Russian Ruble at a 7 year high….when are the Biden sanctions on Russia going to start affecting Russia negatively?

So the sanctions were intended to make my gas prices go to $5/gallon while putting the ruble at a 7 year high?

Wow! That will really fuck over Putin.

Biden couldnt make ice cubes without a fucking recipe.
Your boy Biden said we will CRUSH THE RUBLE............Looks like the back door to China and India are laughing at him. At the same time he's sending them oil from our Strategic Reserve.

We can say this: US domestic politics are giving Russia a leg up. That could actually turn into an antiwar effort as it becomes directed against US foreign policy to spite Biden.

It now requires some leadership for the right that can take a position agaiinst Biden's war.
We can say this: US domestic politics are giving Russia a leg up. That could actually turn into an antiwar effort as it becomes directed against US foreign policy to spite Biden.

It now requires some leadership for the right that can take a position agaiinst Biden's war.
Russia is using Biden. So is China. But in Regards to Putin and this War.

We can say this: US domestic politics are giving Russia a leg up. That could actually turn into an antiwar effort as it becomes directed against US foreign policy to spite Biden.

It now requires some leadership for the right that can take a position agaiinst Biden's war.

No, bidens sanctions are giving russia a boost while the US pays the price.
So the sanctions were intended to make my gas prices go to $5/gallon while putting the ruble at a 7 year high?

Wow! That will really fuck over Putin.

Biden couldnt make ice cubes without a fucking recipe.
America isn't displaying the power and the influence it once had. Blame Biden for not recognizing that the China/Russia/Brics alliance has risen to become an equal power to resist US hegemony.

No future president is going to be able to do better, due to the nuclear deterrant. Biden is the last chance and all Americans should be solidly behind him for the sake of US foreign policy at least.

The opposing alliance only grows stronger.

Coaxing Russia and China into peaceful coexistence is still possible but the window of opportunity is closing.
America isn't displaying the power and the influence it once had. Blame Biden for not recognizing that the China/Russia/Brics alliance has risen to become an equal power to resist US hegemony.

No future president is going to be able to do better, due to the nuclear deterrant. Biden is the last chance and all Americans should be solidly behind him for the sake of US foreign policy at least.

The opposing alliance only grows stronger.

Coaxing Russia and China into peaceful coexistence is still possible but the window of opportunity is closing.

Biden is part of the globalist agenda. That needs to be jettisoned. We want no part of that.
No, bidens sanctions are giving russia a boost while the US pays the price.
Yes, it could be said that way. I choose to say that the US has lost the ability to move Russia into accepting more US aggression.

And future presidents will be hampered even morso. All America has now is a threat of nuclear war.
I can't think of any valid reason that would reflect on Russia's peaceful behaviour. I can think of reasons why the US would put pressure on surrounding countries to align with America.

Right up until the rise of China that is threatening a large competitive alliance against America, it's been a choice of either joining the US power bloc or being left out and suffering US aggression. Central and South American countries serve as examples.

In any case, the world's countries now have a choice and the balance scales are returning to normal again.

Can you think of some reasons too? How about the countries that are choosing the other great alliance? How about some of America's victim countries?

I can't think of any valid reason that would reflect on Russia's peaceful behaviour.

You can't think of any reason Poland would want to join NATO? The Baltics?

What peaceful Russian behavior are you thinking of? When was it peaceful?
So the sanctions were intended to make my gas prices go to $5/gallon while putting the ruble at a 7 year high?

Two and a half months after’s Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a clear theme has emerged: the technology Russia brought to the fight was largely outdated or poorly maintained. With thousands of vehicles, helicopters and jets now having been destroyed by Ukrainian forces, one of the greatest questions facing Moscow’s military planners are how to produce or procure new equipment, at a time when sanctions are limiting their ability to procure key parts.

Details show a dim and severely diminished future for Russia’s defense industrial sector. Reports from foreign experts examining Russian hardware abandoned on the field and dissection of long-range missile components still intact after impact by Ukrainian intelligence analysts demonstrates clearly that the weapon systems being used in this war are heavily dependent on inputs from foreign suppliers — the majority of whom are legally barred from doing business with Russia under the current sanctions regime.

That level of dependence likely means Russia’s ability to re-stock the missiles and weapon systems that have been expended in the conflict will be heavily curtailed for the foreseeable future — and, in some cases, effectively impossible.
I can't think of any valid reason that would reflect on Russia's peaceful behaviour.

You can't think of any reason Poland would want to join NATO? The Baltics?

What peaceful Russian behavior are you thinking of? When was it peaceful?
Poland is an exception example of being an aggressor with an expansionist agenda. And Russia holds great wealth and fortune that Poland can never share in by peaceful means. They've tried aggression many times in the past and have been crushed.

The nuclear weapons age is upon the world and the past can be 'never again'!
Poland is an exception example of being an aggressor with an expansionist agenda. And Russia holds great wealth and fortune that Poland can never share in by peaceful means. They've tried aggression many times in the past and have been crushed.

The nuclear weapons age is upon the world and the past can be 'never again'!

Poland is an exception example of being an aggressor with an expansionist agenda.

Poland is an aggressor?
Fuck, lets get the ruble to an ALL TIME HIGH and lets pay $10/gallon for gas….that would REALLY fuck Putin!
Fuk Biden and fk US foreign policy at the same time!

The war not paying off this time has little to do with Biden's lack of ability. The Pentagon is making the important decisions.

Do the American people still back America's war, now that the outcome is so questionable?
Did Americans expect that Russia would fall easily?

If you want the Pentagon to cry 'uncle', write them a nasty letter!
I can't think of any valid reason that would reflect on Russia's peaceful behaviour.

You can't think of any reason Poland would want to join NATO? The Baltics?

What peaceful Russian behavior are you thinking of? When was it peaceful?
Peaceful since the end of WW2 in that Russia was granted spoils of the war that it tried to protect. And then we move forward to Russia's/Soviets granting the reunification of Germany with qualfications that were agreed upon.
Russia acted in good faith allowing the reuniting of Germany but America immediately doublecrossed Russia by expanding Nato. And then it's been the continuing expansion of Nato ever since. I think you must know the truth White.

Maybe Americans will be able to start talking about the facts, due to their domestic political woes?

Even if peaceful relations with Russia are never going to be possible.

Russia isn't going to back off it's demands on the Ukraine not becoming a Nato country and a US victory is impossible. For the sake of saving the world from nuclear war, the Ukraine can at least agree to becoming a neutral country, with the territory it still holds, regardless of US ambitions on Russia.
Russia, at that time was not in a position to continue to fund the Cold War at a sustainable level, plain and simple, so not an act of good faith. All Cold Warriors knew, there had been no real phylosophic change in Russia and their respite from seeking global goals was only a temporary condition, as we have seen with the bear attempting to reassert regional, if not global long-standing goals. A weaker NATO was never in the cards, and her revolting satellites, naturally recognized benefits, if they were to remain free of the control of what had been the mother bear.

I do not think Ukraine owes Russia jack shit, not one square inch of territory and should continue to strive to be free of her influence and control, whether Ukraine ever becomes a NATO partner or not. Might does not make right. Russia should should simply Fuck Off and go home.
Peaceful since the end of WW2 in that Russia was granted spoils of the war that it tried to protect. And then we move forward to Russia's/Soviets granting the reunification of Germany with qualfications that were agreed upon.

Which spoils of war was Russia protecting?

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