Russian Ruble collapses

It's also being ordered by the right; being a bi-partisan effort of neocons and neoliberals.

Besides that fact, anti-Russian folks tie themselves into knots. They think that Russia is a laughable weak military force and, at the same time also capable of marching across Europe and seizing it for Putin.
Wish they'd make up their minds, as logically, they can't have it both ways. Yet, they support a psychopathic President and Congress attempting to crash the currency of a major nuclear power along with now sending 'lethal aid' to a bankrupt neo-nazi regime.
But, ehhh!, what could go wrong?
Look how many people on this thread are jumping out of their pants, yelling that Putin is their enemy. And here comes a paradox. American government officials have convinced their taxpayers through their Media that Putin is an enemy. And while taxpayers’ mind is distracted with hating Putin, they don’t even pay much attention to the fact that Obama has just signed a resolution....allowing him to supply weapons to Nazi regime in Ukraine, using American taxpayers’ money.

And here is a hidden trick from American government officials: manipulating the minds of their taxpayers, they redirect their attention from real threat (Nazi supported regime in Ukraine) to an invented enemy (Putin&Russia). Hopefully, everybody remembers how ISIS started: American taxpayers were successfully supplying Syrian “moderate opposition” till the point when it “suddenly” turned into ISIS. It’s time to pay attention, people where your money slips away.
BBC News - Ukraine underplays role of far right in conflict, this is just one of the articles, in case somebody is interested what’s Ukrainian regime is based on.
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Fine, let them eat that gold! Should the US and rest of the civilized nations agree, we can force the price of gold down to $500 an oz., and Putin will have another loser on his hands, just as with the oil.

Oh sure. You seem to be highly confused about economics and what is happening in the world. not that it is shocking.

As opposed to you thinking you know WTF you are muttering about?

Yes, I do know what I'm talking about. It's a lot deeper than fear and lust for revenge against your boogeyman.

I see. So OPEC's price-imposing cartel, Russia's military adventurism and Iran's nuke development are all good things and my desire - and that of most normal people - to stop all 3 with 1 powerful economic stone is a bad thing. Got it!
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Well, Strat, ya' gotta realize that our Congress is 99% bought out and corrupt. 98% of the House and 100% of the Senate voted to arm Ukraine.
Putin is not going to stop dealing with Ukraine. Spreading NATO to the East isn't an evidence of russian agression. Falling of national currency is not a reason for Russians not to defend their interests on Russia's border. But USA for some reason think that on Russia's border they have their interests. Sounds like Russia will be angry of relations between USA and Canada and tend to warmongering because of this.

Russia's dealing with Ukraine? :lmao:
Sovereign states have the right to pursue NATO membership and not challenging Russian aggression in Ukraine is not just dangerous, it's wrong. The good news is we can and are doing so economically and, IMHO, successfully. Comparing Russia's current situation in Ukraine with US/Canadian relations isn't just apples and oranges, it's disingenuous and downright silly.

Ukraine is hardly a sovereign state. It depends on russian resourses or on help from the West. Nowadays they have rejected russian sponsorship and haven't yet received it from the West.
"disingenuous","wrong","silly" - is it all of your arguments? Ukraine for centures was the region of Russia, and now over the 20 years they decided to become enemies without "helping" from US? That is disingenuous, silly and wrong. US is trying to interfere into the other's affairs.

Ridiculous. You sound like an old Soviet-era propagandist. The lies of that era were part of what rotted its foundation. The lying of Putin harkens back to those "Workers Paradise" days.
Russian sponsorship? That's an interesting name for what Russia did to many of her Eastern European neighbors following WW2. That "sponsorship" consisted of annexing whole countries and making unwilling satellites of others by installing or tolerating only gov'ts friendly to the Russians. The reason that Ukraine - like so many of her Eastern Europe neighbors - found sudden independence in 1991 - was the economic and socio-political collapse of the Soviet Union.
Well, Strat, ya' gotta realize that our Congress is 99% bought out and corrupt. 98% of the House and 100% of the Senate voted to arm Ukraine.

