Russian Foreign Minster Arrives at White House ~

Again, for doing what?

All you have is speculation, nothing more.

I was on a political forum right after 9/11 and had the same kind of disagreements with the GOP about the Iraq war..
Now they pretend that they even supported Bush...

Are you old enough to remember Nixon and how he tried to stop the investigations ?

Actions speak louder than words.

I am only 42, so no, don't remember Nixon.

Deep Throat (Watergate)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Deep Throat is the pseudonym given to the secret informant who provided information to Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of The Washington Post, in 1972, about the involvement of U.S. President Richard Nixon's administration in what came to be known as the Watergate scandal. In 2005, 31 years after Nixon's resignation and 11 years after Nixon's death, a family attorney stated that former Federal Bureau of Investigation Associate Director Mark Felt was Deep Throat. Felt was suffering from dementia at the time and had previously denied being Deep Throat, but Woodward and Bernstein confirmed the attorney's claim.

I've read about watergate, and I don't see the parallels.

Like I told Easy.... If he would have been more transparent this would have never been a story...

It does remind me of how people reacted to Watergate and the news stories back then while uncovering the truth..

Still not seeing it. All the Watergate stuff was uncovered with meticulous research and good sources, not "maybe kinda, sorta, meh"
I said it was bad timing.... and it added fuel to the firestorm.

WHAT 'firestorm'? You mean the continued snowflake false accusations of 'Russian-Trump Collusion' ... despite both Directors of the NSA and FBI having testified that there was NEVER any evidence of a crime or collusion and there is no evidence now, despite the FBI declaring 3 times now that there is no evidence of collusion, and despite both the chairman of the Intel Committee and member D-Feinstein declaring there is no evidence to support the claim after 10 months of digging?


I put this in a thread last night ... most people have forgotten or too young to remember

It was the FBI director who leaked out Watergate info which brought Nixon down..

I am sure Comey is pretty pissed today

the FBI was battling for its independence against the administration of President Richard M. Nixon, Felt had the means and the motive to help uncover the web of internal spies, secret surveillance, dirty tricks and coverups that led to Nixon’s unprecedented resignation on Aug. 9, 1974, and to prison sentences for some of Nixon’s highest-ranking aides.

FBI’s No. 2 Was ‘Deep Throat’: Mark Felt Ends 30-Year Mystery of The Post’s Watergate Source
We should hit the reset button, as a whole. Just toss all the scandals out the window and start fresh. Let's make tomorrow day 1 of Trump's presidency. Clean slate.
Oh I agree, the false charges of Collusion should be tossed as everyone from the NSA to the FBI to the Intel Committee has declared there NEVER was any evidence of a crime or collusion and there is still no evidence.

If Trump would have been more transparent and forthcoming this would have never taken off like it has..

All we see from this administration are diversions, and distractions so it makes people very suspicious.

If I was accused of something like this, I would encourage and be open to clear my name...
Let's just call a truce and get back to hating ISIS
If Trump would have been more transparent and forthcoming this would have never taken off like it has..
All we see from this administration are diversions, and distractions so it makes people very suspicious.
If I was accused of something like this, I would encourage and be open to clear my name...



When the Directors of the NSA and FBI testify THERE NEVER WAS ANY EVIDENCE OF ANY CRIME OR COLLUSION and the FBI declares 3 times THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, what do you have to be more forthcoming about?

Nice of you to try to turn the tables and declare all of this is Trump's fault because he refused to prove his innocence in regards to false allegations made against him rather than his accusers having to prove their claim.


Priebus was dispatched to ask Comey and his colleagues to deny reports that Trump campaign aides had been in communication with agents of the Russian government.

Why would a honest administration ask for this?

Hours after Comey’s firing was announced, CNN reported that federal prosecutors had issued subpoenas to associates of Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, to provide business records of their contacts with him.

It's going down Easy...


James Comey and Donald Trump: A comprehensive timeline of events leading up to the firing
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Why would a honest administration ask for this?

After the FBI has already declared 3 times that there is no evidence to support the claims of collusion and the Directors of both the NSA and FBI have testified that there was NEVER any evidence of a crime / Collusion, it is only logical that the President would ask the Director of the FBI to therefore make an official statement declaring once and for all that there was / is no evidence of collusion.

It's going down Easy..


