Russian Disinformation Teams Hit 126+ million Americans with computers

Wow that sucks for you gullible left wingers.

Speaking of being Gullible. I read a bit of that report already. Guess what, it wasn't "Both Sides". It was mostly one side, for Trump and the Republicans with a little racial discourse thrown in. After reading the Senate report, how do we know YOU aren't part of the Russian Troll farm that is still operating even today.

Much of what you RWnutjobs took as fact was actually generated the Russian Troll Farm. And you based much of your decisions and ideas from those. Ever wonder why "Crooked Hilary", after 30 years of all that so called criminal activity hasn't been locked for at least 4 lifetimes? Or Obama isn't spending the next 3 years in a club med ? You have used the dis and mis information that was spread to justify your orange leaders actions. He wouldn't have survived in a Republican world much less a Democrat world. New York is just waiting for him to no longer be in office before they indite him on state felony charges. You had better make him King to keep him out of jail. But not to worry, with his money , it's going to be some kind of Club Med.

Now, what would lead us to believe that you are not actually a Russky Troll Farm.

So your point is that nobody believed the Russians and Trump won fair and square, got it. :auiqs.jpg:

So you are trying to read between the lines. Much like you try and read between the lines of our Countries Constitution and Laws. Pick the parts you like, disregard those parts you don't like and just make shit up as you go. If that works for you, Comrade, go for it. You have my permission to vote for Putin once again.

Just be thankful we don't lock the left up in gulags okay.
Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.
Lying Leftist Propaganda machine hits 100 million people a DAY so.

And so does Foxnews. You don't have a point here.

Of course, I would expect something like this from a Russian Farm Troll, comrade.
Wow that sucks for you gullible left wingers.

Speaking of being Gullible. I read a bit of that report already. Guess what, it wasn't "Both Sides". It was mostly one side, for Trump and the Republicans with a little racial discourse thrown in. After reading the Senate report, how do we know YOU aren't part of the Russian Troll farm that is still operating even today.

Much of what you RWnutjobs took as fact was actually generated the Russian Troll Farm. And you based much of your decisions and ideas from those. Ever wonder why "Crooked Hilary", after 30 years of all that so called criminal activity hasn't been locked for at least 4 lifetimes? Or Obama isn't spending the next 3 years in a club med ? You have used the dis and mis information that was spread to justify your orange leaders actions. He wouldn't have survived in a Republican world much less a Democrat world. New York is just waiting for him to no longer be in office before they indite him on state felony charges. You had better make him King to keep him out of jail. But not to worry, with his money , it's going to be some kind of Club Med.

Now, what would lead us to believe that you are not actually a Russky Troll Farm.

So your point is that nobody believed the Russians and Trump won fair and square, got it. :auiqs.jpg:

So you are trying to read between the lines. Much like you try and read between the lines of our Countries Constitution and Laws. Pick the parts you like, disregard those parts you don't like and just make shit up as you go. If that works for you, Comrade, go for it. You have my permission to vote for Putin once again.

Just be thankful we don't lock the left up in gulags okay.
Yes, something gets in your way. Like the Constitution and all sorts of laws that you can't seem to get around as much as you try. Your Revolution will just have to wait another day.
'Russian Disinformation Teams Hit 126+ million Americans with computers'

How many votes actually changed from 'Hillary' to 'Trump' as a result.....?

View attachment 235417

It only needed to work on a very small percentage of those who viewed it.
And there is no evidence that it changed 1 - ONE - single vote.

$2 billion was spent on advertising during those campaigns. There's no evidence any of it changed a single vote. Do you think they spent $2B for fun?
$2 billion was spent on advertising during those campaigns. There's no evidence any of it changed a single vote. Do you think they spent $2B for fun?
The amount of money you spend to achieve a goal does not equate to success. Look at how much Hillary Clinton spent on her campaign to win the WH - you think she spent that money for fun? Yet she still lost.
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'Russian Disinformation Teams Hit 126+ million Americans with computers'

How many votes actually changed from 'Hillary' to 'Trump' as a result.....?

