Russian interference is a possible false flag

Russia made Hillary mishandle classified information, then lie about it to the FBI.

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Russia made Hillary mishandle classified information, then lie about it to the FBI.

No Russia made the Rump want to have sex with his daughter , rape his ex wife, make fun of the disabled, say it was OK to call his daughter a piece of ass, and tell the media that he doesn't care what they say as long as he leaves with the best piece of ass and show what he thinks of women with his every word. And fake Christian women voted for him. Rump says that women that support him are Rump whores.
Russia made Hillary mishandle classified information, then lie about it to the FBI.

No Russia made the Rump want to have sex with his daughter , rape his ex wife, make fun of the disabled, say it was OK to call his daughter a piece of ass, and tell the media that he doesn't care what they say as long as he leaves with the best piece of ass and show what he thinks of women with his every word. And fake Christian women voted for him. Rump says that women that support him are Rump whores.
Fuckin' A. I can't believe that's what it's come to in this country.
The first week after the election I went to all my ex friends that voted for Rump and spit in their face. I have a list of what I'm going to do special every week for two months. They have to know that they are traitors to this country , Rump Zombies and worthless. I can do that. My neighbor that I argued with about the election came over with a Christmas present and I told him to stick it up his ass. You have to set boundaries with the enemy. You have to treat traitors to this country the way they deserve. I can do that.
Obama has a hand in this "Russian helped Trump" fake news

Considering Trump asked the Russians to hack some more, and Trump's supporters have expressed joy at Russia for their hacking, I'd say they have a bigger hand in this news.
Russia made Hillary mishandle classified infirmation, then lie about it to the FBI.

Hey Trump said it's time for you to stop caring about that. It was just an election tactic. Get in line Frank.
When did he do that?
The throw away joke line he said?

Let me guess, you thought his line about the 2nd amendment people was a call to assassinate Hillary Clinton?
Russia made Hillary mishandle classified information, then lie about it to the FBI.

No Russia made the Rump want to have sex with his daughter , rape his ex wife, make fun of the disabled, say it was OK to call his daughter a piece of ass, and tell the media that he doesn't care what they say as long as he leaves with the best piece of ass and show what he thinks of women with his every word. And fake Christian women voted for him. Rump says that women that support him are Rump whores.
Fuckin' A. I can't believe that's what it's come to in this country.
Actually not really, The right did exactly what Hitler did in the early 30's, when Germany was in a massive recession, Hitler gave them something and some one to blame the Germans self perceived failure on. He blamed Unions, Jews and Gypsy's. Move ahead to the Bush recession that just about destroyed this country and the hate party, to give the people of this country something and someone to blame their self perceived failure on, gave them Unions, Muslims and Mexicans/ But the sold super hate for decades and they became the hate party and lost control of the haters that they had created, they were uncontrollable with their hatred and even the right doesn't want Trump but the haters that the right created does. He is a psychopath and they put that psychopath right next to the little red Button that can destroy the world. You have to fight hate with the same level of hate, if you just sweet smile, your part of the problem not the solution. Nothing will be gained with sugar from these mentally disturbed haters.
No one interfered with the elections..
Ya because Rump said so. everyone else in his party says that they did but Rump says so, so the weak minded think ,my God said so, so it must be so.
No one interfered with the elections..
Ya because Rump said so. everyone else in his party says that they did but Rump says so, so the weak minded think ,my God said so, so it must be so.

Yes we know that far left can not accept defeat and needs any and all excuses to try and stay in power..

Face it the far left religion has been ousted it is time to accept it!
So he basically comes out without anything and says "er... well I don't want to believe this so I'm saying it's false flag". Right, how to get into the Trump administration, show that facts don't mean shit.
The same level of bullshit was peddled when Comey came out and didn't recommend charges for the treasonous criminal Hillary. But that was (D)ifferent, wasn't it?
uh oh, this could get very very interesting.
Jason Chaifetz, come on down!!!!!!!!!!

Bolton questions if Russian hacks were ‘false flag’

So he basically comes out without anything and says "er... well I don't want to believe this so I'm saying it's false flag". Right, how to get into the Trump administration, show that facts don't mean shit.
No they do mean shit, but there are none on this issue, which is exactly what Bolton said
He said lets wait for them, what you want war with Russia? or is this hacking so minor it doesn't matter?
You guys set yourselves up on this, next time, think it all the way through.
So he basically comes out without anything and says "er... well I don't want to believe this so I'm saying it's false flag". Right, how to get into the Trump administration, show that facts don't mean shit.
The same level of bullshit was peddled when Comey came out and didn't recommend charges for the treasonous criminal Hillary. But that was (D)ifferent, wasn't it?

Well, every situation is different, however the level of bullshit from the left was about the same level of bullshit from the right. It's partisan politics, it's sickening and ridiculous.
uh oh, this could get very very interesting.
Jason Chaifetz, come on down!!!!!!!!!!

Bolton questions if Russian hacks were ‘false flag’

So he basically comes out without anything and says "er... well I don't want to believe this so I'm saying it's false flag". Right, how to get into the Trump administration, show that facts don't mean shit.
No they do mean shit, but there are none on this issue, which is exactly what Bolton said
He said lets wait for them, what you want war with Russia? or is this hacking so minor it doesn't matter?
You guys set yourselves up on this, next time, think it all the way through.

Okay, try writing that in English so I can understand it.

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