Russian meddling is NOT NEW!! Why the big deal today...Trump was elected!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Even "Pravda West" has to admit their role model has meddled in past US elections!!!
ROBYN BLUMNER ST. PETERSBURG TIMES NEWSPAPER Poynter Online SPT St. Pete Times exposed concerning the Pledge of Allegiance and the sick socialist swastika. ROBIN BLUMNER forum, Daniel Ruth
Over the course of 11 presidential elections between the end of World War II and the fall of the Soviet Union, we identified three secret attempts to influence an election.

• 1960: Through his ambassador to the United States, Mikhail Menshikov, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev offered Adlai Stevenson help from a secret propaganda campaign. However, Stevenson declined the offer. He lost in the Democratic primary to John F. Kennedy.

• 1968: The Soviet Union’s ambassador to the U.S., Anatoly Dobrynin, offered to secretly fund Hubert Humphrey’s campaign against Richard Nixon. Humphrey declined the bribe.

• 1976: Fearing that anti-communist Democrat Henry "Scoop" Jackson stood a good chance at winning in the wake of Nixon’s resignation, the KGB began a smear campaign.
Soviet spies forged FBI paperwork to make it appear Jackson was secretly gay and sent the fake reports to newspapers around the United States during the election and for years after.

A brief history of Russian meddling in US elections
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Even "Pravda West" has to admit their role model has meddled in past US elections!!!
ROBYN BLUMNER ST. PETERSBURG TIMES NEWSPAPER Poynter Online SPT St. Pete Times exposed concerning the Pledge of Allegiance and the sick socialist swastika. ROBIN BLUMNER forum, Daniel Ruth
Over the course of 11 presidential elections between the end of World War II and the fall of the Soviet Union, we identified three secret attempts to influence an election.

• 1960: Through his ambassador to the United States, Mikhail Menshikov, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev offered Adlai Stevenson help from a secret propaganda campaign. However, Stevenson declined the offer. He lost in the Democratic primary to John F. Kennedy.

• 1968: The Soviet Union’s ambassador to the U.S., Anatoly Dobrynin, offered to secretly fund Hubert Humphrey’s campaign against Richard Nixon. Humphrey declined the bribe.

• 1976: Fearing that anti-communist Democrat Henry "Scoop" Jackson stood a good chance at winning in the wake of Nixon’s resignation, the KGB began a smear campaign.
Soviet spies forged FBI paperwork to make it appear Jackson was secretly gay and sent the fake reports to newspapers around the United States during the election and for years after.

A brief history of Russian meddling in US elections
Well it might be a big deal because in your first 2 examples the people involved declined the help and in your third no actual American help was used .
In this case when offered help people in the Trump campaign replied with. "I love it". Not to mention that the FACT that the current president even now still publicly casts doubt it ever happened at all. I don't know, but to me that's a world of difference.
Even "Pravda West" has to admit their role model has meddled in past US elections!!!
ROBYN BLUMNER ST. PETERSBURG TIMES NEWSPAPER Poynter Online SPT St. Pete Times exposed concerning the Pledge of Allegiance and the sick socialist swastika. ROBIN BLUMNER forum, Daniel Ruth
Over the course of 11 presidential elections between the end of World War II and the fall of the Soviet Union, we identified three secret attempts to influence an election.

• 1960: Through his ambassador to the United States, Mikhail Menshikov, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev offered Adlai Stevenson help from a secret propaganda campaign. However, Stevenson declined the offer. He lost in the Democratic primary to John F. Kennedy.

• 1968: The Soviet Union’s ambassador to the U.S., Anatoly Dobrynin, offered to secretly fund Hubert Humphrey’s campaign against Richard Nixon. Humphrey declined the bribe.

• 1976: Fearing that anti-communist Democrat Henry "Scoop" Jackson stood a good chance at winning in the wake of Nixon’s resignation, the KGB began a smear campaign.
Soviet spies forged FBI paperwork to make it appear Jackson was secretly gay and sent the fake reports to newspapers around the United States during the election and for years after.

A brief history of Russian meddling in US elections
Well it might be a big deal because in your first 2 examples the people involved declined the help and in your third no actual American help was used .
In this case when offered help people in the Trump campaign replied with. "I love it". Not to mention that the FACT that the current president even now still publicly casts doubt it ever happened at all. I don't know, but to me that's a world of difference.

Right... But it IS NOT new! And is there ANY proof that Trump accepted Russia's help?
We know that Hillary's campaign did and that members of the FBI worked on the material that would have helped Hillary...i.e. the Trump Dossier was investigated by
a deputy DOJ who's wife worked for the company that provided the Dossier!
So please explain that.

