Russian President Medvedev to Muslims, just try to fuck with the Russian Bear!!!


Apr 22, 2007
In other words they ain't becoming Mother Russianistan any time soon! :clap2:

Arab unrest inspires Russian insurgents: Kremlin - Yahoo! News
Russia is fighting a growing Islamist insurgency in its mainly Muslim North Caucasus along its southern flank, underpinned by two separatist wars with Chechnya since 1994, where rebels want to carve out a separate Islamic state.

"These (Arab) states are not simple and it is quite likely that complicated developments may occur, including the rise of fanatics to power -- this would mean decades of flames and the spread of extremism, let's look the truth in the eye," Medvedev said in comments posted on the official site

Analysts say last month's suicide bomb on Moscow's busiest airport, which Islamist rebels said they instigated and which killed 36, shows the Kremlin has failed to quell the violence.

Young people angry about poverty and fueled by jihad (holy war) have increased their attacks in the North Caucasus over the last year and exported the insurgency from its traditional centers of violence, alarming officials and ordinary Russians.

Medvedev said this discontent can be battled by developing the poverty-wracked North Caucasus, though critics say billions of federal money already poured into the North Caucasus has had little effect.

After years of communism oppressing religion, Russia's Muslim regions have undergone an Islamic revival over the past two decades, enjoyed by regional leaders and rebels alike.

But insiders and analysts say this overlap could prove dangerous for Russia, which is home to some 20 million Muslims, or about a seventh of the population.


Rebels also took responsibility for shooting dead three Moscow tourists late on Friday at the country's most popular ski resort, Mount Elbrus in the North Caucasus.

Medvedev sees `fires for decades' in Arab world - Yahoo! News
"These states are difficult, and it is quite probable that hard times are ahead, including the arrival at power of fanatics. This will mean fires for decades and the spread of extremism," Medvedev said in televised comments.

Any attempts to repeat the unrest in Russia would be quashed, he said.

"They have prepared such a scenario for us before, and now more than ever they will try and realize it. In any case, this scenario won't succeed," he said, without identifying the people he considers could threaten the Kremlin.

Russia has crushed Islamist separatists in two wars in Chechnya in the last 15 years, and continues to battle a lingering insurgency in the wider Caucasus region. The region is the epicenter of terrorism in Russia, with most of the high-profile attacks in recent years claimed by or attributed to Caucasus rebels.
During WW I & II, Russia and the US were allies! During WW II China and the US were allies. When the Muslims kick off WW III, Russia and the US will find themselves on the same side fighting an Islamic enemy!
Russia will be on the muslims side against the terrorist state of Israel. :cool:
Russia will be on the muslims side against the terrorist state of Israel. :cool:

Russia will be on the Americans side snuffing you Muslim scum like you! Russian leaders and the Russian People already knows the enemy is the Islamic Radicals. The radicals are pushing the Russian Bear too hard, eventually the Russia Bear will start to kill your Islamic heads in even harder than she already does!

China will also be on the side of America! China is well sick and tired of dealing with their Islamic Separatist also! :lol:

It's only a matter of time cupcake!
Strong words from the Russian president.

It'd be nice to hear the same stern warnings to terrorists from our own president. But he's too good of friends with the Libyan dictator to do that.
Russia currently has a Muslim population or 10-15% and growing.

Plus Muslims hold key positions in the Russian government.

Russia is slowly moving towards more alliance with Islamic nations and away from the West.

Hey stupid!
First, Russia has never been with the West, you remember the whole cold war thing you dumb fuck. They were allies with the Arab Islamic nations. All that cock in your ass melting your brain?
Second, there is major ethnic violence between the unruly, arrogant and intolerant Muslim minority and the ethnic Russians. The violence is only getting worse.
Third, polls of Native Russian show they view Muslims as there biggest enemy!
Fourth, every Islamic Terrorist attack launched on Russia turns them further and further away from the Islamic cock the leftist in Europe and America suck!
Fifth, Russia is blessed with oil and unlike America they actually drill it! They don't need foreign oil, so placating the Arabs is not a priority or need for them, especially now that the cold war is over!
Sex with a bear? Some people are seriously screwed up
Russia currently has a Muslim population or 10-15% and growing.

Plus Muslims hold key positions in the Russian government.

