Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump

the time has come to break out of this Cold War mentality and start focusing on real threats, rather than obsolete and imagined bogeymen in Russia
is released today. I wonder if Trump is trying to take attention away from it, by firing Tillerson. Maybe he just wants war with Iran which would make SA and Israel very happy, and Trump as well.

The War on America is being carried out by leftist loons in the Dem Party, MSM, the globalists, and Marxists around the world.

Putin is a Russian nationalist that wants to protect his country from corrupt globalists like Hillary and the Hussein. Did he want Hillary to lose? Of course he did. Just like how the Chinese and Arabs wanted Trump to lose. Everyone is looking out for their own interests. Putin didn’t meddle in our elections anymore than all the EU, Chinese, and Arab elites that wanted the establishment Democrat elected.

So carry on with your faux outrage.
Actually it is too primitive statement. Sorry

Islamists themselves are not such a great threat. To solve problem with them one should make it impossible for them to get financing, arming and recruiting.
And here we face the most interesting - who is financing and arming them? Sunia arabs and USA! Why? To oppose Shia. If they succeed all mineral resources and strategic space would be under american control.
So how do you think is it american interest to fight against islamists?

The best analogy is fight dogs. Islamists are useful fight dogs for the USA who help to bite and rankle their enemies. Sometimes some dog gets out of control and bites master than it is killed. And go on using the orthers.
Actually it is too primitive statement. Sorry

Islamists themselves are not such a great threat. To solve problem with them one should make it impossible for them to get financing, arming and recruiting.
And here we face the most interesting - who is financing and arming them? Sunia arabs and USA! Why? To oppose Shia. If they succeed all mineral resources and strategic space would be under american control.
So how do you think is it american interest to fight against islamists?

The best analogy is fight dogs. Islamists are useful fight dogs for the USA who help to bite and rankle their enemies. Sometimes some dog gets out of control and bites master than it is killed. And go on using the orthers.

All Islamists are our enemies. Shia and Sunni. Ban immigration on all of them, isolate them to the Middle East, and let them kill each other.
Actually it is too primitive statement. Sorry

Islamists themselves are not such a great threat. To solve problem with them one should make it impossible for them to get financing, arming and recruiting.
And here we face the most interesting - who is financing and arming them? Sunia arabs and USA! Why? To oppose Shia. If they succeed all mineral resources and strategic space would be under american control.
So how do you think is it american interest to fight against islamists?

The best analogy is fight dogs. Islamists are useful fight dogs for the USA who help to bite and rankle their enemies. Sometimes some dog gets out of control and bites master than it is killed. And go on using the orthers.

All Islamists are our enemies. Shia and Sunni. Ban immigration on all of them, isolate them to the Middle East, and let them kill each other.
They didn’t kill each other, they have been living piecefully for ages until western money came.

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