"Russian aggression" in Ukraine

As for Crimea Russian army was there on legal grounds - according to agreement between Ukraine and Russia signed in 1997. According that agreement Russian army had right for actions aiming protection of civilians and preventing of violence.
Where did you get this nonsense from? Of course you can give a link to this agreement and give a citation from it, can’t you?

In March local authorities organized referendum. Basing on the ‘right of nations for determination’ which is one of basic rights in UN Charter Crimea got independence and soon they asked Russia to get joined.
Except of this basic principle there are a number of other basic principles and one of them is a principle of territorial integrity of states. Have you heard about it?

And I will ask once again – do the Crimean Tatars have a right of self-determination?

Esay, you love to ask a lot of questions, however you don't answer many of ours.

My question today is: have you been enjoying celebration an official Ukrainian holiday yesterday, dedicated to glorification of a accomplices of Hitler during WW2, Bandera and Shukhevitch? May be you have even participating Ukrainian torchlight Nazi parade in Kiev yesterday?

Everyone compare it to Hitler's Nazi parade:

The incoming Ukrainian president will have to turn some attention to history, because the outgoing one has just made a hero of a long-dead Ukrainian fascist.
A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev

Their victims were mainly children , women and seniors, their un-weaponed countrymen, who sympathized Red Army:
View attachment 154501

They killed mostly Poles, even your article states that.

So, what's this about sympathizing with the Red Army?

Hey, expert, my close relative was fighting Ukrainian nationalists in Western Ukraine for 10 years after the WW2 was over (until 1955). He has seen a lot of those "heroes" and horrible results of their activities with his own eyes. They were killing Jews, Poles, Ukrainians, Belorussians and burning the whole villages around if they thought somebody was helping or hiding partisans. And partisans were helping Red Army.

Besides the stories of my relative, I read quite a few books about that. You apparently know very little about WW2.
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As for Crimea Russian army was there on legal grounds - according to agreement between Ukraine and Russia signed in 1997. According that agreement Russian army had right for actions aiming protection of civilians and preventing of violence.
Where did you get this nonsense from? Of course you can give a link to this agreement and give a citation from it, can’t you?

In March local authorities organized referendum. Basing on the ‘right of nations for determination’ which is one of basic rights in UN Charter Crimea got independence and soon they asked Russia to get joined.
Except of this basic principle there are a number of other basic principles and one of them is a principle of territorial integrity of states. Have you heard about it?

And I will ask once again – do the Crimean Tatars have a right of self-determination?

Esay, you love to ask a lot of questions, however you don't answer many of ours.

My question today is: have you been enjoying celebration an official Ukrainian holiday yesterday, dedicated to glorification of a accomplices of Hitler during WW2, Bandera and Shukhevitch? May be you have even participating Ukrainian torchlight Nazi parade in Kiev yesterday?

Everyone compare it to Hitler's Nazi parade:

The incoming Ukrainian president will have to turn some attention to history, because the outgoing one has just made a hero of a long-dead Ukrainian fascist.
A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev

Their victims were mainly children , women and seniors, their un-weaponed countrymen, who sympathized Red Army:
View attachment 154501

They killed mostly Poles, even your article states that.

So, what's this about sympathizing with the Red Army?

Hey, expert, my close relative was fighting Ukrainian nationalists in Western Ukraine for 10 years after the WW2 was over (until 1955). He has seen a lot of those "heroes" and horrible results of their activities with his own eyes. They were killing Jews, Poles, Ukrainians, Belorussians and burning the whole villages around if they thought somebody was helping or hiding partisans. And partisans were helping Red Army.

Besides the stories of my relative, I read a lot of books about that. You apparently know very little about WW2.

They killed mostly Poles, even if they targeted also others.
As for Crimea Russian army was there on legal grounds - according to agreement between Ukraine and Russia signed in 1997. According that agreement Russian army had right for actions aiming protection of civilians and preventing of violence.
Where did you get this nonsense from? Of course you can give a link to this agreement and give a citation from it, can’t you?

