Russian Controlled Fruitcake President Thinks Torture "Absolutely Works"

So, it was either false or was duplicated? Really? The truth stuff was all duplicate information? That's really incredible.

As in not credible,

and misses the point that no information collected from enemies is to be trusted. Obviously.
Yeah, I disagree so it's obviously False News.
I'm sure, though, that you have some Alternative Facts.

So, these people are telling you that yes, SOME of the information we got was good, BUT that information just happened to be duplicate information that we already knew.

How the fuck did that just happen?

What we are seeing here, is government drones telling their bosses what their bosses want to hear.'s telling you that you can't trust the information you get.
It's quite clear.

You obviously can't trust ANY information that you get from an enemy.

All of it must be checked out.

That these people act as though information gained from enemies though other forms of interrogation is to be trusted at face value is a lie designed to fool only those who are actively and willingly suspending disbelief.
They're saying that you get no new reliable information through torture.
So why would you do it?

That's total horseshit.
Well, guess what Al Qaeda and ISIS? Trump's gonna torture your sorry asses every chance he gets. He ain't playin. Sorry bout that. Maybe it's time to reconsider being Terrorists?
Well, guess what Al Qaeda and ISIS? Trump's gonna torture your sorry asses every chance he gets. He ain't playin. Sorry bout that. Maybe it's time to reconsider being Terrorists?

I have no trouble with torturing members of ISIS.
So, it was either false or was duplicated? Really? The truth stuff was all duplicate information? That's really incredible.

As in not credible,

and misses the point that no information collected from enemies is to be trusted. Obviously.
Yeah, I disagree so it's obviously False News.
I'm sure, though, that you have some Alternative Facts.

So, these people are telling you that yes, SOME of the information we got was good, BUT that information just happened to be duplicate information that we already knew.

How the fuck did that just happen?

What we are seeing here, is government drones telling their bosses what their bosses want to hear.'s telling you that you can't trust the information you get.
It's quite clear.

You obviously can't trust ANY information that you get from an enemy.

All of it must be checked out.

That these people act as though information gained from enemies though other forms of interrogation is to be trusted at face value is a lie designed to fool only those who are actively and willingly suspending disbelief.
They're saying that you get no new reliable information through torture.
So why would you do it?

Well, guess what Al Qaeda and ISIS? Trump's gonna torture your sorry asses every chance he gets. He ain't playin. Sorry bout that. Maybe it's time to reconsider being Terrorists?

I have no trouble with torturing members of ISIS.

Bad time to be a Terrorist. Trump's telling them that he will torture the fluck out of em if he catches em. So hey, they still wanna be Terrorists, good luck with that. They better not let Trump get hold of em. My advice is, get out of the Terrorism business.
Waterboarding is not torture… Go to the Middle/far East and find out what real torture is

Yeah, it's torture. Remember when that rightist talk show dipshit radio host Madcow or whatever his name was had it done to him? He stated it is unequivocally torture afterwards.

I don't give a fuck if it is torture, and yes it does work.

Use it, those people don't deserve mercy and are.not subject to
Trump appointed "seasoned Military Generals" and the democrat party tried to stop them. The "waterboarding" technique has been on the psy-op book since WW2. Our own elite Military teams go through it in training. The sissie left decided to call it torture when it became obvious that it worked. As we used to say, more people drowned in senator Kennedy's car than during waterboarding.

Waterboarding has been considered torture under the Geneva Conventions since 1959. And, because we are a country that signed the treaty, we have to abide by it, regardless of what the enemy does.

As far as saying that elite military teams go through it? Yeah, the ones that are at the very tip of the spear in billets like Army Ranger, SEAL, or RECON. And, they only go through it ONCE, so that they know what to expect in case they are captured. In the Navy, during bootcamp, I had to go through tear gas training in case of a chemical attack. Only did it once in boot camp, and never had to do it again until I volunteered for the Security Force, and there we had to go through it again for training, in case we ever experienced a gas attack while controlling crowds. Only went through it ONCE, and never had to repeat it again. Regular military personnel will never be waterboarded.

The US signed the Geneva Conventions but Congress refused to ratify them, thus we are NOT bound by that treaty.

Also, torture obviously works. Those that say it does not are lying. And fairly transparent lies, designed for the willful dupes.

Sorry, but Mattis, who will be Secretary of Defense, says it doesn't. Do you know more than him? Others like him have said the same thing... but hey you are some guy on a forum, you MUST have a better idea of what works than a General who ran military operations in the Middle East and is like by people of both political parties.

"Trump said that the advice from Mattis, a front-runner for the defense secretary post in a Trump administration, would weigh heavily on whether he will go forward with campaign pledges to bring back waterboarding and torture in interrogations by the military and the CIA.

