Russian Disinformation Teams Hit 126+ million Americans with computers

Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.

CNN and MSLSD do more damage to the American people in a day than the Ivans do in a ten years. Facebook sells your information, twitter shadow-bans opposing opinions and Google? they're outright communists. Putin secretly admires America and has no designs on our fact, he's much more interested in his people and when they might drag him out of his limo and hang him from a tree branch.
Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.

CNN and MSLSD do more damage to the American people in a day than the Ivans do in a ten years. Facebook sells your information, twitter shadow-bans opposing opinions and Google? they're outright communists. Putin secretly admires America and has no designs on our fact, he's much more interested in his people and when they might drag him out of his limo and hang him from a tree branch.
"All the Ivans"?

All your mean
When lose an argument go for spelling or grammar

Internet rule..when questioning your opponent's intelligence...use correct spelling

Spelling never bought me anything. Or got me laid ...

Sorry bout the sad state of your sex life.

On the positive side...the gene pool gets strengthened

So you get laid more if you can spell?

Who knew?

When lose an argument go for spelling or grammar

Internet rule..when questioning your opponent's intelligence...use correct spelling

Spelling never bought me anything. Or got me laid ...

Sorry bout the sad state of your sex life.

On the positive side...the gene pool gets strengthened

So when is this book going to come out that you can get laid by a hot girl if only you spell correctly faggot?

When lose an argument go for spelling or grammar

Internet rule..when questioning your opponent's intelligence...use correct spelling

Spelling never bought me anything. Or got me laid ...

Sorry bout the sad state of your sex life.

On the positive side...the gene pool gets strengthened

So you get laid more if you can spell?

Who knew?

View attachment 235435
Newsflash...not acting like a moron might help ya get laid.'
Ya oughta try it. Nothin else is workin for ya so...what the hell right?
When lose an argument go for spelling or grammar

Internet rule..when questioning your opponent's intelligence...use correct spelling

Spelling never bought me anything. Or got me laid ...

Sorry bout the sad state of your sex life.

On the positive side...the gene pool gets strengthened

So you get laid more if you can spell?

Who knew?

View attachment 235435
Newsflash...not acting like a moron might help ya get laid.'
Ya oughta try it. Nothin else is workin for ya so...what the hell right?

So we went from spelling to you describing what you do to not get laid?

interesting child..

I have 3 kids and like 5 step kids.

Wow that sucks for you gullible left wingers.

Speaking of being Gullible. I read a bit of that report already. Guess what, it wasn't "Both Sides". It was mostly one side, for Trump and the Republicans with a little racial discourse thrown in. After reading the Senate report, how do we know YOU aren't part of the Russian Troll farm that is still operating even today.

Much of what you RWnutjobs took as fact was actually generated the Russian Troll Farm. And you based much of your decisions and ideas from those. Ever wonder why "Crooked Hilary", after 30 years of all that so called criminal activity hasn't been locked for at least 4 lifetimes? Or Obama isn't spending the next 3 years in a club med ? You have used the dis and mis information that was spread to justify your orange leaders actions. He wouldn't have survived in a Republican world much less a Democrat world. New York is just waiting for him to no longer be in office before they indite him on state felony charges. You had better make him King to keep him out of jail. But not to worry, with his money , it's going to be some kind of Club Med.

Now, what would lead us to believe that you are not actually a Russky Troll Farm.
Internet rule..when questioning your opponent's intelligence...use correct spelling

Spelling never bought me anything. Or got me laid ...

Sorry bout the sad state of your sex life.

On the positive side...the gene pool gets strengthened

So you get laid more if you can spell?

Who knew?

View attachment 235435
Newsflash...not acting like a moron might help ya get laid.'
Ya oughta try it. Nothin else is workin for ya so...what the hell right?

So we went from spelling to you describing what you do to not get laid?

interesting child..

I have 3 kids and like 5 step kids.

Sure ya do sweetie...and a 15 inch schlong too right?

I mean it's the internet so....
Bear, you seem to have missed one important aspect of the conversation: that the Russians are generating propaganda for both sides in order to divide America. So a lot of the leftist 'news' is BS, same as rightist news.
And, to help you with your credibility:
do you consider Russians smarter then you?
It's 'than', not 'then'.

The report shows that the majority of the Russian influence was directly positive for Trump and the Republican Party. You can read into it anything you wish but that is the fact. The discord was primarily pitting races against each other. I suggest you get a real copy of that report and read it. And I mean the whole thing, not just the bullet points some Russian troll wants you to read.
Wow that sucks for you gullible left wingers.

Speaking of being Gullible. I read a bit of that report already. Guess what, it wasn't "Both Sides". It was mostly one side, for Trump and the Republicans with a little racial discourse thrown in. After reading the Senate report, how do we know YOU aren't part of the Russian Troll farm that is still operating even today.

Much of what you RWnutjobs took as fact was actually generated the Russian Troll Farm. And you based much of your decisions and ideas from those. Ever wonder why "Crooked Hilary", after 30 years of all that so called criminal activity hasn't been locked for at least 4 lifetimes? Or Obama isn't spending the next 3 years in a club med ? You have used the dis and mis information that was spread to justify your orange leaders actions. He wouldn't have survived in a Republican world much less a Democrat world. New York is just waiting for him to no longer be in office before they indite him on state felony charges. You had better make him King to keep him out of jail. But not to worry, with his money , it's going to be some kind of Club Med.

Now, what would lead us to believe that you are not actually a Russky Troll Farm.