In March local authorities organized referendum. Basing on the ‘right of nations for determination’ which is one of basic rights in UN Charter Crimea got independence and soon they asked Russia to get joined.
Except of this basic principle there are a number of other basic principles and one of them is a principle of territorial integrity of states. Have you heard about it?

And I will ask once again – do the Crimean Tatars have a right of self-determination?

Esay, you love to ask a lot of questions, however you don't answer many of ours.

My question today is: have you been enjoying celebration an official Ukrainian holiday yesterday, dedicated to glorification of a accomplices of Hitler during WW2, Bandera and Shukhevitch? May be you have even participating Ukrainian torchlight Nazi parade in Kiev yesterday?

Everyone compare it to Hitler's Nazi parade:

The incoming Ukrainian president will have to turn some attention to history, because the outgoing one has just made a hero of a long-dead Ukrainian fascist.
A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev

Their victims were mainly children , women and seniors, their un-weaponed countrymen, who sympathized Red Army:
View attachment 154501

They killed mostly Poles, even your article states that.

So, what's this about sympathizing with the Red Army?

Hey, expert, my close relative was fighting Ukrainian nationalists in Western Ukraine for 10 years after the WW2 was over (until 1955). He has seen a lot of those "heroes" and horrible results of their activities with his own eyes. They were killing Jews, Poles, Ukrainians, Belorussians and burning the whole villages around if they thought somebody was helping or hiding partisans. And partisans were helping Red Army.

Besides the stories of my relative, I read a lot of books about that. You apparently know very little about WW2.

They killed mostly Poles, even if they targeted also others.

And if you ask Jews they will tell you: Ukrainian Nazis killed mostly Jews.

But I am not going to argue with you about the numbers of victims and what nationality they were. Ukrainian Nazis killed a lot of civilians, period. And they deserve to be condemned, not glorified. Official Kiev is not only glorifying them in all kinds of ways but keeps breeding Neo-Nazis. What poor Ukrainian children have to learn at school is unbelievable. And Western Media has been doing its best in keeping its audience misinformed. If EU doesn't wake up soon, there will be a 40 million Nazi country in the middle of Europe, and that is really scary.
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Where did you get this nonsense from? Of course you can give a link to this agreement and give a citation from it, can’t you?

Except of this basic principle there are a number of other basic principles and one of them is a principle of territorial integrity of states. Have you heard about it?

And I will ask once again – do the Crimean Tatars have a right of self-determination?

Esay, you love to ask a lot of questions, however you don't answer many of ours.

My question today is: have you been enjoying celebration an official Ukrainian holiday yesterday, dedicated to glorification of a accomplices of Hitler during WW2, Bandera and Shukhevitch? May be you have even participating Ukrainian torchlight Nazi parade in Kiev yesterday?

Everyone compare it to Hitler's Nazi parade:

The incoming Ukrainian president will have to turn some attention to history, because the outgoing one has just made a hero of a long-dead Ukrainian fascist.
A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev

Their victims were mainly children , women and seniors, their un-weaponed countrymen, who sympathized Red Army:
View attachment 154501

They killed mostly Poles, even your article states that.

So, what's this about sympathizing with the Red Army?

Hey, expert, my close relative was fighting Ukrainian nationalists in Western Ukraine for 10 years after the WW2 was over (until 1955). He has seen a lot of those "heroes" and horrible results of their activities with his own eyes. They were killing Jews, Poles, Ukrainians, Belorussians and burning the whole villages around if they thought somebody was helping or hiding partisans. And partisans were helping Red Army.

Besides the stories of my relative, I read a lot of books about that. You apparently know very little about WW2.

They killed mostly Poles, even if they targeted also others.

And if you ask Jews they will tell you: Ukrainian Nazis killed mostly Jews.

But I am not going to argue with you about the numbers of victims and what nationality they were. Ukrainian Nazis killed a lot of civilians, period. And they deserve to be condemned, not glorified. Official Kiev is not only glorifying them in all kinds of ways but keeps breeding Neo-Nazis. What poor Ukrainian children have to learn at school is unbelievable. If EU doesn't wake up soon, there will be a 40 million Nazi country in the middle of Europe, and that is really scary.

