Russian political parties

Comrade Johnson

Silver Member
Feb 6, 2017
Moscow, Russia
There are several so called 'parties' in Russia. One is worse than another, but the most moronic one is the Communist party :)


Their leader - an outsanding first-class idiot.
The worst Russian parties are those who call themselves Putin's "opposition" (Sobchak, Navalny, Bazhena Rynska, Kasyanov, etc., BTW, all together they hardly get about 5% of all votes): they all have been controlled, directed (and probably fed) by Obama's Ambassador in Moscow. The majority of those paid clowns are political prostitutes.
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The worst Russian parties are those who call themselves Putin's "opposition": they all have been controlled and directed (and probably fed) by Obama's Ambassador in Moscow.

Of course, not. I have some aquaintances there and if it would be so, they were in jail. Yes, they are really bad, but at least they are not fed by oil-money as many others parties, who are just thieves.
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The majority of those paid clowns are political prostitutes.

Could you name a Russian party with guys who are not clowns and political prostitutes? :)
However, Sbiker probably loves Zyuganov very much :)
I actually respect Zhirinovsky. He's a very smart guy (when he wants to be) and has predicted a lot of events several years before they occurred, including Ukrainian conflict.

I also respect quite a few guys from United Russia: Sergey Zheleznyak is one of them. And of course, Sergey Sobyanin, the Moscow Mayor, what he has done to Moscow during just a few years is incredible. As a Moscow resident, you, Comrade Johnson, should have noticed the difference.

Patriots can't be political prostitutes and visa versa.

I can tell you one thing: everybody who doesn't like Putin should come and live in Ukraine for a month or two. After that I can guarantee they would go back and light a candle for Putin's health in the church every Sunday.

Всех недовольных Путиным - на перевоспитание на ук-Руину, особенно из Москвы и Питера!
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I've read the Russian Communist Party is very different from the former USSR Communist Party.
Some say Russian Communist Party is nationalist and identitarian and isn't Marxist at all :)
I actually respect Zhirinovsky.

Try to find a Russian who respects him :). Everybody here knows that he is a very cheap clown.

As a Moscow resident, you, Comrade Johnson, should have noticed the difference.

Have you ever been to Moscow? :)

I can tell you one thing: everybody who doesn't like Putin should come and live in Ukraine for a month or two.

Come here! :) Or you want to praise Russian politicians from a good distance? :)
I've read the Russian Communist Party is very different from the former USSR Communist Party.
Some say Russian Communist Party is nationalist and identitarian and isn't Marxist at all :)

yes, absolutely. They are half-nationalists, half-capitalists :)
The only one common feature is constant lying :)

As for Zhirinovsky he is just a model of a polticial prostitute. He lies about his care about ethnic Russians, gets votes from naive people and has hundreds of cars and appartments for money from the Kremlin.

Recently he ordered his men to rape a journalist (this is his view of humor) and when she said that she is pregnant told her 'if you are pregnant get the f... out of here'. He is real swine and it's funny that some people like it...
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Come here! :) Or you want to praise Russian politicians from a good distance? :)

I hope I will. Eventually. And hopefully with all the historical Russian lands in Eastern Ukraine. Just like Crimea did.

After all the world figures out the truth about Kiev Junta and their American patron's crimes and has an International Military Tribunal to judge them all. Their time is running out. And after that our time will come.

If you, Comrade, want to give me a room in your apartment, then I may consider your proposal. :laugh:
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I've read the Russian Communist Party is very different from the former USSR Communist Party.
Some say Russian Communist Party is nationalist and identitarian and isn't Marxist at all :)

Could you imagine the Communist Church? :) That's a Russian Communist Party now... Only words and nothing more. USSR Communist Party was party of workers and peasants. Now it's a party of idlers and pensioners...
I actually respect Zhirinovsky.

Try to find a Russian who respects him :). Everybody here knows that he is a very cheap clown.

He is the BEST clown. And very clever politician... And in LDPR there are a few thiefs and cirminals, unlike the other parties...

Come here! :) Or you want to praise Russian politicians from a good distance? :)

Ok, what's your ideal of politics?
I hope I will. Eventually. And hopefully with all the historical Russian lands in Eastern Ukraine. Just like Crimea did.

Let's wait and see. It's possible. But not under this president.

If you, Comrade, want to give me a room in your apartment, then I may consider your proposal. :laugh:

It says well about care of the Russian goverment toward ethnic Russians :) The only way to get a room in Russia for them is to ask somebody on a forum :)
Germany takes any Gernans, Israel takes any Jew and Russian government just buys jachts and villas in Europe for billions of oil-dollars :)
Stalin sabotaged Communism in Russia so we will never know if it would have worked there or not.

The Chinese are moving towards capitalismuyi.

The Cubans are too.

Only N.Korea still tries Communism.

That's 3 strikes so far (Mother Russia, Red China, and Krazy Korea).
I've read the Russian Communist Party is very different from the former USSR Communist Party.
Some say Russian Communist Party is nationalist and identitarian and isn't Marxist at all :)
Oh yah, I almost forgot about Viet Nam.

They as in China and Cuba are moving towards capitalismuyi too.

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