So your point is that nobody believed the Russians and Trump won fair and square, got it. :auiqs.jpg:
It is striking how resistant to the idea of Russian manipulation the RWNJs are. Could this be a direct result of Russian disinformation?
Everyone knows how effective the Russians were in recruiting activists for Trump in 2016.
Most of them flatly refuse to accept they've been had, because the message they got was in accord with their beliefs.

This is so rich in irony, I had to go take a walk to stop laughing. So the RWNJ are the ones susceptable to "Russian Disinformation"?

But here you are using a RT INTERVIEW to justify your claim???

:auiqs.jpg: :banana::banana: :auiqs.jpg:

Did you stick around to hear the RT accusation against Joy Reid of MSNBC??
A couple DOZEN folks turned out at Goldfarb's rally. And more deliciously, CNN ITSELF got duped into covering an ANTI-TRUMP rally that was influenced by the Russian IRAgency and GLOWINGLY PRAISED the turn-out...

CNN Reporter Harasses Elderly Woman Whose Facebook Group Was Targeted By Russian Trolls [VIDEO]

The Team Trump Broward page shows some photos from the rally that was promoted by the “Being Patriotic” troll group. The turnout for the rally was relatively small, with no more than several dozen people attending. The group also appears to have attended many other rallies during the campaign.

CNN itself appears to have been tricked into attending a rally organized by Kremlin agents. The network sent reporters to cover a Nov. 12, 2016 anti-Trump rally held in New York City.

Brynn Gingras the CNN correspondent who covered the rally, called it “the most organized protest that I’ve seen happen here in New York City.” (RELATED: CNN, MSNBC Glowingly Promoted Anti-Trump Rally Organized By Russian Trolls)

“That’s good news,” Gringas added.

Russians are smarter than 99% of every RW'r on the planet. Thats why they're here feasting on partisan idiots.

And apparently feasting on the far more prevalent LWNJs.. See the DCaller link above for the ANTI-TRUMP rallies they encouraged AFTER tthe election.. Typical Troll move. In fact, Intel Disinformation campaigns are the EARLIEST form of trolling.

Mousertarian is right. They FEASTED on both sides.. But only for fun and games. If it was a SERIOUS Russian Intel operation -- it would look MUCH MORE like the Fusion GPS "dossier".. Now THAT was Russian genius. And all those PROFESSIONAL Russian spies are now Heroes of the Russian Federation with statues in the halls of the Kremlin..
Wow that sucks for you gullible left wingers.

Speaking of being Gullible. I read a bit of that report already. Guess what, it wasn't "Both Sides". It was mostly one side, for Trump and the Republicans with a little racial discourse thrown in. After reading the Senate report, how do we know YOU aren't part of the Russian Troll farm that is still operating even today.

Much of what you RWnutjobs took as fact was actually generated the Russian Troll Farm. And you based much of your decisions and ideas from those. Ever wonder why "Crooked Hilary", after 30 years of all that so called criminal activity hasn't been locked for at least 4 lifetimes? Or Obama isn't spending the next 3 years in a club med ? You have used the dis and mis information that was spread to justify your orange leaders actions. He wouldn't have survived in a Republican world much less a Democrat world. New York is just waiting for him to no longer be in office before they indite him on state felony charges. You had better make him King to keep him out of jail. But not to worry, with his money , it's going to be some kind of Club Med.

Now, what would lead us to believe that you are not actually a Russky Troll Farm.

So your point is that nobody believed the Russians and Trump won fair and square, got it. :auiqs.jpg:

So you are trying to read between the lines. Much like you try and read between the lines of our Countries Constitution and Laws. Pick the parts you like, disregard those parts you don't like and just make shit up as you go. If that works for you, Comrade, go for it. You have my permission to vote for Putin once again.
Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.

Trump won by around 77k votes in key districts over three states.

77k÷ 126m= .00061%
.00061% is all that Russia needed to influence with their operations in key areas to swing the elction to Trump.
Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.
Lying Leftist Propaganda machine hits 100 million people a DAY so.
Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.

Once again I feel like I am in a twilight zone, so you think Russian memes are more powerful then your own propganda?

I didn't write the article I requested others to read it. If political discussion makes you feel you are in the twilight zone, the rubber room is seven stories below here, sweetie.
Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.

CNN and MSLSD do more damage to the American people in a day than the Ivans do in a ten years. Facebook sells your information, twitter shadow-bans opposing opinions and Google? they're outright communists. Putin secretly admires America and has no designs on our fact, he's much more interested in his people and when they might drag him out of his limo and hang him from a tree branch.
Thanks for the informative post, Will. If Putin has no designs on the American people, I wonder why the press said the other day that the Russians have announced building a base in Venezuela's Carribean area:

Venezuelan news agencies, citing the Russian state outlet TASS, reported on Monday that the socialist dictatorship has agreed to allow Moscow to establish a military base on the island of La Orchila in the Caribbean Sea, the first such base since the end of the Cold War.
La Orchila is about 1,350 miles from Key West, Florida, and less than 1,000 miles from the American military base in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, offering the Russian military close proximity to the United States.

Venezuela’s NTN24 quoted the Russian news agency stating the Russian government is seeking a base in Venezuela to place military aircraft within reach of key Western Hemisphere locations. The outlet also noted that, in another Russian media outlet, Russian military expert Shamil Garayev claimed that Russia has a need for such a location because, that way, “our strategic bombers do not have to return to Russia every time [after an exercises], and will not need to refuel midair during patrol missions to the Americas.”

Russia Announces Military Base in Caribbean Venezuela

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