Wolyn Massacre mostly targeted Poles, and so did Ukrainian SS commander Michael Karkoc.
Esay, you love to ask a lot of questions, however you don't answer many of ours.

My question today is: have you been enjoying celebration an official Ukrainian holiday yesterday, dedicated to glorification of a accomplices of Hitler during WW2, Bandera and Shukhevitch? May be you have even participating Ukrainian torchlight Nazi parade in Kiev yesterday?

Everyone compare it to Hitler's Nazi parade:

The incoming Ukrainian president will have to turn some attention to history, because the outgoing one has just made a hero of a long-dead Ukrainian fascist.
A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev

Their victims were mainly children , women and seniors, their un-weaponed countrymen, who sympathized Red Army:
View attachment 154501

They killed mostly Poles, even your article states that.

So, what's this about sympathizing with the Red Army?

Hey, expert, my close relative was fighting Ukrainian nationalists in Western Ukraine for 10 years after the WW2 was over (until 1955). He has seen a lot of those "heroes" and horrible results of their activities with his own eyes. They were killing Jews, Poles, Ukrainians, Belorussians and burning the whole villages around if they thought somebody was helping or hiding partisans. And partisans were helping Red Army.

Besides the stories of my relative, I read a lot of books about that. You apparently know very little about WW2.

They killed mostly Poles, even if they targeted also others.

And if you ask Jews they will tell you: Ukrainian Nazis killed mostly Jews.

But I am not going to argue with you about the numbers of victims and what nationality they were. Ukrainian Nazis killed a lot of civilians, period. And they deserve to be condemned, not glorified. Official Kiev is not only glorifying them in all kinds of ways but keeps breeding Neo-Nazis. What poor Ukrainian children have to learn at school is unbelievable. If EU doesn't wake up soon, there will be a 40 million Nazi country in the middle of Europe, and that is really scary.

Wolyn Massacre mostly targeted Poles, and so did Ukrainian SS commander Michael Karkoc.

Wolyn Massacre was not their only crime. Just one of many.
As for Crimea Russian army was there on legal grounds - according to agreement between Ukraine and Russia signed in 1997. According that agreement Russian army had right for actions aiming protection of civilians and preventing of violence.
Where did you get this nonsense from? Of course you can give a link to this agreement and give a citation from it, can’t you?

In March local authorities organized referendum. Basing on the ‘right of nations for determination’ which is one of basic rights in UN Charter Crimea got independence and soon they asked Russia to get joined.
Except of this basic principle there are a number of other basic principles and one of them is a principle of territorial integrity of states. Have you heard about it?

And I will ask once again – do the Crimean Tatars have a right of self-determination?

Esay, you love to ask a lot of questions, however you don't answer many of ours.

My question today is: have you been enjoying celebration an official Ukrainian holiday yesterday, dedicated to glorification of a accomplices of Hitler during WW2, Bandera and Shukhevitch? May be you have even participating Ukrainian torchlight Nazi parade in Kiev yesterday?

Everyone compare it to Hitler's Nazi parade:

The incoming Ukrainian president will have to turn some attention to history, because the outgoing one has just made a hero of a long-dead Ukrainian fascist.
A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev

Their victims were mainly children , women and seniors, their un-weaponed countrymen, who sympathized Red Army:
View attachment 154501

I don’t know what you mean ‘ours’ questions because I basically don’t answer on your questions. Why? Because I don’t see any reason of doing that. I have expressed my opinion to your about Bandera and glorification of UPA, for example. But you aren’t interested in my opinion; you are only interested in advancing your own agenda.

No, I haven’t attended these events. Because that one who supports Euro-integration and supported Euromaidan not necessary is a Nazi, ultra-nationalist or supporter of Bandera or even a supporter of the so-called Ukrainian national idea in its classical view. But because of your narrow-mindedness and overall ignorance you look at the world like a dog – through a black-and-white matrix.