View attachment 235417

It only needed to work on a very small percentage of those who viewed it.
And there is no evidence that it changed 1 - ONE - single vote.

$2 billion was spent on advertising during those campaigns. There's no evidence any of it changed a single vote. Do you think they spent $2B for fun?

Please provide a link for the $2b they supposedly spent.

Here is what was spent on google ads ($4,700)
Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.

Yeah well if America doesn't like being hacked I guess they shouldn't have started it in the first place.

I'm red white and blue all the way but I'm not blind to the stupidity that both the Pentagon and the CIA has committed many times on unsuspecting countries who now have the technology to fight back.

I'm not even sure they would stop if we stop now.... But make no mistake about it we are the ones that took the top off of the genie bottle.

Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.

Yeah well if America doesn't like being hacked I guess they shouldn't have started it in the first place.

I'm red white and blue all the way but I'm not blind to the stupidity that both the Pentagon and the CIA has committed many times on unsuspecting countries who now have the technology to fight back.

I'm not even sure they would stop if we stop now.... But make no mistake about it we are the ones that took the top off of the genie bottle.


'Pandora's Box' - It has been opened, and there's no getting 'it' back in there.
Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.

Yeah well if America doesn't like being hacked I guess they shouldn't have started it in the first place.

I'm red white and blue all the way but I'm not blind to the stupidity that both the Pentagon and the CIA has committed many times on unsuspecting countries who now have the technology to fight back.

I'm not even sure they would stop if we stop now.... But make no mistake about it we are the ones that took the top off of the genie bottle.


'Pandora's Box' - It has been opened, and there's no getting 'it' back in there.

Yep.... No going back on this one now I guess.

Thanks for the informative post, Will. If Putin has no designs on the American people, I wonder why the press said the other day that the Russians have announced building a base in Venezuela's Carribean area:Russia Announces Military Base in Caribbean Venezuela

To counter us doing the same thing on his doorstep in Poland and because the Venzies are now too poor to drill their own oil. Putin is no longer a communist like Xi and sees what Xi has done with capitalism in China. Part of Xi's strategy is loaning third world countries money they can never hope to pay back for access to their ports and bases. Texas has a bigger economy than Russia and although Putin has hypersonic missiles our AMS can't knock down (yet), his only other warm water port is in Syria which he copied Xi's strategy and took over their port at Tartus.
The easiest, most accurate way to detect a Trump supporter in 2016 was the answer to the question, "Is Obama a Muslim?" That would be almost 9 in 10 accuracy.

A population so befuddled, misinformed, and delusional is ripe for the pickings, and it doesn't surprise in the least that just about everybody in the business of selling snake oil, not just the Russians, figured this out. After all, in order to reach that deplorable state of affairs, years, if not decades, of preparatory work had to be done in the form of a steady drumbeat of propaganda, with the GOP and the Murdoch empire in the lead. That propaganda effort was meant to advance the GOP's electoral chances, and it was arguably successful, with a little downside in the form of others jumping on the same train to have their slice of the cake, much to the embarrassment and chagrin of the GOP establishment.

Now we see tens of millions of know-nothings guzzling on the Faux trough, who - surprise - know nothing, thus fall for everything. Whoever is willing to quote the likes of Faux, Breitbart, DailyCaller, or similar propaganda outfits has no business complaining about "Russian" disinformation, for they arguably helped prepare the ground for it, and still self-debase - unwittingly or otherwise - as useful idiots by way of helping to create more useful idiots. Because, as the Goobers smartly figured out (quite some time ago), societal rifts are there to be exploited, the deeper and wider, the better. Turns out, if they're reckless enough, others can play that game, too.
Thanks for the informative post, Will. If Putin has no designs on the American people, I wonder why the press said the other day that the Russians have announced building a base in Venezuela's Carribean area:Russia Announces Military Base in Caribbean Venezuela

To counter us doing the same thing on his doorstep in Poland and because the Venzies are now too poor to drill their own oil. Putin is no longer a communist like Xi and sees what Xi has done with capitalism in China. Part of Xi's strategy is loaning third world countries money they can never hope to pay back for access to their ports and bases. Texas has a bigger economy than Russia and although Putin has hypersonic missiles our AMS can't knock down (yet), his only other warm water port is in Syria which he copied Xi's strategy and took over their port at Tartus.

