Russian Ambassador's assassination in Turkey was organized by NATO secret services

Russians have a good saying: "Bad peace is much better than a good war".
But what we have is a bad war.

Erdogan can't be trusted at all, but if can do at least something against terrorists, not for them, why not to take a chance on him?
How many chances left? Erdogan is currently whitewashing forces that the Russians managed to label terrorist forces. Then they preferred diplomacy over the fact that there is no moderate opposition and that was a big mistake. All this stupid deals have never accomplished anything besides the very local successes of reconciliation which are solely the result of military pressure.
It will result in another insane round of talks during which the Syrian army loses momentum and will be confronted by massive offensives everywhere in the country again. This is what I think will be the outcome of the new talks. Look, Russia does not put pressure on Erdogan.
Erdogan´s whitewashed terrorists that threatened even US soldiers got ISIS controlled territories with little to now fighting. They are battling the SDF, instead. The result, as I said, is a shift from non-recognized terrorist control to recognized terrorist control of the areas, including Al-Bab soon. Maybe. Erdogan left no room for speculations when he recently said Aleppo and Mosul belong to Turkey. It is insane to share intel with Erdogan and give him a role in "fighting terrorism".
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Time to boot Turkey out of NATO. We should not be going to war for them.


Don't be obtuse, Turkey is OUR pawn, not the other way around.

We were the ones that backed a coup in their country that was unsuccessful. What do you think caused them to move closer to Russia?

You really don't have a clue what is going on in the world.

Here is a hint. Everything you see on TV or hear on talk radio is a lie, okay?

Obama didn't lift a finger to help the coup. He would rather have the "democratically elected" radical Erdogan. He supports Turkey being in NATO and like all globalists he wants them in the EU as well.
Russian ambassador's assassination in Turkey organised by 'NATO secret services' | Daily Mail Online
The secret services of a NATO country is 'highly likely' to have been behind the assassination of ambassador Andrey Karlov, claimed a top ally of Vladimir Putin. .

We can always count on you to provide us the latest propaganda from Russia

Russian ambassador's assassination in Turkey was organised by 'NATO secret services' and was 'a provocation and challenge to Moscow' claims Kremlin senator
Yeah and this comes just a day or so after a major Russian reporter that was anti-Putin was found dead in his apartment on his birthday of an apparent "suicide." For those that think the cold war is over... you should let the Russians know because they are still involved.

Vladmir Putin Critic Found Dead On His Birthday


hmmmm. .. . it has all the hallmarks of a Clinton hit.



Thanks. You have to admit though, all these elites operate the same way though, eh?
Russian ambassador's assassination in Turkey organised by 'NATO secret services' | Daily Mail Online
The secret services of a NATO country is 'highly likely' to have been behind the assassination of ambassador Andrey Karlov, claimed a top ally of Vladimir Putin.

Should we be shocked probably not. NATO gets caught all the time so much for being peace keepers . Sit back and watch NATO try and blame someone else it's almost a guaranteed transition .

Not NATO, but Gang of Obama, Killary and NWO.
Yeah, Putin says it's so so we're supposed to take it as gospel. Everyone wants to be suspicious of the wests intentions but putin gets a pass, I don't think so. Get real,guys. Everyone does it, Putin just does it so much better than the west. I'm with Doc on this one.
Gotta love this. A Muslim cop shoots the Russian ambassador immediatly after the Russians helped murder countless people in Allepo. Now obviously that is a hit orchestrated by the US. Well, it is fun to watch the 'Conservatives' all come out of the closet as Communists. LOL
Time to boot Turkey out of NATO. We should not be going to war for them.


Don't be obtuse, Turkey is OUR pawn, not the other way around.

We were the ones that backed a coup in their country that was unsuccessful. What do you think caused them to move closer to Russia?

You really don't have a clue what is going on in the world.

Here is a hint. Everything you see on TV or hear on talk radio is a lie, okay?

Obama didn't lift a finger to help the coup. He would rather have the "democratically elected" radical Erdogan. He supports Turkey being in NATO and like all globalists he wants them in the EU as well.

Sure he did.

Turks Can Agree on One Thing: U.S. Was Behind Failed Coup

Unpacking Turkey’s Failed Coup: Causes and Consequences
Unpacking Turkey’s Failed Coup: Causes and Consequences
Some of those detained for their roles in the coup are confessing Gulen’s role, providing the names of commanders involved in orchestrating the coup attempt. Photos of abused army officials and reports by human rights groups that some detainees have been subjected to torture and rape raise suspicion about the accuracy of the testimonies.[13] Chief of General Staff Hulusi Akar has stated that one of the coup plotters, Brigadier General Hakan Evrim, offered to put him in touch with Fethullah Gulen while he was being held captive.[14] Other evidence pointing toward the Gulenists is mounting. For instance, a captured coup plotter, who had been inside of a tank wearing camouflage, turned out not to be a soldier at all, rather a former police officer who had been fired for having Gulenist ties.[15] Some of the arrested army officials, including the chief military aide to the military’s chief of staff, admitted allegiance to the Gulenist movement in their testimonies.