WASHINGTON – It turns out Donald Trump wasn’t the only candidate the Russians allegedly tried to help during the 2016 presidential campaign.

A 37-page indictment resulting from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation shows that Russian nationals and businesses also worked to boost the campaigns of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Green party nominee Jill Stein in an effort to damage Democrat Hillary Clinton.

The Russians “engaged in operations primarily intended to communicate derogatory information about Hillary Clinton, to denigrate other candidates such as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and to support Bernie Sanders and then-candidate Donald Trump,” according to the indictment, which was issued Friday.

Indictment: Russians also tried to help Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein presidential campaigns
Even "Pravda West" has to admit their role model has meddled in past US elections!!!
ROBYN BLUMNER ST. PETERSBURG TIMES NEWSPAPER Poynter Online SPT St. Pete Times exposed concerning the Pledge of Allegiance and the sick socialist swastika. ROBIN BLUMNER forum, Daniel Ruth
Over the course of 11 presidential elections between the end of World War II and the fall of the Soviet Union, we identified three secret attempts to influence an election.

• 1960: Through his ambassador to the United States, Mikhail Menshikov, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev offered Adlai Stevenson help from a secret propaganda campaign. However, Stevenson declined the offer. He lost in the Democratic primary to John F. Kennedy.

• 1968: The Soviet Union’s ambassador to the U.S., Anatoly Dobrynin, offered to secretly fund Hubert Humphrey’s campaign against Richard Nixon. Humphrey declined the bribe.

• 1976: Fearing that anti-communist Democrat Henry "Scoop" Jackson stood a good chance at winning in the wake of Nixon’s resignation, the KGB began a smear campaign.
Soviet spies forged FBI paperwork to make it appear Jackson was secretly gay and sent the fake reports to newspapers around the United States during the election and for years after.

A brief history of Russian meddling in US elections
/---/ And more proof of Collusion:
Ted Kennedy's Secret Appeal to Russia to Hurt Reagan
Dec 14, 2016 -
Sen. Edward “Ted” Kennedy had “selfish political and ideological motives” when he made secret overtures to the Soviet Union’s spy agency during the Cold War to thwart then-President Ronald Reagan’s re-election, a Reagan biographer said in an interview with The Daily Signal.

When they came to light years later, Kennedy’s secret contacts with the Russians through their KGB spy agency in the early 1980s didn’t cause nearly the tizzy that Russia’s alleged interference with this year’s election has for President-elect Donald Trump among liberal activists and reporters.
Even "Pravda West" has to admit their role model has meddled in past US elections!!!
ROBYN BLUMNER ST. PETERSBURG TIMES NEWSPAPER Poynter Online SPT St. Pete Times exposed concerning the Pledge of Allegiance and the sick socialist swastika. ROBIN BLUMNER forum, Daniel Ruth
Over the course of 11 presidential elections between the end of World War II and the fall of the Soviet Union, we identified three secret attempts to influence an election.

• 1960: Through his ambassador to the United States, Mikhail Menshikov, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev offered Adlai Stevenson help from a secret propaganda campaign. However, Stevenson declined the offer. He lost in the Democratic primary to John F. Kennedy.

• 1968: The Soviet Union’s ambassador to the U.S., Anatoly Dobrynin, offered to secretly fund Hubert Humphrey’s campaign against Richard Nixon. Humphrey declined the bribe.

• 1976: Fearing that anti-communist Democrat Henry "Scoop" Jackson stood a good chance at winning in the wake of Nixon’s resignation, the KGB began a smear campaign.
Soviet spies forged FBI paperwork to make it appear Jackson was secretly gay and sent the fake reports to newspapers around the United States during the election and for years after.

A brief history of Russian meddling in US elections
"Unprecedented efforts" to influence our elections.

Do you know what unprecedented means? If not then look it up.
I'm wondering why anyone is looking at Trump at all.

Barry was POTUS when all this supposedly happened. His intelligence and cyber people missed the whole thing.

Lets string Barry up to the nearest light pole. LOL
This isn't about meddling or collusion. It's about the President of the United States of America throwing his own national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of a lying, murderous thug who has complete control over a dangerous adversary country, capitulating to him on the world stage with everyone watching.

Right after spitting in the face of our European allies.

This isn't about what happened years ago or decades ago. Trying to deflect away from what happened yesterday isn't going to work.
It is new....

