Russian Controlled Fruitcake President Thinks Torture "Absolutely Works"

Once again, torture is wrong. Torture is NOT the ONLY method for extracting information.

This torture fetish is for masturbation fantasies and fictional TV shows.

You people are sick.
We've elected the dumbest person alive. This IDIOT thinks he knows more than seasoned military generals.

Trump on waterboarding: 'We have to fight fire with fire' -
If it wasn't for water boarding your dear Obama wouldn't have got bin Laden.

Report Says CIA Misled Congress, White House On Interrogation Program

And again, you tards think torture is the ONLY way to get information from a detainee.

It isn't.

Panetta said so. Any report after the fact was just legal bullshit since they knew treasonous leftards were going to come after them.

Once again, torture is wrong. Torture is NOT the ONLY method for extracting information.

This torture fetish is for masturbation fantasies and fictional TV shows.

You people are sick.

No one ever said it was the only method, sometimes it's the only one that works. But at least you admit it does work for extracting information.

It's not about "fantasies", this is war. A war against an enemy that will use any means necessary to kill, and they deliberately target innocents as well. They have no honor, and no second thoughts of using the most brutal methods to torture and kill any of us. We're not talking about sawing off body parts here, water boarding doesn't leave any permanent damage. You're being over dramatic about it.
We've elected the dumbest person alive. This IDIOT thinks he knows more than seasoned military generals.

Trump on waterboarding: 'We have to fight fire with fire' -

Your right, if we say please well get the info we need.

No one is saying that, stop being such a theatrical moron. If you have to waterboard some terrorist to get "info," then you suck at intel.

Well do tell us, what the best way is?
I find detailed fear and pain very good
Can you imagine the mafia not using those, and just politely asking, maybe sending an email for their money, no. Violence works, that's why it has been with us forever and always will be.
Trump appointed "seasoned Military Generals" and the democrat party tried to stop them. The "waterboarding" technique has been on the psy-op book since WW2. Our own elite Military teams go through it in training. The sissie left decided to call it torture when it became obvious that it worked. As we used to say, more people drowned in senator Kennedy's car than during waterboarding.

Liar. There is ZERO evidence it works.

Liar. In fact, if not for torture, Bin Laden may still be alive today.

Wrong. That was proven false.

Not according to Lib-on Penetta. Watch the video and how he tries to dance around answering the question. Finally he has no choice but to say that yes, they did use waterboarding to get the information that helped lead us to Bin Laden.

More than that is that waterboarding (and other techniques) are the last ones used when everything else has failed. In their screwed up religion, their belief is that it's a sin to give information unless they are to their breaking point. When they can no longer take whatever it is that is being done to them, God allows them to spill the beans not just on the subject they are being interrogated for, but for everything they know.

But I want to ask you and your cohorts here a question: would you approve of waterboarding if it meant saving the life of a solder overseas or an American in our country? And if not, what if it was your son we were talking about here?

It's not about saving the lives of people. That's what you don't understand. It's not a fair hypothetical question because we have evidence to prove it isn't a reliable activity to use to get information.

Actually we have evidence to support the opposite. And yes, my question was more than fair because that's what they interrogated prisoners for: to learn about plots to harm US solders or civilians.

If our agents would have found a couple of those evil terrorists who took down the WTC, would it have been worth it if they waterboarded those terrorists to learn about 911?
Once again, torture is wrong. Torture is NOT the ONLY method for extracting information.

This torture fetish is for masturbation fantasies and fictional TV shows.

You people are sick.
There is no proof that waterboarding is torture. But in a lot of ways I agree that it probably does not work because Muslim terrorists probably laugh at it being too easy on them... It's not real torturously probably does not work.
Go to the Middle East in far east and see what real torture is...
Trump appointed "seasoned Military Generals" and the democrat party tried to stop them. The "waterboarding" technique has been on the psy-op book since WW2. Our own elite Military teams go through it in training. The sissie left decided to call it torture when it became obvious that it worked. As we used to say, more people drowned in senator Kennedy's car than during waterboarding.

Waterboarding has been considered torture under the Geneva Conventions since 1959. And, because we are a country that signed the treaty, we have to abide by it, regardless of what the enemy does.

As far as saying that elite military teams go through it? Yeah, the ones that are at the very tip of the spear in billets like Army Ranger, SEAL, or RECON. And, they only go through it ONCE, so that they know what to expect in case they are captured. In the Navy, during bootcamp, I had to go through tear gas training in case of a chemical attack. Only did it once in boot camp, and never had to do it again until I volunteered for the Security Force, and there we had to go through it again for training, in case we ever experienced a gas attack while controlling crowds. Only went through it ONCE, and never had to repeat it again. Regular military personnel will never be waterboarded.

The US signed the Geneva Conventions but Congress refused to ratify them, thus we are NOT bound by that treaty.

Also, torture obviously works. Those that say it does not are lying. And fairly transparent lies, designed for the willful dupes.

Sorry, but Mattis, who will be Secretary of Defense, says it doesn't. Do you know more than him? Others like him have said the same thing... but hey you are some guy on a forum, you MUST have a better idea of what works than a General who ran military operations in the Middle East and is like by people of both political parties.

"Trump said that the advice from Mattis, a front-runner for the defense secretary post in a Trump administration, would weigh heavily on whether he will go forward with campaign pledges to bring back waterboarding and torture in interrogations by the military and the CIA.

In his meeting last week with the man he calls "Mad Dog Mattis," Trump said he asked, "What do you think of waterboarding? He said -- I was surprised -- he said, 'I've never found it to be useful.' "

Trump said Mattis told him, " 'I've always found, give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I do better with that than I do with torture.' ""

Mattis to Trump: Beer, Cigarettes Work Better Than Waterboarding |

Hey looky here, another lie from Trump, he's not going to listen to Mattis on it.

Sounds like a polite fiction, that we tell ourselves, to justify getting our people killed because we are too squeamish to play rough.

No, it's a fact, and anyone that has studied psychology and see interrogation in action knows it.

That's not what a fact is. What you describe might be an informed consensus.

BUT, nothing in your post addresses my point, that is sounds like a polite fiction we tell ourselves to cope with the fact that we get our people killed because we are too squeamish to play rough.
The tards like torture because it gives them a hardon. They are sick in the head masochists.

Actually, what you describe would be a SADIST.

What does not ever occur to the dumb fucks is that torture is not the ONLY means of interrogation.

Actually, you are the dumb fuck who doesn't know what you are talking about. No one is suggesting we stop other forms of interrogation.

There are other non-torture methods which are better than torture in getting information from a detainee.

Better? Depends on the detainee. YOu get someone who talks just because of a friendly face and sure, torture would be worse for that guy.

Other guys? Not.

The tards aren't actually interested in getting information. They just want to act out their masturbation fantasies.

This is just one of countless reasons why I call these people retards.

We are not responsible for the voices in your head.

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