Russian Disinformation Teams Hit 126+ million Americans with computers

Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.

From the link in the OP --

A Clemson University research team, not affiliated with either of the reports released Monday, found that the Russians tweeted about Mueller more than 5,000 times, including retweets first posted by others. Some called for his firing, while others mocked him as incompetent and still others campaigned for the end of his “entire fake investigation.”

The report by New Knowledge highlighted the focus on Mueller and fired FBI director James B. Comey, who was falsely portrayed as “a dirty cop.”

The Russian operatives often spread jokes to undermine the investigations into their disinformation campaign, the researchers found. One showed Democrat Hillary Clinton saying, “Everyone I don’t like is A Russian Hacker.” Another showed a woman in a car talking to a police officer, with the caption, “IT’S NOT MY FAULT OFFICER, THE RUSSIANS HACKED MY SPEEDOMETER.”

In perspective, this is not worth the attention it gets..

1) 5000 tweets about Mueller? We had just 2 REAL Russians post twice that in a couple months on USMB.

2) How did the researchers LOCATE the origin of these posts without getting IP or REGISTRATION DATA from Twitter, Instagram, others? I'm more concerned about that.

3) Not enough hard examples of ANY critical analysis that would sway opinions. Any "Russian propaganda" I've seen as examples are childish cartoons and trolling -- not persuasive political analysis or factual commentary.

It's all trolling. Lots of Russian trolls. Ain't nothing to prevent it.. They can't troll FREELY in their country. There's a lot of Troll Talent going to waste. Probably should air it out by having a TV series something like a world-wide trolling talent competition. Would outplay anything else on TV...
Thanks for a thoughtful approach to the article, flacaltenn. The reason I never joined in against Meuller nor spurned those who did is because all I have to go on is two family members who worked with the law and worked with confidential matters of government. Both lived life like stuff mattered, and they did not violate laws but had characters so true either of them would have died for his country without batting an eyelash. Meuller has been around a long time and served the American people with a blind eye to politics. His focus is what is true and right for the American people, and when people are mad because someone they like is on the griller of the truth, Meuller just does his job and to the best of my knowledge, keeps his nose clean and is true to the American people and lets the chips fall where they may. We have a lot of people in Washington who do the same thing, only they're not famous, and flaming them would be boring to the public. There is someone here (and probably others) who know people in the business who would love to have a program that would outplay anything else on TV, and I agree with you a trolling talent competition would be kind of like a Candid Camera episode was when I was growing up, everybody wanted to see it. Maybe they could call it "Trolling Trolls" or some such. :)
'Russian Disinformation Teams Hit 126+ million Americans with computers'

How many votes actually changed from 'Hillary' to 'Trump' as a result.....?

View attachment 235417
126 million people exposed to this propaganda...and 80,000 votes got Trump elected.

Do the math moron
Didn't your grandmother teach you that calling someone a moron was improper, sir?
Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.

From the link in the OP --

A Clemson University research team, not affiliated with either of the reports released Monday, found that the Russians tweeted about Mueller more than 5,000 times, including retweets first posted by others. Some called for his firing, while others mocked him as incompetent and still others campaigned for the end of his “entire fake investigation.”

The report by New Knowledge highlighted the focus on Mueller and fired FBI director James B. Comey, who was falsely portrayed as “a dirty cop.”

The Russian operatives often spread jokes to undermine the investigations into their disinformation campaign, the researchers found. One showed Democrat Hillary Clinton saying, “Everyone I don’t like is A Russian Hacker.” Another showed a woman in a car talking to a police officer, with the caption, “IT’S NOT MY FAULT OFFICER, THE RUSSIANS HACKED MY SPEEDOMETER.”

In perspective, this is not worth the attention it gets..

1) 5000 tweets about Mueller? We had just 2 REAL Russians post twice that in a couple months on USMB.

2) How did the researchers LOCATE the origin of these posts without getting IP or REGISTRATION DATA from Twitter, Instagram, others? I'm more concerned about that.

3) Not enough hard examples of ANY critical analysis that would sway opinions. Any "Russian propaganda" I've seen as examples are childish cartoons and trolling -- not persuasive political analysis or factual commentary.