The Directors of the NSA and FBI testified that there was NEVER any evidence of any crime or collusion.
The former Obama administration National Intelligence Director testified there was NO evidence.
The FBI has declared 3 TIMES there is NO evidence
The Chairman of the Intel Committee and Member D-Feinstein both publicly declared there is NO evidence

You snowflakes have NO EVIDENCE, as there was NEVER any evidence of a crime or collusion...

...and you say 'IT is going down'.


The day snowflakes produce evidence to support their claim that Russia and Trump were in collusion to make Hillary lose the 2016 election and help Trump win is the day I will join you in calling for the Impeachment of Donald Trump.

One of the problems snowflakes still face is there is no evidence to support the claim the Russians even 'hacked the election' let alone Trump was colluding with the Russians as they did so.
Why would a honest administration ask for this?

After the FBI has already declared 3 times that there is no evidence to support the claims of collusion and the Directors of both the NSA and FBI have testified that there was NEVER any evidence of a crime / Collusion, it is only logical that the President would ask the Director of the FBI to therefore make an official statement declaring once and for all that there was / is no evidence of collusion.

It's going down Easy..


The Directors of the NSA and FBI testified that there was NEVER any evidence of any crime or collusion.
The former Obama administration National Intelligence Director testified there was NO evidence.
The FBI has declared 3 TIMES there is NO evidence
The Chairman of the Intel Committee and Member D-Feinstein both publicly declared there is NO evidence

You snowflakes have NO EVIDENCE, as there was NEVER any evidence of a crime or collusion...

...and you say 'IT is going down'.

View attachment 125958

The day snowflakes produce evidence to support their claim that Russia and Trump were in collusion to make Hillary lose the 2016 election and help Trump win is the day I will join you in calling for the Impeachment of Donald Trump.

One of the problems snowflakes still face is there is no evidence to support the claim the Russians even 'hacked the election' let alone Trump was colluding with the Russians as they did so.

I don't trust Comie...I wonder if he is going to end up dead to shut him up..
I don't trust Comie...I wonder if he is going to end up dead to shut him up..

Shut him about what? He just testified that Hillary broke the law but was protected from indictment, and he has already testified before Congress about how there was never any evidence of any crime or collusion regarding Trump. So who would want him dead and for what?
I don't trust Comie...I wonder if he is going to end up dead to shut him up..

Shut him about what? He just testified that Hillary broke the law but was protected from indictment, and he has already testified before Congress about how there was never any evidence of any crime or collusion regarding Trump. So who would want him dead and for what?

Trump loved and applauded Comie just a few months ago when things were going in Trumps favor.... He had all of this time to fire him....

Comie was fired while out of town, and his office was interesting..

Like I said,I am not supporting Comey I find him suspicious too..
Stil pissed off at his foreign policy agenda. I have no interest in more troops in Afghanistan nor bombing North Korea nor Bothering Syria nor bothering Iran. But THIS is funny as hell.

So far there are 4 Americans being held hostage by North Korea. How long is Trump going to wait to do anything about getting them back? When Iran took the American sailors hostage, Obama got them back before the republicans had a chance to complain (under 24 hours)
It's Their Own Fault for Being Where They Don't Belong

Hostages are expendable. We can't be extorted just because selfish blowhards preach putting individuals about the welfare of the nation. It may make pathetic loner Libretardians feel superior to all the rest of us, but they are lower than traitors and their self-righteous egoism should be shamed and shunned into silence.
If US and Russia can work together to solve international issues that's always a good thing! :thup:

Diplomacy is the answer and not intimidation.

Way to go President Trump you are doing the right thing!!! :clap2: :2up:
Why? We're supposed to put the entire world on hold because the left are throwing a tantrum over here?

Not too smart when you are trying to quiet down the Russia connections....

Maybe they are trying the Reverse Psychology Technique :biggrin:

Reverse psychology is a technique involving the advocacy of a belief or behavior that is opposite to the one desired, with the expectation that this approach will encourage the subject of the persuasion to do what actually is desired: the opposite of what is suggested.

You lefties still don't have a clue.
Oh bad

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will meet with President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Wednesday, in his first visit to Washington since August 2013.

President Trump, Secretary Tillerson to meet Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov

Trump will be getting his Dick Holster ready. The Russians have also demanded the Russian National Anthem be played at all meetings which is what is playing at the White House all the time now anyway so no protocol problems there.