In his meeting last week with the man he calls "Mad Dog Mattis," Trump said he asked, "What do you think of waterboarding? He said -- I was surprised -- he said, 'I've never found it to be useful.' "

Trump said Mattis told him, " 'I've always found, give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I do better with that than I do with torture.' ""

Mattis to Trump: Beer, Cigarettes Work Better Than Waterboarding |

Hey looky here, another lie from Trump, he's not going to listen to Mattis on it.
Trump appointed "seasoned Military Generals" and the democrat party tried to stop them. The "waterboarding" technique has been on the psy-op book since WW2. Our own elite Military teams go through it in training. The sissie left decided to call it torture when it became obvious that it worked. As we used to say, more people drowned in senator Kennedy's car than during waterboarding.

Liar. There is ZERO evidence it works.

Liar. In fact, if not for torture, Bin Laden may still be alive today.

Wrong. That was proven false.
I think the fact that torture works is undeniable depending on what you are using it for.

The issue is what is torture and is it justified

Wrong... because someone can just tell you what you want to hear regardless of if it is true or not to just keep from getting tortured. It's a psychological fact. That's why in the United States we have certain laws against how a person can be interrogated for a crime. But hey, let's leave logic and facts out of this argument ok?
Waterboarding is not torture… Go to the Middle/far East and find out what real torture is

Actually, as defined by the Geneva Conventions, waterboarding IS torture. It was also the favored torture of choice when Pol Pot was getting his false confessions.

No. Torture doesn't work.
It certainly does work. Only morons deny it.

You just called the appointed well-respected Military General and future Secretary of Defense a moron. Reading that statement from you, who do you think others will be calling a moron?
I think the fact that torture works is undeniable depending on what you are using it for.

The issue is what is torture and is it justified

Wrong... because someone can just tell you what you want to hear regardless of if it is true or not to just keep from getting tortured. It's a psychological fact. That's why in the United States we have certain laws against how a person can be interrogated for a crime. But hey, let's leave logic and facts out of this argument ok?
The reason we have laws about how someone can be interrogated for a crime isn't because torture doesn't work. You have to be a complete douche bag asshole to make a claim like that.
Waterboarding is not torture… Go to the Middle/far East and find out what real torture is

Actually, as defined by the Geneva Conventions, waterboarding IS torture. It was also the favored torture of choice when Pol Pot was getting his false confessions.

No. Torture doesn't work.
It certainly does work. Only morons deny it.

You just called the appointed well-respected Military General and future Secretary of Defense a moron. Reading that statement from you, who do you think others will be calling a moron?
He's lying about torture. He's saying what he thinks he has to for Congress to approve his appointment. Torture works, and every general knows it.
I think the fact that torture works is undeniable depending on what you are using it for.

The issue is what is torture and is it justified

Wrong... because someone can just tell you what you want to hear regardless of if it is true or not to just keep from getting tortured. It's a psychological fact. That's why in the United States we have certain laws against how a person can be interrogated for a crime. But hey, let's leave logic and facts out of this argument ok?
No they can't just tell you what you want to hear if you are able to verify the information given. That's just a plain fact. Bogus information means more torture and probably worse torture. And, no, that isn't why we have laws against torture. Only a special kind of moron thinks we don't allow torture because it doesn't work.
Trump appointed "seasoned Military Generals" and the democrat party tried to stop them. The "waterboarding" technique has been on the psy-op book since WW2. Our own elite Military teams go through it in training. The sissie left decided to call it torture when it became obvious that it worked. As we used to say, more people drowned in senator Kennedy's car than during waterboarding.

Liar. There is ZERO evidence it works.

Liar. In fact, if not for torture, Bin Laden may still be alive today.

Wrong. That was proven false.
Apparently you didn't watch the movie where they got information about him by torturing other terrorists.
Of course Trump thinks it works. He knows better than the experts who've studied it and determined objectively that it does not reliably yield reliable results.

  • The effectiveness of coercive interrogation: Scholarly and judicial responses
    • The problems associated with coercive interrogation that have been discussed in this article suggest that scholarly and judicial claims regarding the effectiveness of coercion must be treated with caution. Much of the discussion in this area tends to draw on limited sources, often without detailed analysis and both scholars and judges tend to generalize from the use of specific examples. So what can we say with certainty?

      There are two conclusions that can be drawn from this analysis. First, coercion does sometimes work. There are enough examples of coercive interrogation apparently leading to the disclosure of life saving information that it is simply not credible to argue that it never works. Second, despite the fact that it does sometimes produce life-saving information, there are also serious and inherent problems with the use of coercion.
  • Is Coercive Interrogation of Terrorist Suspects Effective-A Response to Bagaric and Clarke
  • Psychologists and the Use of Torture in Interrogations
    • The American military undermines the credibility and authority of the United States when advocating human rights abroad. The use of torture by the United States also lends credibility to the claims of those who wish to harm U.S. soldiers and citizens and provides an apparent justification for the acts of terrorists. By resorting to torture, the United States joins ranks with countries that fail to abide by national and international standards for humane and ethical treatment of detainees, and endangers American citizens who are being held in custody anywhere in the world.

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