The easiest, most accurate way to detect a Trump supporter in 2016 was the answer to the question, "Is Obama a Muslim?" That would be almost 9 in 10 accuracy.

A population so befuddled, misinformed, and delusional is ripe for the pickings, and it doesn't surprise in the least that just about everybody in the business of selling snake oil, not just the Russians, figured this out. After all, in order to reach that deplorable state of affairs, years, if not decades, of preparatory work had to be done in the form of a steady drumbeat of propaganda, with the GOP and the Murdoch empire in the lead. That propaganda effort was meant to advance the GOP's electoral chances, and it was arguably successful, with a little downside in the form of others jumping on the same train to have their slice of the cake, much to the embarrassment and chagrin of the GOP establishment.

Now we see tens of millions of know-nothings guzzling on the Faux trough, who - surprise - know nothing, thus fall for everything. Whoever is willing to quote the likes of Faux, Breitbart, DailyCaller, or similar propaganda outfits has no business complaining about "Russian" disinformation, for they arguably helped prepare the ground for it, and still self-debase - unwittingly or otherwise - as useful idiots by way of helping to create more useful idiots. Because, as the Goobers smartly figured out (quite some time ago), societal rifts are there to be exploited, the deeper and wider, the better. Turns out, if they're reckless enough, others can play that game, too.

Why are you even here? Try your condescending schtick in Moscow or Beijing.... Then come back to where other people will tolerate your loquacious ignorance without busting your loudmouth with a solid fist....pretty much the only language a bone head understands. Perhaps you would be afforded more respect if you were a bit more honest about where the corruption lies. The GOP is certainly corrupt but no more so than the DNC and its various tentacles composed of Alinskyism and predatory Marxism. Those guys by the way are the very inventors and founding fathers of post modern propaganda for your rather myopic information.... Or shall I refer to it as disinformation?

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Thanks for the informative post, Will. If Putin has no designs on the American people, I wonder why the press said the other day that the Russians have announced building a base in Venezuela's Carribean area:Russia Announces Military Base in Caribbean Venezuela

To counter us doing the same thing on his doorstep in Poland and because the Venzies are now too poor to drill their own oil. Putin is no longer a communist like Xi and sees what Xi has done with capitalism in China. Part of Xi's strategy is loaning third world countries money they can never hope to pay back for access to their ports and bases. Texas has a bigger economy than Russia and although Putin has hypersonic missiles our AMS can't knock down (yet), his only other warm water port is in Syria which he copied Xi's strategy and took over their port at Tartus.
Politics make strange bedfellows, I guess, Will. My mother was always saying that if anyone brought up the goings on in the government back when.
The easiest, most accurate way to detect a Trump supporter in 2016 was the answer to the question, "Is Obama a Muslim?" That would be almost 9 in 10 accuracy.

A population so befuddled, misinformed, and delusional is ripe for the pickings, and it doesn't surprise in the least that just about everybody in the business of selling snake oil, not just the Russians, figured this out. After all, in order to reach that deplorable state of affairs, years, if not decades, of preparatory work had to be done in the form of a steady drumbeat of propaganda, with the GOP and the Murdoch empire in the lead. That propaganda effort was meant to advance the GOP's electoral chances, and it was arguably successful, with a little downside in the form of others jumping on the same train to have their slice of the cake, much to the embarrassment and chagrin of the GOP establishment.