The American press was banned from the White House, but Russian reporters were allowed:
Trump bans American journalists, but not Russian press, from meeting with Russian foreign ministerTrump bans American journalists, but not Russian press, from meeting with Russian foreign minister

The Russian press system is already becoming normalized, as a reporter is arrested in West Virginia:
West Virginia reporter jailed after questioning U.S. health secretary
Oh bad

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will meet with President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Wednesday, in his first visit to Washington since August 2013.

President Trump, Secretary Tillerson to meet Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov

Trump will be getting his Dick Holster ready. The Russians have also demanded the Russian National Anthem be played at all meetings which is what is playing at the White House all the time now anyway so no protocol problems there.

The American press was banned from the White House, but Russian reporters were allowed:
Trump bans American journalists, but not Russian press, from meeting with Russian foreign ministerTrump bans American journalists, but not Russian press, from meeting with Russian foreign minister

The Russian press system is already becoming normalized, as a reporter is arrested in West Virginia:
West Virginia reporter jailed after questioning U.S. health secretary

Geez, Think Progress. This should be some stupid shit...

And it is. No reporters were let in from either country. Just the photographers. No mention of the US photog being banned so I'm guessing they left out that he/she was there as well. You people and your twisting of news. No wonder nobody trusts journalists these days.

Well, let's see what's up in Virginia shall we? At least it's not think progress or the huffington post. Rueters though so...

Oh I see, he wasn't asking questions he was shoving his way through security and basically being a typical left wing self entitled twat. A better headline would be...
"Entitled childish reporter acts like a dick and assaults security officers"

Well, so much for xyz's outrage of the day.
Oh bad

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will meet with President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Wednesday, in his first visit to Washington since August 2013.

President Trump, Secretary Tillerson to meet Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov

Trump will be getting his Dick Holster ready. The Russians have also demanded the Russian National Anthem be played at all meetings which is what is playing at the White House all the time now anyway so no protocol problems there.

The American press was banned from the White House, but Russian reporters were allowed:
Trump bans American journalists, but not Russian press, from meeting with Russian foreign ministerTrump bans American journalists, but not Russian press, from meeting with Russian foreign minister

The Russian press system is already becoming normalized, as a reporter is arrested in West Virginia:
West Virginia reporter jailed after questioning U.S. health secretary

Geez, Think Progress. This should be some stupid shit...

And it is. No reporters were let in from either country. Just the photographers. No mention of the US photog being banned so I'm guessing they left out that he/she was there as well. You people and your twisting of news. No wonder nobody trusts journalists these days.

Well, let's see what's up in Virginia shall we? At least it's not think progress or the huffington post. Rueters though so...

Oh I see, he wasn't asking questions he was shoving his way through security and basically being a typical left wing self entitled twat. A better headline would be...
"Entitled childish reporter acts like a dick and assaults security officers"

Well, so much for xyz's outrage of the day.

Yes, this is a true story... Why don't you search it before saying that?

Trump's meeting with Russians closed to U.S. media, but not to TASS photographer
  • Thanks
Reactions: xyz
Oh bad

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will meet with President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Wednesday, in his first visit to Washington since August 2013.

President Trump, Secretary Tillerson to meet Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov

Trump will be getting his Dick Holster ready. The Russians have also demanded the Russian National Anthem be played at all meetings which is what is playing at the White House all the time now anyway so no protocol problems there.

The American press was banned from the White House, but Russian reporters were allowed:
Trump bans American journalists, but not Russian press, from meeting with Russian foreign ministerTrump bans American journalists, but not Russian press, from meeting with Russian foreign minister

The Russian press system is already becoming normalized, as a reporter is arrested in West Virginia:
West Virginia reporter jailed after questioning U.S. health secretary


And it is. No reporters were let in from either country. Just the photographers. No mention of the US photog being banned so I'm guessing they left out that he was there as well. You people and your twisting of news. No wonder nobody trusts journalists these days.

Oh I see, he wasn't asking questions he was shoving his way through security and basically being a typical self entitled twat. A better headline would be...
"Entitled childish reporter acts like a dick and assaults security officers"


When a jurinalist's Mommy teaches him how to put on his underpants, she says, "Yellow stain in front, brown stain in back."
Oh bad

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will meet with President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Wednesday, in his first visit to Washington since August 2013.

