New York Times Finally Admits That Steele Dossier Was A Lie and “False”

Let's "circle back" to some of the lefties' posts about the Steele dossier. Now that even the NYT has admitted it's a fake, I think it will be fun to see just how much faith the rubes had in this document...stay tuned.
Who cares?

That Golden Shower claim was PRICELESS
"Who cares?". That's all that needs to be said to understand why the deplorable state of modern journalism continues unabated. Until consumers demand journalistic standards be upheld, they won't be, and it's clear by that statement that at least left wing consumers don't intend to hold their news sources to any such standards.

Anyone with an ounce of sense knew it was bullshit. Most of the TDS sufferers knew it was bullshit too, but they parroted it anyway because they are dishonest and dishonorable people.

I recognized it as Bullshit from the start.
But it was so fucking funny and pissed Trump off.
The article mentioned only two of the many assertions in the Steele Dossier.

The pee tapes and the Prague visit.
That's all that needs to be mentioned to discredit the whole thing. That's how this works. If you want something taken seriously, you don't include unsubstantiated claims. If, for example, someone wants to be taken seriously on a scientific theory of whether UFO's are extraterrestrial or human in origin, it would behoove them to NOT include claims that the earth is flat.
'Muh, Russia'. Yet there are still true believers out there, even some on this board.

After years and years of lying to the American people, the New York Times has finally admitted that the Steele dossier against former President Donald Trump was nothing but a lie.
In their embarrassing admission piece, the Times noted that contents in the dossier “have never materialized or have been proved false.”
Check out what The New York Times had to say:
Some journalists are happy to knock on the doors of strangers. I was never one of them, but Christopher Steele, the ex-British spy behind the infamous Trump dossier, left me no choice. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Mr. Steele had been hired by an investigative firm called Fusion GPS to gather dirt about Donald J. Trump and Russia. The firm’s founders, two former Wall Street Journal reporters, made it clear they would not talk to me for a book I was writing about the business of private intelligence. So on an early summer morning in 2019, I arrived at Mr. Steele’s home in Farnham, a picturesque English village.
In photographs, the retired MI6 agent was always dressed impeccably in business suits, his graying hair freshly coifed. When he opened his door, he was wearing plaid boxer shorts and a blue T-shirt and had a serious case of bed head. “I can’t talk today,” he said. “It’s my birthday.”
At the time, those involved with the dossier were intent on controlling its narrative and eager to capitalize on their fame. Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, the founders of Fusion GPS, wrote a book about the dossier that became a best seller. Mr. Steele sold his life rights to a Hollywood studio owned by George Clooney. When a guest at a private dinner party hosted by Vanity Fair asked him for his business card, he thought it was a fan who wanted his autograph, so he picked up his place card and signed it.
Now the glow has faded — from both the dossier and its promoters. Russia, as Mr. Steele asserted, did try to influence the 2016 election. But many of the dossier’s most explosive claims — like a salacious “pee” tape featuring Mr. Trump or a supposed meeting in Prague between Michael Cohen, Mr. Trump’s former attorney, and Russian operatives — have never materialized or have been proved false. The founders of Alfa Bank, a major Russian financial institution, are suing Fusion GPS, claiming the firm libeled them. (Fusion has denied the claims.) Plans for a film based on Mr. Steele’s adventures appear dead.
Beneath the dossier’s journey from media obsession to slush pile lies a broader and more troubling story. Today, private spying has boomed into a renegade, billion-dollar industry, one that is increasingly invading our privacy, profiting from deception and manipulating the news.

I fail to see in the article how it claimed that the Steele Dossier was a lie. Your evidence points to just two events in the dossier.
That's all that needs to be mentioned to discredit the whole thing. That's how this works. If you want something taken seriously, you don't include unsubstantiated claims. If, for example, someone wants to be taken seriously on a scientific theory of whether UFO's are extraterrestrial or human in origin, it would behoove them to NOT include claims that the earth is flat.
its been reported on several major leftwing news mags NY Times ecct... that the dossier was false info .... on page 12 of course ...
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This is what they do with everything. They drag shit out for years, and then way after the damage is done they make a very quiet admission of guilt that is ignored.
The Steele Dossier’s main thrust was that Russia wanted to help the former 1-term president get elected.

That is undeniable.
The Steele Dossier’s main thrust was that Russia wanted to help the former 1-term president get elected.

That is undeniable.
if they did they made a mistake ! Trump pushed nato to spend more on defense , sanctioned the crap out of Russia , and removed regs that allowed the US to produce more oil which helped lower oil prices globally where Russia didnt make as much on the oil they produce ! the lefts war on energy helped oil prices sky rocket and helped finance Russias 2nd invasion in Ukraine [ the 1st invasion happened when Obama and yes once again Biden was in the WH ] .Obama sent blankets Trump sent weapons .

if they did they made a mistake ! Trump pushed nato to spend more on defense , sanctioned the crap out of Russia , and removed regs that allowed the US to produce more oil which helped lower oil prices globally where Russia didnt make as much on the oil they produce ! the lefts war on energy helped oil prices sky rocket and helped finance Russias 2nd invasion in Ukraine [ the 1st invasion happened when Obama and yes once again Biden was in the WH ] .Obama sent blankets Trump sent weapons .

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No, the former 1-term president pushed NATO members to pay more so we could reduce our payments.

Congress sanctioned russia and trump was forced to go with it.

If anything he reduced regulations regarding oil companies ability to pollute. Frack oil production had been growing for many before trump.

The price of oil was reduced from frack oil production and then a pandemic.

LOL, trump withheld missiles from Ukraine while he asked for a political favor.

Worst president ever.
No, the former 1-term president pushed NATO members to pay more so we could reduce our payments.

Congress sanctioned russia and trump was forced to go with it.

If anything he reduced regulations regarding oil companies ability to pollute. Frack oil production had been growing for many before trump.

The price of oil was reduced from frack oil production and then a pandemic.

LOL, trump withheld missiles from Ukraine while he asked for a political favor.

Worst president ever.
Trump sent the weapons in his 1st year in office ... they got and had the weapons on hand long before Russia invaded again in 2022 .... Obama and Biden sent Blankets in 2014 when Ukraine was begging for help during Russias 1st invasion of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula ! why didnt the Obama and Biden admin send weapons in 2014 after Russia 1st invaded ?

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