Soooo ... you are saying that Ukraine owns and controls America?
It's also being ordered by the right; being a bi-partisan effort of neocons and neoliberals.

Besides that fact, anti-Russian folks tie themselves into knots. They think that Russia is a laughable weak military force and, at the same time also capable of marching across Europe and seizing it for Putin.
Wish they'd make up their minds, as logically, they can't have it both ways. Yet, they support a psychopathic President and Congress attempting to crash the currency of a major nuclear power along with now sending 'lethal aid' to a bankrupt neo-nazi regime.
But, ehhh!, what could go wrong?
Look how many people on this thread are jumping out of their pants, yelling that Putin is their enemy. And here comes a paradox. American government officials have convinced their taxpayers through their Media that Putin is an enemy. And while taxpayers’ mind is distracted with hating Putin...

Straw Man. What honest people say is Russia's military adventurism in Ukraine is dangerous and as unacceptable as Iraq's incursion into Kuwait was in 1990. Nobody gives a fuck about who leads Russia, what he says to his peeps and how they make it through their days until they do so by imposing Soviet-style "neighborliness" on their neighbors.
Putin is not going to stop dealing with Ukraine. Spreading NATO to the East isn't an evidence of russian agression. Falling of national currency is not a reason for Russians not to defend their interests on Russia's border. But USA for some reason think that on Russia's border they have their interests. Sounds like Russia will be angry of relations between USA and Canada and tend to warmongering because of this.

Russia's dealing with Ukraine? :lmao:
Sovereign states have the right to pursue NATO membership and not challenging Russian aggression in Ukraine is not just dangerous, it's wrong. The good news is we can and are doing so economically and, IMHO, successfully. Comparing Russia's current situation in Ukraine with US/Canadian relations isn't just apples and oranges, it's disingenuous and downright silly.

Ukraine is hardly a sovereign state. It depends on russian resourses or on help from the West. Nowadays they have rejected russian sponsorship and haven't yet received it from the West.
"disingenuous","wrong","silly" - is it all of your arguments? Ukraine for centures was the region of Russia, and now over the 20 years they decided to become enemies without "helping" from US? That is disingenuous, silly and wrong. US is trying to interfere into the other's affairs.

Ridiculous. You sound like an old Soviet-era propagandist. The lies of that era were part of what rotted its foundation. The lying of Putin harkens back to those "Workers Paradise" days.
Russian sponsorship? That's an interesting name for what Russia did to many of her Eastern European neighbors following WW2. That "sponsorship" consisted of annexing whole countries and making unwilling satellites of others by installing or tolerating only gov'ts friendly to the Russians. The reason that Ukraine - like so many of her Eastern Europe neighbors - found sudden independence in 1991 - was the economic and socio-political collapse of the Soviet Union.
I don't mention Soviet era. At that time Ukraine was in society of ones, that changed governments and did other special things like Russia did. Because it was one country! But then they began an independent state and realized to become an enemy with their former friends and relatives. How it is connected with USSR?..
That's a possibility and of course the State is going to throw its citizens under the bus to protect itself. That is what all States are willing to do (as we know).

As above shows, the impacts of the economic warfare conducted to punish russia is going to have worldwide implications. In fact, it is already happening.

I agree, but point out that the American shale industry remains strong even with $50 oil. Most of what I read a few months ago suggested $60 was break even, but apparently the costs are regional, North Dakota remains profitable today, where Texas is faltering.

I pay little attention to the whining of the Brits, they have destroyed the economy bequeathed them by Thatcher, so I have little sympathy.
Absolute bollock's yank, thatcher used the revenue from oil to prop up a failing economy,which she created by raping manufacturing and deregulation as per that wanker raygun.
One of her most trusted axe men Michael Edwards said it was a massive mistake that damaged the country.
Putin is not going to stop dealing with Ukraine. Spreading NATO to the East isn't an evidence of russian agression. Falling of national currency is not a reason for Russians not to defend their interests on Russia's border. But USA for some reason think that on Russia's border they have their interests. Sounds like Russia will be angry of relations between USA and Canada and tend to warmongering because of this.

