Russian Ruble at a 7 year high….when are the Biden sanctions on Russia going to start affecting Russia negatively?

What peaceful Russian behavior are you thinking of? When was it peaceful?
Always. All the wars we have ever fought have been to fight off somebody, mainly the collective west. Beats me how your textbooks and historians teach you some weird history where everything is turned upside down.
Always. All the wars we have ever fought have been to fight off somebody, mainly the collective west. Beats me how your textbooks and historians teach you some weird history where everything is turned upside down.

Once you fought off Germany, why did you enslave Eastern Europe?
They lived far better then we did and I never thought of my soviet life as bad. Wrong historians, remember?

They lived far better then we did

Yeah, commies can always be counted on to fuck up the economy.

Wrong historians, remember?

How are those Marxist historians doing?
In his initial announcement of a “special military operation,” Putin called on Ukrainian soldiers to lay down their arms, ...
... he truly believed they would be happy to do so.
The article you posted doesn't support your bogus claim that Putin said he would win the war in a week.
Try again or admit you're just making stuff up as usual. .... :cuckoo:
The article you posted doesn't support your bogus claim that Putin said he would win the war in a week.
Try again or admit you're just making stuff up as usual. .... :cuckoo:
Putin believed and told his folks that the Ukraine military would throw down their weapons. They would be treated like liberators. BTW where did we hear that before?
Putin believed and told his folks that the Ukraine military would throw down their weapons. They would be treated like liberators. BTW where did we hear that before?
Now they are, in Lisichansk and Severodonetsk and they will be eventually in all the Eastern Ukraine. They were afraid that Russians might leave and they might end up facing the SBU, like it was in Butcha. These days they are more confident of the outcome of the whole affair so most of the time Russians are treated like liberators that they really are.
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The Biden admin really helped the ruble.

Is Putin broke?

Were the sanctions supposed to fuck America, or Putin.

How is it fucking Putin over when I pay $5/ gallon for gas?
Liberal Logic 101

You're paying more because your use of fossil fuels offends our goddess Gaia. As punishment for your sins, She has imposed a guilt tax on all you deniers. Since Nature is supernatural, She has the power to change the price registered on the pump.

Two and a half months after’s Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a clear theme has emerged: the technology Russia brought to the fight was largely outdated or poorly maintained. With thousands of vehicles, helicopters and jets now having been destroyed by Ukrainian forces, one of the greatest questions facing Moscow’s military planners are how to produce or procure new equipment, at a time when sanctions are limiting their ability to procure key parts.

Details show a dim and severely diminished future for Russia’s defense industrial sector. Reports from foreign experts examining Russian hardware abandoned on the field and dissection of long-range missile components still intact after impact by Ukrainian intelligence analysts demonstrates clearly that the weapon systems being used in this war are heavily dependent on inputs from foreign suppliers — the majority of whom are legally barred from doing business with Russia under the current sanctions regime.

That level of dependence likely means Russia’s ability to re-stock the missiles and weapon systems that have been expended in the conflict will be heavily curtailed for the foreseeable future — and, in some cases, effectively impossible.
Draw Play

Putin may be repeating what Stalin did to sucker Hitler into trying to blitzkrieg Russia far beyond any extension of supply lines that would be needed if there was no quick victory. So NYETO and the American Globalists are depleting their resources with the Putin-created fantasy of how weak Russia is.
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So our sanctions are a windfall of cash for Russia, allowing them to finance the war?

Ruble is high, nations still buying EXPENSIVE FF from Russia.

Wow, we showed Poot.

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