Now we see tens of millions of know-nothings guzzling on the Faux trough, who - surprise - know nothing, thus fall for everything. Whoever is willing to quote the likes of Faux, Breitbart, DailyCaller, or similar propaganda outfits has no business complaining about "Russian" disinformation, for they arguably helped prepare the ground for it, and still self-debase - unwittingly or otherwise - as useful idiots by way of helping to create more useful idiots. Because, as the Goobers smartly figured out (quite some time ago), societal rifts are there to be exploited, the deeper and wider, the better. Turns out, if they're reckless enough, others can play that game, too.
Well, delusional? That's a little strong term to use against a people who were lied to time, after time, after time, Olde Europe. I thought it would be kinda nice to see what a black man could do in Washington. Well, he did what he read whites did to his long-lost cousins in America. These people who had the misery of coming over here were kicked out by the local chieftains as "undesirable," kind of like when Europe got rid of all its Christian puritans they hated and wished to rid themselves of. Unfortunately for Europe, the Puritans did a lot of things right, namely, they educated children in the only buildings big enough to house schools for several days per week, and initially, the men did all the teaching, mainly to younger men, and some girls learned how to read at home, somehow, although that was frowned upon by voters back then (all men.) hahaha! Pardon me for going off topic, but Obama worried us because he catered only to blacks, and for months on end, very few whites other than huge donors, were invited to the soul parties we heard about weeks later. Needless to mention, Obama stretched the truth quite a bit and went on an 8-year spending spree. To disguise inflation, the Administration taught sellers to lower the amounts of food on cans and boxes of cereal, etc., and leave the price the same for a couple of months. After that, the prices just skyrocketed with another occasional rip off in fine print about the amount sold on the packages. You flat out cannot purchase a pound of coffee, and certainly not 3 pounds, although the packaging looks the same size, except some are just thinner and taller, and others are fatter and lower to conceal from public notice the difference in sizes. Meanwhile, his acquaintances in the Senate pretended to welcome the dollar slaughter if they were on his team, while the conservatives gnashed their teeth (I'm a bit conservative except when I go shopping for quilt fabric for charity quilts).

So, I don't think I buy into that delusional thing. Seems to me, we had our eyes wide open, ears, too, and everything Obama touched was a ripoff. You can't hide yo's lyin' eyes, so yeah, we were a little dismayed, but in order to match Obama's rich donors, we Republicans are mostly working people/business owners, and the ones who took it hardest were the ones in states Obama didn't win (the South), because he took a particular revenge upon them and insured by closing down the Gulf of Mexico with this little oil spill that truly ruined a lot of business owners who owned businesses on a thousand miles of Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana. When a business is all you have, and a President does all he can possibly do and withholds help in disasters, there's no delusion, just sorrow about bankruptcy, shutting and nailing down doors. Needless to mention, the weather doesn't help when hurricanes do damages

I hope you reconsider that word "delusional" before you use it so loosely. Politicians who take out their anger through deprivation of resources and business traffic receive little love from their loyal opponents. Their businesses were slaughtered mercilessly. That is zero delusion and 100% bankable proof.
the ones who took it hardest were the ones in states Obama didn't win (the South), because he took a particular revenge upon them and insured by closing down the Gulf of Mexico with this little oil spill that truly ruined a lot of business owners who owned businesses on a thousand miles of Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana. When a business is all you have, and a President does all he can possibly do and withholds help in disasters, there's no delusion,

I just thought I document that because it more ably demonstrates my point than I could ever hope to. Anecdotal, yes, but...
$2 billion was spent on advertising during those campaigns. There's no evidence any of it changed a single vote. Do you think they spent $2B for fun?
The amount of money you spend to achieve a goal does not equate to success. Look at how much Hillary Clinton spent on her campaign to win the WH - you think she spent that money for fun? Yet she still lost.

You can't show a single vote changed by money spent of advertising? WTF?

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