Russian Controlled Fruitcake President Thinks Torture "Absolutely Works"

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Waterboarding is not torture… Go to the Middle/far East and find out what real torture is

Yeah, it's torture. Remember when that rightist talk show dipshit radio host Madcow or whatever his name was had it done to him? He stated it is unequivocally torture afterwards.
Waterboarding is not torture… Go to the Middle/far East and find out what real torture is

Actually, as defined by the Geneva Conventions, waterboarding IS torture. It was also the favored torture of choice when Pol Pot was getting his false confessions.

No. Torture doesn't work.
Russian Controlled Fruitcake President

I wonder, why the liberals never seem to be concerned that their candidate was so popular in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Muslim countries?

Trump appointed "seasoned Military Generals" and the democrat party tried to stop them. The "waterboarding" technique has been on the psy-op book since WW2. Our own elite Military teams go through it in training. The sissie left decided to call it torture when it became obvious that it worked. As we used to say, more people drowned in senator Kennedy's car than during waterboarding.
Trump appointed "seasoned Military Generals" and the democrat party tried to stop them. The "waterboarding" technique has been on the psy-op book since WW2. Our own elite Military teams go through it in training. The sissie left decided to call it torture when it became obvious that it worked. As we used to say, more people drowned in senator Kennedy's car than during waterboarding.

Liar. There is ZERO evidence it works.
Trump appointed "seasoned Military Generals" and the democrat party tried to stop them. The "waterboarding" technique has been on the psy-op book since WW2. Our own elite Military teams go through it in training. The sissie left decided to call it torture when it became obvious that it worked. As we used to say, more people drowned in senator Kennedy's car than during waterboarding.

Waterboarding has been considered torture under the Geneva Conventions since 1959. And, because we are a country that signed the treaty, we have to abide by it, regardless of what the enemy does.

As far as saying that elite military teams go through it? Yeah, the ones that are at the very tip of the spear in billets like Army Ranger, SEAL, or RECON. And, they only go through it ONCE, so that they know what to expect in case they are captured. In the Navy, during bootcamp, I had to go through tear gas training in case of a chemical attack. Only did it once in boot camp, and never had to do it again until I volunteered for the Security Force, and there we had to go through it again for training, in case we ever experienced a gas attack while controlling crowds. Only went through it ONCE, and never had to repeat it again. Regular military personnel will never be waterboarded.
Middle Eastern Muslim terrorists laugh at waterboarding… It's far too weak.
To them it's equivalent to a slap on the wrist so in a lot of ways - true it probably does not work.

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