Russia is slowly moving towards more alliance with Islamic nations and away from the West.

Russia has alliances with Muslim nations the same way the US, UK etc do. Russia still has many issues with the Muslims in Chechnya and the caucasues, I wouldn't be so quick to paint Russia as a friend of Muslims.
Russia has alliances with Muslim nations the same way the US, UK etc do. Russia still has many issues with the Muslims in Chechnya and the caucasues, I wouldn't be so quick to paint Russia as a friend of Muslims.
Russia has several Muslim nations that it shares it's border with.

And they are good trading partners and have mutual interests in keeping close ties. :cool:
Russia has alliances with Muslim nations the same way the US, UK etc do. Russia still has many issues with the Muslims in Chechnya and the caucasues, I wouldn't be so quick to paint Russia as a friend of Muslims.
Russia has several Muslim nations that it shares it's border with.

And they are good trading partners and have mutual interests in keeping close ties. :cool:

They traded with Georgia also and look how that turned out for them! The Muslim belligerent minority in Russia is becoming more and more of an agitation to Russian government and Native Russian people as everyday goes by. You can't keep pushing a Bear without the Bear eventually biting you!
Russia will be on the muslims side against the terrorist state of Israel. :cool:

Russia will be on the Americans side snuffing you Muslim scum like you! Russian leaders and the Russian People already knows the enemy is the Islamic Radicals. The radicals are pushing the Russian Bear too hard, eventually the Russia Bear will start to kill your Islamic heads in even harder than she already does!

China will also be on the side of America! China is well sick and tired of dealing with their Islamic Separatist also! :lol:

It's only a matter of time cupcake!

China does what's best for China, and isn't selective with its allies. Much of China's badly needed oil is now coming from the Sudan, 98% Muslim. Depending on what kind of catastrophic event you're presuming is coming soon (watching too much Beck, are ya), China would have itself one helluva conundrum because it needs the USA to continue buying up all its' crappy products but it needs oil for the production, first.
Russia currently has a Muslim population or 10-15% and growing.

Plus Muslims hold key positions in the Russian government.

Russia is slowly moving towards more alliance with Islamic nations and away from the West.

Hey stupid!
First, Russia has never been with the West, you remember the whole cold war thing you dumb fuck. They were allies with the Arab Islamic nations. All that cock in your ass melting your brain?
Second, there is major ethnic violence between the unruly, arrogant and intolerant Muslim minority and the ethnic Russians. The violence is only getting worse.
Third, polls of Native Russian show they view Muslims as there biggest enemy!
Fourth, every Islamic Terrorist attack launched on Russia turns them further and further away from the Islamic cock the leftist in Europe and America suck!
Fifth, Russia is blessed with oil and unlike America they actually drill it! They don't need foreign oil, so placating the Arabs is not a priority or need for them, especially now that the cold war is over!

Why is it impossible for some of you people to carry on a simple, civil debate without calling people stupid dumb fucks just because you disagree? Don't you know by now that you lose all credibility for whatever "facts" you pick to open a debate and it thereafter just turns into a scream fest?
Russia has alliances with Muslim nations the same way the US, UK etc do. Russia still has many issues with the Muslims in Chechnya and the caucasues, I wouldn't be so quick to paint Russia as a friend of Muslims.
Russia has several Muslim nations that it shares it's border with.

And they are good trading partners and have mutual interests in keeping close ties. :cool:

They traded with Georgia also and look how that turned out for them! The Muslim belligerent minority in Russia is becoming more and more of an agitation to Russian government and Native Russian people as everyday goes by. You can't keep pushing a Bear without the Bear eventually biting you!

You mean like what happened after nine years trying to occupy Afghanistan? I seem to recall that bear tucked its tail in and headed home! :lol:
Russia has several Muslim nations that it shares it's border with.

And they are good trading partners and have mutual interests in keeping close ties. :cool:

They traded with Georgia also and look how that turned out for them! The Muslim belligerent minority in Russia is becoming more and more of an agitation to Russian government and Native Russian people as everyday goes by. You can't keep pushing a Bear without the Bear eventually biting you!

You mean like what happened after nine years trying to occupy Afghanistan? I seem to recall that bear tucked its tail in and headed home! :lol:
Please don't confuse him with the facts.

It ruins his day. :eusa_angel:

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