The coup plotters certainly did not intend to portray themselves as Gulenists. In the first statement made to the public, they referred to themselves as the Peace at Home Council, a clear reference to the republic’s founder, Kemal Atatürk. The council’s listed grievances were far from Gulenist as well, stating that Erdogan had damaged the “secular and democratic state of law.”[16] It is likely that the architects of a Gulen-inspired or ordered coup had calculated that they would receive support from secular and Kemalist members of the military, as well as the public.

The coup itself, which seemed poorly planned during the chaotic aftermath, was pushed forward in time by a few hours at the very least. One idea that has been circulated is that the entire coup operation was moved to July 15 after Gulenist officers began to hear rumors that they would be purged during a Supreme Military Council meeting scheduled for August 1.[17] Reportedly, the National Intelligence Organization (M.I.T.) received information about the coup earlier in the day on the 15th. After becoming aware that they had lost the element of surprise, the plotters launched their operation around six hours earlier than planned.[18]

After the failure of the coup attempt became certain, Fethullah quickly denounced the coup and blamed Erdogan for staging it. However, Erdogan and the Turkish government appear determined to blame Fethullah. Erdogan has asked the United States to extradite Fethullah, who has been living in self-imposed exile in rural Pennsylvania since 1999. The United States, on the other hand, has been asking for hard evidence linking Fethullah himself to the failed coup before extraditing the cleric.

Who Was Behind the Turkish Coup Attempt? Pentagon Rejects Cooperation Proposal For Syria
Who Was Behind the Turkish Coup Attempt? Pentagon Rejects Cooperation Proposal For Syria - Shadowproof
It could have been backed by the US or a pliable ally. Obama & Crowd share their hatred of Russia with ISIS and other terror groups so who knows? NATO as well.
Yeah, Putin says it's so so we're supposed to take it as gospel. Everyone wants to be suspicious of the wests intentions but putin gets a pass, I don't think so. Get real,guys. Everyone does it, Putin just does it so much better than the west. I'm with Doc on this one.
I don't think Putin get a pass. He's tyrant; just like Bush, just like Obama, just like Hillary, just like Trump.

Anyone that doesn't realize this doesn't know shit about oligarchs, national politics and international politics. They all would rather piss on common folks than have to lift a finger to help any of us.
Look what the American elites did to Ukraine and Syria. So this wouldn't surprise me. They are certainly clumsy though.
After the turkey coup attempt erdogan cleansed the govt of any adversaries or critics. He has drifted towards a theocratic Muslim state with sharia and the like and away from a modernized tolerant turkey. The perfect storm is approaching where turkey may be attacked and as a NATO member the other countries are supposed to come to turkeys aid. The west will,then be confronted with assisting a Muslim theocracy on one hand while fighting other Muslim theocracies. Without leadership NATO will be in disarray and putin will have accomplished another of his goals to weaken western resolve and unity. This is what the obama legacy will consist of. He has made a mess of the world.
After the turkey coup attempt erdogan cleansed the govt of any adversaries or critics. He has drifted towards a theocratic Muslim state with sharia and the like and away from a modernized tolerant turkey. The perfect storm is approaching where turkey may be attacked and as a NATO member the other countries are supposed to come to turkeys aid. The west will,then be confronted with assisting a Muslim theocracy on one hand while fighting other Muslim theocracies. Without leadership NATO will be in disarray and putin will have accomplished another of his goals to weaken western resolve and unity. This is what the obama legacy will consist of. He has made a mess of the world.

Who do you suspect will attack Turkey?
So long as Russians (1) support embattled Christians in hot spots and (2) refuse globalism they will be in the "out" club. And they play the game much more subtly than the west. But Russia has a head start in that the west is being led to suicide already by immigration, secularism and Marxism.
Gotta love this. A Muslim cop shoots the Russian ambassador immediatly after the Russians helped murder countless people in Allepo. Now obviously that is a hit orchestrated by the US. Well, it is fun to watch the 'Conservatives' all come out of the closet as Communists. LOL
They should all put "Comrade" under their avatars.
Yeah, Putin says it's so so we're supposed to take it as gospel. Everyone wants to be suspicious of the wests intentions but putin gets a pass, I don't think so. Get real,guys. Everyone does it, Putin just does it so much better than the west. I'm with Doc on this one.
I don't think Putin get a pass. He's tyrant; just like Bush, just like Obama, just like Hillary, just like Trump.

'just like'

shakes head.
After the turkey coup attempt erdogan cleansed the govt of any adversaries or critics. He has drifted towards a theocratic Muslim state with sharia and the like and away from a modernized tolerant turkey. The perfect storm is approaching where turkey may be attacked and as a NATO member the other countries are supposed to come to turkeys aid. The west will,then be confronted with assisting a Muslim theocracy on one hand while fighting other Muslim theocracies. Without leadership NATO will be in disarray and putin will have accomplished another of his goals to weaken western resolve and unity. This is what the obama legacy will consist of. He has made a mess of the world.

Who do you suspect will attack Turkey?
What if the Kurds do? That will be a mess.

Interesting info. I'm not surprised if there is some truth to it.

Are you surprised if it is complete bullshit?

Just trying on gauge your level of gullibility.
SOME are more gulable than others and don't even know it, most don't even know what they don't know which makes weak minds easy to target with fake or not fake information.
Media desperate to hide the KEY detail

What the media is hiding about the gunman and Turkey’s links to ISIS.


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