!

They/you are free to not get vaccinated. Just stay home. You are a danger to the rest of us.

Go to a private school then. How about that? Public school you have to follow the rules of the free school there bub.

No one's forcing you to go.
Add this allegedly to this though

and this

Those are not the issue at hand, and before I'm willing to use "allegedly", and "reportedly" to condemn someone as unfit for office, there needs to be some solidity to it.
Those are not the issue at hand, and before I'm willing to use "allegedly", and "reportedly" to condemn someone as unfit for office, there needs to be some solidity to it.

Former president Donald Trump faces a total of 91 charges across four criminal cases. They include 44 federal charges and 47 state charges, all of them felonies.

13 charges in the Georgia election interference case​

4 charges in the federal Jan. 6 election case
40 charges in the classified documents case
34 charges in the falsifying business records case


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Former president Donald Trump faces a total of 91 charges across four criminal cases. They include 44 federal charges and 47 state charges, all of them felonies.

13 charges in the Georgia election interference case​

4 charges in the federal Jan. 6 election case
40 charges in the classified documents case
34 charges in the falsifying business records case
And if he's found guilty by the jury, not the headlines, and after all the appeals are settled, we can talk about what he's actually done and not just what he's been accused of doing. There's a big difference. Take Kyle Rittenhouse, for example. If you had gone by just the headlines before the trial (and a lot of people did just that, and were spouting off on here), you would have thought he was a racist who had an AR-15 at home, toted it across state lines with no consideration for gun laws, and went hunting black people that night. If, OTOH, you allowed the trial to take place, the evidence be presented and the jury to come back with their decision, you realize that the truth is radically different.
And if he's found guilty by the jury, not the headlines, and after all the appeals are settled, we can talk about what he's actually done and not just what he's been accused of doing. There's a big difference. Take Kyle Rittenhouse, for example. If you had gone by just the headlines before the trial (and a lot of people did just that, and were spouting off on here), you would have thought he was a racist who had an AR-15 at home, toted it across state lines with no consideration for gun laws, and went hunting black people that night. If, OTOH, you allowed the trial to take place, the evidence be presented and the jury to come back with their decision, you realize that the truth is radically different.
They just got Sidney Powell to admit guilt in trying to overthrow the election in Georgia. Republicans are suggesting the government coerced her into it. Suggesting she's innocent but didn't want to risk years in prison so she took a sweetheart deal to a misdemeanor. In other words she didn't do it but the government forced her to say she's guilty.

I don't think even a guilty verdict will convince you Trump has done all the things he's being charged with. Or that he should be charged. If you think he should be president again you have a serious screw loose. I just hope America isn't as crazy/stupid/evil as I know you are.
And if he's found guilty by the jury, not the headlines, and after all the appeals are settled, we can talk about what he's actually done and not just what he's been accused of doing. There's a big difference. Take Kyle Rittenhouse, for example. If you had gone by just the headlines before the trial (and a lot of people did just that, and were spouting off on here), you would have thought he was a racist who had an AR-15 at home, toted it across state lines with no consideration for gun laws, and went hunting black people that night. If, OTOH, you allowed the trial to take place, the evidence be presented and the jury to come back with their decision, you realize that the truth is radically different.
Or take for example OJ Simpson. I think this is more similar to what you are hoping for Trump. You're hoping his high priced lawyers will make the case about something other than all the shit Trump did to overturn the election. We need to stay focused. OJ's case wasn't about the LAPD it was about OJ Killing his wife. But OJ's lawyers made it about the cops.
They just got Sidney Powell to admit guilt in trying to overthrow the election in Georgia. Republicans are suggesting the government coerced her into it. Suggesting she's innocent but didn't want to risk years in prison so she took a sweetheart deal to a misdemeanor. In other words she didn't do it but the government forced her to say she's guilty.
Okay, so what? That has nothing to do with whether TRUMP! is guilty of "allegedly" and "reportedly".
I don't think even a guilty verdict will convince you Trump has done all the things he's being charged with. Or that he should be charged. If you think he should be president again you have a serious screw loose. I just hope America isn't as crazy/stupid/evil as I know you are.
No, a guilty verdict means he's guilty of committing crimes, and that could get him disqualified from running. Bubba Clinton was guilty of lying under oath and left office with a high approval rating, so being accused of committing crimes doesn't seem to be the absolute standard you wish it to be. Oh, and BTW, you get charged BEFORE you get found guilty, unless you're dealing with the Queen of Hearts, of course.
Those goalposts are definitely on wheels.
Where did I establish them first that they are moving now? I do not believe I've ever stated categorically that TRUMP! is innocent of everything, I've always insisted that the trials need to happen.
Okay, so what? That has nothing to do with whether TRUMP! is guilty of "allegedly" and "reportedly".

No, a guilty verdict means he's guilty of committing crimes, and that could get him disqualified from running. Bubba Clinton was guilty of lying under oath and left office with a high approval rating, so being accused of committing crimes doesn't seem to be the absolute standard you wish it to be. Oh, and BTW, you get charged BEFORE you get found guilty, unless you're dealing with the Queen of Hearts, of course.
Lying about a bj?

I'm done talking to stupid. He's guilty as fuck. Not allegedly.

You won't even trust a guilty verdict. You'll say they put a bunch of RINO's and Liberals on the jury. Eat a dick.
Lying about a bj?

I'm done talking to stupid. He's guilty as fuck. Not allegedly.

You won't even trust a guilty verdict. You'll say they put a bunch of RINO's and Liberals on the jury. Eat a dick.
So sad. You have no idea what I would say to a guilty verdict because we don't have one yet. When we do, you'll know. Nice projection, though.
So sad. You have no idea what I would say to a guilty verdict because we don't have one yet. When we do, you'll know. Nice projection, though.
I know exactly how you will respond. I'll show you how you will still make excuses even after Trump is found guilty. Ready for it?

Sidney Powell pleads guilty over efforts to overturn Trump’s loss in Georgia.​

How do you feel about this guilty verdict? This is Trump's attorney. The liar who tried to help him lie, cheat and steal the 2020 election. Doesn't look good for Trump. What do you say about her pleading guilt?

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