I think I gave an answer to your question. Good luck.
Text of the Agreement can easily be found in internet.
So, find it internet, give the citation and support your statement.

Basic principles of territorial integrity of states was violated many times. In Europe there are such examples as Germany, Yugoslavia and the USSR. None of them happened in fully legal way according to international law. None of them happened basing on wishes of majority of population.
As I can understand, all these events have given a right to Russia to break the international law and signed agreements. Right?

And at last Crimean Tatars in Crimea at last got possibility to teach their children in Tatar language, at last they got moscue built and at last they got leagal right for tge land they live - all those problems were not solved from 1991 till 2014 by Ukrainian authorities.
I have heard this from you already. Russia is good; Ukraine is bad, shame on it. Do the Crimean Tatars have a right of self-determination?
As for Crimea Russian army was there on legal grounds - according to agreement between Ukraine and Russia signed in 1997. According that agreement Russian army had right for actions aiming protection of civilians and preventing of violence.
Where did you get this nonsense from? Of course you can give a link to this agreement and give a citation from it, can’t you?

In March local authorities organized referendum. Basing on the ‘right of nations for determination’ which is one of basic rights in UN Charter Crimea got independence and soon they asked Russia to get joined.
Except of this basic principle there are a number of other basic principles and one of them is a principle of territorial integrity of states. Have you heard about it?

And I will ask once again – do the Crimean Tatars have a right of self-determination?

Esay, you love to ask a lot of questions, however you don't answer many of ours.

My question today is: have you been enjoying celebration an official Ukrainian holiday yesterday, dedicated to glorification of a accomplices of Hitler during WW2, Bandera and Shukhevitch? May be you have even participating Ukrainian torchlight Nazi parade in Kiev yesterday?

Everyone compare it to Hitler's Nazi parade:

The incoming Ukrainian president will have to turn some attention to history, because the outgoing one has just made a hero of a long-dead Ukrainian fascist.
A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev

Their victims were mainly children , women and seniors, their un-weaponed countrymen, who sympathized Red Army:
View attachment 154501

I don’t know what you mean ‘ours’ questions because I basically don’t answer on your questions. Why? Because I don’t see any reason of doing that. I have expressed my opinion to your about Bandera and glorification of UPA, for example. But you aren’t interested in my opinion; you are only interested in advancing your own agenda.

No, I haven’t attended these events. Because that one who supports Euro-integration and supported Euromaidan not necessary is a Nazi, ultra-nationalist or supporter of Bandera or even a supporter of the so-called Ukrainian national idea in its classical view. But because of your narrow-mindedness and overall ignorance you look at the world like a dog – through a black-and-white matrix.

I think I gave an answer to your question. Good luck.

You probably don't care but I'm glad you don't support Ukrainian Nazis.

However if you accept the external control of your country from US Deep State, then you have to accept the whole package of what they prepared (уготовали) for your country. You have to agree: if their puppets in Kiev had been doing something “wrong” from their foreign patron’s view, they would be history by now.

The last 3 years have demonstrated: the future of Ukraine is not a priority for Washington patrons, they don’t give a sh*t about life of 40 million people they took as hostages for achieving their geopolitical games. Washington patrons are trying to solve their own problems with the help of poor Ukrainian people, who are becoming more and more poor (in all the meanings of this word) every day and that fact doesn’t seem to bother any Western people if you have noticed. So, “European future” has been just a piece of cheese in a mousetrap to attract those who believe it and those who don’t found themselves to be hostages of this ugly situation. BTW, the slogan “Ukraine wants European future” has not been confirmed with any realistic numbers of any referendums. Why? Because Washington patrons don’t want Ukrainians to decide their future, the patrons have already decided it for Ukrainians.

There is only one question: how stupid one has to be to keep celebrating “Independence” of Ukraine. Whom Ukraine doesn’t depend on yet? May be only Mozambique or Honduras?.. BTW, there is a good Ukrainian joke (based on words game): The wrong country was named Honduras… Не ту страну назвали Гондурасом. Sad but true.
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