The comprehensive plan, using the NRA, using Social Media...Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others to the nth degree, stealing emails and weaponizing them through wikileaks coordinating with what was happening in the Trump campaign at the time, and using Cambridge analytica and the stolen profiles they got from a Russian professor, Trolls and bots and Russians impersonating Americans and money laundering to cover their trail, stealing analytics of citizens registered to vote from State Voter registration systems, offering help to US Congress critters with giving them dirt on their democratic opponents, etc etc etc etc.....

this thing....this plan of theirs is HUGE and STILL going on....

the biggest PSY OPS attack in our history....and we ain't even close to knowing everything that went on....
Even "Pravda West" has to admit their role model has meddled in past US elections!!!
ROBYN BLUMNER ST. PETERSBURG TIMES NEWSPAPER Poynter Online SPT St. Pete Times exposed concerning the Pledge of Allegiance and the sick socialist swastika. ROBIN BLUMNER forum, Daniel Ruth
Over the course of 11 presidential elections between the end of World War II and the fall of the Soviet Union, we identified three secret attempts to influence an election.

• 1960: Through his ambassador to the United States, Mikhail Menshikov, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev offered Adlai Stevenson help from a secret propaganda campaign. However, Stevenson declined the offer. He lost in the Democratic primary to John F. Kennedy.

• 1968: The Soviet Union’s ambassador to the U.S., Anatoly Dobrynin, offered to secretly fund Hubert Humphrey’s campaign against Richard Nixon. Humphrey declined the bribe.

• 1976: Fearing that anti-communist Democrat Henry "Scoop" Jackson stood a good chance at winning in the wake of Nixon’s resignation, the KGB began a smear campaign.
Soviet spies forged FBI paperwork to make it appear Jackson was secretly gay and sent the fake reports to newspapers around the United States during the election and for years after.

A brief history of Russian meddling in US elections
"Unprecedented efforts" to influence our elections.

Do you know what unprecedented means? If not then look it up.
You mean when Russia offered democrats MONEY that is an ok precedent?
The lefists want a war with Russia, and are willing to push any amount of false rhetoric to get it.
This isn't about meddling or collusion. It's about the President of the United States of America throwing his own national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of a lying, murderous thug who has complete control over a dangerous adversary country, capitulating to him on the world stage with everyone watching.

Right after spitting in the face of our European allies.

This isn't about what happened years ago or decades ago. Trying to deflect away from what happened yesterday isn't going to work.

They are free to bring in the evidence at any time.

So far what we have heard is that "they will make sure that Trump doesn't become president". Give me one reason why Trump should take the word of these assholes seriously? They are more treasonous than Russians here...

And let us not even remind us of the most important piece of evidence they have ever provided - the totally fabricated story about the WMDs.

Trump spit in the face of EU not in the face of European allies. Very different...
This isn't about meddling or collusion. It's about the President of the United States of America throwing his own national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of a lying, murderous thug who has complete control over a dangerous adversary country, capitulating to him on the world stage with everyone watching.

Right after spitting in the face of our European allies.

This isn't about what happened years ago or decades ago. Trying to deflect away from what happened yesterday isn't going to work.

They are free to bring in the evidence at any time.

So far what we have heard is that "they will make sure that Trump doesn't become president". Give me one reason why Trump should take the word of these assholes seriously? They are more treasonous than Russians here...

And let us not even remind us of the most important piece of evidence they have ever provided - the totally fabricated story about the WMDs.
That's the deflection I'm talking about.

Trump did what he did. He said what he said.

Yesterday. In front of the world.
Even "Pravda West" has to admit their role model has meddled in past US elections!!!
ROBYN BLUMNER ST. PETERSBURG TIMES NEWSPAPER Poynter Online SPT St. Pete Times exposed concerning the Pledge of Allegiance and the sick socialist swastika. ROBIN BLUMNER forum, Daniel Ruth
Over the course of 11 presidential elections between the end of World War II and the fall of the Soviet Union, we identified three secret attempts to influence an election.

• 1960: Through his ambassador to the United States, Mikhail Menshikov, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev offered Adlai Stevenson help from a secret propaganda campaign. However, Stevenson declined the offer. He lost in the Democratic primary to John F. Kennedy.

• 1968: The Soviet Union’s ambassador to the U.S., Anatoly Dobrynin, offered to secretly fund Hubert Humphrey’s campaign against Richard Nixon. Humphrey declined the bribe.

• 1976: Fearing that anti-communist Democrat Henry "Scoop" Jackson stood a good chance at winning in the wake of Nixon’s resignation, the KGB began a smear campaign.
Soviet spies forged FBI paperwork to make it appear Jackson was secretly gay and sent the fake reports to newspapers around the United States during the election and for years after.

A brief history of Russian meddling in US elections
Still trying to cover for Raccoon Eye’s treason I see.
Listen to Steve Schmidt who hit it out of the park:
“ No American President has ever disgraced himself, the Presidency and the United Stated like Trump did today. The video will endure as a monument to stupidity, arrogance and idiocy throughout the ages. Trump beclowned himself and made the world much more dangerous. What a fool.”

