Russian Ruble at a 7 year high….when are the Biden sanctions on Russia going to start affecting Russia negatively?

Russia is using Biden. So is China. But in Regards to Putin and this War.
Russia and China are flexing their muscles and no US president can change the course.
Changing the course of the future is in the hands of the Pentagon and the US military, and their ability or lack of, is being demonstrated right now in the Ukraine.

Even if Biden chose peaceful coexistence, he would be either ignored or silenced by some other means.

Do you have confidence in America's war with Russia?
Typical of you. Stop it or we won't be able to talk to each other. Or keep it up if you're not comfortable with what I say. Your choice again.
Russia doesn't make the complex computer chips that make it's smart weapons smart.
What are Russia major imports?

Russia main imports are: machinery, equipment and transport (45 percent of total imports)
Russia is selling large quantities of oil and natural gas to China.
So I'm sure China is happy to sell Russia all the computer chips they need.
Also, before the sanctions, Russia did import some machinery and other equipment. So now they just have to retool and start manufacturing any machinery they need in house.
Russia since WW2 has had a robust industrial base and makes its own tanks, jet aircraft, ships, guided missile systems, and space rockets.
Russia, at that time was not in a position to continue to fund the Cold War at a sustainable level, plain and simple, so not an act of good faith. All Cold Warriors knew, there had been no real phylosophic change in Russia and their respite from seeking global goals was only a temporary condition, as we have seen with the bear attempting to reassert regional, if not global long-standing goals. A weaker NATO was never in the cards, and her revolting satellites, naturally recognized benefits, if they were to remain free of the control of what had been the mother bear.
That's your admission of guilt on America's part, with excuses. But yes, respite.
The bear is definitely asserting long-standing demands. Although not in the same context that you've tried to suggest. Russia's longstanding demands are no secret. Expansionist demands 'are' a secret! I hope you'll get around to sharing your opinion on that?
I do not think Ukraine owes Russia jack shit, not one square inch of territory and should continue to strive to be free of her influence and control, whether Ukraine ever becomes a NATO partner or not. Might does not make right.
Russia believes that the Ukraine owes the contested territories peaceful coexistence with no US meddling to bring the whole of the Ukraine into Nato. I think the only solution is a neutral Ukraine. That is not a suitable resolution for America, when one understands that this is America's war against Russia.
Russia should should simply Fuck Off and go home.
That's not like you White!
And I think you're smart enough to know that you shouldn't go there, especially with me.
This thread should be a call for all Americans for a change in attitude. Domestic political infighting has to be set aside and the greater goals of US foreign policy needs to be embraced by both sides.

America is at war and the outcome of the war is so critical that it will influence America's wellbeing for the next hundred years or more.

Biden must not be seen as the enemy any longer, no matter how hard that is for the political right to stomach. Biden doesn't call the shots, the military and the Pentagon does!

Russia could win this war, and the biggest leg up Russia can get is America's destructive domestic political fight.

Biden can't be eliminated ahead of his time. At best he will fall on his face and suffer brain damage or death. The next president will then need to be chosen for his/her tough stand on waging a winning war.
This thread should be a call for all Americans for a change in attitude. Domestic political infighting has to be set aside and the greater goals of US foreign policy needs to be embraced by both sides.

America is at war and the outcome of the war is so critical that it will influence America's wellbeing for the next hundred years or more.

Biden must not be seen as the enemy any longer, no matter how hard that is for the political right to stomach. Biden doesn't call the shots, the military and the Pentagon does!

Russia could win this war, and the biggest leg up Russia can get is America's destructive domestic political fight.

Biden can't be eliminated ahead of his time. At best he will fall on his face and suffer brain damage or death. The next president will then need to be chosen for his/her tough stand on waging a winning war.