It's all trolling. Lots of Russian trolls. Ain't nothing to prevent it.. They can't troll FREELY in their country. There's a lot of Troll Talent going to waste. Probably should air it out by having a TV series something like a world-wide trolling talent competition. Would outplay anything else on TV...
Thanks for a thoughtful approach to the article, flacaltenn. The reason I never joined in against Meuller nor spurned those who did is because all I have to go on is two family members who worked with the law and worked with confidential matters of government. Both lived life like stuff mattered, and they did not violate laws but had characters so true either of them would have died for his country without batting an eyelash. Meuller has been around a long time and served the American people with a blind eye to politics. His focus is what is true and right for the American people, and when people are mad because someone they like is on the griller of the truth, Meuller just does his job and to the best of my knowledge, keeps his nose clean and is true to the American people and lets the chips fall where they may. We have a lot of people in Washington who do the same thing, only they're not famous, and flaming them would be boring to the public. There is someone here (and probably others) who know people in the business who would love to have a program that would outplay anything else on TV, and I agree with you a trolling talent competition would be kind of like a Candid Camera episode was when I was growing up, everybody wanted to see it. Maybe they could call it "Trolling Trolls" or some such. :)

When I looked at Mueller and other special counsels for that matter -- what I see is a very PUBLIC display of the rampant "prosecutorial abuses" that don't generally come into public focus, but are contaminating our Justice system. Don't like putting words into people's mouths with plea deals or withholding exculpatory information from the defense.

Let's go to NYCity and pitch the Super Troll program idea to the producers of the networks.
Really....if you are too stupid to see a fake story on the web for what it is maybe you shouldn't be voting in the first place...the truth is 2016 was no different than any other election year regarding Russia or China or any other nation....the only difference is Hillary lost....and the libs can't take they will lie to themselves so that they feel better....
1) 5000 tweets about Mueller? We had just 2 REAL Russians post twice that in a couple months on USMB.

That you know about. You missed a bunch

Please show me these MIND-BENDING convincing pieces of political persuasion. Not troll posts on twitter or political cartoons of Hillary dressed as a witch..

Here's your chance to feed me PURE LIGHT and truth. Take it or STFU....
They're still doing it (and in fact increased the attacks after Trump got into the White House) and they're on this board

So once again I ask to you propaganda from Russia is more harmful then a SNL skit hurting the president, or bill Maher calling the president an asshole?

Or Jimmy Kimmel calling the president an asshole?

God damn...

That is beyond fucking stupid

No it's not. Kimmel has a audience of 10s of Millions five nights a week that DONT GET NEWS from other sources. They are ripe for his whining and juvenile satire.. Like suggesting that Melania cut Trump wang off.

Hell the DNC/Hilliary paid for RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA "dossier" did 11,000,000 times the harm of any one Russian troll with cartoons of Hillary dressed as a witch.
It is striking how resistant to the idea of Russian manipulation the RWNJs are. Could this be a direct result of Russian disinformation?
Everyone knows how effective the Russians were in recruiting activists for Trump in 2016.
Most of them flatly refuse to accept they've been had, because the message they got was in accord with their beliefs.
Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.

From the link in the OP --

A Clemson University research team, not affiliated with either of the reports released Monday, found that the Russians tweeted about Mueller more than 5,000 times, including retweets first posted by others. Some called for his firing, while others mocked him as incompetent and still others campaigned for the end of his “entire fake investigation.”

The report by New Knowledge highlighted the focus on Mueller and fired FBI director James B. Comey, who was falsely portrayed as “a dirty cop.”

The Russian operatives often spread jokes to undermine the investigations into their disinformation campaign, the researchers found. One showed Democrat Hillary Clinton saying, “Everyone I don’t like is A Russian Hacker.” Another showed a woman in a car talking to a police officer, with the caption, “IT’S NOT MY FAULT OFFICER, THE RUSSIANS HACKED MY SPEEDOMETER.”

In perspective, this is not worth the attention it gets..

1) 5000 tweets about Mueller? We had just 2 REAL Russians post twice that in a couple months on USMB.

2) How did the researchers LOCATE the origin of these posts without getting IP or REGISTRATION DATA from Twitter, Instagram, others? I'm more concerned about that.