Russia's dealing with Ukraine? :lmao:
Sovereign states have the right to pursue NATO membership and not challenging Russian aggression in Ukraine is not just dangerous, it's wrong. The good news is we can and are doing so economically and, IMHO, successfully. Comparing Russia's current situation in Ukraine with US/Canadian relations isn't just apples and oranges, it's disingenuous and downright silly.

Ukraine is hardly a sovereign state. It depends on russian resourses or on help from the West. Nowadays they have rejected russian sponsorship and haven't yet received it from the West.
"disingenuous","wrong","silly" - is it all of your arguments? Ukraine for centures was the region of Russia, and now over the 20 years they decided to become enemies without "helping" from US? That is disingenuous, silly and wrong. US is trying to interfere into the other's affairs.

Ridiculous. You sound like an old Soviet-era propagandist. The lies of that era were part of what rotted its foundation. The lying of Putin harkens back to those "Workers Paradise" days.
Russian sponsorship? That's an interesting name for what Russia did to many of her Eastern European neighbors following WW2. That "sponsorship" consisted of annexing whole countries and making unwilling satellites of others by installing or tolerating only gov'ts friendly to the Russians. The reason that Ukraine - like so many of her Eastern Europe neighbors - found sudden independence in 1991 - was the economic and socio-political collapse of the Soviet Union.

I don't mention Soviet era. At that time Ukraine was in society of ones, that changed governments and did other special things like Russia did. Because it was one country! But then they began an independent state and realized to become an enemy with their former friends and relatives. How it is connected with USSR?..

The not too distant memory of Soviet era military expansionism and oppression still plays on the minds of those suddenly freed from it when the "Worker's Paradise" collapsed under the weight of its own failures. Sovereign states were spun off - ejected actually - because Soviet communism could not support their gunpoint empire. What we have seen in Ukraine this year is the same kind of Russian military adventurism in which the now-defunct Soviet Union engaged and has Russia's other neighbors - also sovereign states - justifiably nervous. We (America) and the world do well to challenge Russia's military actions with damaging economic actions.
That's a possibility and of course the State is going to throw its citizens under the bus to protect itself. That is what all States are willing to do (as we know).

As above shows, the impacts of the economic warfare conducted to punish russia is going to have worldwide implications. In fact, it is already happening.

I agree, but point out that the American shale industry remains strong even with $50 oil. Most of what I read a few months ago suggested $60 was break even, but apparently the costs are regional, North Dakota remains profitable today, where Texas is faltering.

I pay little attention to the whining of the Brits, they have destroyed the economy bequeathed them by Thatcher, so I have little sympathy.

Absolute bollock's yank, thatcher used the revenue from oil to prop up a failing economy,which she created by raping manufacturing and deregulation as per that wanker raygun.
One of her most trusted axe men Michael Edwards said it was a massive mistake that damaged the country.

Maggie was hardly the creator of Britain's economic mess but rather tried to stem her country's slide into socialism, the effect of which - an unrealistic sense of entitlement - still hamstrings their economy.
That's a possibility and of course the State is going to throw its citizens under the bus to protect itself. That is what all States are willing to do (as we know).

As above shows, the impacts of the economic warfare conducted to punish russia is going to have worldwide implications. In fact, it is already happening.

I agree, but point out that the American shale industry remains strong even with $50 oil. Most of what I read a few months ago suggested $60 was break even, but apparently the costs are regional, North Dakota remains profitable today, where Texas is faltering.

I pay little attention to the whining of the Brits, they have destroyed the economy bequeathed them by Thatcher, so I have little sympathy.

Sure, the run off of shale isn't going to happen overnight due to faltering oil prices and 'price discovery'. What I see happening is exploration dwindling as the discovery is the most capital intense portion of the process. With that said, people are already fleeing that process over seas, and it's only a matter of time until it happens here.