America is at war

Who are we at war with? Where? How many troops did we deploy?
Are you thinking the sanctions should be lifted, and we and the rest of the free world should help pick up the tab for the men, material required to carry on his war making, for his aggression against his neighboring country and possibly Europe? I disagree.
Biden is a pro Putin Stooge, the ruble is higher than anytime under Trump. Fucking Russian Collusion is what you have with Biden......
When is the last time Poland was an aggressor?
Share your vast understanding of history.
Jump ahead to the facts but still go back to the basics on the spoils of war.

Polish leaders have long pushed their partners in nato and the eu to forge closer ties with Ukraine, warning of the risk of Russian aggression, only to be dismissed as paranoid. Russia’s murderous and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has proven them entirely right.

Proven Poland right? Or proven that Russia would no longer tolerate further expansion of Nato, due to US ambitions focused on Russia?
Biden is a pro Putin Stooge, the ruble is higher than anytime under Trump. Fucking Russian Collusion is what you have with Biden......
Congrats. You are the first to go completely off topic with references to that 6-year-old Russian collusion bait. But of course that isn't the topic. The topic is the present value of the Ruble and why is it taking long for sanctions to have noticeable on Russia's ability to wage war on it's free sovereign neighbor Ukraine, so I am sure you will stay on topic.
Russia is selling large quantities of oil and natural gas to China.
So I'm sure China is happy to sell Russia all the computer chips they need.
Also, before the sanctions, Russia did import some machinery and other equipment. So now they just have to retool and start manufacturing any machinery they need in house.
Russia since WW2 has had a robust industrial base and makes its own tanks, jet aircraft, ships, guided missile systems, and space rockets.
Actually russian satellites like Ukraine became russias manufacturing base.,
Russia is highly reliant on foreign manufacturing

What is Russia's biggest import?

Machinery including computers: US$54.3 billion (18.5% of total imports)
Electrical machinery, equipment: $36.8 billion (12.5%)
Vehicles: $26.8 billion (9.1%)
Jump ahead to the facts but still go back to the basics on the spoils of war.

Proven Poland right? Or proven that Russia would no longer tolerate further expansion of Nato, due to US ambitions focused on Russia?

I don't subscribe to the Economist.

Poland's aggression was trying to get NATO and the EU to build closer ties to Ukraine?

Why did Poland want to join NATO?
Congrats. You are the first to go completely off topic with references to that 6-year-old Russian collusion bait. But of course that isn't the topic. The topic is the present value of the Ruble and why is it taking long for sanctions to have noticeable on Russia's ability to wage war on it's free sovereign neighbor Ukraine, so I am sure you will stay on topic.

The present value of the Ruble doesn't matter. It's a tiny market and Russia forced up its price.

As far as their ability to wage war, they have lots of old, not very good equipment, sitting around.
Sanctions aren't going to impact their old material.
They are going to drive them into a recession (or depression?).
Make their civilians even more miserable.
This thread should be a call for all Americans for a change in attitude. Domestic political infighting has to be set aside and the greater goals of US foreign policy needs to be embraced by both sides.

America is at war and the outcome of the war is so critical that it will influence America's wellbeing for the next hundred years or more.
Republicans don't care about America, they care about power in America. Why do you think they posted memes glorifying Vladimir Putin. They even posted they would vote for Vladimir Putin over Barack Obama.

They applauded russian hackers breaking into Hillarys and the DNC servers.
Russia launches it's rockets from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
Russian rockets launched from a Russian base they've been using for decades. It has all the facilities and infrastructure needed to to launch their rockets into space.
So what's your point? ... :dunno:
Why do you think they posted memes glorifying Vladimir Putin.

That's awful! Putin is the worst.

That's why Hillary wanted a reset with bad old Vlad. Right?

Putin is the worst, that's why Obama promised him more flexibility after the 2012 election. Right?

Obama was going to be more flexible with his toughness. He was really gonna stop Putin's bad behavior. Because Russia wasn't a threat. Right? I heard that in a phone call......from the 1980s.

Didn't you hear that too?

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