3) Not enough hard examples of ANY critical analysis that would sway opinions. Any "Russian propaganda" I've seen as examples are childish cartoons and trolling -- not persuasive political analysis or factual commentary.

It's all trolling. Lots of Russian trolls. Ain't nothing to prevent it.. They can't troll FREELY in their country. There's a lot of Troll Talent going to waste. Probably should air it out by having a TV series something like a world-wide trolling talent competition. Would outplay anything else on TV...
Thanks for a thoughtful approach to the article, flacaltenn. The reason I never joined in against Meuller nor spurned those who did is because all I have to go on is two family members who worked with the law and worked with confidential matters of government. Both lived life like stuff mattered, and they did not violate laws but had characters so true either of them would have died for his country without batting an eyelash. Meuller has been around a long time and served the American people with a blind eye to politics. His focus is what is true and right for the American people, and when people are mad because someone they like is on the griller of the truth, Meuller just does his job and to the best of my knowledge, keeps his nose clean and is true to the American people and lets the chips fall where they may. We have a lot of people in Washington who do the same thing, only they're not famous, and flaming them would be boring to the public. There is someone here (and probably others) who know people in the business who would love to have a program that would outplay anything else on TV, and I agree with you a trolling talent competition would be kind of like a Candid Camera episode was when I was growing up, everybody wanted to see it. Maybe they could call it "Trolling Trolls" or some such. :)

When I looked at Mueller and other special counsels for that matter -- what I see is a very PUBLIC display of the rampant "prosecutorial abuses" that don't generally come into public focus, but are contaminating our Justice system. Don't like putting words into people's mouths with plea deals or withholding exculpatory information from the defense.

Let's go to NYCity and pitch the Super Troll program idea to the producers of the networks.
That sounds reasonable, flacaltenn. And it escaped my focus. To me, a wrongful verdict that has missed the truth after looking is almost as bad as false witness. I sorrow that our country has reduced itself to vengefulness at the congressional level, and that America takes lightly the growing dichotomy between the two parties in the sewer that vengefulness breeds. I hope our computer geniuses and social media in society will go about discovery into this matter in a scientific way, now that we know poisoning the well with misinformation can fool voters and bring us to the brink of incivilities. I don't think that's good for America.
OMG, the Russian's disinformation almost as bad as the American Press's disinformation.

View attachment 235408
Go head and tell us what's false; i'll leave the lights on.
Russian Collusion
Collusion is certainly possible, considering Giuliani almost admitted it.
And that presidential history says is likely an agent of foreign power.

Collusion is really secondary to all the crime surrounding the Trump campaign/inaguration/charity/foundation.
It is striking how resistant to the idea of Russian manipulation the RWNJs are. Could this be a direct result of Russian disinformation?
Everyone knows how effective the Russians were in recruiting activists for Trump in 2016.
Most of them flatly refuse to accept they've been had, because the message they got was in accord with their beliefs.

Lol so since lesh ran away, I really want to know a question, why do you think your propganda is not better then Russian propaganda on the internet, do you consider Russians smarter then you?
Bear, you seem to have missed one important aspect of the conversation: that the Russians are generating propaganda for both sides in order to divide America. So a lot of the leftist 'news' is BS, same as rightist news.
And, to help you with your credibility:
do you consider Russians smarter then you?
It's 'than', not 'then'.
It is striking how resistant to the idea of Russian manipulation the RWNJs are. Could this be a direct result of Russian disinformation?
Everyone knows how effective the Russians were in recruiting activists for Trump in 2016.
Most of them flatly refuse to accept they've been had, because the message they got was in accord with their beliefs.

Lol so since lesh ran away, I really want to know a question, why do you think your propganda is not better then Russian propaganda on the internet, do you consider Russians smarter then you?

Dude...virtually every post YOU make mirrors Russian agitprop.

I don't actually think you're a Russian troll. You're too obviously stupid

You still refuse to answer logic , you use an anonymous avatar, you post propaganda..on an anonymous social forum..

So the question is do you think a bunch of letters and memes by the Russians have more power over yours?

And we all hated Hillary anyways..

Do you see how stupid this is?

Russians are smarter than 99% of every RW'r on the planet. Thats why they're here feasting on partisan idiots.

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