Russian Controlled Fruitcake President Thinks Torture "Absolutely Works"

Russian Controlled Fruitcake President

I wonder, why the liberals never seem to be concerned that their candidate was so popular in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Muslim countries?

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and Putin celebrated when his Comrade was elected.
And? Was it a sin or a crime to be happy about possible good relationship between two countries?

FYI, all the sane part of the mankind celebrated Trump's victory. Nobody wanted WW3.
Waterboarding has been considered torture under the Geneva Conventions since 1959. And, because we are a country that signed the treaty, we have to abide by it, regardless of what the enemy does.

The Geneva convention laws apply to captured military of another country--not nut cases that have no national interests.
Waterboarding is not torture… Go to the Middle/far East and find out what real torture is

Actually, as defined by the Geneva Conventions, waterboarding IS torture. It was also the favored torture of choice when Pol Pot was getting his false confessions.

No. Torture doesn't work.
In the war crimes tribunals that followed Japan's defeat in World War II, the issue of waterboarding was sometimes raised. In 1947, the U.S. charged a Japanese officer, Yukio Asano, with war crimes for waterboarding a U.S. civilian. Asano was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor.

Waterboarding: A Tortured History
Trump appointed "seasoned Military Generals" and the democrat party tried to stop them. The "waterboarding" technique has been on the psy-op book since WW2. Our own elite Military teams go through it in training. The sissie left decided to call it torture when it became obvious that it worked. As we used to say, more people drowned in senator Kennedy's car than during waterboarding.

Liar. There is ZERO evidence it works.

Liar. In fact, if not for torture, Bin Laden may still be alive today.
Waterboarding is not torture… Go to the Middle/far East and find out what real torture is

Actually, as defined by the Geneva Conventions, waterboarding IS torture. It was also the favored torture of choice when Pol Pot was getting his false confessions.

No. Torture doesn't work.
In the war crimes tribunals that followed Japan's defeat in World War II, the issue of waterboarding was sometimes raised. In 1947, the U.S. charged a Japanese officer, Yukio Asano, with war crimes for waterboarding a U.S. civilian. Asano was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor.

Waterboarding: A Tortured History

Japanese waterboarding and US waterboarding are two different things:

Agent Intellect: On tear gas and water-boarding
Waterboarding is not torture… Go to the Middle/far East and find out what real torture is

Actually, as defined by the Geneva Conventions, waterboarding IS torture. It was also the favored torture of choice when Pol Pot was getting his false confessions.

No. Torture doesn't work.
In the war crimes tribunals that followed Japan's defeat in World War II, the issue of waterboarding was sometimes raised. In 1947, the U.S. charged a Japanese officer, Yukio Asano, with war crimes for waterboarding a U.S. civilian. Asano was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor.

Waterboarding: A Tortured History

Japanese waterboarding and US waterboarding are two different things:

Agent Intellect: On tear gas and water-boarding
I bet you failed "Self-Hating American" in college.
Trump appointed "seasoned Military Generals" and the democrat party tried to stop them. The "waterboarding" technique has been on the psy-op book since WW2. Our own elite Military teams go through it in training. The sissie left decided to call it torture when it became obvious that it worked. As we used to say, more people drowned in senator Kennedy's car than during waterboarding.

Liar. There is ZERO evidence it works.

Liar. In fact, if not for torture, Bin Laden may still be alive today.

Correction: If it weren't for a Democrat, Bin Laden would still be alive today.
Trump appointed "seasoned Military Generals" and the democrat party tried to stop them. The "waterboarding" technique has been on the psy-op book since WW2. Our own elite Military teams go through it in training. The sissie left decided to call it torture when it became obvious that it worked. As we used to say, more people drowned in senator Kennedy's car than during waterboarding.

Liar. There is ZERO evidence it works.

Liar. In fact, if not for torture, Bin Laden may still be alive today.

Correction: If it weren't for a Democrat, Bin Laden would still be alive today.

What does a Democrat have to do with it? All big-ears did was continue where Bush left off. But again, waterboarding played a part (when Bush was in charge) in getting the information needed to find Bin Laden. Need the video, just ask, I have it right here.
I think the fact that torture works is undeniable depending on what you are using it for.

The issue is what is torture and is it justified
Trump appointed "seasoned Military Generals" and the democrat party tried to stop them. The "waterboarding" technique has been on the psy-op book since WW2. Our own elite Military teams go through it in training. The sissie left decided to call it torture when it became obvious that it worked. As we used to say, more people drowned in senator Kennedy's car than during waterboarding.

Liar. There is ZERO evidence it works.

Liar. In fact, if not for torture, Bin Laden may still be alive today.

Correction: If it weren't for a Democrat, Bin Laden would still be alive today.

What does a Democrat have to do with it? All big-ears did was continue where Bush left off. But again, waterboarding played a part (when Bush was in charge) in getting the information needed to find Bin Laden. Need the video, just ask, I have it right here.

We all know what Bush said about Bin Laden. He didn't "leave off," he said he simply "didn't spend much time thinking about him." Remember that? Or do you need a refill on your memory pills?

Who is saying Torture does not work? HISTORY disagrees with you!!!!!
The Senate Intelligence Committee for one
2. Torture doesn't work very well
"The use of the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques was not an effective means of obtaining accurate information," according to the Senate Intelligence Committee report.
The report debunks the top 20 examples CIA has used to defend the now-shuttered enhanced interrogation program, claiming that each of the examples "was found to be wrong in fundamental respects."
Additionally, false confessions obtained by enhanced interrogation techniques from detainees led the CIA to pursue dead leads that did not help in the fight against al-Qaeda. Information the CIA obtained through these harsh interrogations, which in some cases amounted to torture, was either false or had been previously obtained through alternative intelligence gathering, according to the report.
"While being subjected to the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques and afterwards, multiple CIA detainees fabricated information, resulting in faulty intelligence," the report reads.
Top takeaways from the CIA torture report -

Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and...
I think should simply bury Muslims alive...or shoot them...or rape them.
You know, like they do to each other and non-Muslims.
I think should simply bury Muslims alive...or shoot them...or rape them.
You know, like they do to each other and non-Muslims.

I think you belong in a padded room, far away from civilization so you can't hurt anyone.
We have been down this road before and the military people, including Mad Dog, have said torture does not work! You loons just will not let it go.

Who is saying Torture does not work? HISTORY disagrees with you!!!!!

The only thing torture is good for is intimidation. But it's great for false confessions!
What do you know, you know nothing.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, witnessed that torture does work. You obviously lack the education to know who this is, as does everyone else who thinks torture does not work.

Who is saying Torture does not work? HISTORY disagrees with you!!!!!
The Senate Intelligence Committee for one
2. Torture doesn't work very well
"The use of the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques was not an effective means of obtaining accurate information," according to the Senate Intelligence Committee report.
The report debunks the top 20 examples CIA has used to defend the now-shuttered enhanced interrogation program, claiming that each of the examples "was found to be wrong in fundamental respects."
Additionally, false confessions obtained by enhanced interrogation techniques from detainees led the CIA to pursue dead leads that did not help in the fight against al-Qaeda. Information the CIA obtained through these harsh interrogations, which in some cases amounted to torture, was either false or had been previously obtained through alternative intelligence gathering, according to the report.
"While being subjected to the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques and afterwards, multiple CIA detainees fabricated information, resulting in faulty intelligence," the report reads.
Top takeaways from the CIA torture report -

Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and...

So, it was either false or was duplicated? Really? The truth stuff was all duplicate information? That's really incredible.

As in not credible,

and misses the point that no information collected from enemies is to be trusted. Obviously.

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