Not so. When shale production is profitable, wildcatters will find, drill and pump oil as fast as they can. Should the price remain below $60/bbl - regardless of its source - more expensive production will naturally cease. I read that Russian oil costs about $90/bbl to produce yet they are still pumping at maximum output. Ironically, a number of OPEC members whose production costs are well below $60/bbl will find it impossible to stay afloat (pun intended) financially because pumping oil is all they do and the revenues won't support their gov't obligations. We live in interesting times ... let's enjoy them.
Well, Strat, ya' gotta realize that our Congress is 99% bought out and corrupt. 98% of the House and 100% of the Senate voted to arm Ukraine.
The West has just put sanctions on Crimea. And here's another paradox. According to Obama's Administration and all their Media Crimea did not want to be with Russia, and wanted to stay with Ukraine and Crimea was a victim of Russian aggression. How smart it is and what sense does it make to put sanctions on a victim????
When you start to compare some facts together other than just believe the Media, you may start seeing some truth between the lines.
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Well, Strat, ya' gotta realize that our Congress is 99% bought out and corrupt. 98% of the House and 100% of the Senate voted to arm Ukraine.
The West has just put sanctions on Crimea. And here's another paradox. According to Obama's Administration and all their Media Crimea did not want to be with Russia, and wanted to stay with Ukraine and Crimea was a victim of Russian aggression. How smart it is and what sense does it make to put sanctions on a victim????
When you start to compare some facts together other than just believe the Media, you may start seeing some truth between the lines.
The question of people of Crimea wanting to annex to Russia is not the question. The way the vote was held and the procedure used has been deemed, judged, to be illegal and a fraudulent vote. Crimea's annexation is viewed as an armed coup supported by a neighboring country, Russia, that invaded the region in question with military might. Crimea will now depend on Russia for everything. The Crimean people are now at the total mercy of Mother Russia and Father Putin. Do you think Russians standing and waiting in lines to obtain basic commodities and goods will vote to send more of those commodities and goods to the suffering people of Crimea?
Putin is not going to stop dealing with Ukraine. Spreading NATO to the East isn't an evidence of russian agression. Falling of national currency is not a reason for Russians not to defend their interests on Russia's border. But USA for some reason think that on Russia's border they have their interests. Sounds like Russia will be angry of relations between USA and Canada and tend to warmongering because of this.

Russia's dealing with Ukraine? :lmao:
Sovereign states have the right to pursue NATO membership and not challenging Russian aggression in Ukraine is not just dangerous, it's wrong. The good news is we can and are doing so economically and, IMHO, successfully. Comparing Russia's current situation in Ukraine with US/Canadian relations isn't just apples and oranges, it's disingenuous and downright silly.

Ukraine is hardly a sovereign state. It depends on russian resourses or on help from the West. Nowadays they have rejected russian sponsorship and haven't yet received it from the West.
"disingenuous","wrong","silly" - is it all of your arguments? Ukraine for centures was the region of Russia, and now over the 20 years they decided to become enemies without "helping" from US? That is disingenuous, silly and wrong. US is trying to interfere into the other's affairs.

Ridiculous. You sound like an old Soviet-era propagandist. The lies of that era were part of what rotted its foundation. The lying of Putin harkens back to those "Workers Paradise" days.
Russian sponsorship? That's an interesting name for what Russia did to many of her Eastern European neighbors following WW2. That "sponsorship" consisted of annexing whole countries and making unwilling satellites of others by installing or tolerating only gov'ts friendly to the Russians. The reason that Ukraine - like so many of her Eastern Europe neighbors - found sudden independence in 1991 - was the economic and socio-political collapse of the Soviet Union.

I don't mention Soviet era. At that time Ukraine was in society of ones, that changed governments and did other special things like Russia did. Because it was one country! But then they began an independent state and realized to become an enemy with their former friends and relatives. How it is connected with USSR?..

