Russians booby trap and mine central Ukranian cities as they retreat

The U.S. military called the citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan who were defending their country from American invaders "insurgents".
So was the U.S. army "lame and neo nazi" for calling them insurgents? .... :dunno:
And so? We are talking about Ukraine not the hypocrisy of our own which we as citizens (together both left and right) should be addressing. Feel free to start a thread on that topic
I really think Pootin blew it this time. He had no idea that Ukranian would fight with such resolve. The greatest damage he has inflicted on his own country is his unintentional revelation that the Russian military is not ready for Prime Time.

If they cannot easily defeat the Ukranian could they stand up to the combined power of NATO?

The Russian military will always suck because they dont have a tradition of excellence and high standards. Many of their generals no doubt got their positions through graft and corruption, and lying about how well prepared and trained soldiers are. These people dont know how to really fight together as a cohesive unit for these reasons. They are only good at using brute force and using up people as cannon fodder

Russian obviously do not expect to return. What a massive f-up Pootin has created. He proves himself a war criminal every day.
This is horrible. The Israelis did that when they pulled out of Lebanon and farmers are still getting blown up.
Sorry, I didn't know they had made you a mod? ... :dunno:
I thought you were intelligent enough to pay attention to the rules about staying on topic and not attempting to purposely derail a thread.
It appears that the Russians have given up on taking Kyiv, and are putting their focus on seizing territory in Eastern Ukraine. That they are withdrawing from Western Ukraine seems to indicate they know they screwed up and bit off more than they could chew.

Russian obviously do not expect to return. What a massive f-up Pootin has created. He proves himself a war criminal every day.
Intelligent Homo sapiens will count the number who were burned alive at Odessa in 2014, justice never served on the perpetrators subsequently as the CIA puppet was installed. Defining retreat is problematic:

"As soon as the Russian forces take the city of Mariupol under control, the Kiev regime will fall. The capture of Mariupol and its complete liberation from the Ukrainian neo-nazis is of great importance for the Russian Army."
(Vladimir Kozin, Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation)

We have already posted the retrievable video of Kadyrov's fighters. Azov Batallion should be concerned: they pray before battle Thinking their god already knows what's going to happen.

Little Leaf Month in Ukraine

2022 aprelia 2
'....Dolestnye boitsy legendarnogo polka imeni heroia Rossii Akhmatakhadzhin Kadyrova pristupili k shturmy zavoda v Mariupol.
Valiant fighters of the legendary regiment named after the Hero of Russia, Akhmatakhadzhin Kadyrov, began to storm the plant in Mariupol.

Rebiata pod rukovodstvom dorogogo brat, komadira polka Zamida Chalaeva, reshitel'no nastroeny vybit' vsiu etu banderovskuiu nechist' S territorii predpriiatiia.
The men under the leadership of their dear brother, regiment commander Zamid Chalaev, are determined to kick out all of this Bandera scum from the territory of the enterprise.'
It appears that the Russians have given up on taking Kyiv, and are putting their focus on seizing territory in Eastern Ukraine. That they are withdrawing from Western Ukraine seems to indicate they know they screwed up and bit off more than they could chew.
No, they are following the plan outlined by Kozin, above.
well hell.....your pathetic excuse for a president thinks that his wife is the vice president. LOLOLOL

this ain't no gaffe folk. this is a brain function problem. What have you done to this country.
What have the legal voters-in of this POS done?
WE do not need to be involved in this shit. LOOK who is on the Ukraine team. THEY are for One World Gov't, Your slavery to political elites, NO property...for you, cashless society so they can control you...they will control water, food, energy, any money you may have, you, your family and your dog. Keep on helping them, stupid.
Putin's roughing-up of the West's mafia cult and its puppets is underway. Suggested reading is von Kleist, Ueber das Marionettentheater.
I thought you were intelligent enough to pay attention to the rules about staying on topic and not attempting to purposely derail a thread.
It doesn't matter. Most of the Mods are MAGA.
And so? I'd take Trump over what we have going on now in DC.
So you will vote for a man that incited a sedition attempt? You really want to be under an authoritarian that much? Move to Moscow!
So you will vote for a man that incited a sedition attempt? You really want to be under an authoritarian that much? Move to Moscow!
I'll be staying right here in the USA. Half of my ancestors were the natives here when the boats came in.

In all my years I can point out a hell of a lot more corrupt Demofascist than Republican'ts but carry on if you so desire as it makes you as much of an idiot as many on here who have denied what is happening in the Ukraine right now.

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