President Trump, Secretary Tillerson to meet Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov

Trump will be getting his Dick Holster ready. The Russians have also demanded the Russian National Anthem be played at all meetings which is what is playing at the White House all the time now anyway so no protocol problems there.

The American press was banned from the White House, but Russian reporters were allowed:
Trump bans American journalists, but not Russian press, from meeting with Russian foreign ministerTrump bans American journalists, but not Russian press, from meeting with Russian foreign minister

The Russian press system is already becoming normalized, as a reporter is arrested in West Virginia:
West Virginia reporter jailed after questioning U.S. health secretary


And it is. No reporters were let in from either country. Just the photographers. No mention of the US photog being banned so I'm guessing they left out that he was there as well. You people and your twisting of news. No wonder nobody trusts journalists these days.

Oh I see, he wasn't asking questions he was shoving his way through security and basically being a typical self entitled twat. A better headline would be...
"Entitled childish reporter acts like a dick and assaults security officers"


When a jurinalist's Mommy teaches him how to put on his underpants, she says, "Yellow stain in front, brown stain in back."

But you are ok with Trump allowing only a Russian journalist in for the photo op then?
Oh bad

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will meet with President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Wednesday, in his first visit to Washington since August 2013.

President Trump, Secretary Tillerson to meet Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov

Trump will be getting his Dick Holster ready. The Russians have also demanded the Russian National Anthem be played at all meetings which is what is playing at the White House all the time now anyway so no protocol problems there.

The American press was banned from the White House, but Russian reporters were allowed:
Trump bans American journalists, but not Russian press, from meeting with Russian foreign ministerTrump bans American journalists, but not Russian press, from meeting with Russian foreign minister

The Russian press system is already becoming normalized, as a reporter is arrested in West Virginia:
West Virginia reporter jailed after questioning U.S. health secretary

Geez, Think Progress. This should be some stupid shit...

And it is. No reporters were let in from either country. Just the photographers. No mention of the US photog being banned so I'm guessing they left out that he/she was there as well. You people and your twisting of news. No wonder nobody trusts journalists these days.

Well, let's see what's up in Virginia shall we? At least it's not think progress or the huffington post. Rueters though so...

Oh I see, he wasn't asking questions he was shoving his way through security and basically being a typical left wing self entitled twat. A better headline would be...
"Entitled childish reporter acts like a dick and assaults security officers"

Well, so much for xyz's outrage of the day.

Yes, this is a true story... Why don't you search it before saying that?

Trump's meeting with Russians closed to U.S. media, but not to TASS photographer

No it's not true. They kept all reporters out. The only story is a Russian photograph when there shouldn't have been one. So was it a Russian photographer or some assistant with a phone?
Oh bad

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will meet with President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Wednesday, in his first visit to Washington since August 2013.

President Trump, Secretary Tillerson to meet Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov

Trump will be getting his Dick Holster ready. The Russians have also demanded the Russian National Anthem be played at all meetings which is what is playing at the White House all the time now anyway so no protocol problems there.

The American press was banned from the White House, but Russian reporters were allowed:
Trump bans American journalists, but not Russian press, from meeting with Russian foreign ministerTrump bans American journalists, but not Russian press, from meeting with Russian foreign minister

The Russian press system is already becoming normalized, as a reporter is arrested in West Virginia:
West Virginia reporter jailed after questioning U.S. health secretary


And it is. No reporters were let in from either country. Just the photographers. No mention of the US photog being banned so I'm guessing they left out that he was there as well. You people and your twisting of news. No wonder nobody trusts journalists these days.

Oh I see, he wasn't asking questions he was shoving his way through security and basically being a typical self entitled twat. A better headline would be...
"Entitled childish reporter acts like a dick and assaults security officers"


When a jurinalist's Mommy teaches him how to put on his underpants, she says, "Yellow stain in front, brown stain in back."

But you are ok with Trump allowing only a Russian journalist in for the photo op then?

Paid Informers

Anything to humiliate and demoralize the low-caliber jurinalists the rulers hire to inform us is OK with me. Freedom of the Press doesn't cover any of their unearned privileges. You pretend that it is illegal to exclude them.

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