The not too distant memory of Soviet era military expansionism and oppression still plays on the minds of those suddenly freed from it when the "Worker's Paradise" collapsed under the weight of its own failures. Sovereign states were spun off - ejected actually - because Soviet communism could not support their gunpoint empire. What we have seen in Ukraine this year is the same kind of Russian military adventurism in which the now-defunct Soviet Union engaged and has Russia's other neighbors - also sovereign states - justifiably nervous. We (America) and the world do well to challenge Russia's military actions with damaging economic actions.
As you wish. My point as majority of Russians is that Russia only answers to the actions of european countries and USA. Many people remember times when Russia was trying to become a big friend of the West, and the West sent cunsultants that crashed our(russian) economy and also supported terrorists on Nothern Caucases. That was a big example of western friendship. Nowadays it is only answering on revolution, when ukraine president was overthrown.
Russia's dealing with Ukraine? :lmao:
Sovereign states have the right to pursue NATO membership and not challenging Russian aggression in Ukraine is not just dangerous, it's wrong. The good news is we can and are doing so economically and, IMHO, successfully. Comparing Russia's current situation in Ukraine with US/Canadian relations isn't just apples and oranges, it's disingenuous and downright silly.

Ukraine is hardly a sovereign state. It depends on russian resourses or on help from the West. Nowadays they have rejected russian sponsorship and haven't yet received it from the West.
"disingenuous","wrong","silly" - is it all of your arguments? Ukraine for centures was the region of Russia, and now over the 20 years they decided to become enemies without "helping" from US? That is disingenuous, silly and wrong. US is trying to interfere into the other's affairs.

Ridiculous. You sound like an old Soviet-era propagandist. The lies of that era were part of what rotted its foundation. The lying of Putin harkens back to those "Workers Paradise" days.
Russian sponsorship? That's an interesting name for what Russia did to many of her Eastern European neighbors following WW2. That "sponsorship" consisted of annexing whole countries and making unwilling satellites of others by installing or tolerating only gov'ts friendly to the Russians. The reason that Ukraine - like so many of her Eastern Europe neighbors - found sudden independence in 1991 - was the economic and socio-political collapse of the Soviet Union.

I don't mention Soviet era. At that time Ukraine was in society of ones, that changed governments and did other special things like Russia did. Because it was one country! But then they began an independent state and realized to become an enemy with their former friends and relatives. How it is connected with USSR?..

The not too distant memory of Soviet era military expansionism and oppression still plays on the minds of those suddenly freed from it when the "Worker's Paradise" collapsed under the weight of its own failures. Sovereign states were spun off - ejected actually - because Soviet communism could not support their gunpoint empire. What we have seen in Ukraine this year is the same kind of Russian military adventurism in which the now-defunct Soviet Union engaged and has Russia's other neighbors - also sovereign states - justifiably nervous. We (America) and the world do well to challenge Russia's military actions with damaging economic actions.
As you wish. My point as majority of Russians is that Russia only answers to the actions of european countries and USA. Many people remember times when Russia was trying to become a big friend of the West, and the West sent cunsultants that crashed our(russian) economy and also supported terrorists on Nothern Caucases. That was a big example of western friendship. Nowadays it is only answering on revolution, when ukraine president was overthrown.

You need more english classes, Comrade.
Ukraine is hardly a sovereign state. It depends on russian resourses or on help from the West. Nowadays they have rejected russian sponsorship and haven't yet received it from the West.
"disingenuous","wrong","silly" - is it all of your arguments? Ukraine for centures was the region of Russia, and now over the 20 years they decided to become enemies without "helping" from US? That is disingenuous, silly and wrong. US is trying to interfere into the other's affairs.