That completely sums it up.
This isn't about meddling or collusion. It's about the President of the United States of America throwing his own national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of a lying, murderous thug who has complete control over a dangerous adversary country, capitulating to him on the world stage with everyone watching.

Right after spitting in the face of our European allies.

This isn't about what happened years ago or decades ago. Trying to deflect away from what happened yesterday isn't going to work.

They are free to bring in the evidence at any time.

So far what we have heard is that "they will make sure that Trump doesn't become president". Give me one reason why Trump should take the word of these assholes seriously? They are more treasonous than Russians here...

And let us not even remind us of the most important piece of evidence they have ever provided - the totally fabricated story about the WMDs.
That's the deflection I'm talking about.

Trump did what he did. He said what he said.

Yesterday. In front of the world.

And that makes my point moot... how?

Not in any way. Just proves it's impossible to get an actual argument out of Mac, almost ever.
Even "Pravda West" has to admit their role model has meddled in past US elections!!!
ROBYN BLUMNER ST. PETERSBURG TIMES NEWSPAPER Poynter Online SPT St. Pete Times exposed concerning the Pledge of Allegiance and the sick socialist swastika. ROBIN BLUMNER forum, Daniel Ruth
Over the course of 11 presidential elections between the end of World War II and the fall of the Soviet Union, we identified three secret attempts to influence an election.

• 1960: Through his ambassador to the United States, Mikhail Menshikov, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev offered Adlai Stevenson help from a secret propaganda campaign. However, Stevenson declined the offer. He lost in the Democratic primary to John F. Kennedy.

• 1968: The Soviet Union’s ambassador to the U.S., Anatoly Dobrynin, offered to secretly fund Hubert Humphrey’s campaign against Richard Nixon. Humphrey declined the bribe.

• 1976: Fearing that anti-communist Democrat Henry "Scoop" Jackson stood a good chance at winning in the wake of Nixon’s resignation, the KGB began a smear campaign.
Soviet spies forged FBI paperwork to make it appear Jackson was secretly gay and sent the fake reports to newspapers around the United States during the election and for years after.

A brief history of Russian meddling in US elections
"Unprecedented efforts" to influence our elections.

Do you know what unprecedented means? If not then look it up.
You mean when Russia offered democrats MONEY that is an ok precedent?
That's didn't happen. It's a wacky republican conspiracy theory.
Just proves it's impossible to get an actual argument out of Mac, almost ever.
I couldn't have been more clear or specific.

I said, "This isn't about meddling or collusion. It's about the President of the United States of America throwing his own national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of a lying, murderous thug who has complete control over a dangerous adversary country, capitulating to him on the world stage with everyone watching."

How much more clear do you need me to be?
Just proves it's impossible to get an actual argument out of Mac, almost ever.
I couldn't have been more clear or specific.

I said, "This isn't about meddling or collusion. It's about the President of the United States of America throwing his own national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of a lying, murderous thug who has complete control over a dangerous adversary country, capitulating to him on the world stage with everyone watching."

How much more clear do you need me to be?

"His own".

The intelligence apparatus that bragged about making sure that Trump is never going to be a president. Cries about Russia, but is unable to bring forth one piece of evidence. Heck, is unable to even prosecute Hillary after the obvious. Can't they at least try fabricating evidence like with the WMDs?

You can't possibly be this dim...
Just proves it's impossible to get an actual argument out of Mac, almost ever.
I couldn't have been more clear or specific.

I said, "This isn't about meddling or collusion. It's about the President of the United States of America throwing his own national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of a lying, murderous thug who has complete control over a dangerous adversary country, capitulating to him on the world stage with everyone watching."

How much more clear do you need me to be?

"His own".

The intelligence apparatus that bragged about making sure that Trump is never going to be a president.

You can't possibly be this dim...
Ah. So he threw his own national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of a lying, murderous thug who has complete control over a dangerous adversary country, capitulating to him on the world stage with everyone watching, because it's corrupt?

Is that your argument?
None of this is difficult to understand -- dimocrap scum have no power right now. None. Zero.

All they have is a debunked, embarrassed, exposed and thoroughly vilified Hollywood/Media Complex. Which has been shown to be what it is.... Fake, diseased, perverted and knee-deep in a dimocrap scum-sanctioned rape culture.

dimocrap scum got nothing.

Other than to bitch.

It's all they got.

Somebody needs to ask them, "Would you prefer a 'Hot' War with Russia?"

Do you think Putin is the type to back down from threats from pencil-necked slime like Mueller and Rosenstein?"

The sooner we all admit to ourselves that fully 35% of our fellow citizens are the scum of the Earth, the better off we will all be.

It's hard to do but, people....... It's just the way it is.

dimocraps are scum


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