Russian ‘Troll Factory’ Agrees to Compensate Former Employee

Jun 25, 2015
Lyudmila Savchuk, a freelance reporter and a civic activist, at the end of May sued her last employer, the Internet Research Agency, Russia’s most famous Internet troll farm in St. Petersburg, where she had been working for about two months. She accused the Agency of illegal hiring and demanded compensation over a labor dispute. On June 23 they finally met in court and in result the Internet Research Agency had agreed to compensate Savchuk for violation of employment laws. But the real purpose of starting the court proceedings was to show the truth about the pro-Kremlin troll factory, to show Putin’s propaganda in its real colors.
We thought the troll factory representatives would shy away again and wouldn't show up. But they did show up and have suddenly agreed to the demands of my suit. As my lawyer says, they picked the lesser evil.
So we really did pull them out into the limelight. The fact that they showed up, that the name Internet Research LLC has been spoken, means the troll factory really exists.
Read more at: Russian Troll Factory Agrees to Compensate Former Employee But She s Just Getting Started Global Voices
Russian troll factory sued for underpayment and labour violations World news The Guardian
There are the chances that she will succeed in your fight against that agency. I hope that it will stop Russia from spreading its propaganda around the world. Savchuk is one of the few liberals in Russia who struggles for all her life to improve the life in the country.

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