Ridiculous. You sound like an old Soviet-era propagandist. The lies of that era were part of what rotted its foundation. The lying of Putin harkens back to those "Workers Paradise" days.
Russian sponsorship? That's an interesting name for what Russia did to many of her Eastern European neighbors following WW2. That "sponsorship" consisted of annexing whole countries and making unwilling satellites of others by installing or tolerating only gov'ts friendly to the Russians. The reason that Ukraine - like so many of her Eastern Europe neighbors - found sudden independence in 1991 - was the economic and socio-political collapse of the Soviet Union.

I don't mention Soviet era. At that time Ukraine was in society of ones, that changed governments and did other special things like Russia did. Because it was one country! But then they began an independent state and realized to become an enemy with their former friends and relatives. How it is connected with USSR?..

The not too distant memory of Soviet era military expansionism and oppression still plays on the minds of those suddenly freed from it when the "Worker's Paradise" collapsed under the weight of its own failures. Sovereign states were spun off - ejected actually - because Soviet communism could not support their gunpoint empire. What we have seen in Ukraine this year is the same kind of Russian military adventurism in which the now-defunct Soviet Union engaged and has Russia's other neighbors - also sovereign states - justifiably nervous. We (America) and the world do well to challenge Russia's military actions with damaging economic actions.
As you wish. My point as majority of Russians is that Russia only answers to the actions of european countries and USA. Many people remember times when Russia was trying to become a big friend of the West, and the West sent cunsultants that crashed our(russian) economy and also supported terrorists on Nothern Caucases. That was a big example of western friendship. Nowadays it is only answering on revolution, when ukraine president was overthrown.

You need more english classes, Comrade.
maybe you need more russian classes to understand me better?
Russia's dealing with Ukraine? :lmao:
Sovereign states have the right to pursue NATO membership and not challenging Russian aggression in Ukraine is not just dangerous, it's wrong. The good news is we can and are doing so economically and, IMHO, successfully. Comparing Russia's current situation in Ukraine with US/Canadian relations isn't just apples and oranges, it's disingenuous and downright silly.

Ukraine is hardly a sovereign state. It depends on russian resourses or on help from the West. Nowadays they have rejected russian sponsorship and haven't yet received it from the West.
"disingenuous","wrong","silly" - is it all of your arguments? Ukraine for centures was the region of Russia, and now over the 20 years they decided to become enemies without "helping" from US? That is disingenuous, silly and wrong. US is trying to interfere into the other's affairs.

Ridiculous. You sound like an old Soviet-era propagandist. The lies of that era were part of what rotted its foundation. The lying of Putin harkens back to those "Workers Paradise" days.
Russian sponsorship? That's an interesting name for what Russia did to many of her Eastern European neighbors following WW2. That "sponsorship" consisted of annexing whole countries and making unwilling satellites of others by installing or tolerating only gov'ts friendly to the Russians. The reason that Ukraine - like so many of her Eastern Europe neighbors - found sudden independence in 1991 - was the economic and socio-political collapse of the Soviet Union.

I don't mention Soviet era. At that time Ukraine was in society of ones, that changed governments and did other special things like Russia did. Because it was one country! But then they began an independent state and realized to become an enemy with their former friends and relatives. How it is connected with USSR?..

The not too distant memory of Soviet era military expansionism and oppression still plays on the minds of those suddenly freed from it when the "Worker's Paradise" collapsed under the weight of its own failures. Sovereign states were spun off - ejected actually - because Soviet communism could not support their gunpoint empire. What we have seen in Ukraine this year is the same kind of Russian military adventurism in which the now-defunct Soviet Union engaged and has Russia's other neighbors - also sovereign states - justifiably nervous. We (America) and the world do well to challenge Russia's military actions with damaging economic actions.
As you wish. My point as majority of Russians is that Russia only answers to the actions of european countries and USA. Many people remember times when Russia was trying to become a big friend of the West, and the West sent cunsultants that crashed our(russian) economy...

Western consultants didn't crash Russia's economy. It had failed miserably even to deliver basic necessities in the decade leading up to the demise of the Soviet Union. Not coincidentally, it was a steep decline in both Soviet oil production and the global price of oil which contributed significantly to the Union's collapse.


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